private void addBeneficiary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool fieldFilled = true; bool noError = true; foreach (TextBox tb in GetControls(this).OfType <TextBox>()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text)) { fieldFilled = false; } } foreach (Control c in this.Controls) { if (errorProvider1.GetError(c).Length > 0) { noError = false; } } if (fieldFilled && noError && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comboBox1.Text)) { LIC_KIHD_MW.Address addre = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Address("", "", "", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder holder = new LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder("", "", "", addre); LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary BENE = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary("", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy po = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy(holder, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "", "", "", "", BENE, ""); state = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); DateTime txtMyDate = DateTime.Parse(BirthBox.Text); double premium = po.CalculatePremium(textBox15.Text, txtMyDate, FatherBox.Text, motherBox.Text, cigBox.Text, smokeBox.Text, bloodBox.Text, aveGramsBox.Text, HeartDisease, cancer, hospital, textBox14.Text); QuoteForm quote = new QuoteForm(FirstNameBox.Text, LastNameBox.Text, BirthBox.Text, AddressBox.Text, CityBox.Text, state, ZipBox.Text, FatherBox.Text, motherBox.Text, cigBox.Text, smokeBox.Text, bloodBox.Text, aveGramsBox.Text, HDPassToQuote, cancerToQ, hospitalToQ, textBox14.Text, textBox15.Text, premium.ToString(), agent, HeartDisease, cancer, hospital ); quote.Closed += (s, arges) => this.Close(); quote.ShowDialog(); } else if (!fieldFilled) { MessageBox.Show("You need to fill all the boxes!"); } else if (!noError) { MessageBox.Show("You need to enter valid information!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to enter valid information!"); } }
private void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LIC_KIHD_MW.Address addre = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Address("", "", "", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder holder = new LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder("", "", "", addre); LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary BENE = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary("", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy po = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy(holder, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "", "", "", "", BENE, ""); po.addBeneficiary(policyN, firstName.Text, lastName.Text); addBeneficiary addMore = new addBeneficiary(policyN); Hide(); addMore.Closed += (s, arges) => this.Close(); addMore.ShowDialog(); }
private void buttonClaim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LIC_KIHD_MW.Address addre = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Address("", "", "", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder holder = new LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder("", "", "", addre); LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary BENE = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary("", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy po = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy(holder, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "", "", "", "", BENE, ""); bool highNetLoss = po.MakeClaim(labelForPolicyNumber.Text); if (highNetLoss) { MessageBox.Show("A loss off 5.4% has been detected. Please notify the Obfuscation Department!”"); } else { MessageBox.Show("This policy has been claimed successfully"); } }
private void CancelPolicyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LIC_KIHD_MW.Address addre = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Address("", "", "", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder holder = new LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder("", "", "", addre); LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary BENE = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary("", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy po = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy(holder, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "", "", "", "", BENE, ""); var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to cancel this policy ??", "Confirm Delete!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { po.Cancel(policynumber); MessageBox.Show("Policy has been cancelled successfully");// If 'Yes', do something here. labelForStatus.Text = "I"; } else { } }
private void comfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LIC_KIHD_MW.Address addre = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Address("", "", "", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder holder = new LIC_KIHD_MW.PolicyHolder("", "", "", addre); LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary BENE = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary("", ""); LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy po = new LIC_KIHD_MW.Policy(holder, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "", "", "", "", BENE, ""); // List<LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary> beneficiary = new List<LIC_KIHD_MW.Beneficiary>(); DateTime dod = DateTime.Parse(dateOfBirth.Text); string policynumber = po.PolicyNumReg(firstName.Text, LastName.Text, dod, StreetAdress.Text, CityLabel.Text, StateLabel.Text, zipCode.Text, FatherAgeAtDeath.Text , MotherAgeAtDeath.Text, CigarettesPerDay.Text, SmokingHistory.Text, BloodPressure.Text, AverageGrams.Text, hd, ca, ho , DangerousActivities.Text, payoffA, monthPremium, agentID); addBeneficiary addB = new addBeneficiary(policynumber); addB.Closed += (s, arges) => this.Close(); // complete register and return back MessageBox.Show("The policy had been created successfully, and your policy number is " + policynumber); addB.ShowDialog(); }