public LanderSimulator(LanderSimulator _other)
            m_startX         = _other.m_startX;
            m_startY         = _other.m_startY;
            m_tangentStartX  = _other.m_tangentStartX;
            m_tangentStartY  = _other.m_tangentStartY;
            m_targetX        = _other.m_targetX;
            m_targetY        = _other.m_targetY;
            m_tangentTargetX = _other.m_tangentTargetX;
            m_tangentTargetY = _other.m_tangentTargetY;

            m_peakTime    = _other.m_peakTime;
            m_curveLength = _other.m_curveLength;
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] inputs;
        string   line = Console.ReadLine();

        ms_simulation = new LanderSimulator(line);

        // game loop
        while (true)
            line = Console.ReadLine();
//Console.Error.WriteLine( line );
            inputs = line.Split(' ');
            int X  = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
            int Y  = int.Parse(inputs[1]);
            int HS = int.Parse(inputs[2]);                        // the horizontal speed (in m/s), can be negative.
            int VS = int.Parse(inputs[3]);                        // the vertical speed (in m/s), can be negative.
            int F  = int.Parse(inputs[4]);                        // the quantity of remaining fuel in liters.
            int R  = int.Parse(inputs[5]);                        // the rotation angle in degrees (-90 to 90).
            int P  = int.Parse(inputs[6]);                        // the thrust power (0 to 4).

//          float   CurrentAngle = (float) Math.PI * R / 180.0f;
//          float   CurrentAx = (float) Math.Sin( -CurrentAngle ); // Horizontal acceleration
//          float   CurrentAy = (float) Math.Cos( CurrentAngle ); // Vertical acceleration
//          float   CurrentVx = HS;
//          float   CurrentVy = VS;
//          float   TimeAhead = 20.0f;   // Plan 10s ahead
//          float   ProjectedX = X + TimeAhead * (CurrentVx + 0.5f * TimeAhead * CurrentAx);
//          float   ProjectedY = Y + TimeAhead * (CurrentVy + 0.5f * TimeAhead * CurrentAy);
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "Ax = " + CurrentAx + " - Ay = " + CurrentAy );
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "Vx = " + CurrentVx + " - Vy = " + CurrentVy );
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "ProjX = " + ProjectedX + " - ProjY = " + ProjectedY );
//          // Course correct
//          float   ErrorX = ProjectedX - TargetX;
//          float   ErrorY = Math.Max( 0.0f, ProjectedY - TargetY );
//          // Attenuate angle when close to target
//          const float DampingStartDistance = 500.0f;  // Start damping angle at this distance
//          const float DampingEndDistance = 100.0f;  // Start damping angle at this distance
//          float	Dx = X - TargetX;
//          float	Dy = Y - TargetY;
//          float	DistanceFromTarget = (float) Math.Sqrt( Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy );
//          float	AngularDamping = Math.Min( 1.0f, Math.Max( 0.0f, (DistanceFromTarget - DampingEndDistance) / (DampingStartDistance - DampingEndDistance) ) );
//                  AngularDamping = (float) Math.Pow( AngularDamping, 4.0 );
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "DistanceFromTarget = " + DistanceFromTarget + " - AngularDamping = " + AngularDamping );
//          // No matter the choice, engage full thrust below this altitude!
//          const float   FullThrustY = 1500;//1500;
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "TargetX = " + TargetX );
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "Error = " + ErrorX + ", " + ErrorY );
//          float   Angle = AngularDamping * (float) Math.Atan2( ErrorX, ErrorY );
//          float   PowerX = Math.Min( 4, 2.0f * ErrorX );
//          float   PowerY = 4 - Math.Min( 4, 0.001f * Math.Max( 0, ErrorY-FullThrustY ) );
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "PowerX = " + PowerX );
// Console.Error.WriteLine( "PowerY = " + PowerY );
//          string  AngleDeg = ((int) (180.0f * Angle / Math.PI)).ToString();
//          string  PowerSt = ((int) Math.Max( PowerX, PowerY )).ToString();

            int newRotation = R;
            int newThrust   = P;
            ms_simulation.Plan(X, Y, HS, VS, ref newRotation, ref newThrust);
            Console.WriteLine(newRotation + " " + newThrust);