Esempio n. 1
        public TestRollUpPanel()
            rolluppanel.HiddenMarkerWidth = -100;
            comboBoxCustom1.Items.AddRange(new string[] { "1Fred", "Jim", "Sheila", "George" });
            comboBoxCustom1.DropDownBackgroundColor = Color.Red;
            comboBoxCustom1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Popup;
            comboBoxCustom2.SelectedItem = Keys.ShiftKey.VKeyToString();
            //comboBoxCustom1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Popup;

            System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap colormap = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap();       // any drawn panel with drawn images
            colormap.OldColor = Color.White;                                                        // white is defined as the forecolour
            colormap.NewColor = Color.Orange;
            System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap colormap2 = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap();      // any drawn panel with drawn images
            colormap2.OldColor = Color.FromArgb(222, 222, 222);                                     // white is defined as the forecolour
            colormap2.NewColor = Color.Orange.Multiply(0.8F);
            foreach (Control c in rolluppanel.Controls)
                if (c is ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom)
                    (c as ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom).SetDrawnBitmapRemapTable(new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap[] { colormap, colormap2 });
                else if (c is ExtendedControls.ButtonExt)
                    (c as ExtendedControls.ButtonExt).SetDrawnBitmapRemapTable(new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap[] { colormap, colormap2 });

Esempio n. 2
        public void PressedKey(string t, Keys k, int extsc, Keys modifiers)
            bool extendedkey = (extsc & (1 << 24)) != 0;
            bool alt         = (extsc & (1 << 29)) != 0;
            bool downalready = (extsc & (1 << 30)) != 0;
            bool up          = (extsc & (1 << 31)) != 0;
            int  sc          = (int)((extsc >> 16) & 0xff);
            int  extbits     = (int)((extsc >> 24) & 0xff);

            string name = k.ToString();

            Keys   kadj     = KeyObjectExtensions.VKeyAdjust(k, extendedkey, sc);
            string vkeyname = kadj.VKeyToString();

            string res = (ws.ElapsedMilliseconds % 10000).ToString("00000") + " " + t + " " + name.PadRight(15) + " VN " + vkeyname.PadRight(15) + " keycode " + ((uint)k).ToString() +
                         " sc:" + sc.ToString("X2") + " t:" + extbits.ToString("X2") + " " +
                         (up ? "U" : "-") +
                         (downalready ? "D" : "-") +
                         (alt ? "A" : "-") +
                         (extendedkey ? "E" : "-") +
                         " " + modifiers.ToString();

            richTextBox1.Text += res + Environment.NewLine;
            richTextBox1.Select(richTextBox1.Text.Length, richTextBox1.Text.Length);
Esempio n. 3
        void DisplayKeyString()
            Keys shiftKey = KeyObjectExtensions.ShiftKey(checkBoxShift.Checked, checkBoxShift.Text.Contains("Right"));
            Keys ctrlKey  = KeyObjectExtensions.ControlKey(checkBoxCtrl.Checked, checkBoxCtrl.Text.Contains("Right"));
            Keys altKey   = KeyObjectExtensions.MenuKey(checkBoxAlt.Checked, checkBoxAlt.Text.Contains("Right"));

            checkBoxKey.Text = basekeystroke.HasChars() ? basekeystroke : "Press Key";

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("T" + textBoxKeys.Text + " at " + curinsertpoint + " " + fullname);

            textBoxNextDelay.ReadOnly = (curinsertpoint == 0);
            int nextdelay = DefaultDelay;

            textBoxNextDelay.Text.InvariantParse(out nextdelay);

            string res = textBoxKeys.Text.Substring(0, curinsertpoint);

            string partstring = "";

            if (DefaultDelay != nextdelay)
                partstring += "[" + nextdelay.ToStringInvariant() + "]";

            if (radioButtonDown.Checked)
                partstring += "!";
            else if (radioButtonUp.Checked)
                partstring += "^";

            string shifters = KeyObjectExtensions.ShiftersToString(shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey);
            string keyname  = shifters;

            keyname     = keyname.AppendPrePad(basekeystroke, "+");
            partstring += keyname;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Stroke " + partstring);

            if (partstring.Length > 0)
                res = res.AppendPrePad(partstring, seperator);

            buttonNext.Enabled   = keyname.Length > 0;
            buttonDelete.Enabled = keyname.Length > 0 || curinsertpoint > 0;

            textBoxKeys.Text = res;
            textBoxKeys.Select(res.Length, res.Length);
        public override void Init()


            btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1;

            comboBoxClickThruKey.Items                 = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true);
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem          = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString();
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged;

            discoveryform.OnRefreshCommanders += DiscoveryForm_OnRefreshCommanders;
Esempio n. 5
        public void InitControl(EDDiscoveryForm discoveryForm)
            _discoveryForm = discoveryForm;


            comboBoxTheme.ItemHeight = 20;

            btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1;

            comboBoxClickThruKey.Items                 = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true);
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem          = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString();
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged;
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Init()
            extComboBoxGameTime.Items.Add("Game Time");

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(toolTip, this);


            btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1;

            comboBoxClickThruKey.Items                 = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true);
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem          = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString();
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged;


            comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Default (English)");
            if (comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Contains(EDDConfig.Instance.Language))
                comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.Language;
                comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndex = comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Count - 1;
            comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomLanguage_SelectedIndexChanged;

            discoveryform.OnRefreshCommanders += DiscoveryForm_OnRefreshCommanders;

            checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.Checked    = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.OrderRowsInverted;
            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.MinimizeToNotifyIcon;
            checkBoxKeepOnTop.Checked            = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.KeepOnTop;
            checkBoxPanelSortOrder.Checked       = EDDConfig.Instance.SortPanelsByName;
            checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.Checked        = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon;
            checkBoxCustomResize.Checked         = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DrawDuringResize;

            extComboBoxGameTime.SelectedIndex = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayTimeIndex;

            checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.CheckedChanged    += checkBoxOrderRowsInverted_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxKeepOnTop.CheckedChanged            += checkBoxKeepOnTop_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxPanelSortOrder.CheckedChanged       += checkBoxPanelSortOrder_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged        += checkBoxUseNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged;
            extComboBoxGameTime.SelectedIndexChanged    += ExtComboBoxGameTime_SelectedIndexChanged;
            checkBoxCustomResize.CheckedChanged         += checkBoxCustomResize_CheckedChanged;

            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Enabled = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon;

            dataGridViewCommanders.AutoGenerateColumns = false;             // BEFORE assigned to list..
            dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource          = EDCommander.GetListCommanders();

            this.comboBoxTheme.SelectedIndexChanged += this.comboBoxTheme_SelectedIndexChanged;    // now turn on the handler..

            checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals.Checked   = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.RemoveOriginal;
            checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes.Checked         = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.MarkHiRes;
            checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.AutoConvert;
            checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard.Checked   = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.CopyToClipboard;

            this.checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals.CheckedChanged   += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals_CheckedChanged);
            this.checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes.CheckedChanged         += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes_CheckedChanged);
            this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots_CheckedChanged);
            this.checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard.CheckedChanged   += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard_CheckedChanged);

            checkBoxCustomEDSMEDDBDownload.Checked              = EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload;
            this.checkBoxCustomEDSMEDDBDownload.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload_CheckedChanged);

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Items = new string[] { "Disabled-Load All".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_DLA), ">7 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_7daysold),
                                                                 ">30 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_30daysold), ">60 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_60daysold), ">90 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_90daysold),
                                                                 ">180 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_180daysold), ">270 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_270daysold), "> 365 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_365daysold) };

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag = new int[] { 0, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365 };
            int ix = Array.FindIndex(comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag as int[], x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.FullHistoryLoadDayLimit);

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndex         = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0;
            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime_SelectedIndexChanged;

            var eetn = new string[] { nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.EssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents) };

            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Items = new string[] { "Scans,Cargo,Missions,State,Jumps etc".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_ESM), "All entries for Statistics".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_FS),
                                                                  "Jumps and Scans".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EJS),
                                                                  "Jumps".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EJ), "Nothing".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EN) };

            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Tag = eetn;
            ix = Array.FindIndex(eetn, x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.EssentialEventTypes);
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndex         = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0;
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomEssentialEntries_SelectedIndexChanged;

            extCheckBoxWebServerEnable.Checked = false;
            extButtonTestWeb.Enabled           = numberBoxLongPortNo.Enabled = false;
            numberBoxLongPortNo.Value          = EDDConfig.Instance.WebServerPort;
            tm.Tick    += PeriodicCheck;
            tm.Interval = 1000;

            extCheckBoxWebServerEnable.CheckedChanged += ExtCheckBoxWebServerEnable_CheckedChanged;
 public List <string> EventButtonNames()
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Init()


            btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1;

            comboBoxClickThruKey.Items                 = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true);
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem          = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString();
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged;


            comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Default (English)");
            if (comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Contains(EDDConfig.Instance.Language))
                comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.Language;
                comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndex = comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Count - 1;
            comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomLanguage_SelectedIndexChanged;

            discoveryform.OnRefreshCommanders += DiscoveryForm_OnRefreshCommanders;

            checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.Checked    = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.OrderRowsInverted;
            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.MinimizeToNotifyIcon;
            checkBoxKeepOnTop.Checked            = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.KeepOnTop;
            checkBoxPanelSortOrder.Checked       = EDDConfig.Instance.SortPanelsByName;
            checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.Checked        = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon;
            checkBoxUTC.Checked          = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayUTC;
            checkBoxShowUIEvents.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.ShowUIEvents;
            checkBoxCustomResize.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DrawDuringResize;

            checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.CheckedChanged    += checkBoxOrderRowsInverted_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxKeepOnTop.CheckedChanged            += checkBoxKeepOnTop_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxPanelSortOrder.CheckedChanged       += checkBoxPanelSortOrder_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged        += checkBoxUseNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxUTC.CheckedChanged          += checkBoxUTC_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxShowUIEvents.CheckedChanged += checkBoxShowUIEvents_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxCustomResize.CheckedChanged += checkBoxCustomResize_CheckedChanged;

            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Enabled = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon;

            textBoxHomeSystem.Text = EDDConfig.Instance.HomeSystem.Name;

            textBoxDefaultZoom.ValueNoChange = EDDConfig.Instance.MapZoom;

            textBoxDefaultZoom.ValueChanged += textBoxDefaultZoom_ValueChanged;

            bool selectionCentre = EDDConfig.Instance.MapCentreOnSelection;

            radioButtonHistorySelection.Checked = selectionCentre;
            radioButtonCentreHome.Checked       = !selectionCentre;

            radioButtonCentreHome.CheckedChanged += radioButtonCentreHome_CheckedChanged;

            dataGridViewCommanders.AutoGenerateColumns = false;             // BEFORE assigned to list..
            dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource          = EDCommander.GetListCommanders();

            panel_defaultmapcolor.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(EDDConfig.Instance.DefaultMapColour);

            this.comboBoxTheme.SelectedIndexChanged += this.comboBoxTheme_SelectedIndexChanged;    // now turn on the handler..

            checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals.Checked   = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.RemoveOriginal;
            checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes.Checked         = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.MarkHiRes;
            checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.AutoConvert;
            checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard.Checked   = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.CopyToClipboard;

            this.checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals.CheckedChanged   += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals_CheckedChanged);
            this.checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes.CheckedChanged         += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes_CheckedChanged);
            this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots_CheckedChanged);
            this.checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard.CheckedChanged   += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard_CheckedChanged);

            checkBoxCustomEDSMEDDBDownload.Checked              = EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload;
            this.checkBoxCustomEDSMEDDBDownload.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload_CheckedChanged);

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Items = new string[] { "Disabled-Load All".Tx(this, "DLA"), ">7 days old".Tx(this), ">30 days old".Tx(this), ">60 days old".Tx(this), ">90 days old".Tx(this), ">180 days old".Tx(this), ">270 days old".Tx(this), "> 365 days old".Tx(this) };
            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag   = new int[] { 0, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365 };
            int ix = Array.FindIndex(comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag as int[], x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.FullHistoryLoadDayLimit);

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndex         = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0;
            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime_SelectedIndexChanged;

            var eetn = new string[] { nameof(JournalEntry.EssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEntry.FullStatsEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEntry.JumpScanEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEntry.JumpEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEntry.NoEssentialEvents) };

            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Items = new string[] { "Scans,Cargo,Missions,State,Jumps etc".Tx(this, "ESM"), "All entries for Statistics".Tx(this, "FS"), "Jumps and Scans".Tx(this, "EJS"), "Jumps".Tx(this, "EJ"), "Nothing".Tx(this, "EN") };
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Tag   = eetn;
            ix = Array.FindIndex(eetn, x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.EssentialEventTypes);
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndex         = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0;
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomEssentialEntries_SelectedIndexChanged;

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(toolTip, this);
Esempio n. 9
        }                                                               // Tell dragger no resizing.

        public void Init(Icon i, bool showprocess,
                         string separ                 = " ", // and separ between entries
                         string keystring             = "",  // current key string
                         string process               = "",  // empty means program default, return empty back
                         int defdelay                 = 50,  // -1 means program default, return -1 back
                         bool allowkeysedit           = false,
                         List <string> additionalkeys = null,
                         BaseUtils.EnhancedSendKeysParser.IAdditionalKeyParser parser = null)
            var enumlist = new Enum[] { ECIDs.KeyForm, ECIDs.KeyForm_radioButtonUp, ECIDs.KeyForm_radioButtonDown, ECIDs.KeyForm_radioButtonPress, ECIDs.KeyForm_checkBoxShift, ECIDs.KeyForm_checkBoxCtrl, ECIDs.KeyForm_checkBoxAlt, ECIDs.KeyForm_checkBoxKey, ECIDs.KeyForm_labelNextDelay, ECIDs.KeyForm_labelSelKeys, ECIDs.KeyForm_labelDelay, ECIDs.KeyForm_labelSendTo, ECIDs.KeyForm_buttonReset, ECIDs.KeyForm_labelKeys, ECIDs.KeyForm_buttonDelete, ECIDs.KeyForm_buttonNext, ECIDs.KeyForm_buttonTest };

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.TranslateControls(this, enumlist);

            if (i != null)
                Icon = i;

            seperator = separ;

            textBoxKeys.Text = keystring;
            curinsertpoint   = keystring.Length;

            textBoxSendTo.Text    = process.Alt(DefaultProcessID);
            textBoxNextDelay.Text = textBoxDelay.Text = defdelay != DefaultDelayID?defdelay.ToStringInvariant() : "Default";

            radioButtonPress.Checked = true;

            if (additionalkeys != null)

            additionalkeyparser = parser;

            comboBoxKeySelector.Text = "";
            comboBoxKeySelector.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxKeySelector_SelectedIndexChanged);

            if (!showprocess)
                textBoxNextDelay.Visible = panelRadio.Visible = labelNextDelay.Visible = labelDelay.Visible = textBoxDelay.Visible = labelSendTo.Visible = textBoxSendTo.Visible = buttonTest.Visible = false;

                int d = textBoxKeys.Top - textBoxDelay.Top;
                foreach (Control c in new Control[] { buttonReset, buttonDelete, buttonNext, textBoxKeys, labelKeys })
                    c.Top -= d; // shift down
                d += 40;        // cause of the Send
                foreach (Control c in new Control[] { buttonOK, buttonCancel })
                    c.Top -= d;
                panelOuter.Height -= d;
                this.Height       -= d;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("T" + textBoxKeys.Text + " at " + curinsertpoint + " >" + textBoxSendTo.Text);

            bool  border = true;
            Theme theme  = Theme.Current;

            if (theme != null)  // paranoid
                border = theme.ApplyDialog(this);

            labelCaption.Visible = !border;


            if (allowkeysedit)
                textBoxKeys.ReadOnly = false;


            labelCaption.Text = this.Text;
Esempio n. 10
        }                                                               // Tell dragger no resizing.

        public void Init(Icon i, bool showprocess, string separ, string keystring = "", string process = "",
                         List <string> additionalkeys = null, int defdelay = 50, bool allowkeysedit = false)
            if (i != null)
                Icon = i;

            seperator = separ;

            textBoxKeys.Text = keystring;
            curinsertpoint   = keystring.Length;

            textBoxSendTo.Text       = process.Alt(BaseUtils.EnhancedSendKeys.CurrentWindow);
            textBoxDelay.Text        = textBoxNextDelay.Text = defdelay.ToStringInvariant();
            radioButtonPress.Checked = true;

            if (additionalkeys != null)
            comboBoxKeySelector.Text = "";
            comboBoxKeySelector.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxKeySelector_SelectedIndexChanged);

            if (!showprocess)
                textBoxNextDelay.Visible = panelRadio.Visible = labelNextDelay.Visible = labelDelay.Visible = textBoxDelay.Visible = labelSendTo.Visible = textBoxSendTo.Visible = buttonTest.Visible = false;

                int d = textBoxKeys.Top - textBoxDelay.Top;
                foreach (Control c in new Control[] { buttonReset, buttonDelete, buttonNext, textBoxKeys, labelKeys })
                    c.Top -= d; // shift down
                d += 40;        // cause of the Send
                foreach (Control c in new Control[] { buttonOK, buttonCancel })
                    c.Top -= d;
                panelOuter.Height -= d;
                this.Height       -= d;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("T" + textBoxKeys.Text + " at " + curinsertpoint + " >" + textBoxSendTo.Text);

            bool           border = true;
            ThemeableForms theme  = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            if (theme != null)  // paranoid
                border = theme.ApplyToForm(this);

            labelCaption.Visible = !border;


            if (allowkeysedit)
                textBoxKeys.ReadOnly = false;

        public override void Init()
            extComboBoxGameTime.Items.Add("Game Time".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_GameTime));

            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpTheme, "Theming");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpScreenshots, "Screenshots");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpTransparency, "Transparency");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpWebServer, "Webserver");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpSafeMode, "SafeMode");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpMemory, "Memory");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpEDSM, "EDSMSettings");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpHistory, "HistoryDisplay");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpDLL, "DLL");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpWindowOptions, "WindowOptions");
            ConfigureHelpButton(extButtonDrawnHelpCommanders, "Commanders");

            var enumlist = new Enum[] { EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxCommanders, EDTx.UserControlSettings_ColumnCommander, EDTx.UserControlSettings_EdsmName, EDTx.UserControlSettings_JournalDirCol,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_NotesCol, EDTx.UserControlSettings_btnDeleteCommander, EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonEditCommander,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonAddCommander, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxTheme, EDTx.UserControlSettings_button_edittheme,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonSaveTheme, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxCustomHistoryLoad, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxOrderRowsInverted,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_labelTimeDisplay, EDTx.UserControlSettings_extGroupBoxWebServer, EDTx.UserControlSettings_labelPortNo,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_extButtonTestWeb, EDTx.UserControlSettings_extCheckBoxWebServerEnable, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxInteraction,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_labelTKey, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxMemory, EDTx.UserControlSettings_labelHistoryEssItems,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_labelHistorySel, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxCustomScreenShots, EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonExtScreenshot,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxCustomEDSM, EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonExtEDSMConfigureArea,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxPopOuts, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxPanelSortOrder,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxKeepOnTop, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxCustomResize, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxUseNotifyIcon, EDTx.UserControlSettings_extGroupBoxDLLPerms, EDTx.UserControlSettings_extButtonDLLConfigure,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_extButtonDLLPerms, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxCustomLanguage, EDTx.UserControlSettings_groupBoxCustomSafeMode,
                                        EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonExtSafeMode, EDTx.UserControlSettings_labelSafeMode };
            var enumlisttt = new Enum[] { EDTx.UserControlSettings_btnDeleteCommander_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonEditCommander_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonAddCommander_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_comboBoxTheme_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_button_edittheme_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonSaveTheme_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxOrderRowsInverted_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_comboBoxClickThruKey_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonExtScreenshot_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonExtEDSMConfigureArea_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxPanelSortOrder_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxKeepOnTop_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxCustomResize_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon_ToolTip, EDTx.UserControlSettings_checkBoxUseNotifyIcon_ToolTip,
                                          EDTx.UserControlSettings_buttonExtSafeMode_ToolTip };

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.TranslateControls(this, enumlist);
            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.TranslateTooltip(toolTip, enumlisttt, this);


            btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1;

            comboBoxClickThruKey.Items                 = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true);
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem          = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString();
            comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged;


            comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Default (English)");
            if (comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Contains(EDDConfig.Instance.Language))
                comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.Language;
                comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndex = comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Count - 1;
            comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomLanguage_SelectedIndexChanged;

            discoveryform.OnRefreshCommanders += DiscoveryForm_OnRefreshCommanders;

            checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.Checked    = EDDConfig.Instance.OrderRowsInverted;
            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDConfig.Instance.MinimizeToNotifyIcon;
            checkBoxKeepOnTop.Checked            = EDDConfig.Instance.KeepOnTop;
            checkBoxPanelSortOrder.Checked       = EDDConfig.Instance.SortPanelsByName;
            checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.Checked        = EDDConfig.Instance.UseNotifyIcon;
            checkBoxCustomResize.Checked         = EDDConfig.Instance.DrawDuringResize;

            extComboBoxGameTime.SelectedIndex = EDDConfig.Instance.DisplayTimeIndex;

            checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.CheckedChanged    += checkBoxOrderRowsInverted_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxKeepOnTop.CheckedChanged            += checkBoxKeepOnTop_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxPanelSortOrder.CheckedChanged       += checkBoxPanelSortOrder_CheckedChanged;
            checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged        += checkBoxUseNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged;
            extComboBoxGameTime.SelectedIndexChanged    += ExtComboBoxGameTime_SelectedIndexChanged;
            checkBoxCustomResize.CheckedChanged         += checkBoxCustomResize_CheckedChanged;

            checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Enabled = EDDConfig.Instance.UseNotifyIcon;

            dataGridViewCommanders.AutoGenerateColumns = false;             // BEFORE assigned to list..
            dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource          = EDCommander.GetListCommanders();

            this.comboBoxTheme.SelectedIndexChanged += this.comboBoxTheme_SelectedIndexChanged;    // now turn on the handler..

            checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.Checked              = discoveryform.ScreenshotConverter.AutoConvert;
            this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots_CheckedChanged);

            checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload.Checked              = EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMDownload;
            this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload_CheckedChanged);

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Items = new string[] { "Disabled-Load All".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_DLA), ">7 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_7daysold),
                                                                 ">30 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_30daysold), ">60 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_60daysold), ">90 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_90daysold),
                                                                 ">180 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_180daysold), ">270 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_270daysold), "> 365 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_365daysold) };

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag = new int[] { 0, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365 };
            int ix = Array.FindIndex(comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag as int[], x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.FullHistoryLoadDayLimit);

            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndex         = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0;
            comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime_SelectedIndexChanged;

            var eetn = new string[] { nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.EssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents) };

            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Items = new string[] { "Scans,Cargo,Missions,State,Jumps etc".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_ESM), "All entries for Statistics".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_FS),
                                                                  "Jumps and Scans".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EJS),
                                                                  "Jumps".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EJ), "Nothing".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EN) };

            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Tag = eetn;
            ix = Array.FindIndex(eetn, x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.EssentialEventTypes);
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndex         = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0;
            comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomEssentialEntries_SelectedIndexChanged;

            extCheckBoxWebServerEnable.Checked = false;
            extButtonTestWeb.Enabled           = numberBoxLongPortNo.Enabled = false;
            numberBoxLongPortNo.Value          = EDDConfig.Instance.WebServerPort;

            tm.Tick    += PeriodicCheck;
            tm.Interval = 1000;

            extCheckBoxWebServerEnable.CheckedChanged += ExtCheckBoxWebServerEnable_CheckedChanged;
Esempio n. 12
        public static string ParseKeys(Queue <SKEvent> events, string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay, IAdditionalKeyParser additionalkeyparser = null)
            //debugevents = null;
            s = s.Trim();
            IntPtr hwnd = (IntPtr)0;

            while (s.Length > 0)
                if (additionalkeyparser != null)                                  // See if key needs translating out - moved to here to allow for control sequences before this key
                    Tuple <string, int, string> t = additionalkeyparser.Parse(s); // Allow the parser to sniff the string

                    if (t.Item3 != null)                                          // error condition here, such as no matching key binding

                    if (t.Item1 != null)                                      // if replace.. (and the parser can return multiple keys)
                        s = t.Item1 + " " + s.Substring(t.Item2);             // its the replace string, followed by the cut out current string

                int d1 = -1, d2 = -1, d3 = -1;

                if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == '[')
                    if (!s.Contains(']'))
                        return("Missing closing ] in delay");

                    s = s.Substring(1);
                    string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' });
                    if (!word.InvariantParse(out d1))
                        return("Delay not properly given");

                    if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ',')
                        s    = s.Substring(1);
                        word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' });
                        if (!word.InvariantParse(out d2))
                            return("Second Delay not properly given");

                    if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ',')
                        s    = s.Substring(1);
                        word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']' });
                        if (!word.InvariantParse(out d3))
                            return("Third Delay not properly given");

                    if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ']')
                        s = s.Substring(1);
                        return("Missing closing ] in delay");

                KMode kmd =;

                if (s.Length == 0)
                    return("Invalid no characters after delay");

                if (s[0] == '^' || s[0] == '<')
                    kmd = KMode.up;
                    s   = s.Substring(1);
                else if (s[0] == '!' || s[0] == '>')
                    kmd = KMode.down;
                    s   = s.Substring(1);

                if (additionalkeyparser != null)                                  // Also see here if key needs translating out -
                    Tuple <string, int, string> t = additionalkeyparser.Parse(s); // Allow the parser to sniff the string

                    if (t.Item3 != null)                                          // error condition here, such as no matching key binding

                    if (t.Item1 != null)                                      // if replace.. (and the parser can return multiple keys)
                        s = t.Item1 + " " + s.Substring(t.Item2);             // its the replace string, followed by the cut out current string

                Keys shift = KeyObjectExtensions.IsShiftPrefix(ref s);
                Keys ctrl  = Keys.None;
                Keys alt   = Keys.None;
                if (shift == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+"))
                    s = s.Skip("+");

                    alt = KeyObjectExtensions.IsAltPrefix(ref s);

                    if (alt == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+"))
                        s = s.Skip("+");

                        ctrl = KeyObjectExtensions.IsCtrlPrefix(ref s);

                        if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                            s = s.Skip("+");

                bool mainpart = s.Length > 0 && s[0] != ' ';

                // keydown is d1 or def
                int keydowndelay = (d1 != -1) ? d1 : defdelay;
                // if mainpart present, its d2 or defshift.  If no main part, its d1 or def shift
                int shiftdelay = (mainpart) ? (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defshiftdelay) : (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defshiftdelay);
                // if in up/down mode, its d1 or def up.   If its got a main part, its d3/defup.  else its d2/defup
                int keyupdelay = (kmd == KMode.up || kmd == KMode.down) ? (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defupdelay) : (mainpart ? (d3 != -1 ? d3 : defupdelay) : (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defupdelay));

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ", d1, d2, d3, keydowndelay, shiftdelay, keyupdelay));

                if (shift != Keys.None)         // we already run shift keys here. If we are doing UP, we send a up, else we are doing down/press
                    events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, shift, shiftdelay));

                if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                    events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, ctrl, shiftdelay));

                if (alt != Keys.None)
                    events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYDOWN, alt, shiftdelay));

                if (mainpart)
                    if (s.Length == 0)
                        return("Invalid no characters after shifters");

                    bool brackets = ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "(");

                    while (s.Length > 0)
                        string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ' ', ')' });

                        Keys key = word.ToVkey();

                        if (key != Keys.None)
                            AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd);
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + "  press " + key.VKeyToString());
                            while (word.Length > 0)
                                string ch = new string(word[0], 1);
                                key = ch.ToVkey();

                                if (key.IsSingleCharName())
                                    AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd);
                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + "  press " + key.VKeyToString());
                                    word = word.Substring(1);
                                    return("Invalid key " + word);

                        if (!brackets)
                        else if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ')')
                            s = s.Substring(1);

                if (kmd ==     // only on a press do we release here
                    if (alt != Keys.None)
                        events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP, alt, keyupdelay));

                    if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                        events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, ctrl, keyupdelay));

                    if (shift != Keys.None)
                        events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, shift, keyupdelay));

                s = s.Trim();
                if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ',')        // comma can be used between key groups
                    s = s.Substring(1).TrimStart();

Esempio n. 13
        public static string ParseKeys(string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay)
            //debugevents = null;
            s = s.Trim();
            IntPtr hwnd = (IntPtr)0;

            while (s.Length > 0)
                KMode kmd =;

                int d1 = -1, d2 = -1, d3 = -1;

                if (s[0] == '[')
                    s = s.Substring(1);
                    string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' });
                    if (!word.InvariantParse(out d1))
                        return("Delay not properly given");

                    if (s[0] == ',')
                        s    = s.Substring(1);
                        word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' });
                        if (!word.InvariantParse(out d2))
                            return("Second Delay not properly given");

                    if (s[0] == ',')
                        s    = s.Substring(1);
                        word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']' });
                        if (!word.InvariantParse(out d3))
                            return("Third Delay not properly given");

                    if (s[0] == ']')
                        s = s.Substring(1);
                        return("Missing closing ] in delay");

                if (s[0] == '^' || s[0] == '<')
                    kmd = KMode.up;
                    s   = s.Substring(1);
                else if (s[0] == '!' || s[0] == '>')
                    kmd = KMode.down;
                    s   = s.Substring(1);

                Keys shift = KeyObjectExtensions.IsShiftPrefix(ref s);
                Keys ctrl  = Keys.None;
                Keys alt   = Keys.None;
                if (shift == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+"))
                    s = s.Skip("+");

                    alt = KeyObjectExtensions.IsAltPrefix(ref s);

                    if (alt == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+"))
                        s = s.Skip("+");

                        ctrl = KeyObjectExtensions.IsCtrlPrefix(ref s);

                        if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                            s = s.Skip("+");

                bool mainpart = s.Length > 0 && s[0] != ' ';

                // keydown is d1 or def
                int keydowndelay = (d1 != -1) ? d1 : defdelay;
                // if mainpart present, its d2 or defshift.  If no main part, its d1 or def shift
                int shiftdelay = (mainpart) ? (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defshiftdelay) : (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defshiftdelay);
                // if in up/down mode, its d1 or def up.   If its got a main part, its d3/defup.  else its d2/defup
                int keyupdelay = (kmd == KMode.up || kmd == KMode.down) ? (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defupdelay) : (mainpart ? (d3 != -1 ? d3: defupdelay) : (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defupdelay));

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ", d1, d2, d3, keydowndelay, shiftdelay, keyupdelay));

                if (shift != Keys.None)         // we already run shift keys here. If we are doing UP, we send a up, else we are doing down/press
                    AddEvent(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, shift, shiftdelay));

                if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                    AddEvent(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, ctrl, shiftdelay));

                if (alt != Keys.None)
                    AddEvent(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP: BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYDOWN, alt, shiftdelay));

                if (mainpart)
                    if (s.Length == 0)
                        return("Invalid no characters after shifters");

                    bool brackets = ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "(");

                    while (s.Length > 0)
                        string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ' ', ')' });

                        Keys key = word.ToVkey();

                        if (key != Keys.None)
                            AddMsgsForVK(key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd);
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + "  press " + key.VKeyToString());
                            while (word.Length > 0)
                                string ch = new string(word[0], 1);
                                key = ch.ToVkey();

                                if (key.IsSingleCharName())
                                    AddMsgsForVK(key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd);
                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + "  press " + key.VKeyToString());
                                    word = word.Substring(1);
                                    return("Invalid key " + word);

                        if (!brackets)
                        else if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ')')
                            s = s.Substring(1);

                if (kmd ==     // only on a press do we release here
                    if (alt != Keys.None)
                        AddEvent(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP, alt, keyupdelay));

                    if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                        AddEvent(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, ctrl, keyupdelay));

                    if (shift != Keys.None)
                        AddEvent(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, shift, keyupdelay));

                s = s.Trim();
                if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ',')        // comma can be used between key groups
                    s = s.Substring(1).TrimStart();

        // understand keycore - see above
        public static string KeyCore(Queue <SKEvent> events, ref string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay, int d1, int d2, int d3, KeyPressMode kmd)
            Keys shift = KeyObjectExtensions.IsShiftPrefix(ref s);
            Keys ctrl  = Keys.None;
            Keys alt   = Keys.None;

            if (shift == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+"))
                s = s.Skip("+");

                alt = KeyObjectExtensions.IsAltPrefix(ref s);

                if (alt == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+"))
                    s = s.Skip("+");

                    ctrl = KeyObjectExtensions.IsCtrlPrefix(ref s);

                    if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                        s = s.Skip("+");

            bool vkeyspresent = s.Length > 0 && s[0] != ' ';
            bool shiftpresent = shift != Keys.None || ctrl != Keys.None || alt != Keys.None;

            // keydown is d1 or def
            int keydowndelay = (d1 != -1) ? d1 : defdelay;

            // if mainpart present, its d2 or defshift.  If no main part, its d1 or def shift
            int shiftdelay = (vkeyspresent) ? (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defshiftdelay) : (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defshiftdelay);

            // if in up/down mode, its d1 or def up.   If its got shift and vkeys, its d3/defup.  else its d2/defup
            int keyupdelay = (kmd == KeyPressMode.Up || kmd == KeyPressMode.Down) ? (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defupdelay) : ((shiftpresent && vkeyspresent) ? (d3 != -1 ? d3 : defupdelay) : (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defupdelay));

            if (shift != Keys.None)         // we already run shift keys here. If we are doing UP, we send a up, else we are doing down/press
                events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KeyPressMode.Up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, shift, shiftdelay));

            if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KeyPressMode.Up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, ctrl, shiftdelay));

            if (alt != Keys.None)
                events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KeyPressMode.Up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYDOWN, alt, shiftdelay));

            if (vkeyspresent)
                if (s.Length == 0)
                    return("Invalid no characters after shifters");

                bool brackets = ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefixRemove(ref s, "(");

                while (s.Length > 0)
                    string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ' ', ')' });

                    Keys key = word.ToVkey();

                    if (key != Keys.None)
                        AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + "  press " + key.VKeyToString());
                        while (word.Length > 0)
                            string ch = new string(word[0], 1);
                            key = ch.ToVkey();

                            if (key.IsSingleCharName())
                                AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd);
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + "  press " + key.VKeyToString());
                                word = word.Substring(1);
                                return("Invalid key " + word);

                    if (!brackets)
                    else if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ')')
                        s = s.Substring(1);

            if (kmd == KeyPressMode.Press)     // only on a press do we release here
                if (alt != Keys.None)
                    events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP, alt, keyupdelay));

                if (ctrl != Keys.None)
                    events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, ctrl, keyupdelay));

                if (shift != Keys.None)
                    events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, shift, keyupdelay));

            s = s.Trim();
            if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ',')        // comma can be used between key groups
                s = s.Substring(1).TrimStart();

Esempio n. 15
        // lovely frontier uses strange naming.. its dependent on input language, except for some locals (ESP) it isn't.
        // do this is the best i can do.. tested UK,USA,FR,DE,IT,ESP,POL.
        // will probably need more bodging.

        static public string FrontierToKeys(string frontiername)
            if (nametoscan == null)
                Dictionary <char, uint> chartoscancode = KeyObjectExtensions.CharToScanCode();
                nametoscan = FrontierNameToScancode(chartoscancode);
                mapped     = IsFullyMapped(chartoscancode);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Mapped " + mapped);

            string output;

            if (frontiername.StartsWith("Key_"))
                output = frontiername.Substring(4);

                int num;

                if (output.Length == 1 && ((output[0] >= '0' && output[0] <= '9') || (output[0] >= 'A' && output[0] <= 'Z')))
                    // no action
                else if (output.StartsWith("Numpad_") && char.IsDigit(output[7]))
                    output = "NumPad" + output[7];
                else if (output.StartsWith("F") && int.TryParse(output.Substring(1), out num))
                    output = "F" + num;
                    int i = Array.FindIndex(frontiertovkeyname, x => x.Item2.Equals(output));

                    if (i >= 0)

                    uint sc = 0;

//                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Layout " + InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName);

                    if (InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName != "Spanish" && mapped && nametoscan.ContainsKey(output))       // spanish uses default names
                        sc = nametoscan[output];
                        i = Array.FindIndex(defaultscancodes, x => x.Item1.Equals(output));

                        if (i >= 0)
                            sc = defaultscancodes[i].Item2;

                    if (sc != 0)      // if we have a code, convert it to a Vkey.
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Name {0} ->SC {1:x}", output, sc);

                        uint v = BaseUtils.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.MapVirtualKey(sc, 3);

                        if (v != 0)
                            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("        .. {0} -> VK {1:x} {2}", sc, v, ((Keys)v).VKeyToString());
                            output = ((Keys)v).VKeyToString();
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scan code converstion failed {0} {1:x}", frontiername, sc);
                            output = "Unknown_SCMap_" + frontiername + "_" + InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Frontier Mapping failed {0}", frontiername);
                        output = "Unknown_Key_" + frontiername + "_" + InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName;
                output = "Unknown_Format_" + frontiername;
