Esempio n. 1
        private BoolResult Load(OperationContext context, StoreSlot activeSlot, bool clean = false)
                var storeLocation = GetStoreLocation(activeSlot);

                if (clean && Directory.Exists(storeLocation))
                    BuildXL.Native.IO.FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(storeLocation, deleteRootDirectory: true);


                Tracer.Info(context, $"Creating rocksdb store at '{storeLocation}'.");

                var possibleStore = KeyValueStoreAccessor.Open(storeLocation,
                                                               additionalColumns: new[] { nameof(Columns.ClusterState), nameof(Columns.Metadata) },
                                                               rotateLogs: true,
                                                               failureHandler: failureEvent =>
                    // By default, rethrow is true iff it is a user error. We invalidate only if it isn't
                    failureEvent.Invalidate = !failureEvent.Rethrow;
                                                               invalidationHandler: failure => OnDatabaseInvalidated(context, failure),
                                                               onFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry: _configuration.OnFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry,
                                                               onStoreReset: failure => {
                    Tracer.Error(context, $"RocksDb critical error caused store to reset: {failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()}");

                if (possibleStore.Succeeded)
                    var oldKeyValueStore = _keyValueStore;
                    var store            = possibleStore.Result;

                    if (oldKeyValueStore == null)
                        _keyValueStore = new KeyValueStoreGuard(store);
                        // Just replace the inner accessor

                    _activeSlot    = activeSlot;
                    _storeLocation = storeLocation;

                return(possibleStore.Succeeded ? BoolResult.Success : new BoolResult($"Failed to initialize a RocksDb store at {_storeLocation}:", possibleStore.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsRecoverableIoException())
                return(new BoolResult(ex));
Esempio n. 2
        public RocksDbContentMetadataDatabase(IClock clock, RocksDbContentLocationDatabaseConfiguration configuration)
            : base(clock, configuration, () => Array.Empty <MachineId>())
            Contract.Requires(configuration.MetadataGarbageCollectionMaximumNumberOfEntriesToKeep > 0);

            _configuration      = configuration;
            _activeSlotFilePath = (_configuration.StoreLocation / ActiveStoreSlotFileName).ToString();

            // this is a hacky way to convince the compiler that the field is initialized.
            // Technically, the field is nullable, but keeping it as nullable causes more issues than giving us benefits.
            _keyValueStore = null !;
Esempio n. 3
        private BoolResult Load(OperationContext context, StoreSlot activeSlot, bool clean = false)
                var storeLocation = GetStoreLocation(activeSlot);

                if (clean && Directory.Exists(storeLocation))
                    BuildXL.Native.IO.FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(storeLocation, deleteRootDirectory: true);


                Tracer.Info(context, $"Creating rocksdb store at '{storeLocation}'.");

                var possibleStore = KeyValueStoreAccessor.Open(storeLocation,
                                                               additionalColumns: new[] { nameof(ClusterState) });
                if (possibleStore.Succeeded)
                    var oldKeyValueStore = _keyValueStore;
                    var store            = possibleStore.Result;

                    if (oldKeyValueStore == null)
                        _keyValueStore = new KeyValueStoreGuard(store);
                        // Just replace the inner accessor

                    _activeSlot    = activeSlot;
                    _storeLocation = storeLocation;

                return(possibleStore.Succeeded ? BoolResult.Success : new BoolResult($"Failed to initialize a RocksDb store at {_storeLocation}:", possibleStore.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsRecoverableIoException())
                return(new BoolResult(ex));
Esempio n. 4
        private BoolResult Load(OperationContext context, StoreSlot activeSlot, bool clean)
                var storeLocation = GetStoreLocation(activeSlot);

                if (clean)

                    if (Directory.Exists(storeLocation))
                        FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(storeLocation, deleteRootDirectory: true);

                bool dbAlreadyExists = Directory.Exists(storeLocation);

                Tracer.Info(context, $"Creating RocksDb store at '{storeLocation}'. Clean={clean}, Configured Epoch='{_configuration.Epoch}'");

                var possibleStore = KeyValueStoreAccessor.Open(
                    new RocksDbStoreConfiguration(storeLocation)
                    AdditionalColumns          = ColumnNames,
                    RotateLogsMaxFileSizeBytes = _configuration.LogsKeepLongTerm ? 0ul : ((ulong)"1MB".ToSize()),
                    RotateLogsNumFiles         = _configuration.LogsKeepLongTerm ? 60ul : 1,
                    RotateLogsMaxAge           = TimeSpan.FromHours(_configuration.LogsKeepLongTerm ? 12 : 1),
                    EnableStatistics           = true,
                    FastOpen = true,
                    // We take the user's word here. This may be completely wrong, but we don't have enough
                    // information at this point to take a decision here. If a machine is master and demoted to
                    // worker, EventHub may continue to process events for a little while. If we set this to
                    // read-only during that checkpoint, those last few events will fail with RocksDbException.
                    // NOTE: we need to check that the database exists because RocksDb will refuse to open an empty
                    // read-only instance.
                    ReadOnly = _configuration.OpenReadOnly && dbAlreadyExists,
                    // The RocksDb database here is read-only from the perspective of the default column family,
                    // but read/write from the perspective of the ClusterState (which is rewritten on every
                    // heartbeat). This means that the database may perform background compactions on the column
                    // families, possibly triggering a RocksDb corruption "block checksum mismatch" error.
                    // Since the writes to ClusterState are relatively few, we can make-do with disabling
                    // compaction here and pretending like we are using a read-only database.
                    DisableAutomaticCompactions = !IsDatabaseWriteable,
                    LeveledCompactionDynamicLevelTargetSizes = true,
                    Compression = _configuration.Compression,
                    UseReadOptionsWithSetTotalOrderSeekInDbEnumeration     = _configuration.UseReadOptionsWithSetTotalOrderSeekInDbEnumeration,
                    UseReadOptionsWithSetTotalOrderSeekInGarbageCollection = _configuration.UseReadOptionsWithSetTotalOrderSeekInGarbageCollection,
                    // When an exception is caught from within methods using the database, this handler is called to
                    // decide whether the exception should be rethrown in user code, and the database invalidated. Our
                    // policy is to only invalidate if it is an exception coming from RocksDb, but not from our code.
                    failureHandler: failureEvent =>
                    // By default, rethrow is true iff it is a user error. We invalidate only if it isn't
                    failureEvent.Invalidate = !failureEvent.Rethrow;
                    // The database may be invalidated for a number of reasons, all related to latent bugs in our code.
                    // For example, exceptions thrown from methods that are operating on the DB. If that happens, we
                    // call a user-defined handler. This is because the instance is invalid after this happens.
                    invalidationHandler: failure => OnDatabaseInvalidated(context, failure),
                    // It is possible we may fail to open an already existing database. This can happen (most commonly)
                    // due to corruption, among others. If this happens, then we want to recreate it from empty. This
                    // only helps for the memoization store.
                    onFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry: _configuration.OnFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry,
                    // If the previous flag is true, and it does happen that we invalidate the database, we want to log
                    // it explicitly.
                    onStoreReset: failure =>
                    Tracer.Error(context, $"RocksDb critical error caused store to reset: {failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()}");

                if (possibleStore.Succeeded)
                    var oldKeyValueStore = _keyValueStore;
                    var store            = possibleStore.Result;

                    if (oldKeyValueStore == null)
                        _keyValueStore = new KeyValueStoreGuard(store);
                        _keyValueStore.UseExclusive((db, state) =>
                            if (db.TryGetValue(nameof(GlobalKeys.ActiveColummGroup), out var activeColumnGroup))
                                _activeColumnsGroup = (ColumnGroup)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColumnGroup), activeColumnGroup);
                                _activeColumnsGroup = ColumnGroup.One;

                        // Just replace the inner accessor
                        oldKeyValueStore.Replace(store, db =>
                            if (db.TryGetValue(nameof(GlobalKeys.ActiveColummGroup), out var activeColumnGroup))
                                _activeColumnsGroup = (ColumnGroup)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColumnGroup), activeColumnGroup);
                                _activeColumnsGroup = ColumnGroup.One;

                    _activeSlot    = activeSlot;
                    _storeLocation = storeLocation;

                return(possibleStore.Succeeded ? BoolResult.Success : new BoolResult($"Failed to initialize a RocksDb store at {_storeLocation}:", possibleStore.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsRecoverableIoException())
                return(new BoolResult(ex));
Esempio n. 5
        private BoolResult Load(OperationContext context, StoreSlot activeSlot, bool clean)
                var storeLocation = GetStoreLocation(activeSlot);

                if (Directory.Exists(storeLocation))
                    // We backup right before loading. This means we should never loose any logs, but it also means
                    // the backup directory will only hold logs for DBs that have already been overwritten.
                    if (_logManager != null)
                        _logManager.BackupAsync(context, new AbsolutePath(storeLocation), activeSlot.ToString()).Result.IgnoreFailure();
                        Task.Run(() => _logManager.GarbageCollect(context)).FireAndForget(context, severityOnException: Severity.Error);

                    if (clean)
                        FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(storeLocation, deleteRootDirectory: true);


                Tracer.Info(context, $"Creating RocksDb store at '{storeLocation}'.");

                var possibleStore = KeyValueStoreAccessor.Open(
                    new KeyValueStoreAccessor.RocksDbStoreArguments()
                    StoreDirectory    = storeLocation,
                    AdditionalColumns = new[] { nameof(Columns.ClusterState), nameof(Columns.Metadata) },
                    RotateLogs        = true,
                    EnableStatistics  = true,
                    FastOpen          = true,
                    // When an exception is caught from within methods using the database, this handler is called to
                    // decide whether the exception should be rethrown in user code, and the database invalidated. Our
                    // policy is to only invalidate if it is an exception coming from RocksDb, but not from our code.
                    failureHandler: failureEvent =>
                    // By default, rethrow is true iff it is a user error. We invalidate only if it isn't
                    failureEvent.Invalidate = !failureEvent.Rethrow;
                    // The database may be invalidated for a number of reasons, all related to latent bugs in our code.
                    // For example, exceptions thrown from methods that are operating on the DB. If that happens, we
                    // call a user-defined handler. This is because the instance is invalid after this happens.
                    invalidationHandler: failure => OnDatabaseInvalidated(context, failure),
                    // It is possible we may fail to open an already existing database. This can happen (most commonly)
                    // due to corruption, among others. If this happens, then we want to recreate it from empty. This
                    // only helps for the memoization store.
                    onFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry: _configuration.OnFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry,
                    // If the previous flag is true, and it does happen that we invalidate the database, we want to log
                    // it explicitly.
                    onStoreReset: failure =>
                    Tracer.Error(context, $"RocksDb critical error caused store to reset: {failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()}");

                if (possibleStore.Succeeded)
                    var oldKeyValueStore = _keyValueStore;
                    var store            = possibleStore.Result;

                    if (oldKeyValueStore == null)
                        _keyValueStore = new KeyValueStoreGuard(store);
                        // Just replace the inner accessor

                    _activeSlot    = activeSlot;
                    _storeLocation = storeLocation;

                return(possibleStore.Succeeded ? BoolResult.Success : new BoolResult($"Failed to initialize a RocksDb store at {_storeLocation}:", possibleStore.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsRecoverableIoException())
                return(new BoolResult(ex));
Esempio n. 6
        private BoolResult Load(OperationContext context, StoreSlot activeSlot, bool clean)
                var storeLocation = GetStoreLocation(activeSlot);

                if (Directory.Exists(storeLocation))
                    if (clean)
                        FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(storeLocation, deleteRootDirectory: true);


                Tracer.Info(context, $"Creating RocksDb store at '{storeLocation}'.");

                var possibleStore = KeyValueStoreAccessor.Open(
                    new KeyValueStoreAccessor.RocksDbStoreArguments()
                    StoreDirectory             = storeLocation,
                    AdditionalColumns          = new[] { nameof(Columns.ClusterState), nameof(Columns.Metadata) },
                    RotateLogsMaxFileSizeBytes = _configuration.LogsKeepLongTerm ? 0ul : ((ulong)"1MB".ToSize()),
                    RotateLogsNumFiles         = _configuration.LogsKeepLongTerm ? 60ul : 1,
                    RotateLogsMaxAge           = TimeSpan.FromHours(_configuration.LogsKeepLongTerm ? 12 : 1),
                    EnableStatistics           = true,
                    FastOpen = true,
                    // When an exception is caught from within methods using the database, this handler is called to
                    // decide whether the exception should be rethrown in user code, and the database invalidated. Our
                    // policy is to only invalidate if it is an exception coming from RocksDb, but not from our code.
                    failureHandler: failureEvent =>
                    // By default, rethrow is true iff it is a user error. We invalidate only if it isn't
                    failureEvent.Invalidate = !failureEvent.Rethrow;
                    // The database may be invalidated for a number of reasons, all related to latent bugs in our code.
                    // For example, exceptions thrown from methods that are operating on the DB. If that happens, we
                    // call a user-defined handler. This is because the instance is invalid after this happens.
                    invalidationHandler: failure => OnDatabaseInvalidated(context, failure),
                    // It is possible we may fail to open an already existing database. This can happen (most commonly)
                    // due to corruption, among others. If this happens, then we want to recreate it from empty. This
                    // only helps for the memoization store.
                    onFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry: _configuration.OnFailureDeleteExistingStoreAndRetry,
                    // If the previous flag is true, and it does happen that we invalidate the database, we want to log
                    // it explicitly.
                    onStoreReset: failure =>
                    Tracer.Error(context, $"RocksDb critical error caused store to reset: {failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()}");

                if (possibleStore.Succeeded)
                    var oldKeyValueStore = _keyValueStore;
                    var store            = possibleStore.Result;

                    if (oldKeyValueStore == null)
                        _keyValueStore = new KeyValueStoreGuard(store);
                        // Just replace the inner accessor

                    _activeSlot    = activeSlot;
                    _storeLocation = storeLocation;

                return(possibleStore.Succeeded ? BoolResult.Success : new BoolResult($"Failed to initialize a RocksDb store at {_storeLocation}:", possibleStore.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsRecoverableIoException())
                return(new BoolResult(ex));