Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute initialization tasks.
        /// </summary>
        protected void Init()

            // This requires that a Kinect is connected at the time of app startup.
            // To make the app robust against plug/unplug,
            // Microsoft recommends using KinectSensorChooser provided in Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit (See components in Toolkit Browser).
            if (KinectV1Utils.StartKinectSensor() == null)
                statusBarText.Text   = Properties.Resources.NoKinectReady;
                imgKinect.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                statusBarText.Text   = Properties.Resources.KinectReady;
                imgKinect.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            speechSynthesis = new SpeechSynthesis();

            speechRecognition = new SpeechRecognitionKinectV1();                          //will fallback to same engine used by SpeechRecognition class automatically if it can't find Kinect V1 sensor

            speechRecognition.LoadGrammar(Properties.Resources.SpeechGrammar_en, "Main"); //could use SpeechGrammar_en.Create() to generate the grammar programmatically instead of loading it from an XML (resource) file
            speechRecognition.LoadGrammar(SpeechRecognitionUtils.CreateGrammarFromNames(ColorUtils.GetKnownColorNames(), "en", "Colors"));

            //setup recognition event handlers
            speechRecognition.Recognized    += SpeechRecognition_Recognized;
            speechRecognition.NotRecognized += SpeechRecognition_NotRecognized;

            // For long recognition sessions (a few hours or more), it may be beneficial to turn off adaptation of the acoustic model.
            // This will prevent recognition accuracy from degrading over time.
            //// speechRecognition.AcousticModelAdaptation = false;

            speechRecognition.Start(); //start speech recognition (set to keep on firing speech recognition events, not just once)
Esempio n. 2
        Gesture InitGesture = new Gesture(); // Needed for Editor's data bindings to come alive


        #region --- Initialization ---

        public MainWindow()
            // Holla Kinect //note: must do before LoadPlugins, since the SpeechRecognition plugin's ISpeechRecognitionKinect implementation tries to start recognition feeding it with audio stream from Kinect
            kinect = KinectV1Utils.StartKinectSensor(); //GetKinectSensor(); //Kinect is also used for speech recognition if available, so starting at launch and stopping at end of app


            GestureCollection = new ObservableCollection <Gesture>();
            InitLocalization(); //must be called after "InitializeComponent"

            DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, typeof(Controls.HotspotGrid)).
            AddValueChanged(FVGrid, (s, e) =>
                if (SVGrid.ItemsSource != null && FVGrid.ItemsSource != null)

            DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, typeof(Controls.HotspotGrid)).
            AddValueChanged(SVGrid, (s, e) =>
                if (SVGrid.ItemsSource != null && FVGrid.ItemsSource != null)

            //EditorTipsOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            EditorOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // KinectErrorStackPanel that displays errors & warnings is shown if Kinect isn't connected
            KinectErrorStackPanel.Visibility = (kinect == null)? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;

            // Speak out about missing Kinect sensor
            if (kinect == null)
                speechSynthesis?.Speak(GlblRes.ResourceManager.GetString("KinectNotDetected", speechSynthesis.Culture)); //speech culture may not be the same as UI culture if for example only en-US voices are available