Esempio n. 1
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        _harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();

        var options           = _harness.CreateClientBuilder().BuildOptions();
        var securityContext   = new SecurityContext();
        var systemClock       = new SystemClock();
        var connectionFactory = new KuduConnectionFactory(
            options, securityContext, NullLoggerFactory.Instance);

        _testConnectionFactory = new TestConnectionFactory(connectionFactory);

        _client = new KuduClient(

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        _table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);
Esempio n. 2
    public async Task TestAlterRangePartitioningExclusiveInclusive()
        // Create initial table with single range partition covering (-1, 99].
        var builder = new TableBuilder(_tableName)
                      .AddColumn("c0", KuduType.Int32, opt => opt.Key(true))
                      .AddColumn("c1", KuduType.Int32, opt => opt.Nullable(false))
                      .AddRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("c0", -1);
            upper.SetInt32("c0", 99);
        }, RangePartitionBound.Exclusive, RangePartitionBound.Inclusive);

        KuduTable table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        await _client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)
                                      .AddRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("c0", 199);
            upper.SetInt32("c0", 299);
        }, RangePartitionBound.Exclusive, RangePartitionBound.Inclusive));

        // Insert some rows, and then drop the partition and ensure that the table is empty.
        await InsertRowsAsync(table, 0, 100);
        await InsertRowsAsync(table, 200, 300);

        Assert.Equal(200, await ClientTestUtil.CountRowsAsync(_client, table));

        await _client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)
                                      .DropRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("c0", 0);
            upper.SetInt32("c0", 100);
        }, RangePartitionBound.Inclusive, RangePartitionBound.Exclusive)
                                      .DropRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("c0", 199);
            upper.SetInt32("c0", 299);
        }, RangePartitionBound.Exclusive, RangePartitionBound.Inclusive));

        Assert.Equal(0, await ClientTestUtil.CountRowsAsync(_client, table));
Esempio n. 3
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        _harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();
        _client  = _harness.CreateClient();
        await using var session = _client.NewSession();

        // Create a 4-tablets table for scanning.
        var builder = new TableBuilder(_tableName)
                      .AddColumn("key1", KuduType.String, opt => opt.Key(true))
                      .AddColumn("key2", KuduType.String, opt => opt.Key(true))
                      .AddColumn("val", KuduType.String)
                      .SetRangePartitionColumns("key1", "key2");

        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
            builder.AddSplitRow(splitRow =>
                splitRow.SetString("key1", i.ToString());
                splitRow.SetString("key2", "");

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // The data layout ends up like this:
        // tablet '', '1': no rows
        // tablet '1', '2': '111', '122', '133'
        // tablet '2', '3': '211', '222', '233'
        // tablet '3', '': '311', '322', '333'
        var keys = new[] { "1", "2", "3" };

        foreach (var key1 in keys)
            foreach (var key2 in keys)
                var insert = table.NewInsert();
                insert.SetString(0, key1);
                insert.SetString(1, key2);
                insert.SetString(2, key2);
                await session.EnqueueAsync(insert);

                await session.FlushAsync();

        _beforeWriteTimestamp = _client.LastPropagatedTimestamp;

        // Reset the client in order to clear the propagated timestamp.
        _newClient = _harness.CreateClient();

        // Reopen the table using the new client.
        _table = await _newClient.OpenTableAsync(_tableName);

        _schema = _table.Schema;
Esempio n. 4
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        _harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();
        _client  = _harness.CreateClient();

        // Use one tablet because multiple tablets don't work: we could jump
        // from one tablet to another which could change the logical clock.
        var builder = new TableBuilder("HybridTimeTest")
                      .AddColumn("key", KuduType.String, opt => opt.Key(true))

        _table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);
Esempio n. 5
    public async Task TestInsertIgnoreAfterInsertHasNoRowError()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var rows = new[]
            ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1),
            ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaUpsert(table, 1, 1, false),
            ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsertIgnore(table, 1)

        await _client.WriteAsync(rows);

        var rowStrings = await ClientTestUtil.ScanTableToStringsAsync(_client, table);

        var rowString = Assert.Single(rowStrings);

            "INT32 key=1, INT32 column1_i=1, INT32 column2_i=3, " +
            "STRING column3_s=a string, BOOL column4_b=True", rowString);
Esempio n. 6
    public async Task TestExceptionCallback()
        int numCallbacks = 0;
        SessionExceptionContext sessionContext = null;

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var row1 = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);
        var row2 = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);

        var sessionOptions = new KuduSessionOptions
            ExceptionHandler = HandleSessionExceptionAsync

        await using var session = _client.NewSession(sessionOptions);

        await session.EnqueueAsync(row1);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        await session.EnqueueAsync(row2);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        ValueTask HandleSessionExceptionAsync(SessionExceptionContext context)
            sessionContext = context;
            return(new ValueTask());

        Assert.Equal(1, numCallbacks);

        var errorRow = Assert.Single(sessionContext.Rows);

        Assert.Same(row2, errorRow);

        var exception    = Assert.IsType <KuduWriteException>(sessionContext.Exception);
        var exceptionRow = Assert.Single(exception.PerRowErrors);

Esempio n. 7
    public async Task TestConstructorWithProperties()
        var builder = new TableBuilder(nameof(TestConstructorWithProperties))
                      .AddColumn("Key", KuduType.Int32, opt => opt.Key(true))
                      .AddColumn("Column1", KuduType.String, opt => opt.Nullable(false))
                      .AddColumn("Column2", KuduType.Int32, opt => opt.Nullable(false))
                      .AddColumn("Column3", KuduType.String, opt => opt.Nullable(false));

        var values = new[]
            new MixedRecord(1, "val-1")
                Column2 = 100, Column3 = "val-2"
            new MixedRecord(2, "val-3")
                Column2 = 200, Column3 = "val-4"

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var rowsToInsert = values.Select(value =>
            var insert = table.NewInsert();
            insert.SetInt32("Key", value.Key);
            insert.SetString("Column1", value.Column1);
            insert.SetInt32("Column2", value.Column2);
            insert.SetString("Column3", value.Column3);

        await _client.WriteAsync(rowsToInsert);

        var rows = await ScanAsync <MixedRecord>(table);

        Assert.Equal(values, rows);
Esempio n. 8
    public async Task TestMultipleSessions()
        int numTasks = 60;
        var tasks    = new List <Task>(numTasks);

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        var token = cts.Token;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await using var session = _client.NewSession();

                    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                        var row = table.NewUpsert();
                        row.SetInt32(0, j);
                        row.SetInt32(1, 12345);
                        row.SetInt32(2, 3);
                        row.SetBool(4, false);
                        await session.EnqueueAsync(row);


        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        _harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();
        _client  = _harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(_numTablets, "key");

        _table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var random = new Random();

        _keys = new HashSet <int>();
        while (_keys.Count < _numRows)

        var rows = _keys
                   .Select((key, i) =>
            var insert = _table.NewInsert();
            insert.SetInt32(0, key);
            insert.SetInt32(1, i);
            insert.SetInt32(2, i++);
            insert.SetString(3, DataGenerator.RandomString(1024, random));
            insert.SetBool(4, true);


        foreach (var batch in rows)
            await _client.WriteAsync(batch);
    public async Task TestPrimaryKeyRangePruning()
        // CREATE TABLE t
        // (a INT8, b INT8, c INT8)
        // PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c))
        // PARTITION BY RANGE (a, b, c)
        //    (PARTITION                 VALUES < (0, 0, 0),
        //     PARTITION    (0, 0, 0) <= VALUES < (10, 10, 10)
        //     PARTITION (10, 10, 10) <= VALUES);

        var tableName = nameof(TestPrimaryKeyRangePruning);

        var tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(tableName)
                           .AddColumn("a", KuduType.Int8, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("b", KuduType.Int8, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("c", KuduType.Int8, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .SetRangePartitionColumns("a", "b", "c")
                           .AddSplitRow(row =>
            row.SetByte("a", 0);
            row.SetByte("b", 0);
            row.SetByte("c", 0);
                           .AddSplitRow(row =>
            row.SetByte("a", 10);
            row.SetByte("b", 10);
            row.SetByte("c", 10);

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(tableBuilder);

        var partitions = await GetTablePartitionsAsync(table);

        var min = sbyte.MinValue;

        // No bounds
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(3, table, partitions,
                                             null, null);

        // PK < (-1, min, min)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(1, table, partitions,
                                             null, new sbyte[] { -1, min, min });

        // PK < (0, 0, 0)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(1, table, partitions,
                                             null, new sbyte[] { 0, 0, 0 });

        // PK < (0, 0, min)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(1, table, partitions,
                                             null, new sbyte[] { 0, 0, min });

        // PK < (10, 10, 10)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(2, table, partitions,
                                             null, new sbyte[] { 10, 10, 10 });

        // PK < (100, min, min)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(3, table, partitions,
                                             null, new sbyte[] { 100, min, min });

        // PK >= (-10, -10, -10)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(3, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { -10, -10, -10 }, null);

        // PK >= (0, 0, 0)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(2, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { 0, 0, 0 }, null);

        // PK >= (100, 0, 0)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(1, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { 100, 0, 0 }, null);

        // PK >= (-10, 0, 0)
        // PK  < (100, 0, 0)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(3, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { -10, 0, 0 }, new sbyte[] { 100, 0, 0 });

        // PK >= (0, 0, 0)
        // PK  < (10, 10, 10)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(1, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { 0, 0, 0 }, new sbyte[] { 10, 0, 0 });

        // PK >= (0, 0, 0)
        // PK  < (10, 10, 11)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(1, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { 0, 0, 0 }, new sbyte[] { 10, 0, 0 });

        // PK < (0, 0, 0)
        // PK >= (10, 10, 11)
        await CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync(0, table, partitions,
                                             new sbyte[] { 10, 0, 0 }, new sbyte[] { 0, 0, 0 });
Esempio n. 11
    public async Task TestAllPrimaryKeyTypes()
        var tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(nameof(TestAllPrimaryKeyTypes))
                           .AddColumn("int8", KuduType.Int8, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("int16", KuduType.Int16, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("int32", KuduType.Int32, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("int64", KuduType.Int64, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("string", KuduType.String, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("binary", KuduType.Binary, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("timestamp", KuduType.UnixtimeMicros, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("decimal32", KuduType.Decimal32, opt => opt.Key(true)
                                      .DecimalAttributes(DecimalUtil.MaxDecimal32Precision, 0))
                           .AddColumn("decimal64", KuduType.Decimal64, opt => opt.Key(true)
                                      .DecimalAttributes(DecimalUtil.MaxDecimal64Precision, 0))
                           .AddColumn("decimal128", KuduType.Decimal128, opt => opt.Key(true)
                                      .DecimalAttributes(DecimalUtil.MaxDecimal128Precision, 0))
                           .AddColumn("varchar", KuduType.Varchar, opt => opt.Key(true)
                           .AddColumn("date", KuduType.Date, opt => opt.Key(true))
                           .AddColumn("bool", KuduType.Bool)      // not primary key type
                           .AddColumn("float", KuduType.Float)    // not primary key type
                           .AddColumn("double", KuduType.Double); // not primary key type

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(tableBuilder);

        var insert = table.NewInsert();

        insert.SetSByte("int8", 1);
        insert.SetInt16("int16", 2);
        insert.SetInt32("int32", 3);
        insert.SetInt64("int64", 4);
        insert.SetString("string", "foo");
        insert.SetBinary("binary", "bar".ToUtf8ByteArray());
        insert.SetInt64("timestamp", 6);
        insert.SetDecimal("decimal32", DecimalUtil.MaxUnscaledDecimal32);
        insert.SetDecimal("decimal64", DecimalUtil.MaxUnscaledDecimal64);
        insert.SetDecimal("decimal128", decimal.Truncate(decimal.MaxValue));
        insert.SetString("varchar", "varchar bar");
        insert.SetDateTime("date", EpochTime.FromUnixTimeDays(0));
        insert.SetBool("bool", true);
        insert.SetFloat("float", 7.8f);
        insert.SetDouble("double", 9.9);

        await _client.WriteAsync(new[] { insert });

        var scanner = _client.NewScanBuilder(table).Build();

        var scannedRows = 0;

        await foreach (var resultSet in scanner)
            foreach (var row in resultSet)
                Assert.Equal(1, row.GetSByte("int8"));
                Assert.Equal(2, row.GetInt16("int16"));
                Assert.Equal(3, row.GetInt32("int32"));
                Assert.Equal(4, row.GetInt64("int64"));
                Assert.Equal("foo", row.GetString("string"));
                Assert.Equal("bar".ToUtf8ByteArray(), row.GetBinary("binary"));
                Assert.Equal(6, row.GetInt64("timestamp"));
                Assert.Equal(DecimalUtil.MaxUnscaledDecimal32, row.GetDecimal("decimal32"));
                Assert.Equal(DecimalUtil.MaxUnscaledDecimal64, row.GetDecimal("decimal64"));
                Assert.Equal(decimal.Truncate(decimal.MaxValue), row.GetDecimal("decimal128"));
                Assert.Equal("varchar ba", row.GetString("varchar"));
                Assert.Equal(0, row.GetInt32("date"));
                Assert.Equal(7.8f, row.GetFloat("float"));
                Assert.Equal(9.9, row.GetDouble("double"));

        Assert.Equal(1, scannedRows);
Esempio n. 12
    public async Task TestBoolPredicates()
        var builder = GetDefaultTableBuilder()
                      .AddColumn("value", KuduType.Bool);

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var values = new SortedSet <bool> {
            true, false
        var testValues = new List <bool> {
            true, false

        long i = 0;

        foreach (var value in values)
            var insert = table.NewInsert();
            insert.SetInt64("key", i++);
            insert.SetBool("value", value);
            await _session.EnqueueAsync(insert);

        var nullInsert = table.NewInsert();

        nullInsert.SetInt64("key", i);
        await _session.EnqueueAsync(nullInsert);

        await _session.FlushAsync();

        await CheckPredicatesAsync(table, values, testValues);
Esempio n. 13
    public async Task TestScanTokens()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.CreateManyStringsSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(8, "key")
                      .AddSplitRow(row => row.SetString("key", "key_50"));

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            var row = table.NewInsert();
            row.SetString("key", $"key_{i}");
            row.SetString("c1", $"c1_{i}");
            row.SetString("c2", $"c2_{i}");

            await _session.EnqueueAsync(row);

        await _session.FlushAsync();

        var tokenBuilder = _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table)
                           // For this test, make sure that we cover the case that not all tablets
                           // are returned in a single batch.

        List <KuduScanToken> tokens = await tokenBuilder.BuildAsync();

        Assert.Equal(16, tokens.Count);

        await using var newClient = _harness.CreateClient();
        var rowCount = await CountScanTokenRowsAsync(newClient, tokens);

        Assert.Equal(100, rowCount);