Esempio n. 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Animation state codes are coupled with keycodes. Initialised Keymapper first.

        animevent = new AnimationEvent();
        //tranimations = movableobj.AnimClips;

         * Showing how I looked up animation clip to its engine state ID.
         * For example Idle animation is mapped to state id 2. Actually engine uses Idle animation
         * via its state id 2. This mapping is realized throgh tranimations list. I had to
         * go through error and trial process to realize this map. Here was my procedure:
         * First I selected a animation clip, for example Idle, by playing it. I use AnimationTester.cs for that
         * Then look up the clip index and I index it into tranimations[clip index].stateid and logged the stateid
         * Then I creat a new State(name, logged_stateid, animation_clip_id)
         * Then assign that State object to a predifined location of statemap[] array.
         * More animation could be mapped this way. In that case statemap[] should be resized
         * Index to statemap[] array is generated by KeyMapper class, for eaxample KeyMapper.Walk
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.Idle" + "103" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[103].stateid);     //2
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.Walk" + "1" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[1].stateid);         //0
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.Run" + "0" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[0].stateid);          //1
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.Run A bit" + "6" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[0].stateid);    //1
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: jump start A " + "26" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[26].stateid);    //19
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: jump start B " + "27" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[27].stateid);    //28
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: jump start C " + "28" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[28].stateid);    //28
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: jump air " + "77" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[77].stateid);    //3
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: jump Back " + "89" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[89].stateid);     //5
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Flip Back " + "75" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[75].stateid);     //25
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Jump Right " + "80" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[80].stateid);     //26
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Jump Right " + "78" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[78].stateid);     //27
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.Roll Right " + "81" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[81].stateid);     //26
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.Roll KeyMapper.Left " + "79" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[79].stateid);     //27
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Step KeyMapper.Left " + "12" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[12].stateid);     //6
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Step Right " + "13" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[13].stateid);     //7
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Throw Flare " + "189" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[189].stateid);    //0
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Pickup Flare " + "204" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[204].stateid);    //67
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Light Flare " + "257" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[204].stateid);    //
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Action " + "11" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[11].stateid);    //
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Switching " + "197" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[197].stateid);    // 40
         *      //Debug.Log("Anim ID: KeyMapper.DrawWeapon " + "218" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[218].stateid);    //
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: Grab " + "172" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[172].stateid);    // 56
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: PullUpLow " + "42" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[42].stateid);    //2
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: PullUpHigh " + "97" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[97].stateid);    //19
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: PullUpAcrobatic " + "159" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[159].stateid);    //54
         *      Debug.Log("Anim ID: WalkUp " + "50" + " " + "State ID:" +  tranimations[50].stateid);    //2
         *      //pull up animations:
         *      //PullUpLow: When Obstackle Height == Lara's Height
         *      //KeyMapper.Walk Up[50]: When Obstackle Height == Lara's heap
         *      //Auto jump and grab[172] + pullup[PullUpHigh]: When Obstackle Height == twice Lara's Height
         *      //Manual jump and grab[172] + pullup[PullUpHigh]: When Obstackle Height > twice Lara's Height
         *      //Manual jump and grab[172] + pullupAcrobatic[PullUpAcrobatic]: When Obstackle Height > twice Lara's Height
         *      //simi left[136]:
         *      //simi right[137]:
         *      //jump grab[150]:
         *      //switching[197]
         *      //61,62 : walk back
        Debug.Log("Anim ID: Wadding " + "177" + " " + "State ID:" + tranimations[177].stateid);                //65

        Debug.Log("Anim ID: inwater swimming " + "86" + " " + "State ID:" + tranimations[86].stateid);         //17
        Debug.Log("Anim ID: inwater idle " + "108" + " " + "State ID:" + tranimations[108].stateid);           //13

        Debug.Log("Anim ID: surface_water swimming " + "116" + " " + "State ID:" + tranimations[116].stateid); //34
        Debug.Log("Anim ID: surface idle " + "110" + " " + "State ID:" + tranimations[110].stateid);           //33

        Debug.Log("Anim ID: surface pullup " + "111" + " " + "State ID:" + tranimations[111].stateid);         //33
        //build statemap and actions array.
        //Update add 4 animation layer with each layer size 32 [normal, shallow, inwater, surface ]
        statemap = new State[128 + 8];
        actions  = new Action[128 + 8];

        //statemap[KeyMapper.Search] = new State ("KeyMapper.Search", -1,-1);
        //statemap[KeyMapper.Menu] = new State( "KeyMapper.Menu", - 1,-1);
        //statemap[KeyMapper.PickupFlare] = new State ("Pickup Flare", 67,204); statemap[KeyMapper.PickupFlare].loop = false; statemap[KeyMapper.PickupFlare].moving = false;
        //statemap[KeyMapper.StepToKeyMapper.Left] = new State ("KeyMapper.StepToKeyMapper.Left", 6,12); statemap[KeyMapper.StepToKeyMapper.Left].moving = true; statemap[KeyMapper.StepToKeyMapper.Left].movedir = Vector3.left; statemap[KeyMapper.StepToKeyMapper.Left].Speed = 0.1f;
        //statemap[KeyMapper.StepToRight] = new State ("KeyMapper.StepToRight", 7,13); statemap[KeyMapper.StepToRight].moving = true; statemap[KeyMapper.StepToRight].movedir = Vector3.right; statemap[KeyMapper.StepToRight].Speed = 0.1f;

        statemap[KeyMapper.Jump] = new State("Jump", 28, 28);  statemap[KeyMapper.Jump].OnAir = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Jump].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Idle] = new State("KeyMapper.Idle", 2, 103); statemap[KeyMapper.Idle].loop = true;
        //statemap[1] = new State("KeyMapper.Walk",0,1);
        //statemap[KeyMapper.PrimaryAction] = new State ("Primary Action", 2,11);
        statemap[KeyMapper.PrimaryAction] = new State("Primary Action", 2, 103);
        statemap[KeyMapper.DrawWeapon]    = new State("KeyMapper.DrawWeapon", 0, 218);
        statemap[KeyMapper.Roll]          = new State("KeyMapper.Roll", -1, -1);

        //statemap[10] = new State ("KeyMapper.Run", 1,0);
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run]   = new State("KeyMapper.Run", 1, 0);  statemap[KeyMapper.Run].loop = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run].moving = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run].Speed = 6;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Down]  = new State("KeyMapper.Down", -1, -1);
        statemap[KeyMapper.Left]  = new State("KeyMapper.Left", -1, -1);
        statemap[KeyMapper.Right] = new State("Right", -1, -1);
        statemap[KeyMapper.Walk]  = new State("KeyMapper.Walk", 0, 1); statemap[KeyMapper.Walk].loop = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Walk].moving = true;  statemap[KeyMapper.Walk].Speed = 2.0f;
        //Add some sfx to the state run. I'm not sure weather it should be done here or else where
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run].sfx    = new AudioClip[2];
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/run", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run].sfx[1] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/run", typeof(AudioClip));

        statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAir]         = new State("Jump Air", 3, 77);
        statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAir].OnAir   = true;
        statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAir].moving  = true;
        statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAir].Speed   = 8;
        statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAir].movedir = Vector3.forward + Vector3.up * 0.35f;

        //statemap[jumpBack] = new State("jump Back",5,89);  statemap[jumpBack].OnAir = true; statemap[jumpBack].loop = true; statemap[jumpBack].moving = true; statemap[jumpBack].movedir = -Vector3.forward;
        //statemap[FlipBack] = new State("Flip Back",25,75); statemap[FlipBack].OnAir = true; statemap[FlipBack].moving = true; statemap[FlipBack].movedir = -Vector3.forward;
        //statemap[JumpRight] = new State("Jump Right",26,81); statemap[JumpRight].OnAir = true; statemap[JumpRight].moving = true;
        //statemap[JumpKeyMapper.Left] = new State("Jump KeyMapper.Left",27,79); statemap[JumpKeyMapper.Left].OnAir = true; statemap[JumpKeyMapper.Left].moving = true;

        statemap[KeyMapper.Grab]            = new State("Grab", 56, 172);
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpLow]       = new State("Grab", 2, 42);  statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpLow].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpLow].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh]      = new State("PullUpHigh", 19, 97);  statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpAcrobatic] = new State("PullUpAcrobatic", 54, 159);  statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpAcrobatic].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpAcrobatic].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp]          = new State("WalkUp", 2, 50);  statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;

        //Add some sfx to the state pull up. I'm not sure weather it should be done here or else where
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].sfx    = new AudioClip[1];
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/pull_up", typeof(AudioClip));

        statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp].sfx    = new AudioClip[1];
        statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/pull_up", typeof(AudioClip));

         * Now build a array of action, where action stores a list of State objects. Generally
         * one state is stored in each action but more can be added to build up complex action
         * */

        actions[KeyMapper.Idle]            = new Action("KeyMapper.Idle");
        actions[KeyMapper.PrimaryAction]   = new Action("Primary Action");
        actions[KeyMapper.DrawWeapon]      = new Action("KeyMapper.DrawWeapon");
        actions[KeyMapper.Roll]            = new Action("KeyMapper.Roll");
        actions[KeyMapper.Run]             = new Action("KeyMapper.Run");
        actions[KeyMapper.Down]            = new Action("KeyMapper.Down");
        actions[KeyMapper.Left]            = new Action("KeyMapper.Left");
        actions[KeyMapper.Right]           = new Action("Right");
        actions[KeyMapper.Walk]            = new Action("KeyMapper.Walk");
        actions[KeyMapper.Jump]            = new Action("Jump");
        actions[KeyMapper.JumpAir]         = new Action("Jump Air");
        actions[KeyMapper.JumpAirStanding] = new Action("JumpAirStanding");
        //actions[KeyMapper.jumpBack] = new Action("jump Back"); //
        actions[KeyMapper.FlipBack] = new Action("Flip Back");
        //actions[KeyMapper.JumpRight] = new Action("Jump Right");
        //actions[KeyMapper.Jump.Left] = new Action("Jump Left");
        actions[KeyMapper.Grab]            = new Action("Grab");
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpLow]       = new Action("PullUpLow");
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh]      = new Action("PullUpHigh");
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpAcrobatic] = new Action("PullUpAcrobatic");
        actions[KeyMapper.WalkUp]          = new Action("WalkUp");

        actions[KeyMapper.Idle].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Idle], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.PrimaryAction].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.PrimaryAction], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.DrawWeapon].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.DrawWeapon], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Roll].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Roll], 1, 0);
        //statemap[10] = new State ("KeyMapper.Run", 1,0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Run].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Run], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Down].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Down], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Left].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Left], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Right].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Right], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Walk].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Walk], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.Jump].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Jump], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.JumpAir].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAir], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.JumpAirStanding].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.JumpAirStanding], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.FlipBack].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.FlipBack], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.Grab].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Grab], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpLow].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpLow], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpAcrobatic].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpAcrobatic], 1, 0);
        actions[KeyMapper.WalkUp].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp], 1, 0);

         * Added new states  shallow water movment  layer (offset 32)
         * */
        int swimstate = (int)SwimmingState.InShallowWater;

        statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate]       = new State("KeyMapper.Idle: from shallow water", 2, 103); statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].loop = true;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate]        = new State("KeyMapper.Run: from shallow water", 65, 177);  statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].loop = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].moving = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].Speed = 3;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate]       = new State("Jump: from shallow water", 28, 28);  statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate].OnAir = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate]     = new State("WalkUp: from shallow water", 2, 50);  statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate] = new State("PullUpHigh", 19, 97); statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;

        actions[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate] = new Action("KeyMapper.Idle: from shallow water");
        actions[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate] = new Action("KeyMapper.Run: from shallow water");
        actions[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate] = new Action("Jump: from shallow water");
        actions[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate] = new Action("WalkUp: from shallow water");
        actions[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate], 1, 0);

        //add sfx
        statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate].sfx        = new AudioClip[1];
        statemap[KeyMapper.WalkUp + swimstate].sfx[0]     = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/splash2", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].sfx    = new AudioClip[1];
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/pull_up", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx           = new AudioClip[2];
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[0]        = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/shallow-water", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[1]        = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/shallow-water", typeof(AudioClip));

         * Added new states  deep water movment  layer (offset 64)
         * */
        swimstate = (int)SwimmingState.InDeepWater;

        statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate] = new State("KeyMapper.Idle", 13, 108); statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].loop = true;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate]  = new State("KeyMapper.Run", 17, 86);  statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].loop = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].moving = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].Speed = 6;
        //statemap[KeyMapper.Jump] = new State("Jump",28,28);  statemap[KeyMapper.Jump].OnAir = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Jump].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;

        actions[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate] = new Action("KeyMapper.Idle");
        actions[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate] = new Action("KeyMapper.Run");
        actions[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate], 1, 0);

        //add sfx
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx    = new AudioClip[2];
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/swim", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[1] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/swim", typeof(AudioClip));

         * Added new states  surface water movment  layer (offset 96)
         * */

        swimstate = (int)SwimmingState.InWaterSurface;

        statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate]       = new State("Idle Surface", 33, 110); statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].loop = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].Speed = 3;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate]        = new State("Swim Surface", 34, 116);  statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].loop = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].moving = true; statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].Speed = 3;
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx    = new AudioClip[2];
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/treading", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[1] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/treading", typeof(AudioClip));

        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate]        = new State("PullUpHigh", 55, 111); statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].moving = false; statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].movedir = Vector3.up * 0.35f;
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].sfx    = new AudioClip[1];
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/splash2", typeof(AudioClip));

        actions[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate] = new Action("Idle Surface");
        actions[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Idle + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate] = new Action("Swim Surface");
        actions[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate] = new Action("Pull Out From Water");
        actions[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate], 1, 0);

        actions[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate] = new Action("Dive Into Water");
        actions[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate], 1, 0);

        //add sfx
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx    = new AudioClip[2];
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/treading", typeof(AudioClip));
        statemap[KeyMapper.Run + swimstate].sfx[1] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/treading", typeof(AudioClip));

        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].sfx    = new AudioClip[1];
        statemap[KeyMapper.PullUpHigh + swimstate].sfx[0] = (AudioClip)Resources.Load("sfx/splash2", typeof(AudioClip));

         * Added new states for diving (offset 128)
         * */
        swimstate = (int)SwimmingState.Diving;

        statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate] = new State("Dive Into Water", 35, 119); statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate].OnAir = false;
        actions[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate]  = new Action("Dive Into Water");
        actions[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.Jump + swimstate], 1, 0);

        //state map for dive in air
        statemap[KeyMapper.DiveInAir] = new State("Dive Air", 52, 156);

        actions[KeyMapper.DiveInAir] = new Action("Dive in air");
        actions[KeyMapper.DiveInAir].AddState(statemap[KeyMapper.DiveInAir], 1, 0);

        thistransform    = transform;
        SfxSource        = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        SfxSource.volume = 0.35f;
        rootanim         = (Animation)GetComponent(typeof(Animation));
        //initialse states
        prevkeystate   = currentkeystate = KeyMapper.Idle + (int)m_SwimState;
        current_action = actions[KeyMapper.Idle + (int)m_SwimState];
        current_state  = actions[KeyMapper.Idle + (int)m_SwimState].state[0];
        if (current_state.AnimationID < rootanim.GetClipCount())
            rootanim.Play("" + current_state.AnimationID);
        rootanim.wrapMode   = WrapMode.Loop;
        current_action.time = Time.time;
        crossfading         = false;
        busy = false;