Esempio n. 1
        public RichTextArea(string id, Vector2 position, Size size, string text, TextStyle style,
                            BorderStyle borderStyle, ColorArray colorArray)
            : base(id, position, size, Shape.Rectangle, borderStyle,
                   Shapes.ShadeTopToBottom, colorArray)
            Vector2 labelPosition = new Vector2(DefaultLabelPaddingX, DefaultLabelPaddingY);

            textMarkup = text;
            textStyle  = style;

            LabelFormatter lF = new LabelFormatter(id, textStyle, labelPosition,
                                                   new Size(size.Width - 2 * DefaultLabelPaddingX,
                                                            size.Height - DefaultLabelPaddingY), textMarkup);

            page = lF.FormattedLabelCollection;

            foreach (Label l in page.LabelCollection)
                if (l != null)

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Layer's main piece of code that does the drawing. This method calculates and
        /// populates a scene graph with various primitive that constitue the chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene">Collection of Scene items (primitives) to hold items that draw chart.</param>
        public void FillSceneGraph(SceneGraph scene)
            //Draw the axes, use the settings from the y axis properties.
            AxisAppearance YApp = (AxisAppearance)this.ChartComponent.GetChartAppearance(ChartAppearanceTypes.AxisY);

            // Check if appearance and Y-axis appearance are defined.
            if (_Appearance != null && YApp != null)
                #region Initialization

                // initilize the variable.
                // Minimum value a needle can have.
                double min = 0;
                // Maximum value a needle can have.
                double max = 100;
                // Tick increments.
                double delta = 10;

                // Check to see if the Gauge should assume size and layout automatically
                // centering the dial and assuming available width as its size.
                if (this._Appearance.Layout == DialLayout.Automatic)
                    this._Appearance.Radius = Math.Min(this.innerBounds.Width / 3, this.innerBounds.Height / 3);
                    this._Appearance.Center = new Point(this.innerBounds.X + this.innerBounds.Width / 2, this.innerBounds.Y + this.innerBounds.Height / 2);

                // check for axis settings
                // If cutom rage is specified use custom range.
                if (YApp.RangeType == AxisRangeType.Custom)
                    min = YApp.RangeMin;
                    max = YApp.RangeMax;
                    // Automatic: add up the specified sections.
                    if (this._Appearance.Sections.Count > 0)
                        min = 0;
                        max = 0;
                        foreach (GaugeSection sec in this._Appearance.Sections)
                            max += sec.Value;

                // Assume and calculate the default increment.
                delta = (max - min) / 10;

                // check for y-axis appearance for specified data interval.
                if (YApp.TickmarkStyle == AxisTickStyle.DataInterval)
                    // Actual value is specified.
                    delta = YApp.TickmarkInterval;
                    // Convert the percentage value in actual value.
                    delta = (max - min) * YApp.TickmarkPercentage / 100;

                // set up ruler with value. This will be used for measurement purposes.
                _Ruler.Maximum = max;
                _Ruler.Minimum = min;

                // Check the direction of the dial ticks.
                if (this.Appearance.Direction == Direction.RightToLeft)
                    _Ruler.MapMinimum = _Appearance.StartAngle;
                    _Ruler.MapMaximum = _Appearance.EndAngle;
                    _Ruler.MapMinimum = _Appearance.EndAngle;
                    _Ruler.MapMaximum = _Appearance.StartAngle;

                // copy scoll-scale.
                _Ruler.Scale  = YApp.ScrollScale.Scale;
                _Ruler.Scroll = YApp.ScrollScale.Scroll;


                #region Draw dial and sections
                // start from the minimum
                double d_i = (double)_Ruler.WindowMinimum;

                // calculate various radii.
                int r1 = this._Appearance.TickStart * this._Appearance.Radius / 100;
                int r2 = this._Appearance.TickEnd * this._Appearance.Radius / 100;
                int r3 = this._Appearance.TextLoc * this._Appearance.Radius / 100;

                // draw dial or background.
                Ellipse dial = new Ellipse(this._Appearance.Center, this._Appearance.Radius);
                dial.PE = this.Appearance.DialPE;

                // add dial background.

                // draw the sections
                // variable to hold present value.
                double presentVal = 0;
                // start the section from the window minimum.
                double lastVal = (double)_Ruler.WindowMinimum;

                // foreach section, draw a section.
                foreach (GaugeSection sec in this._Appearance.Sections)
                    presentVal = lastVal + sec.Value;

                    // section start angle.
                    int ang0 = -(int)_Ruler.Map(lastVal);
                    // section end angle.
                    int ang1 = -(int)_Ruler.Map(presentVal);

                    // create the wedge
                    Wedge w = new Wedge(this._Appearance.Center, sec.EndWidth * this._Appearance.Radius / 100, ang0, (ang1 - ang0));
                    w.PE          = sec.PE;
                    w.RadiusInner = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(w.Radius - 1, sec.StartWidth * this._Appearance.Radius / 100));

                    lastVal = presentVal;

                #region Draw axis' tick marks on dial
                // sanity check for increment. Without this it will go into infinite loop.
                if (delta < 2 * double.Epsilon)
                    delta = 5 * double.Epsilon;

                // loop thru and add the items.
                while (d_i < (double)_Ruler.WindowMaximum + 2 * double.Epsilon + delta)
                    // convert the tickmark value to angle
                    int ang = (int)_Ruler.Map(d_i);

                    // see if major grid lines are visible.
                    if (YApp.MajorGridLines.Visible)
                        // Convert polar co-ordinates into cartiesian.
                        // In simple words: Convert a pair of (radius, angle) in a point (x and y).
                        Point p1 = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Util.Geometry.AngularToCartesian(this._Appearance.Center, r1, -Geometry.DegreeToRadian(ang));
                        Point p2 = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Util.Geometry.AngularToCartesian(this._Appearance.Center, r2, -Geometry.DegreeToRadian(ang));

                        // Draw the line for tick marks. Use Y-axis's properties to color and style it.
                        Line l = new Line(p1, p2);
                        l.PE.Stroke           = YApp.MajorGridLines.Color;
                        l.PE.StrokeOpacity    = YApp.MajorGridLines.Color.A;
                        l.lineStyle.DrawStyle = YApp.MajorGridLines.DrawStyle;
                        l.PE.StrokeWidth      = YApp.MajorGridLines.Thickness;

                        // add to scene.

                    // see if minor grid lines are visible. If yes draw them half
                    // a tick far from major grid line. It will use Y-axis's minor
                    // grid lines appearance for color and style.
                    if (YApp.MinorGridLines.Visible)
                        if (d_i + delta / 2 < (double)_Ruler.WindowMaximum)
                            // convert the tickmark value to angle
                            int ang1 = (int)_Ruler.Map(d_i + delta / 2);

                            int tfp = Math.Abs((r2 - r1) / 4);
                            // Convert a pair of (radius, angle) in a point (x and y).
                            Point p1 = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Util.Geometry.AngularToCartesian(this._Appearance.Center, r1 + tfp, -Geometry.DegreeToRadian(ang1));
                            Point p2 = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Util.Geometry.AngularToCartesian(this._Appearance.Center, r2 - tfp, -Geometry.DegreeToRadian(ang1));

                            // draw a minor tick line
                            Line l = new Line(p1, p2);
                            l.PE.Stroke           = YApp.MinorGridLines.Color;
                            l.PE.StrokeOpacity    = YApp.MinorGridLines.Color.A;
                            l.lineStyle.DrawStyle = YApp.MinorGridLines.DrawStyle;
                            l.PE.StrokeWidth      = YApp.MinorGridLines.Thickness;

                            // add to scene.

                    // see if labels are visible.
                    if (YApp.Labels.Visible)
                        // Draw the labels: Convert the angle and radius into point location for the label.
                        Point p3 = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Util.Geometry.AngularToCartesian(this._Appearance.Center, r3, -Geometry.DegreeToRadian(ang));
                        _Labels["DATA_VALUE"] = d_i;

                        // Use the label formatter and use Y-axis label format.
                        Text t = new Text(p3, LabelFormatter.replaceKeywords(_Labels, YApp.Labels.ItemFormatString), YApp.Labels.LabelStyle.Copy());
                        t.labelStyle.VerticalAlign   = StringAlignment.Center;
                        t.labelStyle.HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Center;

                        // Use custom orienation as we need to rotate them to
                        // place them on angular axis.
                        t.labelStyle.Orientation = TextOrientation.Custom;

                        // rotate with respect to present tick angle.
                        t.labelStyle.RotationAngle = ang - 90;

                        // add to scene.

                    // increment current value of tick by the data interval: delta.
                    d_i += delta;

                // See if axis line is visible.
                if (YApp.Visible)
                    // create new line style
                    LineStyle ls = new LineStyle();

                    // use y-axis's draw style.
                    ls.DrawStyle = YApp.LineDrawStyle;

                    // draw an arc that looks takes place of axis line.
                    Arc el = new Arc(this._Appearance.Center, (r1 + r2) / 2, (float)this._Appearance.StartAngle, -(float)Math.Abs(this._Appearance.EndAngle - this._Appearance.StartAngle), ls);
                    // use the axes line's color and thickness.
                    el.PE.Stroke        = YApp.LineColor;
                    el.PE.StrokeOpacity = YApp.LineColor.A;
                    el.PE.StrokeWidth   = YApp.LineThickness;

                    // add to scene.


                #region Draw needles
                // sort needles according to needle length. shortest comes on the top.
                double[] ar = new Double[this.Appearance.Needles.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Appearance.Needles.Count; i++)
                    // store the length of needle in temporary array.
                    ar[i] = this.Appearance.Needles[i].Length;

                // sort the order. This function takes the length of
                // needle array and get the sorted order.
                int[] order = null;
                if (ar.Length > 0)
                    order = MiscFunctions.GetSortedOrderDouble(ar);
                // draw the needles on the dials
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Appearance.Needles.Count; i++)
                    // get n-th needle.
                    Needle nd = this.Appearance.Needles[order[i]];

                    // depending upon needle's present value find out the
                    // angle at which it should be inclined.
                    int theta_i = (int)_Ruler.Map(nd.Value);

                    // convert, angle of needle and its length into a point location.
                    Point p = Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Util.Geometry.AngularToCartesian(this._Appearance.Center, nd.Length * this._Appearance.Radius / 100, Geometry.DegreeToRadian(-theta_i));

                    // draw a line from the center of dial to location of needle's head.
                    Line l = new Line(this._Appearance.Center, p);
                    l.lineStyle.EndStyle   = LineCapStyle.ArrowAnchor;
                    l.lineStyle.StartStyle = LineCapStyle.RoundAnchor;

                    // attach the paint element from needle to the line primitive.
                    l.PE = nd.PE;

                    // add to scene.
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Main flow of the render pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sc"></param>
        /// <param name="ist"></param>
        /// <param name="recycler"></param>
        void ElementPipeline(SelectorContext sc, ItemState ist, Recycler <FrameworkElement, ItemState> recycler)
            var createit = true;

            if (LabelSelector != null)
                var ox = LabelSelector.Convert(sc, typeof(bool), null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name);
                if (ox is bool bx)
                    createit = bx;
                    createit = ox != null;
            if (!createit)
            var current = recycler.Next(ist);

            if (current == null)
            if (!current.Item1)
                // recycled: restore binding if we are using a LabelFormatter
                if (LabelFormatter != null && LabelStyle != null)
                    BindTo(this, nameof(LabelStyle), current.Item2, FrameworkElement.StyleProperty);
            // default text
            var text = ist.label == null
                                ? String.Empty
                                : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LabelFormatString)
                                        ? ist.label.ToString()
                                        : String.Format(LabelFormatString, ist.label)

            if (LabelFormatter != null)
                // call for Style, String override
                var format = LabelFormatter.Convert(sc, typeof(Tuple <Style, String>), null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name);
                if (format is Tuple <Style, String> ovx)
                    if (ovx.Item1 != null)
                        current.Item2.Style = ovx.Item1;
                    if (ovx.Item2 != null)
                        text = ovx.Item2;
            // back-fill values
            var shim = new TextShim()
                Text = text

            current.Item2.DataContext = shim;
            BindTo(shim, nameof(Visibility), current.Item2, UIElement.VisibilityProperty);
            ist.element = current.Item2;
Esempio n. 4
        void DoTickLabels(IChartRenderContext icrc)
            var tc = new TickCalculator(Minimum, Maximum);

            _trace.Verbose($"grid range:{tc.Range} tintv:{tc.TickInterval}");
            // TODO may want to include the LabelStyle's padding if defined
            var padding = AxisLineThickness + 2 * AxisMargin;
            var tbr     = new Recycler <FrameworkElement, ItemState>(TickLabels.Select(tl => tl.tb), (ist) => {
                var fe   = CreateElement(ist);
                fe.Width = icrc.Area.Width - padding;
                if (fe is TextBlock tbb)
                    tbb.Padding = Side == Side.Right ? new Thickness(padding, 0, 0, 0) : new Thickness(0, 0, padding, 0);
            var itemstate = new List <ItemState>();
            // materialize the ticks
            var lx = tc.GetTicks().ToArray();
            var sc = new ValueAxisSelectorContext(this, icrc.Area, lx, tc.TickInterval);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < lx.Length; ix++)
                //_trace.Verbose($"grid vx:{tick}");
                var createit = true;
                if (LabelSelector != null)
                    // ask the label selector
                    var ox = LabelSelector.Convert(sc, typeof(bool), null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name);
                    if (ox is bool bx)
                        createit = bx;
                        createit = ox != null;
                if (!createit)
                var current = tbr.Next(null);
                var tick    = lx[ix];
                if (!current.Item1)
                    // restore binding if we are using a LabelFormatter
                    if (LabelFormatter != null && LabelStyle != null)
                        BindTo(this, nameof(LabelStyle), current.Item2, FrameworkElement.StyleProperty);
                // default text
                var text = tick.Value.ToString(String.IsNullOrEmpty(LabelFormatString) ? "G" : LabelFormatString);
                if (LabelFormatter != null)
                    // call for Style, String override
                    var format = LabelFormatter.Convert(sc, typeof(Tuple <Style, String>), null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name);
                    if (format is Tuple <Style, String> ovx)
                        if (ovx.Item1 != null)
                            current.Item2.Style = ovx.Item1;
                        if (ovx.Item2 != null)
                            text = ovx.Item2;
                var shim = new TextShim()
                    Text = text
                current.Item2.DataContext = shim;
                BindTo(shim, nameof(Visibility), current.Item2, UIElement.VisibilityProperty);
                var state = new ItemState()
                    tb = current.Item2, tick = tick
                state.SetLocation(icrc.Area.Left, tick.Value);
            // VT and internal bookkeeping
            TickLabels = itemstate;
            foreach (var xx in TickLabels)
                // force it to measure; needed for Transforms