public void GetHashCode_ReturnsEqualHashCodes_ForEqualKnapsackItems() { var e1 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); var e2 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); Assert.AreEqual(e1.GetHashCode(), e2.GetHashCode()); }
public void Equals_ReturnsTrue_ForEqualKnapsackItems() { var e1 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); var e2 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); Assert.IsTrue(e1.Equals(e2)); }
public void GetHashCode_ReturnsDifferentHashCodes_ForDifferentValues() { var e1 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); var e2 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 2, 2); Assert.AreNotEqual(e1.GetHashCode(), e2.GetHashCode()); }
public void Equals_ReturnsFalse_ForNonEqualWeights() { var e1 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); var e2 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 3); Assert.IsFalse(e1.Equals(e2)); }
public void OnInventoryClick(object[] array) //当装备被点击的时候,显示装备信息面板 { InventoryItem it = (InventoryItem)array[0]; bool isLeft = (bool)array[1]; if (it.Inventory.InvenType == InventoryType.Equip) { KnapsackItem ki = null; KnapsackEquip ke = null; if (isLeft) { ki = (KnapsackItem)array[2]; } else { ke = (KnapsackEquip)array[2]; } inventory.OnCloseBtnClick(); //保证另一个窗口已经关闭 equipment.ShowInfo(it, ki, ke, isLeft); } else { KnapsackItem ki = (KnapsackItem)array[2]; equipment.OnCloseBtnClick(); //保证另一个窗口已经关闭 inventory.ShowInfo(it, ki); } if ((it.Inventory.InvenType == InventoryType.Equip && isLeft == true) || it.Inventory.InvenType != InventoryType.Equip) { //在背包里点击装备出售或者点击其他物品 人物穿戴的装备不可出售 ki = (KnapsackItem)array[2]; ShowBtn(); priceLabel.text = * + ""; } }
public void ShowInfo(InventoryItem it, KnapsackItem ki, KnapsackEquip ke, bool isLeft = true) { gameObject.SetActive(true); = it; = ki; = ke; this.isLeft = isLeft; Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition; if (isLeft) { transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-Mathf.Abs(pos.x), pos.y, pos.z); //靠左显示 equipLabel.text = "装备"; } else { transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(pos.x), pos.y, pos.z); //靠右显示 equipLabel.text = "卸下"; } icon.spriteName = it.Inventory.Icon; nameLabel.text = it.Inventory.Name; hpLabel.text = it.Inventory.Hp + ""; damageLabel.text = it.Inventory.Damage + ""; levelLabel.text = it.Level + ""; powerLabel.text = it.Inventory.Power + ""; info.text = it.Inventory.Info; }
public void PickUp() { int index = Random.Range(0, equipmentNames.Length); string name = equipmentNames[index]; bool isFind = false; foreach (GameObject cell in cells) { if (cell.transform.childCount != 0) { KnapsackItem currentItem = cell.GetComponentInChildren <KnapsackItem>(); string currentName = currentItem.GetComponent <UISprite>().spriteName; if (currentName == name) { isFind = true; UILabel label = currentItem.GetComponentInChildren <UILabel>(); currentItem.AddCount(1); return; } } } if (isFind == false) { foreach (GameObject item in cells) { if (item.transform.childCount == 0) { GameObject go = NGUITools.AddChild(item, this.item); go.GetComponent <UISprite>().spriteName = name; go.transform.localPosition =; return; } } } }
bool DoesSolutionExist(int itemsRemaining, int currentPrice, int currentWeight, int maxRemainingPrice, DecisionKnapsackInstance knapsackInstance) { numberOfSteps++; if (currentWeight > knapsackInstance.KnapsackSize) { return(false); } if (maxRemainingPrice < knapsackInstance.MinimalPrice) { return(false); } if (itemsRemaining == 0) { return(currentWeight <= knapsackInstance.KnapsackSize && currentPrice >= knapsackInstance.MinimalPrice); } KnapsackItem currentItem = knapsackInstance.Items[itemsRemaining - 1]; //Put item in if (DoesSolutionExist(itemsRemaining - 1, currentPrice + currentItem.Price, currentWeight + currentItem.Weight, maxRemainingPrice, knapsackInstance)) { return(true); } //Don't put item in if (DoesSolutionExist(itemsRemaining - 1, currentPrice, currentWeight, maxRemainingPrice - currentItem.Price, knapsackInstance)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void PutItem(KnapsackItem item, ItemGrid itemGrid, ItemGrid surfaceGrid) { if (!surfaceGrid) { return; } KnapsackItem newItem = surfaceGrid.NowItem; if (!newItem) { surfaceGrid.PutItem(item); } else { if (newItem.ItemID == item.ItemID) { newItem.UpdateItemCount(item.ItemCount); Destroy(item.gameObject); } else { surfaceGrid.PutItem(item); itemGrid.PutItem(newItem); } } }
public void PutItem(KnapsackItem item) { NowItem = item; item.NowGrid = this; var itemTS = item.transform; itemTS.SetParent(transform); itemTS.localPosition =; }
public void ShowInfo(InventoryItem it, KnapsackItem ki) { gameObject.SetActive(true); = it; = ki; icon.spriteName = it.Inventory.Icon; nameLabel.text = it.Inventory.Name; info.text = it.Inventory.Info; btnLabel.text = "批量使用(" + it.Num + ")"; }
private static int DoKnapsackProblem_Recursive(int knapsackCap, KnapsackItem[] itemsToPack, bool getListOfItemsPacked = true) { double dReturn = -1; List<KnapsackItem> packedItems = new List<KnapsackItem>(); KnapsackClass sack = new KnapsackClass(knapsackCap); if (getListOfItemsPacked) { dReturn = sack.Pack_Recursive(itemsToPack, out packedItems); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total value of packed items: {0}{1}Packed {3} items:{1}{2}", dReturn, Environment.NewLine, Utilities.FormatPrintList<KnapsackItem>(packedItems, true), packedItems.Count)); } else { dReturn = sack.Pack_Recursive(itemsToPack); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total value of packed items: {0}{1}", dReturn, Environment.NewLine)); } return (int)dReturn; }
public void SearchTest() { var capacity = 14; var items = new KnapsackItem[] { new KnapsackItem(weight: 1, value: 13), new KnapsackItem(weight: 6, value: 5), new KnapsackItem(weight: 6, value: 4), new KnapsackItem(weight: 5, value: 2) }; var result = KnapsackProblem.Search(items, capacity); var backTrack = KnapsackProblem.GetBackTrack(result, items, capacity, items.Length); const int expectedSumValue = 22; Assert.IsTrue(backTrack.Sum(i => i.Value) == expectedSumValue, "Incorrectly found the sum of the values"); }
public List<KnapsackItem> GetItemsPacked(KnapsackItem[] allItems, double[,] subProblemValues) { List<KnapsackItem> packedItems = new List<KnapsackItem>(); int i = allItems.Length, j = this.Capacity, shiftedIndex = i - 1; //Start at end and work backwards while (shiftedIndex >= 0 && j >= 0) { double itemValue = allItems[shiftedIndex].Value; int itemSize = allItems[shiftedIndex].Size; if (itemSize > j) { i = i - 1; } else { double case1 = subProblemValues[i - 1, j]; //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution double case2 = subProblemValues[i - 1, j - itemSize] + itemValue; //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution if (subProblemValues[i, j] == case1) { //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution i = i - 1; } else { //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution packedItems.Add(allItems[shiftedIndex]); i = i - 1; j = j - itemSize; } } shiftedIndex = i - 1; } return packedItems; }
protected double Pack(KnapsackItem[] items, bool returnListOfItemsPacked, out List<KnapsackItem> packedItems) { double[,] subProblemValues = new double[items.Length + 1, this.Capacity + 1]; packedItems = new List<KnapsackItem>(); if (this.Capacity <= 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Knapsack capacity is currently {0} where it should be an int value greater than 0. " + "Please set the capacity to a positive non-zero int before retrying", this.Capacity)); } for (int i = 1; i <= items.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= this.Capacity; j++) { int shiftedIndex = i - 1; double valueAtIndex; if (shiftedIndex < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } double itemValue = items[shiftedIndex].Value; int itemSize = items[shiftedIndex].Size; if (itemSize > j) { //Edge case, item is larger than remaining capacity valueAtIndex = subProblemValues[i - 1, j]; } else { //Use pre-computed sub problem answers double case1 = subProblemValues[i - 1, j]; //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution double case2 = subProblemValues[i - 1, j - itemSize] + itemValue; //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution valueAtIndex = Math.Max(case1, case2); } subProblemValues[i, j] = valueAtIndex; } } if (returnListOfItemsPacked) { packedItems = this.GetItemsPacked(items, subProblemValues); } return subProblemValues[items.Length, this.Capacity]; }
public void ToString_ReturnsValidValue() { var item = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1.2, 3); Assert.AreEqual($"a ({1.20:N2}, 3)", item.ToString()); }
public void Value_ReturnsValidValue() { var item = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 10, 20); Assert.AreEqual(10, item.Value); }
void ClearItem() { it = null; ki = null; }
public void Weight_ReturnsValidValue() { var item = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 10, 20); Assert.AreEqual(20, item.Weight); }
public void Equals_ReturnsFalse_ForNullObject() { var e1 = new KnapsackItem <char>('a', 1, 2); Assert.IsFalse(e1.Equals(null)); }
protected override void TryAddCell(int currentIndexValue, int currentItemIndex, int maxWeight, Queue <int> toVisitNext, KnapsackItem item = null) { var currentCell = memoryTable[currentIndexValue, currentItemIndex]; var newWeight = currentCell.Value; var newPrice = currentIndexValue; if (item != null) { newPrice += item.Price; newWeight += item.Weight; } //Weight limit reached if (newWeight > maxWeight) { return; } var nextCell = memoryTable[newPrice, currentItemIndex + 1]; //Add the new cell into the table if it is better than the one previously placed there if (nextCell == null || nextCell.Value > newWeight) { memoryTable[newPrice, currentItemIndex + 1] = new DPCell { AddedItem = (item != null), PreviousCell = currentCell, Value = newWeight }; toVisitNext.Enqueue(newPrice); } }
public double Pack_Recursive(KnapsackItem[] items) { List<KnapsackItem> dummy = new List<KnapsackItem>(); return this.Pack_Recursive(items, false, out dummy); }
public List<KnapsackItem> GetItemsPacked(KnapsackItem[] allItems, Dictionary<Tuple<double, int>, double> subProblemValues) { List<KnapsackItem> packedItems = new List<KnapsackItem>(); int i = allItems.Length, j = this.Capacity, shiftedIndex = i - 1; //Start at end and work backwards while (i > 0 && j >= 0) { double itemValue = allItems[shiftedIndex].Value; int itemSize = allItems[shiftedIndex].Size; if (itemSize > j) { i = i - 1; } else if (subProblemValues.Keys.Count == 1) { packedItems.Add(allItems[shiftedIndex]); i = i - 1; j = j - itemSize; } else { Tuple<double, int> case1key = new Tuple<double, int>(i - 1, j); Tuple<double, int> case2Key = new Tuple<double, int>(i - 1, j - itemSize); if (!subProblemValues.ContainsKey(case1key) && !subProblemValues.ContainsKey(case2Key)) { throw new Exception("Something has gone wrong! Neither key is in the collection!"); } else if (!subProblemValues.ContainsKey(case1key)) { //Case 1 key not in collection, must be case 2 packedItems.Add(allItems[shiftedIndex]); i = i - 1; j = j - itemSize; } else if (!subProblemValues.ContainsKey(case2Key)) { //Case 2 key not in collection, must be case 1 i = i - 1; } else //Both keys present in dictionary { double case1 = subProblemValues[case1key]; //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution double case2 = subProblemValues[case2Key] + itemValue; //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution if (subProblemValues[new Tuple<double, int>(i, j)] == case1) { //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution i = i - 1; } else { //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution packedItems.Add(allItems[shiftedIndex]); i = i - 1; j = j - itemSize; } } } shiftedIndex = i - 1; } return packedItems; }
private double GetSubproblemSolution(int indexIntoSubProbAns, int weightIndex, ref KnapsackItem[] items, ref Dictionary<Tuple<double, int>, double> subProbs) { double dReturn = -1; Tuple<double, int> key; if (indexIntoSubProbAns < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } else if (indexIntoSubProbAns == 0) { key = new Tuple<double, int>(0, weightIndex); if (!subProbs.ContainsKey(key)) { subProbs.Add(key, 0); } } else { int indexIntoItemsList = indexIntoSubProbAns - 1; KnapsackItem item = items[indexIntoItemsList]; key = new Tuple<double, int>(indexIntoSubProbAns, weightIndex); if (!subProbs.ContainsKey(key)) { if (item.Size > weightIndex) { //Recurse double edgeCaseSubAns = this.GetSubproblemSolution(indexIntoSubProbAns - 1, weightIndex, ref items, ref subProbs); if (!subProbs.ContainsKey(key)) { subProbs.Add(key, edgeCaseSubAns); } } else { //Recurse double case1SubAns = this.GetSubproblemSolution(indexIntoSubProbAns - 1, weightIndex, ref items, ref subProbs); //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution double case2SubAns = this.GetSubproblemSolution(indexIntoSubProbAns - 1, weightIndex - item.Size, ref items, ref subProbs) + item.Value; //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution if (!subProbs.ContainsKey(key)) { subProbs.Add(key, Math.Max(case1SubAns, case2SubAns)); } } } } dReturn = subProbs[key]; return dReturn; }
public double Pack_Recursive(KnapsackItem[] items, out List<KnapsackItem> packedItems) { return this.Pack_Recursive(items, true, out packedItems); }
protected abstract void TryAddCell(int currentIndexValue, int currentItemIndex, int maxWeight, Queue <int> toVisitNext, KnapsackItem item = null);
protected double Pack_Recursive(KnapsackItem[] items, bool returnListOfItemsPacked, out List<KnapsackItem> packedItems) { Dictionary<Tuple<double, int>, double> subProblemHashTable = new Dictionary<Tuple<double, int>, double>(); packedItems = new List<KnapsackItem>(); double dReturn = -1; Tuple<double, int> finalKey = new Tuple<double, int>(items.Length, this.Capacity); if (this.Capacity <= 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Knapsack capacity is currently {0} where it should be an int value greater than 0. " + "Please set the capacity to a positive non-zero int before retrying", this.Capacity)); } if (items.Length <= 0) { subProblemHashTable.Add(finalKey, 0); } else if (items.Length == 1) { if (items[0].Size <= this.Capacity) { subProblemHashTable.Add(finalKey, items[0].Value); } else { subProblemHashTable.Add(finalKey, 0); } } else { int shiftedItemIndex = items.Length - 1; KnapsackItem lastItem = items[shiftedItemIndex]; double case1SubAns = this.GetSubproblemSolution(shiftedItemIndex, this.Capacity, ref items, ref subProblemHashTable); //Case 1: i-th item is not in the optimal solution double case2SubAns = this.GetSubproblemSolution(shiftedItemIndex, this.Capacity - lastItem.Size, ref items, ref subProblemHashTable) + lastItem.Value; //Case 2: i-th item is in the optimal solution subProblemHashTable.Add(finalKey, Math.Max(case1SubAns, case2SubAns)); } dReturn = subProblemHashTable[finalKey]; if (returnListOfItemsPacked) { packedItems = this.GetItemsPacked(items, subProblemHashTable); } return dReturn; }