private bool GetUserBoneLength(KinectManager manager, KinectInterop.JointType baseJoint, KinectInterop.JointType endJoint, float scaleFactor, ref float length) { length = 0f; Vector3 vPos1 = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)baseJoint); Vector3 vPos2 = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)endJoint); if (vPos1 != && vPos2 != { length = (vPos2 - vPos1).magnitude * scaleFactor; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return(false); } switch (gesture) { case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeLeft: currentIndex++; if (currentIndex >= maskCount) { currentIndex = 0; } break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeRight: currentIndex--; if (currentIndex < 0) { currentIndex = maskCount - 1; } break; } return(true); }
// returns the index of the given joint in joint's array or -1 if joint is not applicable public int GetJointIndex(KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return((int)joint); }
void Start() { if (isLeftHand) { handJoint = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft; } else { handJoint = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight; } }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { return(true); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; if (!flag && char_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime > 1) { /**************************This is one way of storing pose data******************************/ /* * for (int i = 0; i < poseJoints.Count; i++) * { * savePose[i] = poseModel.GetBoneTransform(poseModel.GetBoneIndexByJoint(poseJoints[i], false)).position; * } * * PoseArchive.ArraySavedPoses[Exercise_index] = savePose; * PoseArchive.saveCounter++; * flag = true; * //Debug.Log("Exercise number " + Exercise_index + " has one of its bone transform value as " + savePose[4]); */ ///Using Head as reference point and calculating joint positions with respect to head ///Save them in the array to be referenced later for comparision with user motion data /* * Transform headTransform = poseModel.GetBoneTransform(poseModel.GetBoneIndexByJoint(Head, false)); * * for (int i = 0; i < poseJoints.Count; i++) * { * KinectInterop.JointType joint = poseJoints[i]; * * Transform jointTransform = poseModel.GetBoneTransform(poseModel.GetBoneIndexByJoint(joint, false)); * * if(jointTransform != null && headTransform != null) * { * savePose[i] = (headTransform.position - jointTransform.position).normalized; * } * }*/ /****************************This is another way of storing joint data of a pose************************/ ///Get joint data wrt the next joints for (int i = 0; i < poseJoints.Count; i++) { KinectInterop.JointType joint = poseJoints[i]; KinectInterop.JointType nextJoint = kinectManager.GetNextJoint(joint); int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount(); if (nextJoint != joint && (int)nextJoint >= 0 && (int)nextJoint < jointCount) { Transform avatarTransform1 = poseModel.GetBoneTransform(poseModel.GetBoneIndexByJoint(joint, false)); Transform avatarTransform2 = poseModel.GetBoneTransform(poseModel.GetBoneIndexByJoint(nextJoint, false)); if (avatarTransform1 != null && avatarTransform2 != null) { savePose[i] = (avatarTransform2.position - avatarTransform1.position).normalized; //Debug.Log(savePose[i]); } } } //Store the poses captured in an array to be referenced later PoseArchive.ArraySavedPoses[Exercise_index] = savePose; PoseArchive.saveCounter++; flag = true; //Debug.Log("Exercise number " + Exercise_index + " has one of its bone transform value as " + savePose[4]); } }
public bool GestureCancelled(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private bool GetUserBoneLength(KinectManager manager, KinectInterop.JointType baseJoint, KinectInterop.JointType endJoint, float scaleFactor, ref float length) { length = 0f; if (manager && manager.IsJointTracked(currentUserId, (int)baseJoint) && manager.IsJointTracked(currentUserId, (int)endJoint)) { Vector3 vPos1 = manager.GetJointPosition(currentUserId, (int)baseJoint); Vector3 vPos2 = manager.GetJointPosition(currentUserId, (int)endJoint); length = (vPos2 - vPos1).magnitude * scaleFactor; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); return(true); }
public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// 当一个手势识别完成后被调用 /// </summary> /// <returns>true</returns> /// <c>false</c> /// <param name="userId">被识别者的ID</param> /// <param name="userIndex">被识别者的序号</param> /// <param name="gesture">被识别到的手势类型</param> /// <param name="joint">被识别到的关节类型</param> /// <param name="screenPos">视图坐标的单位向量</param> public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (progressDisplayed) { return(true); } string sGestureText = gesture + " detected"; if (gestureInfo != null) { gestureInfo.GetComponent <Text>().text = sGestureText; } // 可以在这里写识别到的所有手势,完成之后去调用某个方法, // 但为了右面可能不止一个场景可能使用到相同的手势,所以使用bool跳出去,在使用到的时候去写完成动作之后的方法 switch (gesture) { case KinectGestures.Gestures.None: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.RaiseRightHand: RaiseRightHand = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.RaiseLeftHand: RaiseLeftHand = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Psi: Psi = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Tpose: Tpose = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Stop: Stop = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Wave: Wave = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeLeft: SwipeLeft = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeRight: SwipeRight = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeUp: SwipeUp = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeDown: SwipeDown = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomIn: ZoomIn = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomOut: ZoomOut = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Wheel: Wheel = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Jump: Jump = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Squat: Squat = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Push: Push = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Pull: Pull = true; break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.ShoulderLeftFront: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.ShoulderRightFront: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanLeft: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanRight: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanForward: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanBack: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.KickLeft: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.KickRight: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.Run: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.RaisedRightHorizontalLeftHand: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.RaisedLeftHorizontalRightHand: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture1: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture2: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture3: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture4: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture5: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture6: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture7: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture8: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture9: break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.UserGesture10: break; default: break; } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when a gesture is in progress. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">被识别者的id</param> /// <param name="userIndex">被识别者的序号</param> /// <param name="gesture">手势类型</param> /// <param name="progress">手势识别的进度,可以认为是相似度。范围是[0,1]</param> /// <param name="joint">关节类型</param> /// <param name="screenPos">视图坐标的单位向量</param> public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { /* * * 主要将一些需要动态监测的手势放在这个函数下 * * 比如说缩放、滚轮都是依据你两手之间的距离来判断应该缩放或旋转多少度 * */ //监测缩放,如果相似度大于50% // the gestures are allowed for the primary user only if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return; } if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomOut) { if (progress > 0.5f) { ZoomOut = true; zoomFactor = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} factor: {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); gestureInfo.text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { ZoomOut = false; } } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomIn) { if (progress > 0.5f) { ZoomIn = true; zoomFactor = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} factor: {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); gestureInfo.text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { ZoomIn = false; } } else if ((gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Wheel || gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanLeft || gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanRight) && progress > 0.5f) { if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} - {1:F0} degrees", gesture, screenPos.z); gestureInfo.GetComponent <Text>().text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Run && progress > 0.5f) { if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} - progress: {1:F0}%", gesture, progress * 100); gestureInfo.GetComponent <Text>().text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Push) { text.text += "做push"; } if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeRight) { text.text += "做SwipeRight"; } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when a gesture is in progress. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">User ID</param> /// <param name="userIndex">User index</param> /// <param name="gesture">Gesture type</param> /// <param name="progress">Gesture progress [0..1]</param> /// <param name="joint">Joint type</param> /// <param name="screenPos">Normalized viewport position</param> public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { // the gestures are allowed for the primary user only KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance; if (!manager || (userId != manager.GetPrimaryUserID())) { return; } if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomOut) { if (progress > 0.5f) { zoomOut = true; zoomFactor = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} - {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); gestureInfo.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { zoomOut = false; } } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomIn) { if (progress > 0.5f) { zoomIn = true; zoomFactor = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} factor: {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); gestureInfo.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { zoomIn = false; } } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Wheel) { if (progress > 0.5f) { wheel = true; wheelAngle = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("Wheel angle: {0:F0} degrees", screenPos.z); //gestureInfo.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = sGestureText; // Wenchuan progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { wheel = false; } } }
public bool GestureCancelled(ulong userId, int userIndex, GestureType gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the avatar each frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="UserID">User ID</param> public void UpdateAvatar(Int64 UserID) { PlayerDetected = true; if (!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; } // Get the KinectManager instance if (kinectManager == null) { kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; ColorImageWidth = kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(); ColorImageHeight = kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(); } // for rendering the head //**************************************** // if (rawImage) { rawImage.texture = kinectManager.GetUsersClrTex(); int HeadIndex = 3;// (int)TrackedHead; if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(UserID, HeadIndex)) { Vector3 posJoint = kinectManager.GetRawSkeletonJointPos(UserID, HeadIndex); if (posJoint != { // 3d position to depth Vector2 posDepth = kinectManager.GetDepthMapPosForJointPos(posJoint); // depth pos to color pos Vector2 posColor = kinectManager.GetColorMapPosForDepthPos(posDepth); float UVrecPosX = (float)posColor.x / ColorImageWidth; float UVrecPosY = (float)posColor.y / ColorImageHeight; UVrecPosX -= HeadImageWidth / 2.5f; UVrecPosY -= HeadImageHeight / 2f; // Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(scaleX * 10f - 5f, 0f, scaleY * 10f - 5f); // 5f is 1/2 of 10f - size of the plane // Vector3 vPosOverlay = backgroundImage.transform.TransformPoint(localPos); //Vector3 vPosOverlay = BottomLeft + ((vRight * scaleX) + (vUp * scaleY)); rawImage.uvRect = new Rect(Mathf.Lerp(rawImage.uvRect.x, UVrecPosX, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime), Mathf.Lerp(rawImage.uvRect.y, UVrecPosY, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime), HeadImageHeight, HeadImageWidth); // Vector3 vPosOverlay = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(scaleX, scaleY, distanceToCamera)); // OverlayObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(OverlayObject.transform.position, vPosOverlay, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime); } } } //**************************** // move the avatar to its Kinect position if (!externalRootMotion) { MoveAvatar(UserID); } // get the left hand state and event if (kinectManager && kinectManager.GetJointTrackingState(UserID, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft) != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { KinectInterop.HandState leftHandState = kinectManager.GetLeftHandState(UserID); InteractionManager.HandEventType leftHandEvent = InteractionManager.HandStateToEvent(leftHandState, lastLeftHandEvent); if (leftHandEvent != InteractionManager.HandEventType.None) { lastLeftHandEvent = leftHandEvent; } } // get the right hand state and event if (kinectManager && kinectManager.GetJointTrackingState(UserID, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight) != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { KinectInterop.HandState rightHandState = kinectManager.GetRightHandState(UserID); InteractionManager.HandEventType rightHandEvent = InteractionManager.HandStateToEvent(rightHandState, lastRightHandEvent); if (rightHandEvent != InteractionManager.HandEventType.None) { lastRightHandEvent = rightHandEvent; } } // rotate the avatar bones for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < bones.Length; boneIndex++) { if (!bones[boneIndex]) { continue; } if (boneIndex2JointMap.ContainsKey(boneIndex)) { KinectInterop.JointType joint = !mirroredMovement ? boneIndex2JointMap[boneIndex] : boneIndex2MirrorJointMap[boneIndex]; TransformBone(UserID, joint, boneIndex, !mirroredMovement); } else if (specIndex2JointMap.ContainsKey(boneIndex)) { // special bones (clavicles) List <KinectInterop.JointType> alJoints = !mirroredMovement ? specIndex2JointMap[boneIndex] : specIndex2MirrorMap[boneIndex]; if (alJoints.Count >= 2) { //Debug.Log(alJoints[0].ToString()); Vector3 baseDir = alJoints[0].ToString().EndsWith("Left") ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right; TransformSpecialBone(UserID, alJoints[0], alJoints[1], boneIndex, baseDir, !mirroredMovement); } } } }
// Update the avatar each frame. public void UpdateAvatar(Int64 UserID) { if (!transform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; } // Get the KinectManager instance if (kinectManager == null) { kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; } // move the avatar to its Kinect position MoveAvatar(UserID); // bool flipJoint = !mirroredMovement; // // // Update Head, Neck, Spine, and Hips // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase, 0, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.SpineMid, 1, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.SpineShoulder, 2, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.Neck, 3, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.Head, 4, flipJoint); // // // Beyond this, switch the arms and legs. // // // Left Arm --> Right Arm // TransformSpecialBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.SpineShoulder, !mirroredMovement ? 25 : 26, Vector3.left, flipJoint); // clavicle left // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 5 : 11, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 6 : 12, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 7 : 13, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 8 : 14, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 9 : 15, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 10 : 16, flipJoint); // // // Right Arm --> Left Arm // TransformSpecialBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, KinectInterop.JointType.SpineShoulder, !mirroredMovement ? 26 : 25, Vector3.right, flipJoint); // clavicle right // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, !mirroredMovement ? 11 : 5, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, !mirroredMovement ? 12 : 6, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, !mirroredMovement ? 13 : 7, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight, !mirroredMovement ? 14 : 8, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight, !mirroredMovement ? 15 : 9, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbRight, !mirroredMovement ? 16 : 10, flipJoint); // // // Left Leg --> Right Leg // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 17 : 21, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 18 : 22, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 19 : 23, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, !mirroredMovement ? 20 : 24, flipJoint); // // // Right Leg --> Left Leg // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, !mirroredMovement ? 21 : 17, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, !mirroredMovement ? 22 : 18, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, !mirroredMovement ? 23 : 19, flipJoint); // TransformBone(UserID, KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, !mirroredMovement ? 24 : 20, flipJoint); for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < bones.Length; boneIndex++) { if (!bones[boneIndex]) { continue; } if (boneIndex2JointMap.ContainsKey(boneIndex)) { KinectInterop.JointType joint = !mirroredMovement ? boneIndex2JointMap[boneIndex] : boneIndex2MirrorJointMap[boneIndex]; TransformBone(UserID, joint, boneIndex, !mirroredMovement); } else if (specIndex2JointMap.ContainsKey(boneIndex)) { // special bones (clavicles) List <KinectInterop.JointType> alJoints = !mirroredMovement ? specIndex2JointMap[boneIndex] : specIndex2MirrorJointMap[boneIndex]; if (alJoints.Count >= 2) { //Debug.Log(alJoints[0].ToString()); Vector3 baseDir = alJoints[0].ToString().EndsWith("Left") ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right; TransformSpecialBone(UserID, alJoints[0], alJoints[1], boneIndex, baseDir, !mirroredMovement); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the avatar each frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="UserID">User ID</param> public void UpdateAvatar(Int64 UserID) { if (!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; } // Get the KinectManager instance if (kinectManager == null) { kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; } // move the avatar to its Kinect position if (!externalRootMotion) { MoveAvatar(UserID); } // get the left hand state and event if (kinectManager && kinectManager.GetJointTrackingState(UserID, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft) != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { KinectInterop.HandState leftHandState = kinectManager.GetLeftHandState(UserID); InteractionManager.HandEventType leftHandEvent = InteractionManager.HandStateToEvent(leftHandState, lastLeftHandEvent); if (leftHandEvent != InteractionManager.HandEventType.None) { lastLeftHandEvent = leftHandEvent; } } // get the right hand state and event if (kinectManager && kinectManager.GetJointTrackingState(UserID, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight) != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { KinectInterop.HandState rightHandState = kinectManager.GetRightHandState(UserID); InteractionManager.HandEventType rightHandEvent = InteractionManager.HandStateToEvent(rightHandState, lastRightHandEvent); if (rightHandEvent != InteractionManager.HandEventType.None) { lastRightHandEvent = rightHandEvent; } } // rotate the avatar bones for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < bones.Length; boneIndex++) { if (!bones[boneIndex]) { continue; } if (boneIndex2JointMap.ContainsKey(boneIndex)) { KinectInterop.JointType joint = !mirroredMovement ? boneIndex2JointMap[boneIndex] : boneIndex2MirrorJointMap[boneIndex]; TransformBone(UserID, joint, boneIndex, !mirroredMovement); } else if (specIndex2JointMap.ContainsKey(boneIndex)) { // special bones (clavicles) List <KinectInterop.JointType> alJoints = !mirroredMovement ? specIndex2JointMap[boneIndex] : specIndex2MirrorMap[boneIndex]; if (alJoints.Count >= 2) { //Debug.Log(alJoints[0].ToString()); Vector3 baseDir = alJoints[0].ToString().EndsWith("Left") ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right; TransformSpecialBone(UserID, alJoints[0], alJoints[1], boneIndex, baseDir, !mirroredMovement); } } } //update relative position info updatePositionInfo_(UserID); }
/// <summary> /// 获取关节信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public PlayerGestureJointData GetPlayerGestureJointData(GestureType gestureType, KinectInterop.JointType jointType) { PlayerGestureJointData playerGestureJoints = new PlayerGestureJointData(); if (EndJointDirection.ContainsKey(jointType)) { switch (gestureType) { case GestureType.End: if (EndJointDirection.ContainsKey(jointType)) { playerGestureJoints = EndJointDirection[jointType]; } break; case GestureType.Start: if (StartJointDirection.ContainsKey(jointType)) { playerGestureJoints = StartJointDirection[jointType]; } break; default: break; } } return(playerGestureJoints); }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return(false); } switch (gesture) { case KinectGestures.Gestures.RaiseRightHand: ActivateNextModelSelector(); break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.RaiseLeftHand: ActivatePrevModelSelector(); break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeLeft: if (modelSelector) { modelSelector.SelectNextModel(); } break; case KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeRight: if (modelSelector) { modelSelector.SelectPrevModel(); } break; } return(true); }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (ifDetectGesture) { if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeRight) { messageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(delay, EntityType.FirstPanelEntity, MessageType.Msg_SwipeRight, new Vector2(0, 0), 0); messageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(delay, EntityType.GameOverEntity, MessageType.Msg_SwipeRight, new Vector2(0, 0), 0); } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.SwipeLeft) { messageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(delay, EntityType.FirstPanelEntity, MessageType.Msg_SwipeLeft, new Vector2(0, 0), 0); messageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(delay, EntityType.GameOverEntity, MessageType.Msg_SwipeLeft, new Vector2(0, 0), 0); } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Push) { messageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(delay, EntityType.FirstPanelEntity, MessageType.Msg_Push, new Vector2(0, 0), 0); messageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(delay, EntityType.GameOverEntity, MessageType.Msg_Push, new Vector2(0, 0), 0); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when a gesture is in progress. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">User ID</param> /// <param name="userIndex">User index</param> /// <param name="gesture">Gesture type</param> /// <param name="progress">Gesture progress [0..1]</param> /// <param name="joint">Joint type</param> /// <param name="screenPos">Normalized viewport position</param> public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { // the gestures are allowed for the primary user only if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return; } if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomOut) { if (progress > 0.5f) { zoomOut = true; zoomFactor = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} factor: {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); gestureInfo.text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { zoomOut = false; } } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomIn) { if (progress > 0.5f) { zoomIn = true; zoomFactor = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} factor: {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); gestureInfo.text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { zoomIn = false; } } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Wheel) { if (progress > 0.5f) { wheel = true; wheelAngle = screenPos.z; if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("Wheel angle: {0:F0} deg.", screenPos.z); gestureInfo.text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else { wheel = false; } } }
public bool GestureCompleted(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return(false); } // save in manager PlayerManager.Instance.SetLastGesture(userIndex, gesture); Debug.Log(PlayerManager.Instance.GetLastGesture(userIndex) + "@" + Time.timeSinceLevelLoad); // raise event if (GestureCompletedEvent != null) { GestureCompletedEvent(gesture, userId); } return(true); }
// returns the next joint in the hierarchy, as to the given joint public KinectInterop.JointType GetNextJoint(KinectInterop.JointType joint) { switch (joint) { case KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase: return(KinectInterop.JointType.SpineMid); case KinectInterop.JointType.SpineMid: return(KinectInterop.JointType.SpineShoulder); case KinectInterop.JointType.SpineShoulder: return(KinectInterop.JointType.Neck); case KinectInterop.JointType.Neck: return(KinectInterop.JointType.Head); case KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight); case KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight); case KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight); case KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight); case KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft: return(KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft); case KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight); case KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight); case KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight: return(KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight); } return(joint); // in case of end joint - Head, HandTipLeft, HandTipRight, FootLeft, FootRight }
public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return; } // shield and hadouken charge are continuous gestures -> check for begin if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ShieldBegin || gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.HadoukenCharge) { // at start progress is 0.1 if (progress <= 0.1f) { // save in manager PlayerManager.Instance.SetLastGesture(userIndex, gesture); Debug.Log(PlayerManager.Instance.GetLastGesture(userIndex) + "@" + Time.timeSinceLevelLoad); // raise event if (GestureCompletedEvent != null) { GestureCompletedEvent(gesture, userId); } } } // raise event if (GestureInProgressEvent != null) { GestureInProgressEvent(gesture, progress, userId); } }
private bool GetModelBoneLength(AvatarController avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType baseJoint, KinectInterop.JointType endJoint, ref float length) { length = 0f; if (avatarController) { Transform joint1 = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(baseJoint, false)); Transform joint2 = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(endJoint, false)); if (joint1 && joint2) { length = (joint2.position - joint1.position).magnitude; return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool GestureCancelled(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return(false); } // shield is continous -> check for cancelled, the end of the gesture if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ShieldBegin) { // save in manager PlayerManager.Instance.SetLastGesture(userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures.ShieldEnd); // raise event shield end manually if (GestureCompletedEvent != null) { GestureCompletedEvent(KinectGestures.Gestures.ShieldEnd, userId); } Debug.Log(PlayerManager.Instance.GetLastGesture(userIndex) + "@" + Time.timeSinceLevelLoad); } else { // otherwise last gesture none PlayerManager.Instance.SetLastGesture(userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures.None); // raise event if (GestureCancelledEvent != null) { GestureCancelledEvent(gesture, userId); } } return(true); }
public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { // nothing to do here }
void Update() { if (!isSaving) { return; } // check the start time if (saveStartTime < 0f) { saveStartTime = Time.time; } // get the joint position KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance; if (manager && manager.IsInitialized()) { if (manager.IsUserDetected()) { long userId = manager.GetPrimaryUserID(); if (start) // write motion data { for (int k = 0; k < 25; k++) { if (manager.IsJointTracked(userId, k)) // else ???????????????? { // output the joint position for easy tracking Vector3 jointPos = manager.GetJointPosition(userId, k); jointPosition = jointPos; if ((secondsToSave == 0f) || ((Time.time - saveStartTime) <= secondsToSave)) { using (StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText(saveFilePath)) { string sLine = jointPos.x.ToString() + " " + jointPos.y.ToString() + " " + jointPos.z.ToString(); // Wenchuan writer.WriteLine(sLine); } } } } } else // check whether start saving data { KinectInterop.JointType Hand = KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight; KinectInterop.JointType Head = KinectInterop.JointType.Head; if (manager.IsJointTracked(userId, (int)Hand) && manager.IsJointTracked(userId, (int)Head)) { Vector3 HandPos = manager.GetJointPosition(userId, (int)Hand); Vector3 HeadPos = manager.GetJointPosition(userId, (int)Head); if (HandPos.y > HeadPos.y) // raise the right hand { flagRaiseHand = true; } } if (flagRaiseHand && !start) { count++; if (count == FrameRate * 3) // start after 3 second { start = true; } } } } } }
public bool GestureCancelled(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) { return(false); } return(true); }
// Invoked when a gesture is in progress. public void GestureInProgress(long userId, int userIndex, KinectGestures.Gestures gesture, float progress, KinectInterop.JointType joint, Vector3 screenPos) { // the gestures are allowed for the primary user only KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance; if (!manager || (userId != manager.GetPrimaryUserID())) { return; } // this function is currently needed only to display gesture progress, skip it otherwise if (gestureInfo == null) { return; } if ((gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomOut || gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomIn) && progress > 0.5f) { if (gestureInfo != null) { if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomIn) { string GestureText = "Zoom in"; gestureInfo.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = GestureText; zoomIn = true; } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ZoomOut) { string GestureText = "Zoom out"; gestureInfo.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = GestureText; zoomOut = true; } //string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} - {1:F0}%", gesture, screenPos.z * 100f); //gestureInfo.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } else if ((gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.Wheel || gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanLeft || gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanRight) && progress > 0.5f) { if (gestureInfo != null) { string sGestureText = string.Format("{0} - {1:F0} degrees", gesture, screenPos.z); gestureInfo.GetComponent <GUIText>().text = sGestureText; progressDisplayed = true; progressGestureTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanLeft) { leanLeft = true; leanRight = false; } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.LeanRight) { leanRight = true; leanLeft = false; } if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ShoulderLeftFront) { //string sGestureText = "Shoulder Left Front"; //gestureInfo.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = sGestureText; } else if (gesture == KinectGestures.Gestures.ShoulderRightFront) { //string sGestureText = "Shoulder Right Front"; //gestureInfo.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = sGestureText; } }