public void AIActionMoveTo(Vector3 n_point)
        KnockBackHelper comp_kb = GetComponent <KnockBackHelper>();

        if (comp_kb != null)
            SpeedUnit n_speedUnit = new SpeedUnit();
            n_speedUnit.setTarget(getMaxMoveSpeed(), attack_radius / 2, getSpeedUpDuration());

            comp_kb.doMoveToPositionWithUpdate(n_speedUnit, n_point);
            Debug.Log("Do move to " + n_point);
    void doNormalAttack(KnockBackHelper target_knockBackHelper, UnitProperty coll_Unit)
        //set explosion
        if (target_knockBackHelper != null)
            power = getCurrentPower();
            Debug.Log("(" + + ") hit Unit (" + + ") knockBack with power " + power);

            //knock back
            target_knockBackHelper.doExplodionKnockBackWithTween(gameObject, power);

            //lost health point

            //set Attack
            isReadyToAttack = false;
            Debug.Log("knockback not found");
    /// <summary>
    /// Players the action move to.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="n_point">N point.</param>

    public void PlayerActionMoveTo(Vector3 n_point)
        //tend to target position
        AngleProvidor comp_tend          = GetComponent <AngleProvidor>();
        float         lookAtPos_distance = comp_tend.LookAtWithTargetPosition(n_point, false);

        //do transform the n_point with maximu move distance
        if (lookAtPos_distance > attack_radius / 2)
            Debug.Log("lookat Position " + n_point + " is too far. ");
            n_point = comp_tend.GetTendPositionWithOutNewTarget(attack_radius / 2);

        KnockBackHelper comp_kb = GetComponent <KnockBackHelper>();

        if (comp_kb != null)
            SpeedUnit n_speedUnit = new SpeedUnit();
            n_speedUnit.setTarget(getMaxMoveSpeed(), attack_radius / 2, getSpeedUpDuration());

            comp_kb.doMoveToPositionWithUpdate(n_speedUnit, n_point);
            Debug.Log("Do move to " + n_point);