public static DotNetActivityContext DeserializeActivity(string pipelineFileName, string activityName, string configFile = null, string adfFilesPath = @"..\..\..\McioppDataFactory") { // Get Key Vault settings if secure publish is being used on the local machine AdfFileHelper adfFileHelper = null; string settingsFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "SecurePublishSettings.json"); if (File.Exists(settingsFile)) { AppSettings settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppSettings>(File.ReadAllText(settingsFile)); X509Certificate2 cert = KeyVaultResolver.FindCertificateByThumbprint(settings.KeyVaultCertThumbprint); string suffix = settings.EnvironmentSettings.First().KeyVaultDnsSuffix; suffix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix) ? "" : suffix; KeyVaultResolver keyVaultResolver = new KeyVaultResolver(settings.EnvironmentSettings.First().KeyVaultName, suffix, settings.KeyVaultCertClientId, cert); adfFileHelper = new AdfFileHelper(keyVaultResolver, new Logger()); } adfFilesPath = Path.GetFullPath(adfFilesPath); var deploymentDict = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configFile)) { // Get deployment config string deploymentConfigPath = Path.Combine(adfFilesPath, configFile); var deploymentConfigJson = File.ReadAllText(deploymentConfigPath); var deploymentJObj = JObject.Parse(deploymentConfigJson); deploymentDict = deploymentJObj.Properties() .ToDictionary(x => x.Name, y => y.Value.ToDictionary(z => z["name"].ToString(), z => z["value"].ToString())); } DotNetActivityContext context = new DotNetActivityContext { LinkedServices = new List <LinkedService>(), Datasets = new List <Dataset>(), Activity = new Activity(), Logger = new ActivityLogger() }; string pipelinePath = Path.Combine(adfFilesPath, pipelineFileName); string pipelineJson = File.ReadAllText(pipelinePath); string pipelineName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pipelineFileName); // Update with values from delpoyment config if exists if (deploymentDict.Count > 0 && deploymentDict.ContainsKey(pipelineName)) { JObject pipelineJObject = JObject.Parse(pipelineJson); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in deploymentDict[pipelineName]) { JToken token = pipelineJObject.SelectToken(pair.Key); token.Replace(pair.Value); } pipelineJson = pipelineJObject.ToString(); } // Search for Key Vault references in the pipeline and replace with their Key Vault equivalents if found if (adfFileHelper != null) { pipelineJson = adfFileHelper.ResolveKeyVault(pipelineJson).Result; } var dummyPipeline = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.Pipeline>(pipelineJson); Models.Activity dummyActivity; try { dummyActivity = dummyPipeline.Properties.Activities.Single(x => x.Name == activityName); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw new Exception($"Activity {activityName} not found in {pipelinePath}."); } context.Activity.Name = dummyActivity.Name; context.Activity.TypeProperties = new DotNetActivity(); DotNetActivity dotNetActivity = (DotNetActivity)context.Activity.TypeProperties; dotNetActivity.ExtendedProperties = dummyActivity.DotNetActivityTypeProperties.ExtendedProperties; // get the input and output tables var dummyDatasets = new HashSet <Models.ActivityData>(); dummyDatasets.UnionWith(dummyActivity.Inputs); dummyDatasets.UnionWith(dummyActivity.Outputs); var dummyServices = new HashSet <Models.LinkedService>(); // init the data tables foreach (var dummyDataset in dummyDatasets) { // parse the table json source var dataPath = Path.Combine(adfFilesPath, dummyDataset.Name + ".json"); var dataJson = File.ReadAllText(dataPath); var dummyTable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.Table>(dataJson); { // initialize dataset properties DatasetTypeProperties datasetProperties; switch (dummyTable.Properties.Type) { case "AzureBlob": // init the azure model var blobDataset = new AzureBlobDataset { FolderPath = dummyTable.Properties.TypeProperties.FolderPath, FileName = dummyTable.Properties.TypeProperties.FileName }; datasetProperties = blobDataset; break; case "AzureTable": case "AzureSqlTable": var tableDataset = new AzureTableDataset { TableName = dummyTable.Properties.TypeProperties.TableName }; datasetProperties = tableDataset; break; case "SqlServerTable": var sqlTableDataset = new SqlServerTableDataset(dummyTable.Properties.TypeProperties.TableName); datasetProperties = sqlTableDataset; break; default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected Dataset.Type {dummyTable.Properties.Type}"); } // initialize dataset var dataDataset = new Dataset( dummyDataset.Name, new DatasetProperties( datasetProperties, new Availability(), string.Empty ) ); dataDataset.Properties.LinkedServiceName = dummyTable.Properties.LinkedServiceName; context.Datasets.Add(dataDataset); } // register the inputs and outputs in the activity if (dummyDataset is Models.ActivityInput) { context.Activity.Inputs.Add(new ActivityInput(dummyDataset.Name)); } if (dummyDataset is Models.ActivityOutput) { context.Activity.Outputs.Add(new ActivityOutput(dummyDataset.Name)); } // parse the linked service json source for later use string linkedServiceName = dummyTable.Properties.LinkedServiceName; var servicePath = Path.Combine(adfFilesPath, linkedServiceName + ".json"); string serviceJson = File.ReadAllText(servicePath); string linkedServiceType = string.Empty; // Update with values from delpoyment config if exists if (deploymentDict.Count > 0 && deploymentDict.ContainsKey(linkedServiceName)) { JObject serviceJObject = JObject.Parse(serviceJson); linkedServiceType = serviceJObject["properties"]["type"].ToObject <string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in deploymentDict[linkedServiceName]) { JToken token = serviceJObject.SelectToken(pair.Key); token.Replace(pair.Value); } serviceJson = serviceJObject.ToString(); } else { JObject serviceJObject = JObject.Parse(serviceJson); linkedServiceType = serviceJObject["properties"]["type"].ToObject <string>(); } // Search for Key Vault references in the linked service and replace with their Key Vault equivalents if found if (adfFileHelper != null) { serviceJson = adfFileHelper.ResolveKeyVault(serviceJson).Result; } Models.LinkedService storageService; switch (linkedServiceType) { case "AzureSqlDatabase": case "OnPremisesSqlServer": storageService = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService>(serviceJson); break; case "AzureStorage": storageService = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.StorageService>(serviceJson); break; default: throw new Exception($"Mapper for linked service type '{linkedServiceType}' not found."); } dummyServices.Add(storageService); } // parse the hd insight service json source var computeServicePath = Path.Combine(adfFilesPath, dummyActivity.LinkedServiceName + ".json"); var computeServiceJson = File.ReadAllText(computeServicePath); var computeService = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.ComputeService>(computeServiceJson); dummyServices.Add(computeService); // init the services foreach (var dummyService in dummyServices) { LinkedService linkedService = null; // init if it is a storage service if (dummyService is Models.StorageService) { var dummyStorageService = dummyService as Models.StorageService; var service = new AzureStorageLinkedService { ConnectionString = dummyStorageService.Properties.TypeProperties.ConnectionString }; linkedService = new LinkedService( dummyService.Name, new LinkedServiceProperties(service) ); } // init if it is a AzureSqlDatabase service if (dummyService is Models.AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService) { var dummyStorageService = dummyService as Models.AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService; var service = new AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService() { ConnectionString = dummyStorageService.Properties.TypeProperties.ConnectionString }; linkedService = new LinkedService( dummyService.Name, new LinkedServiceProperties(service) ); } // init if it is a hd insight service if (dummyService is Models.ComputeService) { var service = new HDInsightLinkedService(); linkedService = new LinkedService( dummyService.Name, new LinkedServiceProperties(service) ); } context.LinkedServices.Add(linkedService); } return(context); }
private async Task RefreshDatafactories() { SettingsContext settingsContext; environment = environmentList.SelectedItem as string; try { settingsContext = settingsContextManager.GetSettingsContext(environment); // Get KeyVault resolver which is used to retreive keyvault secrets based on environment context IKeyVaultResolver keyVault; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsContext.KeyVaultCertificateThumbprint)) { var cert = KeyVaultResolver.FindCertificateByThumbprint(settingsContext.KeyVaultCertificateThumbprint); if (cert == null) { Write($"No cert was found using thumbprint {settingsContext.KeyVaultCertificateThumbprint}", "Red"); return; } keyVault = new KeyVaultResolver(settingsContext.KeyVaultName, settingsContext.KeyVaultDnsSuffix, settingsContext.KeyVaultCertClientId, cert); } else { keyVault = new KeyVaultResolver(settingsContext.KeyVaultName, settingsContext.KeyVaultDnsSuffix, settingsContext.KeyVaultCertClientId, settingsContext.KeyVaultCertClientSecret); } settingsContext.SubscriptionId = settings.Subscriptions[subscriptionList.SelectedIndex].Id; try { settingsContext.AdfClientSecret = (await keyVault.GetSecret("SecurePublishAdfClientSecret")).Value; } catch (Exception ex) { Write($"The secret called SecurePublishAdfClientSecret was not found in the KeyVault '{settingsContext.KeyVaultName}'. The ADF Client Secret is a password which was associated with the AAD Client ID '{settingsContext.KeyVaultCertClientId}' when it was originally set up. If you are setting up a new KeyVault and a previous KeyVault has already been used, you can get this value from the previous KeyVault. Otherwise refer to the user documentation on creating a new client ID and associating it with your Azure subscription.", "Red"); WriteError(ex); return; } publishManager = new PublishManager(keyVault, settingsContext, this); dataFactoryList = await AzureAccessUtilities.GetDataFactories(settingsContext); } catch (Exception e) { Write(e.Message, "Red"); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { dataFactoryListBox.IsEnabled = false; }); return; } if (!dataFactoryList.Any()) { Write("No data factories found in subscription: " + settingsContext.SubscriptionId, "Orange"); Write($"They either do not exist or else you may need to associate the Client ID '{settingsContext.AdfClientId}' with the subscription. To do that, perform the following steps:", "Orange"); Write("1. Open up PowerShell", "Orange"); Write("2. Log in to Azure by typing in the cmd: Login-AzureRmAccount", "Orange"); Write($"3. Change to the subscription you wish to use by typing the cmd: Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId '{settingsContext.SubscriptionId}'", "Orange"); Write("4. Associate the Client ID with the Data Factory Contributer role in the current subscription by typing:", "Orange"); Write($"New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName 'Data Factory Contributor' -ServicePrincipalName '{settingsContext.AdfClientId}'", "Orange"); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { dataFactoryListBox.IsEnabled = false; }); } else { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { dataFactoryListBox.IsEnabled = true; }); } Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { dataFactoryListBox.ItemsSource = dataFactoryList.Select(x => x.Name); }); }