Esempio n. 1
        private static async Task CreateAgencies(LLDbContext context)
            if (!await context.Agencies.AnyAsync(c => c.Name == "Entwhistle Green"))
                var agency = new Agency
                    Created = DateTime.Now,
                    Name    = "Entwhistle Green"

                await context.Agencies.AddAsync(agency);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var user1 = await context.Users.FirstAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**");

                var user2 = await context.Users.FirstAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**");

                user1.AgencyId = agency.Id;
                user2.AgencyId = agency.Id;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var landlord1 = await context.Users.FirstAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**");

                var portfolios = context.ApplicationUserPortfolios.Where(c => c.UserId == landlord1.Id);

                await portfolios.ForEachAsync(c => c.AgencyId = agency.Id);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var agencyPortfolio = new Portfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    DisplayName = "Agency Portfolio",
                    Name        = "Agency-BBB445"
                await context.Portfolios.AddAsync(agencyPortfolio);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var link = new ApplicationUserPortfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    PortfolioId = agencyPortfolio.Id,
                    AgencyId    = agency.Id,
                    UserId      = user1.Id
                await context.ApplicationUserPortfolios.AddAsync(link);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 2
        private static async Task CreateEmails(LLDbContext context)
            if (!await context.EmailTemplates.AnyAsync(c => c.Key == "ResendVerification"))
                await context.EmailTemplates.AddAsync(new EmailTemplate
                    Key         = "ResendVerification",
                    Description = "Re-send verification email",
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    Subject     = "Confirm email",
                    Body        = "Click this <a href=\"http://localhost:52812/api/register/confirmemail?userId={0}&code={1}\">link</a> mofo."
            if (!await context.EmailTemplates.AnyAsync(c => c.Key == "Register"))
                await context.EmailTemplates.AddAsync(new EmailTemplate
                    Key         = "Register",
                    Description = "Registration confirmation",
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    Subject     = "Confirm email",
                    Body        = "Click this <a href=\"http://localhost:52812/api/register/confirmemail?userId={0}&code={1}\">link</a> mofo."

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 3
        private static async Task CreateTenants(LLDbContext context, ApplicationUserManager userManager)
            if (!await context.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.Email == "*****@*****.**"))
                var user = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName             = "******",
                    Email                = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed       = true,
                    FirstName            = "John",
                    MiddleName           = "Paul",
                    LastName             = "Tenant",
                    PhoneNumber          = "07955567790",
                    SecondaryPhoneNumber = "01925555555",
                    Title                = "Mr"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(user, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, ApplicationRoles.Tenant);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(user.Id, DefaultPermissions.Tenant.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

                var tenant = new Tenant
                    DateOfBirth             = DateTime.Parse("1987-07-27 00:00:00"),
                    Created                 = DateTime.Now,
                    AdditionalInformation   = "Additional",
                    DrivingLicenseReference = "Driving",
                    EmploymentType          = EmploymentTypes.SelfEmployed,
                    HasPets                 = true,
                    IsAdult                 = true,
                    IsLeadTenant            = true,
                    IsSmoker                = true,
                    Occupation              = "Web Developer",
                    PassportReference       = "Passport",
                    CompanyName             = "Jon Preece Development Ltd",
                    WorkAddress             = "Work address",
                    WorkContactNumber       = "Work Contact",
                    ApplicationUserId       = user.Id

                tenant.Addresses = new List <TenantAddress>
                    new TenantAddress
                        Tenant          = tenant,
                        Created         = DateTime.Now,
                        Country         = Countries.UnitedKingdom,
                        CountyOrRegion  = Counties.Cheshire,
                        MonthsAtAddress = 6,
                        Postcode        = "WA53SL",
                        Street          = "Bridgeport Mews",
                        TownOrCity      = "Warrington",
                        YearsAtAddress  = 3

                tenant.Contacts = new List <TenantContact>
                    new TenantContact
                        Name                   = "Contact",
                        Tenant                 = tenant,
                        Comments               = "Comments",
                        Created                = DateTime.Now,
                        MainContactNumber      = "07955555555",
                        Relationship           = "Manager",
                        SecondaryContactNumber = "09111111"

                await context.Tenants.AddAsync(tenant);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 4
        private static async Task CreateChecklists(LLDbContext context, ApplicationUserManager userManager)
            var admin = await context.Users.FirstAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**");

            if (!await context.Checklists.AnyAsync(c => c.Name == "New tenant move in"))
                var moveInChecklist = new Checklist
                    Created               = DateTime.Now,
                    Name                  = "New tenant move in",
                    Image                 = "checklist.png",
                    Description           = "For when a new tenant is moving into the property",
                    IsAvailableDownstream = true,
                    IsPropertyMandatory   = true,
                    UserId                = admin.Id

                await context.Checklists.AddAsync(moveInChecklist);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var checklistItems = new List <ChecklistItem>
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Determine rental amount",
                        IsExpanded  = true,
                        Key         = "NL001",
                        Order       = 1,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Take photos (or get a professional to do it)",
                        Key         = "NL002",
                        Order       = 2,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.DocumentUpload

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Advertise the property",
                        Key         = "NL003",
                        Order       = 3,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Conduct viewings",
                        Key         = "NL004",
                        Order       = 4,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Negotiate & accept offer",
                        Key         = "NL005",
                        Order       = 5,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Take fees",
                        Key         = "NL006",
                        Order       = 6,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Get proof of Id",
                        Key         = "NL007",
                        Order       = 7,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.DocumentUpload

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Establish right to rent",
                        Key         = "NL008",
                        Order       = 8,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsAndDateOfAction

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Conduct reference checks",
                        Key         = "NL009",
                        Order       = 9,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.DateOfAction

                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveInChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Ask for a guarantor if necessary",
                        Key         = "NL010",
                        Order       = 10,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly

                await context.ChecklistItems.AddRangeAsync(checklistItems);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await context.Checklists.AnyAsync(c => c.Name == "Move the tenants out"))
                var moveOutChecklist = new Checklist
                    Created               = DateTime.Now,
                    Name                  = "Move the tenants out",
                    Image                 = "checklist.png",
                    Description           = "For when a new tenant is moving out of the property",
                    IsAvailableDownstream = true,
                    IsPropertyMandatory   = false,
                    UserId                = admin.Id

                await context.Checklists.AddAsync(moveOutChecklist);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var checklistItems = new List <ChecklistItem>
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveOutChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Before move out, make sure the tenants are clear on their responsibilities and what is expected in order for them to get their deposit back in full",
                        IsExpanded  = false,
                        Key         = "MO001",
                        Order       = 1,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveOutChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Conduct a checkout inspection",
                        IsExpanded  = false,
                        Key         = "MO002",
                        Order       = 2,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.DateOfAction
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveOutChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Take meter readings",
                        IsExpanded  = false,
                        Key         = "MO003",
                        Order       = 3,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsAndDateOfAction
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveOutChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Contact the utility companies with the meter readings, the tenant's forwarding address, and the details of the new occupant",
                        IsExpanded  = false,
                        Key         = "MO004",
                        Order       = 4,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsAndDateOfAction
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveOutChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Agree on how much (if any) of the deposit should be deducted",
                        IsExpanded  = false,
                        Key         = "MO005",
                        Order       = 5,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsOnly
                    new ChecklistItem
                        Created     = DateTime.Now,
                        ChecklistId = moveOutChecklist.Id,
                        DisplayText = "Arrange the return of the deposit with the deposit protection scheme you've used",
                        IsExpanded  = false,
                        Key         = "MO006",
                        Order       = 6,
                        Template    = ChecklistTemplates.CommentsAndDateOfAction

                await context.ChecklistItems.AddRangeAsync(checklistItems);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await context.Checklists.AnyAsync(c => c.Name == "Blank"))
                var blankChecklist = new Checklist
                    Created               = DateTime.Now,
                    Name                  = "Blank",
                    Image                 = "checklist.png",
                    Description           = "Blank checklist template",
                    IsAvailableDownstream = true,
                    IsPropertyMandatory   = false,
                    UserId                = admin.Id

                await context.Checklists.AddAsync(blankChecklist);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 5
        private static async Task CreateUsers(LLDbContext context, ApplicationUserManager userManager)
            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var administrator = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Admin",
                    LastName       = "Admin"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(administrator, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(administrator, ApplicationRoles.SiteAdministrator);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(administrator.Id, DefaultPermissions.Administrator.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var landlord = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Jon",
                    LastName       = "Preece"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(landlord, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(landlord, ApplicationRoles.Landlord);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(landlord.Id, DefaultPermissions.Landlord.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

                var portfolio = new Portfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    DisplayName = "Jons Portfolio",
                    Name        = "JonPreece-ABC123"
                await context.Portfolios.AddAsync(portfolio);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var link = new ApplicationUserPortfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    PortfolioId = portfolio.Id,
                    UserId      = landlord.Id
                await context.ApplicationUserPortfolios.AddAsync(link);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var landlord = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Land",
                    LastName       = "Lord"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(landlord, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(landlord, ApplicationRoles.Landlord);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(landlord.Id, DefaultPermissions.Landlord.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

                var portfolio = new Portfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    DisplayName = "Landlord Portfolio",
                    Name        = "LandLord-ASD432"
                await context.Portfolios.AddAsync(portfolio);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var link = new ApplicationUserPortfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    PortfolioId = portfolio.Id,
                    UserId      = landlord.Id
                await context.ApplicationUserPortfolios.AddAsync(link);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var accountant = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Account",
                    LastName       = "Ant"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(accountant, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(accountant, ApplicationRoles.Accountant);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(accountant.Id, DefaultPermissions.Accountant.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

                var portfolio = await context.Portfolios.FirstAsync(c => c.Name == "JonPreece-ABC123");

                var link = new ApplicationUserPortfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    PortfolioId = portfolio.Id,
                    UserId      = accountant.Id

                await context.ApplicationUserPortfolios.AddAsync(link);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var accountant = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Other",
                    LastName       = "User"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(accountant, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(accountant, ApplicationRoles.OtherUser);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(accountant.Id, DefaultPermissions.OtherUser.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

                var portfolio = await context.Portfolios.FirstAsync(c => c.Name == "JonPreece-ABC123");

                var link = new ApplicationUserPortfolio
                    Created     = DateTime.Now,
                    PortfolioId = portfolio.Id,
                    UserId      = accountant.Id

                await context.ApplicationUserPortfolios.AddAsync(link);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var administrator = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Agency",
                    LastName       = "Administrator"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(administrator, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(administrator, ApplicationRoles.AgencyAdministrator);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(administrator.Id, DefaultPermissions.AgencyAdministrator.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());

            if (!await userManager.Users.AnyAsync(c => c.UserName == "*****@*****.**"))
                var accountant = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    FirstName      = "Agency",
                    LastName       = "User"

                await userManager.CreateAsync(accountant, "Password123");

                await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(accountant, ApplicationRoles.AgencyAdministrator);

                await userManager.SetUserPermissionsAsync(accountant.Id, DefaultPermissions.AgencyAdministrator.Select(c => Guid.Parse(c)).ToArray());