private void MoveInLane(CharacterBase[] laneCharacters, Lane lane)
        if (laneCharacters.Length == 0)

        LanePositions positions = GetLanePositionsObject(lane);

        bool evenAmountOfCharacters = IsIntEven(laneCharacters.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < laneCharacters.Length; i++)
            Transform targetPosition = null;

            if (evenAmountOfCharacters)
                targetPosition = positions.evenPositions[i];
                targetPosition = positions.oddPositions[i];

            Transform characterTransform = laneCharacters[i].transform;

            characterTransform.DOMove(laneCharacters[i].Faction == Faction.Player ?
                                      targetPosition.position : new Vector3(transform.position.x * 2 - targetPosition.position.x, targetPosition.position.y, targetPosition.position.z),
Esempio n. 2
 // Check if the player leaned in the wrong direction
 private void checkIfPlayerLeanedInWrongDirection(LanePositions laneToCheck)
     // If the current target to destroy is not in the lane to check
     if (targetManager.targetToDestroy.lanePosition != laneToCheck)
         print("Wrong Position!");
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="playerModelObject"></param>
    public CurveEvent(GameObject playerModelObject, EventManager eventManager)
        : base(playerModelObject, eventManager)
        playerMove = playerModelObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove>();
        GameObject laneObject = this.playerModelObject.GetComponentInParent <Player>().LaneObject;

        lanePositions    = laneObject.GetComponent <LanePositions>();
        gameSpeed        = eventManager.GameSpeed;
        middleCheckTimer = new Timer(0.5f);
Esempio n. 4
    //returns the lane number or -1 if the lane is not found
    public int whichLane(float xPos)
        float tolerance = LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0);         //0.25f;

        for (int i = 0; i < lanes.Length; i++)
            if (tolerance >= Mathf.Abs(xPos - lanes[i].x))
Esempio n. 5
 //moves the element when the player drags there finger.
 void OnMouseDrag()
     if ( == "TutorialElement1" || == "TutorialElement2" || == "TutorialElement4" || == "TutorialElement5")
     if ( == GlobalVars.POWER_UP_TUTORIAL_TAP_NAME && PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GlobalVars.GATHERING_TUTORIAL_WATCHED_POWER_UP) == 0)
     if ( == GlobalVars.SWIPE_TUTORIAL_ELEMENT_NAME && firstSwipeTutorialElementsMoved)
     if ( == GlobalVars.SWIPE_TUTORIAL_SECOND_ELEMENT_NAME && secondSwipeTutorialElementMoved)
     if ( == GlobalVars.POWER_UP_TUTORIAL_SWIPE_NAME && PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GlobalVars.GATHERING_TUTORIAL_WATCHED_POWER_UP) == 0 && this.gameObject.transform.position.x >= -2.8f)
         this.gameObject.GetComponent <ActivatePowerUp>().OnMouseUp();
     currentMousePosition  = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, elementScreenPoint.y, elementScreenPoint.z);
     hoveringMousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(currentMousePosition) + cameraOffset;
     if (!GlobalVars.PAUSED && hoveringMousePosition.x <= (LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[3].x + LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0)) && hoveringMousePosition.x >= (LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[0].x - LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0)))
         hoveringMousePosition.y = transform.position.y;
         hoveringMousePosition.z = -1;
         transform.position      = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, hoveringMousePosition, elementMovementSpeed * 10);
         // Redundent code for highlighting lanes.
         if (hoveringMousePosition.x < -4.8)
         else if (hoveringMousePosition.x >= -4.8 && hoveringMousePosition.x < -0.5)
         else if (hoveringMousePosition.x >= -0.5 && hoveringMousePosition.x < 1.5)
         else if (hoveringMousePosition.x > 1.5)
Esempio n. 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gridSpace = LanePositions.GetDistanceBetweenLanes(0);
        lanes     = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0);
        //finds references to spriterenders
        myRing = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        // Get the contoller game object from the game scene.
        controller = GameObject.Find("Controller");
        //sets sound
        clickSound = transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        //sets the move speed
        elementMovementSpeed = controller.GetComponent <GenerationScript> ().elementMovementSpeed;

        //variables to control movement
        gameObjectWorldPosition = this.transform.position;
        transform.position      = new Vector3((gameObjectWorldPosition.x / gridSpace) * gridSpace, gameObjectWorldPosition.y, gameObjectWorldPosition.z);
        element = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
    void Start()
        //sets the screen height
        screenHeight = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, Screen.height, 0));

        // Grabbing the screen width.
        widthSetting = (float)(Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0 * Screen.width / Screen.height);

        // Grabbing the screen height.
        heightSetting = (float)(Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0 * Screen.height / Screen.width);

        // A forloop to iterate through all of the arrays and set their various positions and scales.
        for (int i = 0; i < lanes.Length; i++)
            lanes[i].transform.position      = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(-3.65f, -1f)[i];
            lanes[i].transform.localScale    = new Vector3(widthSetting / widthDivider, widthSetting / widthDivider, widthSetting / widthDivider);
            spawners[i].transform.position   = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(Mathf.Floor(screenHeight.y), -1f)[i];
            elements[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(widthSetting / widthDivider, widthSetting / widthDivider, widthSetting / widthDivider);
    private LanePositions GetLanePositionsObject(Lane lane)
        LanePositions lanePositions = null;

        switch (lane)
        case Lane.Close:
            lanePositions = closeRange;

        case Lane.Mid:
            lanePositions = midRange;

        case Lane.Long:
            lanePositions = longRange;

Esempio n. 9
    // A function to create the power up tutorial.
    public void CreatePowerUpTutorial()
        // Spawning in the tutorial elements in the correct positions.
        powerUpTutorialPosition [0] = new Vector3(LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[1].x, 10.92f, 0);
        powerUpTutorialPosition [1] = new Vector3(LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[1].x, 13.52f, 0);
        powerUpTutorialPosition [2] = new Vector3(LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[0].x, 16.06f, 0);
        powerUpTutorialPosition [3] = new Vector3(LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[2].x, 11.89f, 0);
        powerUpTutorialPosition [4] = new Vector3(LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[2].x, 14.43f, 0);
        powerUpTutorialPosition [5] = new Vector3(LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[2].x, 16.73f, 0);
        // Assigning the tutorialElements their type. (fire, water, powerup etc...)
        elementNumbers [0] = 0; elementNumbers [1] = 1; elementNumbers [2] = 4; elementNumbers [3] = 4; elementNumbers [4] = 3; elementNumbers [5] = 0;
        // Loop through the powerUpTutorialPosition and spawn in the element, add MoveElementDown script and disable moving and colliders, set the powerup type.
        for (int i = 0; i < powerUpTutorialPosition.Length; i++)
            tutorialElements[i] = (GameObject)Instantiate(elements[elementNumbers[i]], powerUpTutorialPosition[i], Quaternion.identity);
            tutorialElements[i].AddComponent <MoveElementDown>();
            tutorialElements[i].GetComponent <MoveElementDown>().isAllowedToMove = false;
            tutorialElements[i].GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;
            if (tutorialElements[i].tag == GlobalVars.POWER_UP_TAG)
                tutorialElements[i].GetComponent <ActivatePowerUp>().SetPowerUp(0);
            // Adding the elements to ON_SCREEN_ELEMENTS so that we can register powerups and collection.
        tutorialElements [0].name = "TutorialElement1";
        tutorialElements [1].name = "TutorialElement2";
        tutorialElements [4].name = "TutorialElement4";
        tutorialElements [5].name = "TutorialElement5";
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            tutorialElements[i].GetComponent <MoveElementDown>().isAllowedToMove = true;
        tutorialElements [2].SetActive(true);
        tutorialElements [3].SetActive(true);

        this.GetComponent <PlayTutorial> ().SetTutorialElements();
Esempio n. 10
    //drops the elemnt into a lane after the player raises their finger from the screen.
    public void OnMouseUp()
        if ( == GlobalVars.SWIPE_TUTORIAL_SECOND_ELEMENT_NAME && (transform.position.x >= (LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[3].x - LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0)) && transform.position.x <= (LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[3].x + LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0))) && PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GlobalVars.GATHERING_TUTORIAL_WATCHED_SWIPE) == 0)
            isCorrectMove = true;
            secondSwipeTutorialElementMoved = true;
            // Let the PlayTutorial script know that the ring and arrow has to mvoe and that the first element has been moved into the correct position.
            controller.GetComponent <PlayTutorial>().ResetRingAndArrow();
            controller.GetComponent <PlayTutorial>().MovedFirstElementOver();
        if ( == GlobalVars.SWIPE_TUTORIAL_ELEMENT_NAME && (transform.position.x >= (LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[1].x - LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0)) && transform.position.x <= (LanePositions.GetLanePositions(0)[1].x + LanePositions.GetLaneTolerance(0))) && PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GlobalVars.GATHERING_TUTORIAL_WATCHED_SWIPE) == 0)
            isCorrectMove = true;
            firstSwipeTutorialElementsMoved = true;
            // Let the PlayTutorial script know that the ring and arrow has to mvoe and that the first element has been moved into the correct position.
            controller.GetComponent <PlayTutorial>().ResetRingAndArrow();
            controller.GetComponent <PlayTutorial>().MovedFirstElementOver();
        // If the player drags the element to far to the right then reset the element position.
        if (( == GlobalVars.SWIPE_TUTORIAL_ELEMENT_NAME ||
            (this.gameObject.tag == "Zone2" || this.gameObject.tag == "Zone4") &&
            (transform.position.x >= -5.73f || transform.position.x <= 3.08f) &&
            PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GlobalVars.GATHERING_TUTORIAL_WATCHED_SWIPE) == 0 &&
            // Set the position of the element back to the location from which it was dragged.
            transform.position = new Vector3(-5.2f, 6.5f, 0);
            isCorrectMove      = false;

            if (OnTutorialElementMouseAction != null)
        // On mouse up set the x position of the element to that of it's closest lane.
        transform.position = new Vector3(lanes[controller.GetComponent <GenerationScript> ().whichLane(this.transform.position.x)].x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
        isMouseDragging    = false;
        // Disable the ring after the player is finished swiping.
        myRing.enabled = false;
        //makes sure the element updates it lane when it settles in a lane
        GetComponent <MoveElementDown>().UpdateLane();
Esempio n. 11
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     lanePositions = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <LanePositions>();
     eventManager  = transform.parent.GetComponent <Player>().EventManager;
     isCurve       = false;
Esempio n. 12
 public override void OnCreate()
     LocationType  = LaneLocationType.MIDDLE;
     lanePositions = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <LanePositions>();
Esempio n. 13
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // ----- CHEATS ----- \\
        //ActivatePowerUp.UnlockAllPowerups ();
        // ----- CHEATS ----- \\
        animators[0]  = animators[0].GetComponent <Animator>();
        animators [1] = animators [1].GetComponent <Animator> ();
        animators [2] = animators [2].GetComponent <Animator> ();
        animators [3] = animators [3].GetComponent <Animator> ();

        animators [0].SetTrigger("finishedLoading");

        arrayOfPlayerPrefs     = new string[4];
        arrayOfPlayerPrefs [0] = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT1", "fire");
        arrayOfPlayerPrefs [1] = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT2", "water");
        arrayOfPlayerPrefs [3] = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT3", "earth");
        arrayOfPlayerPrefs [2] = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT4", "air");

        //sets player prefs if they have not been set
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("ELEMENT1", PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT1", "fire"));
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("ELEMENT2", PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT2", "water"));
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("ELEMENT3", PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT3", "earth"));
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("ELEMENT4", PlayerPrefs.GetString("ELEMENT4", "air"));

        // Setting the player given sprites
        element1.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [0]);
        collectionPot1.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = (elementSprites[0] = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [0]));

        element2.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [1]);
        collectionPot2.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = (elementSprites[1] = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [1]));

        element3.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [3]);
        collectionPot3.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = (elementSprites[3] = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [2]));

        element4.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [2]);
        collectionPot4.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = (elementSprites[2] = Resources.Load <Sprite> (GlobalVars.FILE_PATH + arrayOfPlayerPrefs [3]));
        // End of setting player given sprites

        elements[0] = element1;
        elements[1] = element2;
        elements[2] = element3;
        elements[3] = element4;
        if (elements.Length > 4)
            elements [4] = powerUp;
        // At the start assign the lanes but create a method to change the lanes positions
        lanes [0] = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(9f, -1)[0];
        lanes [1] = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(9f, -1)[1];
        lanes [2] = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(9f, -1)[2];
        lanes [3] = LanePositions.GetLanePositions(9f, -1)[3];

        scoreTexts[0] = elementText1;
        scoreTexts[1] = elementText2;
        scoreTexts[2] = elementText3;
        scoreTexts[3] = elementText4;

        //reset powerUpCounter (number of powerUps seen in a given round)
        powerUpCounter   = 0;
        powerUpsPerRound = 3;

        //difficulty setting
        defaultSpawnModifier = defaultFallSpeedModifier = 1;                                                          //0.6f + (0.9f * GlobalVars.NUMBER_ELEMENTS_UNLOCKED / ((float)GlobalVars.ELEMENTS.Count));
        creationFrequency    = 60f + (140f * GlobalVars.NUMBER_ELEMENTS_UNLOCKED / ((float)GlobalVars.ELEMENTS.Count));
        elementMovementSpeed = 2 + (0.3f * GlobalVars.NUMBER_ELEMENTS_UNLOCKED / ((float)GlobalVars.ELEMENTS.Count)); // 0.6f + (0.9f * GlobalVars.NUMBER_ELEMENTS_UNLOCKED / ((float)GlobalVars.ELEMENTS.Count));


        fallSpeedModifiers = new float [GlobalVars.NUMBER_OF_LANES];

        //sets the fallSpeedModifiers to default
        for (int i = 0; i < fallSpeedModifiers.Length; i++)
            fallSpeedModifiers[i] = defaultFallSpeedModifier;

        //sets the spawnRateModifiers to default values
        spawnRateModifier = defaultSpawnModifier;

        //saves the starting values of fall speed and spawn rate
        initialCreationFrequency    = creationFrequency;
        initialElementMovementSpeed = elementMovementSpeed;
                #if DEBUG
        powerUp1 = new BucketShield(2);

        // Bools for tutorial checks
        isElementGiven            = false;
        isSecondElementGiven      = false;
        hasTutorialElementSpawned = false;
        timeToPowerUp             = false;
        GlobalVars.SWIPE_TUTORIAL_FIRST_SPAWNED = false;

        //generates the powerups

        // Instantiating the arrays for the power up tutorial
        tutorialElements        = new GameObject[6];
        powerUpTutorialPosition = new Vector3[6];
        elementNumbers          = new int[6];
