Esempio n. 1
        public string Reply(int id, string reply, string userName, double lng, double lat, double kflng, double kflat)
            string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string;
            string session = Session.SessionID.ToString();

            if (!cookies.Equals(session))
            if (MyGlobal.AERA_CHECK)//是否检核范围
                if (kflng == -1 || kflat == -1)
                if (ScueFun.LngLatDis.GetDistance(lng, lat, kflng, kflat) > MyGlobal.VISITAERA)//超出范围

            TransactionSql.Start(MyGlobal.DataBase);  //===>开始
            DateTime          now    = SysTime.GetTime;
            List <RpBill>     result = new List <RpBill>();
            L_ContactSheetMsg msg    = new L_ContactSheetMsg();

            msg.MTITLE     = reply;
            msg.INSERTER   = userName;
            msg.FID        = id;
            msg.INSERTDATE = now;
            msg.STATE      = "已提交";
            int get_id = msg.Insert();
            List <L_ContactSheetMsg> msg_list  = msg.Select(" and INSERTDATE='" + now.ToString() + "'  ");
            L_ContactSheet           l_Contact = new L_ContactSheet();
            List <L_ContactSheet>    list      = l_Contact.Select(" and id = " + id.ToString());

            if (list.Count > 0)
                //更新关联单据号,最新的,可作为最后打卡的目标公司,名称、地址  20180904 skl
                puku_user u = new puku_user();
                u.REFERCODE = msg_list.Count > 0 ? msg_list[0].ID.ToString():"";
                u.ZF1       = list[0].CLIENT;
                u.ZF2       = kflng.ToString();
                u.ZF3       = kflat.ToString();
                u.ZF4       = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                u.Updata(" and  TURENAME='" + userName + "'  ");
            if (!TransactionSql.EndSql())//判断是否成功
Esempio n. 2
        public List <RpBill> GetReply(string fid)
            string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string;
            string session = Session.SessionID.ToString();

            if (!cookies.Equals(session))
            List <RpBill>            result = new List <RpBill>();
            L_ContactSheetMsg        msg    = new L_ContactSheetMsg();
            List <L_ContactSheetMsg> list   = msg.Select("  and  fid='" + fid + "' order by id desc ", " top 30 * ");

            foreach (L_ContactSheetMsg r in list)
                RpBill n = new RpBill();
                n.createtime = r.INSERTDATE.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                n.state      = r.STATE;
                n.inserter   = r.INSERTER;
                n.content    = r.MTITLE;
Esempio n. 3
        public int NewVisit(int bfid, string userId, string client, string zf2, string billtype, string date, string hisname,
                            string hisposition, string hisphone, string content, string userName, double lng1, double lat1,
                            string nextTime, string nextMethod, string nextNotice, string saleContent, string IfWX,
                            string list_id, string list_reply)
            string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string;
            string session = Session.SessionID.ToString();

            if (!cookies.Equals(session))
            int flag = 0;//默认为0

                DateTime now = SysTime.GetTime;
                TransactionSql.Start(MyGlobal.DataBase);  //===>开始
                if (list_id.Trim() != "" && list_reply.Trim() != "")
                    list_id    = list_id.Substring(0, list_id.Length - 1);
                    list_reply = list_reply.Substring(0, list_reply.Length - 1);
                    string[] ids     = list_id.Split(',');
                    string[] replies = list_reply.Split(',');
                    int      count;
                    for (count = 0; count < ids.Length; count++)
                        L_ContactSheetMsg msg = new L_ContactSheetMsg();
                        msg.MTITLE     = replies[count];
                        msg.INSERTER   = userName;
                        msg.FID        = Convert.ToInt32(ids[count]);
                        msg.INSERTDATE = now;
                        msg.STATE      = "已提交";

                string position = KFLocation.Get(client);
                double lng, lat;
                if (MyGlobal.AERA_CHECK) //是否范围校验
                    if (position == "")  //该客户没有定位,将现在这个位置赋值给当前客户
                        flag = -1;
                    else if (position == "none")//不存在该用户
                        flag = -2;
                    string[] strs_kf = position.Split(',');
                    lng = Convert.ToDouble(strs_kf[0]);
                    lat = Convert.ToDouble(strs_kf[1]);

                    #region 数据库获取定位
                    //string userpoi = UserLocation.Get(userId);
                    //if (userpoi == "")
                    //    flag = -2;
                    //    return flag;//用户无定位信息
                    //string[] poi = userpoi.Split(':');
                    //lng1 = Convert.ToDouble(poi[0]);
                    //lat1 = Convert.ToDouble(poi[1]);

                    if (ScueFun.LngLatDis.GetDistance(lng, lat, lng1, lat1) > MyGlobal.VISITAERA)
                        flag = 5;
                    lng = lng1;
                    lat = lat1;

                clientservice_VisitBill bill = new clientservice_VisitBill();
                //kfku m = new kfku();
                string lev = string.Empty;
                int    day = 0;
                //List<kfku> ms = m.Select(" and NAME='" + client + "'  order by id desc  ");
                //if (ms.Count > 0)
                //    if(ms[0].TRADETYPENAME!=null&& ms[0].LEV!=null)
                //    {
                //        bill.ZF1 = ms[0].TRADETYPENAME.ToString();
                //        lev = ms[0].LEV;
                //    }

                ClientService_kfku        k  = new ClientService_kfku();
                List <ClientService_kfku> ks = k.Select(" and NAME='" + client + "'   order by id desc   ");
                if (ks.Count > 0)
                    if (ks[0].TRADETYPENAME != null && ks[0].LEV != null)
                        bill.ZF1 = ks[0].TRADETYPENAME.ToString();
                        lev      = ks[0].LEV;
                        if (ks[0].TRADETYPENAME == "新建客户" && ks[0].CONTACTOR == null && ks[0].PHONE == null && ks[0].ZF34 == "PHONE")
                            k.CONTACTOR = hisname;
                            k.PHONE     = hisphone;
                            k.ZF8       = hisposition;
                            k.Updata(" and id=" + ks[0].ID);
                if (lev.Contains("1级"))
                    day = 150;
                else if (lev.Contains("2级"))
                    day = 100;
                else if (lev.Contains("3级"))
                    day = 60;
                else if (lev.Contains("4级"))
                    day = 30;
                else if (lev.Contains("5级"))
                    day = 7;
                    day = 0;
                bill.CODE           = ScueFun.Code.BasicCode();
                bill.CLIENT         = client;
                bill.BILLDATE       = Convert.ToDateTime(date);
                bill.BILLMAN        = userName;
                bill.NOTEPRE        = content;
                bill.ZF2            = zf2;
                bill.BILLTYPE       = billtype;
                bill.INTRODUCERDATE = now;
                bill.FINISHDATE     = now;
                bill.ZF3            = hisname;//存放对方信息
                bill.ZF4            = hisposition;
                bill.ZF5            = hisphone;

                DateTime dt1 = now.AddDays(day);
                if (nextTime == "默认")
                    bill.ZF6 = dt1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    bill.ZF6 = nextTime;
                bill.ZF7  = IfWX;//是否有其他需求
                bill.ZF8  = nextNotice;
                bill.ZF9  = nextMethod;
                bill.ZF10 = saleContent;
                string[] strs = Function.StayTime(userId, lng1, lat1, client);
                if (strs != null)
                    bill.ZF11 = strs[0] == null ? "" : strs[0]; //开始时间
                    bill.ZF12 = strs[1] == null ? "" : strs[1]; //结束时间
                    bill.ZF13 = strs[2] == null ? "" : strs[2]; //时间间隔
                bill.INTRODUCER = userName;

                L_VisitSend s       = new L_VisitSend();
                string      today_1 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
                string      today   = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59");
                string      refer   = string.Empty;
                if (bfid == -1) //若不是链接操作,主动查询,校验是否存在派单信息,取最早的
                    List <L_VisitSend> sl = s.Select("  and VISITCLIENT='" + client + "'  and state = 7  and GETUSER='******'  order by id ");
                    if (sl.Count > 0)
                        bfid = sl[0].ID;
                if (bfid != -1)
                    List <L_VisitSend> list = s.Select("  and id= " + bfid + "  and state = 7 ");
                    foreach (L_VisitSend i in list)
                        L_VisitSend vs = new L_VisitSend();
                        vs.STATE = 10;
                        vs.RQ2   = now;//完成时间
                        if (IfWX.Contains("有业务需求"))
                            vs.ZF1 = "有意向";
                        vs.ZF5 = content;//拜访内容
                        vs.Updata(" and id=" + i.ID);
                        refer = i.CODE;
                if (IfWX.Contains("有业务需求"))
                    bill.ZF14 = "有意向";
                ClientService_kfku km = new ClientService_kfku();
                km.ZF33 = bill.CODE;                                  //关联单据号
                km.RQ1  = Convert.ToDateTime(bill.ZF6 + " 00:00:00"); //string格式有要求,必须是yyyy-MM-dd hh: mm: ss
                km.Updata("  and NAME='" + client + "'  ");
                bill.REFERCODE = refer;

                //更新关联单据号,最新的,可作为最后打卡的目标公司,名称、地址  20180904 skl
                puku_user u = new puku_user();
                u.REFERCODE = bill.CODE;
                u.ZF1       = client;
                u.ZF2       = lng.ToString();
                u.ZF3       = lat.ToString();
                u.ZF4       = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                u.Updata(" and  USERPU='" + userId + "'   ");

                if (!TransactionSql.EndSql())
                    flag = -3; //回滚触发
                }              //===>结束
            catch (Exception ex)
                flag = -3;//回滚触发