/// <summary>
 /// Builds a chart label with the specified properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="location"></param>
 /// <param name="compass"></param>
 private void makeLabel(string text, Point location, LabelCompassEnum compass)
     C1.Win.C1Chart.Label lab = c1Chart1.ChartLabels.LabelsCollection.AddNewLabel();
     lab.Style.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
     lab.Text                      = text;
     lab.AttachMethod              = AttachMethodEnum.Coordinate;
     lab.AttachMethodData.X        = location.X;
     lab.AttachMethodData.Y        = location.Y;
     lab.Style.HorizontalAlignment = AlignHorzEnum.Near;
     lab.Compass                   = compass;
     lab.Visible                   = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private LabelCompassEnum getLabelCompassFromAngle(double angle)
            LabelCompassEnum lce = LabelCompassEnum.East;

            if (angle >= -22.5 && angle < 22.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.East;
            else if (angle >= 22.5 && angle < 67.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.SouthEast;
            else if (angle >= 67.5 && angle < 112.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.South;
            else if (angle >= 112.5 && angle < 157.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.SouthWest;
            else if (angle >= 157.5 || angle <= -157.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.West;
            else if (angle <= -112.5 && angle > -157.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.NorthWest;
            else if (angle <= -67.5 && angle > -112.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.North;
            else if (angle <= -22.5 && angle > -67.5)
                lce = LabelCompassEnum.NorthEast;

Esempio n. 3
        private void HighlightObject(object obj)
            // do nothing if still same object
            if (obj != null)
                if (obj.Equals(highlightedObject))

            // since they are different, clear the original
            // object if it's not null
            highlightedObject = null;
            if (highlightedObjectStyle != null)
                highlightedObjectStyle.BackColor = objectBackColor;
                objectBackColor        = Color.Empty;
                highlightedObjectStyle = null;

            C1.Win.C1Chart.Label lab = c1Chart1.ChartLabels[labName];
            if (lab != null)

            if (obj == null)

            // handle the changes for the new object highlighting
            string           describe = null;
            Point            atPoint  = Point.Empty;
            LabelCompassEnum cp       = LabelCompassEnum.NorthWest;

            if (obj is Legend)
                Legend leg = (Legend)obj;
                describe = " This is the Legend! ";
                atPoint  = leg.Location;
                highlightedObjectStyle = leg.Style;
            else if (obj is Title)
                Title t = (Title)obj;
                highlightedObjectStyle = t.Style;
                if (highlightedObjectStyle.Border.BorderStyle.Equals(BorderStyleEnum.None))
                    describe   = " This is the Footer! ";
                    atPoint    = t.Location;
                    atPoint.X += t.Size.Width;
                    cp         = LabelCompassEnum.NorthEast;
                    describe   = " This is the \nHeader! ";
                    atPoint    = t.Location;
                    atPoint.X += t.Size.Width;
                    atPoint.Y += t.Size.Height;
                    cp         = LabelCompassEnum.SouthEast;

            if (!atPoint.IsEmpty)
                C1.Win.C1Chart.Label nl = c1Chart1.ChartLabels.LabelsCollection.AddNewLabel();
                nl.Compass                   = cp;
                nl.Name                      = labName;
                nl.Connected                 = true;
                nl.Offset                    = 10;
                nl.AttachMethod              = AttachMethodEnum.Coordinate;
                nl.AttachMethodData.X        = atPoint.X;
                nl.AttachMethodData.Y        = atPoint.Y;
                nl.Style.BackColor           = Color.RosyBrown;
                nl.Style.Border.BorderStyle  = BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
                nl.Style.Border.Thickness    = 2;
                nl.Style.Font                = new Font(nl.Style.Font.Name, 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                nl.Style.HorizontalAlignment = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
                nl.Text                      = describe;
                nl.Visible                   = true;

                objectBackColor = highlightedObjectStyle.BackColor;
                highlightedObjectStyle.BackColor = Color.RosyBrown;
                highlightedObject = obj;

Esempio n. 4
        private void picSelect_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            PictureBox pic = sender as PictureBox;

            if (pic != null)
                Graphics g  = e.Graphics;
                Font     f  = this.Font;
                int      fs = (int)(f.SizeInPoints * e.Graphics.DpiY / 72);

                Rectangle rect   = Rectangle.Inflate(pic.DisplayRectangle, -(12 + fs), -(12 + fs));
                Point     center = new Point(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);

                if (pic.Tag == null)
                    pic.Tag = rect;

                double radiusi = rect.Width / 2;
                double radiuso = radiusi + 5;
                double radiuss = radiuso + 5 + fs / 2;

                string[] cps = new string[] { "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW", "N", "NE" };
                int      inc = 360 / cps.Length;

                LabelCompassEnum lce = c1Chart1.ChartLabels[0].Compass;

                for (int s = 0; s < cps.Length; s++)
                    int i = s * inc;

                    Brush brush = ((i & 1) == 0) ? Brushes.CornflowerBlue : Brushes.Cornsilk;

                    if (radioCompass.Checked && lce == getLabelCompassFromAngle((i > 180) ? i - 360 : i))
                        brush = Brushes.DarkRed;
                        g.FillPie(brush, rect, i - inc / 2, inc);
                        g.DrawPie(Pens.DarkBlue, rect, i - inc / 2, inc);
                        g.FillPie(brush, rect, i - inc / 2, inc);

                    double angle = i * Math.PI / 180;
                    double cos   = Math.Cos(angle);
                    double sin   = Math.Sin(angle);

                    string str = radioCompass.Checked ? cps[s] : i.ToString();
                    SizeF  sz  = g.MeasureString(str, f);

                    Point tick  = new Point((int)(center.X + radiusi * cos), (int)(center.Y + radiusi * sin));
                    Point tickr = new Point((int)(center.X + radiuso * cos), (int)(center.Y + radiuso * sin));
                    Point sloc  = new Point((int)(center.X + radiuss * cos - sz.Width / 2), (int)(center.Y + radiuss * sin - sz.Height / 2));

                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, tick, tickr);
                    g.DrawString(str, this.Font, Brushes.Black, sloc);

                if (radioRotation.Checked)
                    double angle = c1Chart1.ChartLabels[0].RotationOverride * Math.PI / 180;
                    double cos   = Math.Cos(angle);
                    double sin   = Math.Sin(angle);

                    Point tick = new Point((int)(center.X + radiusi * cos), (int)(center.Y + radiusi * sin));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.DarkRed, center, tick);

                g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, rect);