    // @Brief : Execution with option
    // @Param : uId         => Value of "No" column of csv
    //        : pManager    => Charageki manager
    protected override void Exec(uint uId, KrCharagekiManager pManager)
        KrCharagekiScenarioContainer pScenarioContainer = pManager.GetScenarioContainer();
        // Get row data of csv
        KrCsvDataRow pCsvDataRow = pScenarioContainer.GetScenario(uId.ToString(), "No");

        uint uCharaId   = 0;
        bool bIsSuccess = uint.TryParse(pCsvDataRow.GetValue("CharaId"), out uCharaId);

        KrDebug.Assert(bIsSuccess, "Parsing failed to type int = " + pCsvDataRow.GetValue("CharaId"), typeof(KrCharagekiCommandSetText));

        KrDebug.Assert(KrCharagekiDef.s_pCHARA_DIC.ContainsKey(uCharaId), "Invalid KrCharagekiDef.s_CHARA_NAME key = " + uCharaId, typeof(KrCharagekiCommandSetText));
        string pCharaName = KrCharagekiDef.s_pCHARA_DIC[uCharaId].GetCharacterName();
        string pComment   = pCsvDataRow.GetValue("Comment");

        KrDebug.Log("Play Text : " + "CharaId" + " = " + pCharaName + ", " + "Comment" + " = " + pComment, typeof(KrCharagekiCommandSetText));
        KrCharagekiUIController pUIController = pManager.GetUIController();
        // Set text
        float fReadingTime = pUIController.SetText(pCharaName, pComment);

        // Play voice
        string pVoiceName = pCsvDataRow.GetValue("VoiceId");

        KrDebug.Log("Play Voice: " + "CharaId" + " = " + pCharaName + ", " + "VoiceId" + " = " + pVoiceName, typeof(KrCharagekiCommandSetText));
        KrAudioSource pAudioSource = pUIController.PlayVoice(uCharaId, pVoiceName, pManager);

        if (pAudioSource == null)
            // If there is no voice data, set the lip sync time from the length of the text
            pUIController.PlayLipSync(uCharaId, fReadingTime, pComment);

        // Set log
        KrCharagekiLog          pLog          = new KrCharagekiLog(pCharaName, pComment);
        KrCharagekiLogContainer pLogContainer = pManager.GetLogContainer();

    // @Brief : Set row values
    // @Param : pValues => Array of column value
    public void SetRow(string[] pValues)
        KrCsvDataRow pRow = new KrCsvDataRow(m_pColumnNames, pValues);

    // @Brief  : Get value
    // @Param  : sRow    => Index of row
    //         : sColumn => Index if column
    // @Return : Cell value
    public string GetValue(int sRow, int sColumn)
        KrCsvDataRow pRowData = GetValues(sRow);

    // @Brief  : Get value
    // @Param  : pRowData       => Row data
    //         : pColumnName    => Column Name
    // @Return : Cell value
    public string GetValue(KrCsvDataRow pRowData, string pColumnName)
        int sColumn = GetColumnIndex(pColumnName);
