Esempio n. 1
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;
            int    intValue = 0;

            int binary;

            int[]    aEnableTimers      = new int[2];
            int[]    aEnableCounters    = new int[2];
            int[]    aTimerModes        = new int[2];
            double[] adblTimerValues    = new double[2];
            int[]    aReadTimers        = new int[2];
            int[]    aUpdateResetTimers = new int[2];
            int[]    aReadCounters      = new int[2];
            int[]    aResetCounters     = new int[2];
            double[] adblCounterValues  = { 0, 0 };

                //Open the first found LabJack U6.
                u6 = new U6(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB

                //Take a single-ended measurement from AIN3.
                binary = 0;
                LJUD.eAIN(u6.ljhandle, 3, 199, ref dblValue, -1, -1, -1, binary);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("AIN3 = {0:0.###}\n", dblValue);

                //Set DAC0 to 3.0 volts.
                dblValue = 3.0;
                binary   = 0;
                LJUD.eDAC(u6.ljhandle, 0, dblValue, binary, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DAC0 set to {0:0.###} volts\n", dblValue);

                //Read state of FIO0.
                LJUD.eDI(u6.ljhandle, 0, ref intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO0 = {0:0.#}\n", intValue);

                //Set the state of FIO3.
                intValue = 1;
                LJUD.eDO(u6.ljhandle, 3, intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO3 set to = {0:0.#}\n\n", intValue);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
Esempio n. 2
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;
            int    intValue = 0;

            int binary;

            int[] aEnableTimers   = new int[2];
            int[] aEnableCounters = new int[2];
            int   tcpInOffset;
            int   timerClockDivisor;

            LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS timerClockBaseIndex;
            int[]            aTimerModes = new int[2];
            double[]         adblTimerValues = new double[2];
            int[]            aReadTimers = new int[2];
            int[]            aUpdateResetTimers = new int[2];
            int[]            aReadCounters = new int[2];
            int[]            aResetCounters = new int[2];
            double[]         adblCounterValues = { 0, 0 };
            double           highTime, lowTime, dutyCycle;

                //Open the first found LabJack U3.
                u3 = new U3(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB

                //Start by using the pin_configuration_reset IOType so that all
                //pin assignments are in the factory default condition.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PIN_CONFIGURATION_RESET, 0, 0, 0);

                //Take a single-ended measurement from AIN3.
                binary = 0;
                LJUD.eAIN(u3.ljhandle, 3, 31, ref dblValue, -1, -1, -1, binary);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("AIN3 = {0:0.###}\n", dblValue);

                //Set DAC0 to 3.0 volts.
                dblValue = 3.0;
                binary   = 0;
                LJUD.eDAC(u3.ljhandle, 0, dblValue, binary, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DAC0 set to {0:0.###} volts\n", dblValue);

                //Read state of FIO4.
                LJUD.eDI(u3.ljhandle, 4, ref intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO4 = {0:0.#}\n", intValue);

                //Set the state of FIO7.
                intValue = 1;
                LJUD.eDO(u3.ljhandle, 7, intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO7 set to = {0:0.#}\n\n", intValue);

                //Timers and Counters example.
                //First, a call to eTCConfig.  Fill the arrays with the desired values, then make the call.
                aEnableTimers[0]    = 1;                            //Enable Timer0 (uses FIO4).
                aEnableTimers[1]    = 1;                            //Enable Timer1 (uses FIO5).
                aEnableCounters[0]  = 0;                            //Disable Counter0.
                aEnableCounters[1]  = 1;                            //Enable Counter1 (uses FIO6).
                tcpInOffset         = 4;                            //Offset is 4, so timers/counters start at FIO4.
                timerClockBaseIndex = LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.MHZ48_DIV;   //Base clock is 48 MHz with divisor support, so Counter0 is not available.
                //timerClockBaseIndex = LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.MHZ24_DIV;  //Use this line instead for hardware rev 1.20.
                timerClockDivisor = 48;                             //Thus timer clock is 1 MHz.
                //timerClockDivisor = 24;  //Use this line instead for hardware rev 1.20.
                aTimerModes[0]     = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8;      //Timer0 is 8-bit PWM output.  Frequency is 1M/256 = 3906 Hz.
                aTimerModes[1]     = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.DUTYCYCLE; //Timer1 is duty cyle input.
                adblTimerValues[0] = 16384;                         //Set PWM8 duty-cycle to 75%.
                adblTimerValues[1] = 0;
                LJUD.eTCConfig(u3.ljhandle, aEnableTimers, aEnableCounters, tcpInOffset, (int)timerClockBaseIndex, timerClockDivisor, aTimerModes, adblTimerValues, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timers and Counters enabled.\n\n");

                Thread.Sleep(1000);                 //Wait 1 second.

                //Now, a call to eTCValues.
                aReadTimers[0]        = 0;          //Don't read Timer0 (output timer).
                aReadTimers[1]        = 1;          //Read Timer1;
                aUpdateResetTimers[0] = 1;          //Update Timer0;
                aUpdateResetTimers[1] = 1;          //Reset Timer1;
                aReadCounters[0]      = 0;
                aReadCounters[1]      = 1;          //Read Counter1;
                aResetCounters[0]     = 0;
                aResetCounters[1]     = 1;          //Reset Counter1.
                adblTimerValues[0]    = 32768;      //Change Timer0 duty-cycle to 50%.
                adblTimerValues[1]    = 0;
                LJUD.eTCValues(u3.ljhandle, aReadTimers, aUpdateResetTimers, aReadCounters, aResetCounters, adblTimerValues, adblCounterValues, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer1 value = {0:0.000}\n", adblTimerValues[1]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter1 value = {0:0.000}\n", adblCounterValues[1]);

                //Convert Timer1 value to duty-cycle percentage.
                //High time is LSW
                highTime = (double)(((ulong)adblTimerValues[1]) % (65536));
                //Low time is MSW
                lowTime = (double)(((ulong)adblTimerValues[1]) / (65536));
                //Calculate the duty cycle percentage.
                dutyCycle = 100 * highTime / (highTime + lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("\nHigh clicks Timer1 = {0:0.0}\n", highTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Low clicks Timer1 = {0:0.0}\n", lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Duty cycle Timer1 = {0:0.0}\n", dutyCycle);

                //Disable all timers and counters.
                aEnableTimers[0]   = 0;
                aEnableTimers[1]   = 0;
                aEnableCounters[0] = 0;
                aEnableCounters[1] = 0;
                LJUD.eTCConfig(u3.ljhandle, aEnableTimers, aEnableCounters, 4, (int)timerClockBaseIndex, timerClockDivisor, aTimerModes, adblTimerValues, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
Esempio n. 3
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;
            int    intValue = 0;

            LJUD.RANGES range;
            int         intResolution;
            int         intBinary;

            int[] aintEnableTimers   = new int[6];
            int[] aintEnableCounters = new int[2];
            int   intTimerClockBaseIndex;
            int   intTimerClockDivisor;

            int[]    aintTimerModes = new int[6];
            double[] adblTimerValues = new double[6];
            int[]    aintReadTimers = new int[6];
            int[]    aintUpdateResetTimers = new int[6];
            int[]    aintReadCounters = new int[2];
            int[]    aintResetCounters = new int[2];
            double[] adblCounterValues = { 0, 0 };
            double   highTime, lowTime, dutyCycle;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Take a measurement from AIN3.
                range         = LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V;
                intResolution = 17;
                intBinary     = 0;
                LJUD.eAIN(ue9.ljhandle, 3, 0, ref dblValue, (int)range, (int)intResolution, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("AIN3 = {0:0.###}\n", dblValue);

                //Set DAC0 to 3.0 volts.
                dblValue  = 3.0;
                intBinary = 0;
                LJUD.eDAC(ue9.ljhandle, 0, dblValue, intBinary, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DAC0 set to {0:0.###} volts\n", dblValue);

                //Read state of FIO2.
                LJUD.eDI(ue9.ljhandle, 2, ref intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO2 = {0:0.###}\n", intValue);

                //Set the state of FIO3.
                intValue = 0;
                LJUD.eDO(ue9.ljhandle, 3, intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO3 set to = {0:0.###}\n\n", intValue);

                //Timers and Counters example.
                //First, a call to eTCConfig.  Fill the arrays with the desired values, then make the call.
                intTimerClockBaseIndex = (int)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750;      //Choose 750 kHz base clock.
                intTimerClockDivisor   = 3;                                 //Divide by 3, thus timer clock is 250 kHz.
                aintEnableTimers[0]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer0 (uses FIO0).
                aintEnableTimers[1]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer1 (uses FIO1).
                aintEnableTimers[2]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer2 (uses FIO2).
                aintEnableTimers[3]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer3 (uses FIO3).
                aintEnableTimers[4]    = 0;                                 //Disable Timer4.
                aintEnableTimers[5]    = 0;                                 //Disable Timer5.
                aintTimerModes[0]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8;          //Timer0 is 8-bit PWM output.  Frequency is 250k/256 = 977 Hz.
                aintTimerModes[1]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.DUTYCYCLE;     //Timer1 is duty cyle input.
                aintTimerModes[2]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.FIRMCOUNTER;   //Timer2 is firmware counter input.
                aintTimerModes[3]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.RISINGEDGES16; //Timer3 is 16-bit period measurement.
                aintTimerModes[4]      = 0;                                 //Timer4 not enabled.
                aintTimerModes[5]      = 0;                                 //Timer5 not enabled.
                adblTimerValues[0]     = 16384;                             //Set PWM8 duty-cycle to 75%.
                adblTimerValues[1]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[2]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[3]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[4]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[5]     = 0;
                aintEnableCounters[0]  = 1;                //Enable Counter0 (uses FIO4).
                aintEnableCounters[1]  = 1;                //Enable Counter1 (uses FIO5).
                LJUD.eTCConfig(ue9.ljhandle, aintEnableTimers, aintEnableCounters, 0, (int)intTimerClockBaseIndex, intTimerClockDivisor, aintTimerModes, adblTimerValues, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timers and Counters enabled.\n");

                Thread.Sleep(1000);                 //Wait 1 second.

                //Now, a call to eTCValues.
                aintReadTimers[0]        = 0;          //Don't read Timer0 (output timer).
                aintReadTimers[1]        = 1;          //Read Timer1;
                aintReadTimers[2]        = 1;          //Read Timer2;
                aintReadTimers[3]        = 1;          //Read Timer3;
                aintReadTimers[4]        = 0;          //Timer4 not enabled.
                aintReadTimers[5]        = 0;          //Timer5 not enabled.
                aintUpdateResetTimers[0] = 1;          //Update Timer0;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[1] = 1;          //Reset Timer1;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[2] = 1;          //Reset Timer2;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[3] = 1;          //Reset Timer3;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[4] = 0;          //Timer4 not enabled.
                aintUpdateResetTimers[5] = 0;          //Timer5 not enabled.
                aintReadCounters[0]      = 1;          //Read Counter0;
                aintReadCounters[1]      = 1;          //Read Counter1;
                aintResetCounters[0]     = 1;          //Reset Counter0.
                aintResetCounters[1]     = 1;          //Reset Counter1.
                adblTimerValues[0]       = 32768;      //Change Timer0 duty-cycle to 50%.
                adblTimerValues[1]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[2]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[3]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[4]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[5]       = 0;
                LJUD.eTCValues(ue9.ljhandle, aintReadTimers, aintUpdateResetTimers, aintReadCounters, aintResetCounters, adblTimerValues, adblCounterValues, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer1 value = {0:0.###}", adblTimerValues[1]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer2 value = {0:0.###}", adblTimerValues[2]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer3 value = {0:0.###}", adblTimerValues[3]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter0 value = {0:0.###}", adblCounterValues[0]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter1 value = {0:0.###}", adblCounterValues[1]);

                //Convert Timer1 value to duty-cycle percentage.
                //High time is LSW
                highTime = (double)(((ulong)adblTimerValues[1]) % (65536));
                //Low time is MSW
                lowTime = (double)(((ulong)adblTimerValues[1]) / (65536));
                //Calculate the duty cycle percentage.
                dutyCycle = 100 * highTime / (highTime + lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("\nHigh clicks Timer1 = {0:0.###}", highTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Low clicks Timer1 = {0:0.###}", lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Duty cycle Timer1 = {0:0.###}", dutyCycle);

                //Disable all timers and counters.
                aintEnableTimers[0]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[1]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[2]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[3]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[4]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[5]   = 0;
                aintEnableCounters[0] = 0;
                aintEnableCounters[1] = 0;
                LJUD.eTCConfig(ue9.ljhandle, aintEnableTimers, aintEnableCounters, 0, intTimerClockBaseIndex, intTimerClockDivisor, aintTimerModes, adblTimerValues, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Pause for the user