// @Brief : Initialize
 // @Param : pScripts        => Script paths
 //        : pCharaParent    => Character parent
 //        : eViewMode       => Character display mode
 //        : fAutoTime       => Wait time after completion of processing of auto mode
 //        : pAssetBasePath  => Asset base path
 //        : pServerBaseUrl  => Server base url
 private void Initialize(string[] pScripts, Transform pCharaParent, KrCharagekiUICharacterContainer.eVIEW_MODE eViewMode, float fAutoTime, string pAssetBasePath, string pServerBaseUrl = "")
     m_pScriptPaths = pScripts;
     KrCharagekiDef.s_pASSET_BASE_PATH = pAssetBasePath;
     KrCharagekiDef.s_pSERVER_BASE_URL = pServerBaseUrl;
     // Cached controller
     m_pUIController = new KrCharagekiUIController(pCharaParent, eViewMode, fAutoTime);
    private float m_fCurrentAutoTime = 0.0f;                                // current wait time after completion of processing of auto mode

    // @Brief  : Constructor
    // @Param  : pCharaParent   => Parent object for character
    //         : eViewMode      => Character display mode
    //         : fAutoTime      => Wait time after completion of processing of auto mode
    // @Return : KrCharagekiUIController instance
    public KrCharagekiUIController(Transform pCharaParent, KrCharagekiUICharacterContainer.eVIEW_MODE eViewMode, float fAutoTime)
        m_pTitle           = new KrCharagekiUITitle();
        m_pBackground      = new KrCharagekiUIBackground();
        m_pFade            = new KrCharagekiUIFade();
        m_pTextArea        = new KrCharagekiUITextArea();
        m_pCharaContainer  = new KrCharagekiUICharacterContainer(pCharaParent, eViewMode);
        m_bWaitInput       = true;
        m_fWaitTime        = 0.0f;
        m_fCurrentWaitTime = 0.0f;
        m_bIsAudoMode      = false;
        m_fAutoTime        = fAutoTime;
        m_fCurrentAutoTime = 0.0f;
    // @Brief  : Create
    // @Param  : pParent        => Charageki manager parent
    //         : pScripts       => Script paths
    //         : pCharaParent   => Character parent
    //         : eViewMode      => Character display mode
    //         : fAutoTime      => Wait time after completion of processing of auto mode
    //         : pAssetBasePath => Asset base path
    //         : pServerBaseUrl => Server base url
    // @Return : KrCharagekiManager instance
    public static KrCharagekiManager Create(Transform pParent, string[] pScripts, Transform pCharaParent, KrCharagekiUICharacterContainer.eVIEW_MODE eViewMode, float fAutoTime, string pAssetBasePath = "", string pServerBaseUrl = "")
        GameObject pPrefab = KrResources.LoadDataInApp <GameObject>(c_pPREFAB_PATH);
        GameObject pObj    = Instantiate <GameObject>(pPrefab, pParent);

        KrCharagekiManager pManager = pObj.GetComponent <KrCharagekiManager>();

        pManager.Initialize(pScripts, pCharaParent, eViewMode, fAutoTime, pAssetBasePath, pServerBaseUrl);