public AnimatedTransitionsViewModel()
            var self = this;

            Planets = Knockout.ObservableArray(new[] {
                new Planet(name: "Mercury", type: "rock"),
                new Planet(name: "Venus", type: "rock"),
                new Planet(name: "Earth", type: "rock"),
                new Planet(name: "Mars", type: "rock"),
                new Planet(name: "Jupiter", type: "gasgiant"),
                new Planet(name: "Saturn", type: "gasgiant"),
                new Planet(name: "Uranus", type: "gasgiant"),
                new Planet(name: "Neptune", type: "gasgiant"),
                new Planet(name: "Pluto", type: "rock")

            TypeToShow             = Knockout.Observable("all");
            DisplayAdvancedOptions = Knockout.Observable(false);
            AddPlanet = type => self.Planets.Push(new Planet("New planet", type));

            PlanetsToShow = Knockout.Computed(() =>
                // Represents a filtered list of planets
                // i.e., only those matching the "typeToShow" condition
                var desiredType = self.TypeToShow.Value;

                if (desiredType == "all")
                return(KnockoutUtils.ArrayFilter(self.Planets.Value, planet => planet.Type == desiredType));

            // Animation callbacks for the planets list
            ShowPlanetElement = elem => {
                if (elem.NodeType == ElementType.Element)
            HidePlanetElement = elem => {
                if (elem.NodeType == ElementType.Element)
                    jQuery.FromElement(elem).SlideUp(EffectDuration.Slow, () => jQuery.FromElement(elem).Remove());

            // Here's a custom Knockout binding that makes elements
            // shown/hidden via jQuery's fadeIn()/fadeOut() methods
            //Could be stored in a separate utility library
            Knockout.BindingHandlers["fadeVisible"] = new InlineBindingHandler <Observable <bool> >(
                init: (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, model) => {
                // Initially set the element to be instantly visible/hidden
                // depending on the value
                var value = valueAccessor.Invoke();

                // Use "unwrapObservable" so we can handle values that may
                // or may not be observable
                update: (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, model) => {
                // Whenever the value subsequently changes, slowly fade the
                // element in or out
                var value = valueAccessor.Invoke();
                if (KnockoutUtils.UnwrapObservable(value))