private void FillSigningKey(SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor sts) { KeyDescriptor signingKey = new KeyDescriptor(this.SigningCredentials.SigningKeyIdentifier) { Use = KeyType.Signing }; sts.Keys.Add(signingKey); }
private KeyDescriptor GetSigningKeyDescriptor() { var certificate = _options.SigningCertificate; var clause = new X509SecurityToken(certificate).CreateKeyIdentifierClause<X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause>(); var key = new KeyDescriptor(new SecurityKeyIdentifier(clause)); key.Use = KeyType.Signing; return key; }
/// <summary> /// Generate a sample MetadataBase. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// In a production system this would be generated from the STS configuration. /// </remarks> public static MetadataBase GetFederationMetadata() { string endpointId = "http://localhost:61754/"; EntityDescriptor metadata = new EntityDescriptor(); metadata.EntityId = new EntityId(endpointId); // Define the signing key string signingCertificateName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SigningCertificateName"]; X509Certificate2 cert = CertificateUtil.GetCertificate(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, signingCertificateName); metadata.SigningCredentials = new X509SigningCredentials(cert); // Create role descriptor for security token service SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor stsRole = new SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor(); stsRole.ProtocolsSupported.Add(new Uri(WSFederationMetadataConstants.Namespace)); metadata.RoleDescriptors.Add(stsRole); // Add a contact name ContactPerson person = new ContactPerson(ContactType.Administrative); person.GivenName = "contactName"; stsRole.Contacts.Add(person); // Include key identifier for signing key in metadata SecurityKeyIdentifierClause clause = new X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause(cert); SecurityKeyIdentifier ski = new SecurityKeyIdentifier(clause); KeyDescriptor signingKey = new KeyDescriptor(ski); signingKey.Use = KeyType.Signing; stsRole.Keys.Add(signingKey); // Add endpoints string activeSTSUrl = "http://localhost:61754/"; EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(activeSTSUrl), null, null, GetMetadataReader(activeSTSUrl), null); stsRole.SecurityTokenServiceEndpoints.Add(endpointAddress); // Add a collection of offered claims // NOTE: In this sample, these claims must match the claims actually generated in CustomSecurityTokenService.GetOutputClaimsIdentity. // In a production system, there would be some common data store that both use stsRole.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(ClaimTypes.Name, "Name", "The name of the subject.")); stsRole.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Role", "The role of the subject.")); // Add a special claim for the QuoteService stsRole.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(QuotationClassClaimType, "QuotationClass", "Class of quotation desired.")); return metadata; }
public byte[] GetFederationMetadata(Uri passiveSignInUrl, Uri identifier, X509Certificate2 signingCertificate) { var credentials = new X509SigningCredentials(signingCertificate); // Figure out the hostname exposed from Azure and what port the service is listening on EndpointAddress realm = new EndpointAddress(identifier); EndpointAddress passiveEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(passiveSignInUrl); // Create metadata document for relying party EntityDescriptor entity = new EntityDescriptor(new EntityId(realm.Uri.AbsoluteUri)); SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor sts = new SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor(); entity.RoleDescriptors.Add(sts); // Add STS's signing key KeyDescriptor signingKey = new KeyDescriptor(credentials.SigningKeyIdentifier); signingKey.Use = KeyType.Signing; sts.Keys.Add(signingKey); // Add offered claim types sts.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(ClaimTypes.AuthenticationMethod)); sts.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(ClaimTypes.AuthenticationInstant)); sts.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(ClaimTypes.Name)); // Add passive federation endpoint sts.PassiveRequestorEndpoints.Add(passiveEndpoint); // Add supported protocols sts.ProtocolsSupported.Add(new Uri(WSFederationConstants.Namespace)); // Add passive STS endpoint sts.SecurityTokenServiceEndpoints.Add(passiveEndpoint); // Set credentials with which to sign the metadata entity.SigningCredentials = credentials; // Serialize the metadata and convert it to an XElement MetadataSerializer serializer = new MetadataSerializer(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); serializer.WriteMetadata(stream, entity); stream.Flush(); return stream.ToArray(); }
public override async Task <bool> KeyPress(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { var result = await base.KeyPress(descriptor); if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Return) { if (Editor.Options.IndentStyle == MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.IndentStyle.Virtual) { if (Editor.GetLine(Editor.CaretLine).Length == 0) { Editor.CaretColumn = Editor.GetVirtualIndentationColumn(Editor.CaretLine); } } else { DoReSmartIndent(); } } return(result); }
public async Task TestSemicolon() { await Simulate(@"class Foo { void Test () { Console.WriteLine () ;$ } }", (content, ext) => { ext.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(Gdk.Key.semicolon, ';', Gdk.ModifierType.None)); var newText = content.Text; Assert.AreEqual(@"class Foo { void Test () { Console.WriteLine(); } }", newText); }); }
public override bool KeyPress(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { if (DebuggingService.ExceptionCaughtMessage != null && !DebuggingService.ExceptionCaughtMessage.IsMinimized && DebuggingService.ExceptionCaughtMessage.File.CanonicalPath == new FilePath(DocumentContext.Name).CanonicalPath) { if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Escape) { DebuggingService.ExceptionCaughtMessage.ShowMiniButton(); return(true); } if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Return) { DebuggingService.ExceptionCaughtMessage.ShowDialog(); return(false); } } return(base.KeyPress(descriptor)); }
public XElement GetFederationMetadata(string endPoint, IList <string> claims) { System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress item = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(endPoint + "/_sts/"); EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = new EntityDescriptor(new EntityId(this.TokenIssuerName)); SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor securityTokenServiceDescriptor = new SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor(); entityDescriptor.RoleDescriptors.Add(securityTokenServiceDescriptor); KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor = new KeyDescriptor(this.SigningCredentials.SigningKeyIdentifier); keyDescriptor.Use = KeyType.Signing; securityTokenServiceDescriptor.Keys.Add(keyDescriptor); for (int i = 0; i < claims.Count; i++) { securityTokenServiceDescriptor.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(new DisplayClaim(claims[i], claims[i], string.Empty)); } var endPointReference = new EndpointReference(item.Uri.ToString()); securityTokenServiceDescriptor.PassiveRequestorEndpoints.Add(endPointReference); securityTokenServiceDescriptor.ProtocolsSupported.Add(new System.Uri("")); securityTokenServiceDescriptor.SecurityTokenServiceEndpoints.Add(endPointReference); entityDescriptor.SigningCredentials = base.SigningCredentials; MetadataSerializer metadataSerializer = new MetadataSerializer(); XElement result = null; using (System.IO.MemoryStream memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { metadataSerializer.WriteMetadata(memoryStream, entityDescriptor); memoryStream.Flush(); memoryStream.Seek(0L, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.IgnoreComments = true; settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(memoryStream); result = XElement.Load(reader); } return(result); }
public override bool KeyPress(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { if (Editor.Options.IndentStyle == IndentStyle.Smart) { var newLine = Editor.CaretLine + 1; var ret = base.KeyPress(descriptor); if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Return && Editor.CaretLine == newLine) { string indent = GetLineIndent(newLine); var oldIndent = Editor.GetLineIndent(newLine); var seg = Editor.GetLine(newLine); if (oldIndent != indent) { using (var undo = Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { Editor.ReplaceText(seg.Offset, oldIndent.Length, indent); } } } return(ret); } return(base.KeyPress(descriptor)); }
public bool CompleteWord(ref KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { if (SelectedItemIndex == -1 || completionDataList == null) { return(false); } var item = completionDataList [SelectedItemIndex]; if (item == null) { return(false); } IsInCompletion = true; try { // first close the completion list, then insert the text. // this is required because that's the logical event chain, otherwise things could be messed up CloseCompletionList(); /* var cdItem = (CompletionData)item; * cdItem.InsertCompletionText (this, ref ka, closeChar, keyChar, modifier); * AddWordToHistory (PartialWord, cdItem.CompletionText); * OnWordCompleted (new CodeCompletionContextEventArgs (CompletionWidget, CodeCompletionContext, cdItem.CompletionText)); */ if (item.HasOverloads && declarationviewwindow != null && declarationviewwindow.CurrentOverload >= 0 && declarationviewwindow.CurrentOverload < item.OverloadedData.Count) { item.OverloadedData[declarationviewwindow.CurrentOverload].InsertCompletionText(facade, ref ka, descriptor); } else { item.InsertCompletionText(facade, ref ka, descriptor); } cache.CommitCompletionData(item); OnWordCompleted(new CodeCompletionContextEventArgs(CompletionWidget, CodeCompletionContext, item.DisplayText)); } finally { IsInCompletion = false; CompletionWindowManager.HideWindow(); } return(true); }
bool ExtensionKeyPress(Gdk.Key key, uint ch, Gdk.ModifierType state) { isInKeyStroke = true; try { if (needToAddLastExtension) { var ext = EditorExtension; while (ext.Next != null) { ext = ext.Next; } ext.Next = new LastEditorExtension(this); needToAddLastExtension = false; } return(EditorExtension.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(key, (char)ch, state))); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportExtensionError(ex); } finally { isInKeyStroke = false; } return(false); }
public async Task TestBug16174_VirtualIndent() { await Simulate("namespace Foo\n{\n\tpublic class Bar\n\t{\n$\t\tvoid Test()\n\t\t{\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n", (content, ext) => { var options = new CustomEditorOptions { IndentStyle = IndentStyle.Virtual, TabsToSpaces = false }; ext.Editor.Options = options; EditActions.NewLine(ext.Editor); ext.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(Gdk.Key.Return, '\n', Gdk.ModifierType.None)); var newText = content.Text; var expected = "namespace Foo\n{\n\tpublic class Bar\n\t{\n\n\t\tvoid Test()\n\t\t{\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n"; if (newText != expected) { Console.WriteLine(newText); } Assert.AreEqual(expected, newText); }); }
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes) { PropertyDescriptorCollection ps = base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes); ICustomPropertyConverter s = value as ICustomPropertyConverter; if (s == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } //keep given properties and add one for each key PropertyDescriptor[] props = new PropertyDescriptor[ps.Count + s.GetKeys().Count]; int i = 0; foreach (PropertyDescriptor p in ps) { props[i++] = p; } foreach (object key in s.GetKeys()) { //create attributes for s ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList(); attrs.Add(new DescriptionAttribute(s.DescriptionOf(key))); attrs.Add(new ReadOnlyAttribute(s.IsReadOnly(key))); attrs.Add(new CategoryAttribute(s.CategoryOf(key))); attrs.Add(RefreshPropertiesAttribute.All); string customEditor = s.CustomEditorOf(key); if (customEditor != null) { attrs.Add(new EditorAttribute(customEditor, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))); } object v = s.ValueOf(key); props[i++] = new KeyDescriptor(s.GetType(), key, s.DisplayNameOf(key), (v == null ? "":v).GetType(), (Attribute[])attrs.ToArray(typeof(Attribute)), s.IsDefaultExpanded(key)); } PropertyDescriptorCollection res = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(props); return(res); }
public async Task TestCloseBrace() { await Simulate(@"class Foo { void Test () { Console.WriteLine() ; }$ }", (content, ext) => { ext.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(Gdk.Key.braceright, '}', Gdk.ModifierType.None)); var newText = content.Text; Console.WriteLine(newText); Assert.AreEqual(@"class Foo { void Test() { Console.WriteLine(); } }", newText); }); }
public IIndex <IData, IData> OpenXIndex(KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor, RecordDescriptor recordDescriptor, params string[] path) { var keyType = keyDescriptor.DataType; bool keySupported = keyType.IsPrimitive || (keyType.IsSlotes && keyType.AreAllTypesPrimitive); if (!keySupported) { throw new NotSupportedException(keyType.ToString()); } var recordType = recordDescriptor.DataType; bool recordSupported = recordType.IsPrimitive || (recordType.IsSlotes && recordType.AreAllTypesPrimitive); if (!recordSupported) { throw new NotSupportedException(recordType.ToString()); } ILocator locator = Locator.Obtain(StructureType.XINDEX, keyDescriptor, recordDescriptor, path); return(new XIndex(this, locator)); }
public async Task TestIssue5951() { using (var data = await Create(@" using System; namespace MyLibrary { public class MyClass { public MyClass() { } $ } }")) { data.Document.Editor.Options = new CustomEditorOptions(data.Document.Editor.Options) { IndentStyle = IndentStyle.Smart, RemoveTrailingWhitespaces = false }; var indent = new CSharpTextEditorIndentation(); indent.Initialize(data.Document.Editor, data.Document); indent.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(Gdk.Key.Return, '\n', Gdk.ModifierType.None)); CheckOutput(data, @" using System; namespace MyLibrary { public class MyClass { public MyClass() { } $ } }", indent); } }
async Task <string> Test(string input, string type, string member, Gdk.Key key = Gdk.Key.Return) { string result = null; await Setup(input, async testCase => { var ext = testCase.Content.GetContent <CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension> (); var listWindow = new CompletionListWindow(); var widget = new TestCompletionWidget(ext.Editor, ext.DocumentContext); listWindow.CompletionWidget = widget; listWindow.CodeCompletionContext = widget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext; var sm = await ext.DocumentContext.AnalysisDocument.GetSemanticModelAsync(); var t = sm.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(type); var foundMember = t.GetMembers().First(m => m.Name == member); var data = new CompletionData(foundMember.Name); data.DisplayFlags |= DisplayFlags.NamedArgument; KeyActions ka = KeyActions.Process; data.InsertCompletionText(listWindow, ref ka, KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(key, (char)key, Gdk.ModifierType.None)); result = widget.CompletedWord; }); return(result); }
protected override bool ProcessKeyPressEvent(Gtk.KeyPressEventArgs args) { keyHandled = false; keyChar = (char)args.Event.Key; keyValue = args.Event.KeyValue; modifier = args.Event.State; key = args.Event.Key; if ((args.Event.Key == Gdk.Key.Down || args.Event.Key == Gdk.Key.Up)) { keyChar = '\0'; } if (currentCompletionData != null) { if ((keyHandled = CompletionWindowManager.PreProcessKeyEvent(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(key, keyChar, modifier)))) { return(true); } } return(base.ProcessKeyPressEvent(args)); }
internal static string Encrypt(this IdentityCoreKeyHandler handler, KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor, string payload) { string EncryptionKey = keyDescriptor?.SecretKey?.Secret; var signature = keyDescriptor.KeySignature.Signature; var lastKey = EncryptionKey.Insert(EncryptionKey.Length, signature); byte[] clearBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(payload); using (Aes encryptor = Aes.Create()) { Rfc2898DeriveBytes pdb = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(lastKey, new byte[] { 0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76, 0x79, 0x88, 0x49, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65 }); encryptor.Key = pdb.GetBytes(32); encryptor.IV = pdb.GetBytes(16); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, encryptor.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { cs.Write(clearBytes, 0, clearBytes.Length); cs.Close(); } payload = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray()); } } return(payload); }
public async Task TestCorrectReindentNextLine() { await Simulate(@" class Foo { void Bar () { try { } catch (Exception e) {$} } } ", (content, ext) => { ext.ReindentOnTab(); EditActions.NewLine(ext.Editor); ext.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk((Gdk.Key) '\n', '\n', Gdk.ModifierType.None)); var newText = content.Text; var expected = @" class Foo { void Bar () { try { } catch (Exception e) { } } } "; if (newText != expected) { Console.WriteLine(newText); } Assert.AreEqual(expected, newText); }); }
public async Task TestBug44747() { await Simulate(@"class Foo { void Test() { #$ } }", (content, ext) => { content.Data.Options = new CustomEditorOptions { IndentStyle = IndentStyle.Virtual }; ext.KeyPress(KeyDescriptor.FromGtk((Gdk.Key) '#', '#', Gdk.ModifierType.None)); var newText = content.Text; Assert.AreEqual(@"class Foo { void Test() { # } }", newText); }); }
public override bool Handle(TextEditor editor, DocumentContext ctx, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { char closingBrace; if (!IsSupportedOpeningBrace(descriptor.KeyChar, out closingBrace) || !CheckCodeContext(editor, ctx, editor.CaretOffset - 1, descriptor.KeyChar, default(CancellationToken))) { return(false); } var session = CreateEditorSession(editor, ctx, editor.CaretOffset, descriptor.KeyChar, default(CancellationToken)); session.SetEditor(editor); if (session == null | !((ICheckPointEditSession)session).CheckOpeningPoint(editor, ctx, default(CancellationToken))) { return(false); } using (var undo = editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { editor.EnsureCaretIsNotVirtual(); editor.InsertAtCaret(closingBrace.ToString()); editor.CaretOffset--; editor.StartSession(session); } return(true); }
public virtual Task <KeyActions> InsertCompletionText(CompletionListWindow window, KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { var currentWord = GetCurrentWord(window, descriptor); window.CompletionWidget.SetCompletionText(window.CodeCompletionContext, currentWord, CompletionText); return(Task.FromResult(ka)); }
public override bool KeyPress(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { completionWindowWasVisible = CompletionWindowManager.IsVisible; cursorPositionBeforeKeyPress = Editor.CaretOffset; bool isSomethingSelected = Editor.IsSomethingSelected; if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.BackSpace && Editor.CaretOffset == lastInsertedSemicolon) { EditActions.Undo(Editor); lastInsertedSemicolon = -1; return(false); } lastInsertedSemicolon = -1; if (descriptor.KeyChar == ';' && Editor.EditMode == EditMode.Edit && !DoInsertTemplate() && !isSomethingSelected && PropertyService.Get( "SmartSemicolonPlacement", false ) && !(stateTracker.IsInsideComment || stateTracker.IsInsideString)) { bool retval = base.KeyPress(descriptor); var curLine = Editor.GetLine(Editor.CaretLine); string text = Editor.GetTextAt(curLine); if (!(text.EndsWith(";", StringComparison.Ordinal) || text.Trim().StartsWith("for", StringComparison.Ordinal))) { int guessedOffset; if (GuessSemicolonInsertionOffset(Editor, curLine, Editor.CaretOffset, out guessedOffset)) { using (var undo = Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { Editor.RemoveText(Editor.CaretOffset - 1, 1); Editor.CaretOffset = guessedOffset; lastInsertedSemicolon = Editor.CaretOffset + 1; retval = base.KeyPress(descriptor); } } } return(retval); } if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Tab && descriptor.ModifierKeys == ModifierKeys.None && !CompletionWindowManager.IsVisible) { SafeUpdateIndentEngine(Editor.CaretOffset); if (stateTracker.IsInsideStringLiteral && !Editor.IsSomethingSelected) { var lexer = new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Completion.CSharpCompletionEngineBase.MiniLexer(Editor.GetTextAt(0, Editor.CaretOffset)); lexer.Parse(); if (lexer.IsInString) { Editor.InsertAtCaret("\\t"); return(false); } } } if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Tab && DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.TabIsReindent && !CompletionWindowManager.IsVisible && Editor.EditMode == EditMode.Edit && !DoInsertTemplate() && !isSomethingSelected) { ReindentOnTab(); return(false); } SafeUpdateIndentEngine(Editor.CaretOffset); if (!stateTracker.IsInsideOrdinaryCommentOrString) { if (descriptor.KeyChar == '@') { var retval = base.KeyPress(descriptor); int cursor = Editor.CaretOffset; if (cursor < Editor.Length && Editor.GetCharAt(cursor) == '"') { ConvertNormalToVerbatimString(Editor, cursor + 1); } return(retval); } } //do the smart indent if (!indentationDisabled) { bool retval; //capture some of the current state int oldBufLen = Editor.Length; int oldLine = Editor.CaretLine + 1; bool reIndent = false; //pass through to the base class, which actually inserts the character //and calls HandleCodeCompletion etc to handles completion using (var undo = Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { DoPreInsertionSmartIndent(descriptor.SpecialKey); } wasInStringLiteral = stateTracker.IsInsideStringLiteral; bool returnBetweenBraces = descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Return && descriptor.ModifierKeys == ModifierKeys.None && Editor.CaretOffset > 0 && Editor.CaretOffset < Editor.Length && Editor.GetCharAt(Editor.CaretOffset - 1) == '{' && Editor.GetCharAt(Editor.CaretOffset) == '}' && !stateTracker.IsInsideOrdinaryCommentOrString; bool automaticReindent; // need to be outside of an undo group - otherwise it interferes with other text editor extension // esp. the documentation insertion undo steps. retval = base.KeyPress(descriptor); if (descriptor.KeyChar == '/' && stateTracker.IsInsideMultiLineComment) { if (Editor.CaretOffset - 3 >= 0 && Editor.GetCharAt(Editor.CaretOffset - 3) == '*' && Editor.GetCharAt(Editor.CaretOffset - 2) == ' ') { using (var undo = Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { Editor.RemoveText(Editor.CaretOffset - 2, 1); } } } //handle inserted characters if (Editor.CaretOffset <= 0 || Editor.IsSomethingSelected) { return(retval); } lastCharInserted = TranslateKeyCharForIndenter(descriptor.SpecialKey, descriptor.KeyChar, Editor.GetCharAt(Editor.CaretOffset - 1)); if (lastCharInserted == '\0') { return(retval); } using (var undo = Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { if (returnBetweenBraces) { var oldOffset = Editor.CaretOffset; Editor.InsertAtCaret(Editor.EolMarker); DoReSmartIndent(); Editor.CaretOffset = oldOffset; } SafeUpdateIndentEngine(Editor.CaretOffset); if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Return && descriptor.ModifierKeys == ModifierKeys.Control) { FixLineStart(Editor, stateTracker, Editor.CaretLine + 1); } else { if (!(oldLine == Editor.CaretLine + 1 && lastCharInserted == '\n') && (oldBufLen != Editor.Length || lastCharInserted != '\0')) { DoPostInsertionSmartIndent(lastCharInserted, out reIndent); } else { reIndent = lastCharInserted == '\n'; } } //reindent the line after the insertion, if needed //N.B. if the engine says we need to reindent, make sure that it's because a char was //inserted rather than just updating the stack due to moving around SafeUpdateIndentEngine(Editor.CaretOffset); // Automatically reindent in text link mode will cause the mode exiting, therefore we need to prevent that. automaticReindent = (stateTracker.NeedsReindent && lastCharInserted != '\0') && Editor.EditMode == EditMode.Edit; if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Return && (reIndent || automaticReindent)) { if (Editor.Options.IndentStyle == IndentStyle.Virtual) { if (Editor.GetLine(Editor.CaretLine).Length == 0) { Editor.CaretColumn = Editor.GetVirtualIndentationColumn(Editor.CaretLine); } } else { DoReSmartIndent(); } } } SafeUpdateIndentEngine(Editor.CaretOffset); lastCharInserted = '\0'; CheckXmlCommentCloseTag(descriptor.KeyChar); return(retval); } if (Editor.Options.IndentStyle == IndentStyle.Auto && DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.TabIsReindent && descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Tab) { bool retval = base.KeyPress(descriptor); DoReSmartIndent(); CheckXmlCommentCloseTag(descriptor.KeyChar); return(retval); } //pass through to the base class, which actually inserts the character //and calls HandleCodeCompletion etc to handles completion var result = base.KeyPress(descriptor); CheckXmlCommentCloseTag(descriptor.KeyChar); return(result); }
public override void InsertCompletionText(CompletionListWindow window, ref KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { // insert add/remove event handler code after +=/-= var editor = factory.Ext.Editor; bool AddSemicolon = true; var position = window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerOffset; editor.ReplaceText(position, editor.CaretOffset - position, this.DisplayText + (AddSemicolon ? ";" : "")); var document = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument; var parsedDocument = document.UpdateParseDocument().Result; var semanticModel = parsedDocument.GetAst <SemanticModel> (); var declaringType = semanticModel.GetEnclosingSymbol <INamedTypeSymbol> (position, default(CancellationToken)); var enclosingSymbol = semanticModel.GetEnclosingSymbol <ISymbol> (position, default(CancellationToken)); var insertionPoints = InsertionPointService.GetInsertionPoints( document.Editor, parsedDocument, declaringType, editor.CaretOffset ); var options = new InsertionModeOptions( GettextCatalog.GetString("Create new method"), insertionPoints, point => { if (!point.Success) { return; } var indent = "\t"; var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (enclosingSymbol != null && enclosingSymbol.IsStatic) { sb.Append("static "); } sb.Append("void "); int pos2 = sb.Length; sb.Append(this.DisplayText); sb.Append(' '); sb.Append("("); var delegateMethod = delegateType.GetDelegateInvokeMethod(); for (int k = 0; k < delegateMethod.Parameters.Length; k++) { if (k > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(RoslynCompletionData.SafeMinimalDisplayString(delegateMethod.Parameters [k], semanticModel, position, MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.Ambience.LabelFormat)); } sb.Append(")"); sb.Append(editor.EolMarker); sb.Append(indent); sb.Append("{"); sb.Append(editor.EolMarker); sb.Append(indent); sb.Append(editor.Options.GetIndentationString()); //int cursorPos = pos + sb.Length; sb.Append(editor.EolMarker); sb.Append(indent); sb.Append("}"); point.InsertionPoint.Insert(document.Editor, document, sb.ToString()); // // start text link mode after insert // var links = new List<TextLink> (); // var link = new TextLink ("name"); // // link.AddLink (new TextSegment (initialOffset, this.DisplayText.Length)); // link.AddLink (new TextSegment (initialOffset + pos + pos2, this.DisplayText.Length)); // links.Add (link); // editor.StartTextLinkMode (new TextLinkModeOptions (links)); } ); editor.StartInsertionMode(options); }
/// <summary> /// Takes the configuration class and converts it to a SAML2.0 metadata document. /// </summary> /// <param name="config">The config.</param> /// <param name="keyInfo">The keyInfo.</param> private void ConvertToMetadata(Saml2Configuration config, KeyInfo keyInfo) { var entity = CreateDefaultEntity(); entity.EntityID = config.ServiceProvider.Id; entity.ValidUntil = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); var serviceProviderDescriptor = new SpSsoDescriptor { ProtocolSupportEnumeration = new[] { Saml20Constants.Protocol }, AuthnRequestsSigned = XmlConvert.ToString(true), WantAssertionsSigned = XmlConvert.ToString(true) }; if (config.ServiceProvider.NameIdFormats.Count > 0) { serviceProviderDescriptor.NameIdFormat = new string[config.ServiceProvider.NameIdFormats.Count]; var count = 0; foreach (var elem in config.ServiceProvider.NameIdFormats) { serviceProviderDescriptor.NameIdFormat[count++] = elem.Format; } } var baseUrl = new Uri(config.ServiceProvider.Server); var logoutServiceEndpoints = new List <Endpoint>(); var signonServiceEndpoints = new List <IndexedEndpoint>(); var artifactResolutionEndpoints = new List <IndexedEndpoint>(2); // Include endpoints. foreach (var endpoint in config.ServiceProvider.Endpoints) { if (endpoint.Type == EndpointType.SignOn) { var loginEndpoint = new IndexedEndpoint { Index = endpoint.Index, IsDefault = true, Location = new Uri(baseUrl, endpoint.LocalPath).ToString(), Binding = GetBinding(endpoint.Binding, Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HttpPost) }; signonServiceEndpoints.Add(loginEndpoint); var artifactSignonEndpoint = new IndexedEndpoint { Binding = Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HttpSoap, Index = loginEndpoint.Index, Location = loginEndpoint.Location }; artifactResolutionEndpoints.Add(artifactSignonEndpoint); continue; } if (endpoint.Type == EndpointType.Logout) { var logoutEndpoint = new Endpoint { Location = new Uri(baseUrl, endpoint.LocalPath).ToString() }; logoutEndpoint.ResponseLocation = logoutEndpoint.Location; logoutEndpoint.Binding = GetBinding(endpoint.Binding, Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HttpPost); logoutServiceEndpoints.Add(logoutEndpoint); // TODO: Look at this... logoutEndpoint = new Endpoint { Location = new Uri(baseUrl, endpoint.LocalPath).ToString() }; logoutEndpoint.ResponseLocation = logoutEndpoint.Location; logoutEndpoint.Binding = GetBinding(endpoint.Binding, Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HttpRedirect); logoutServiceEndpoints.Add(logoutEndpoint); var artifactLogoutEndpoint = new IndexedEndpoint { Binding = Saml20Constants.ProtocolBindings.HttpSoap, Index = endpoint.Index, Location = logoutEndpoint.Location }; artifactResolutionEndpoints.Add(artifactLogoutEndpoint); continue; } } serviceProviderDescriptor.SingleLogoutService = logoutServiceEndpoints.ToArray(); serviceProviderDescriptor.AssertionConsumerService = signonServiceEndpoints.ToArray(); // Attribute consuming service. if (config.Metadata.RequestedAttributes.Count > 0) { var attConsumingService = new AttributeConsumingService(); serviceProviderDescriptor.AttributeConsumingService = new[] { attConsumingService }; attConsumingService.Index = signonServiceEndpoints[0].Index; attConsumingService.IsDefault = true; attConsumingService.ServiceName = new[] { new LocalizedName("SP", "en") }; attConsumingService.RequestedAttribute = new RequestedAttribute[config.Metadata.RequestedAttributes.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < config.Metadata.RequestedAttributes.Count; i++) { attConsumingService.RequestedAttribute[i] = new RequestedAttribute { Name = config.Metadata.RequestedAttributes[i].Name }; if (config.Metadata.RequestedAttributes[i].IsRequired) { attConsumingService.RequestedAttribute[i].IsRequired = true; } attConsumingService.RequestedAttribute[i].NameFormat = SamlAttribute.NameformatBasic; } } else { serviceProviderDescriptor.AttributeConsumingService = new AttributeConsumingService[0]; } if (config.Metadata == null || !config.Metadata.ExcludeArtifactEndpoints) { serviceProviderDescriptor.ArtifactResolutionService = artifactResolutionEndpoints.ToArray(); } entity.Items = new object[] { serviceProviderDescriptor }; // Keyinfo var keySigning = new KeyDescriptor(); var keyEncryption = new KeyDescriptor(); serviceProviderDescriptor.KeyDescriptor = new[] { keySigning, keyEncryption }; keySigning.Use = KeyTypes.Signing; keySigning.UseSpecified = true; keyEncryption.Use = KeyTypes.Encryption; keyEncryption.UseSpecified = true; // Ugly conversion between the .Net framework classes and our classes ... avert your eyes!! keySigning.KeyInfo = Serialization.DeserializeFromXmlString <Schema.XmlDSig.KeyInfo>(keyInfo.GetXml().OuterXml); keyEncryption.KeyInfo = keySigning.KeyInfo; // apply the <Organization> element if (config.Metadata.Organization != null) { entity.Organization = new Schema.Metadata.Organization { OrganizationName = new[] { new LocalizedName { Value = config.Metadata.Organization.Name } }, OrganizationDisplayName = new[] { new LocalizedName { Value = config.Metadata.Organization.DisplayName } }, OrganizationURL = new[] { new LocalizedURI { Value = config.Metadata.Organization.Url } } }; } if (config.Metadata.Contacts != null && config.Metadata.Contacts.Any()) { entity.ContactPerson = config.Metadata.Contacts.Select(x => new Schema.Metadata.Contact { ContactType = (Schema.Metadata.ContactType) ((int)x.Type), Company = x.Company, GivenName = x.GivenName, SurName = x.SurName, EmailAddress = new[] { x.Email }, TelephoneNumber = new[] { x.Phone } }).ToArray(); } }
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes) { PropertyDescriptorCollection ps = base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes); ICustomPropertyConverter s = value as ICustomPropertyConverter; if (s == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); //keep given properties and add one for each key PropertyDescriptor[] props = new PropertyDescriptor[ps.Count + s.GetKeys().Count]; int i = 0; foreach (PropertyDescriptor p in ps) props[i++] = p; foreach (object key in s.GetKeys()) { //create attributes for s ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList(); attrs.Add(new DescriptionAttribute(s.DescriptionOf(key))); attrs.Add(new ReadOnlyAttribute(s.IsReadOnly(key))); attrs.Add(new CategoryAttribute(s.CategoryOf(key))); attrs.Add(RefreshPropertiesAttribute.All); string customEditor = s.CustomEditorOf(key); if (customEditor != null) attrs.Add(new EditorAttribute(customEditor,typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))); object v = s.ValueOf(key); props[i++] = new KeyDescriptor(s.GetType(), key, s.DisplayNameOf(key), (v==null ? "":v).GetType(), (Attribute[])attrs.ToArray(typeof(Attribute)), s.IsDefaultExpanded(key)); } PropertyDescriptorCollection res = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(props); return res; }
private static void CreateIdentityProviderMetadata(SamlIdpData idpData, string fileName, Encoding encoding) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(idpData.SigninCertificateCn)) throw new ApplicationException("no CN for a Certificate supplied"); string signingCertificateSubjectName = idpData.SigninCertificateCn; Constants.NameIdType nidFmt = idpData.NameIdType; MetadataSerializer serializer = new MetadataSerializer(); IdentityProviderSingleSignOnDescriptor item = new IdentityProviderSingleSignOnDescriptor(); EntityDescriptor metadata = new EntityDescriptor(); metadata.EntityId = new EntityId(idpData.EntityId); X509Certificate2 certificate = CertificateHelper.RetrieveCertificate(signingCertificateSubjectName); KeyDescriptor descriptor = new KeyDescriptor( new SecurityKeyIdentifier( new SecurityKeyIdentifierClause[] { new X509SecurityToken(certificate).CreateKeyIdentifierClause<X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause>() })); descriptor.Use = KeyType.Signing; item.Keys.Add(descriptor); //using 2.0 if (Constants.NameIdType.Saml20 == nidFmt) item.NameIdentifierFormats.Add(Saml2Constants.NameIdentifierFormats.Transient); //using 1.1 if (Constants.NameIdType.Saml11 == nidFmt) item.NameIdentifierFormats.Add(Saml2Constants.NameIdentifierFormats.Unspecified); foreach (var attributeName in idpData.AttributeNames) { Saml2Attribute at1 = new Saml2Attribute(attributeName.Name) { NameFormat = new Uri(Constants.Saml20AttributeNameFormat) }; item.SupportedAttributes.Add(at1); } item.ProtocolsSupported.Add(new Uri(Constants.Saml20Protocol)); item.SingleSignOnServices.Add(new ProtocolEndpoint(new Uri(idpData.BindingType), new Uri(idpData.BindingLocation))); metadata.RoleDescriptors.Add(item); metadata.Contacts.Add(new ContactPerson(ContactType.Technical) { Company = idpData.MainContact.Company, GivenName = idpData.MainContact.GivenName, Surname = idpData.MainContact.SurName, EmailAddresses = { idpData.MainContact.Email }, TelephoneNumbers = { idpData.MainContact.Phone } }); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(fileName, encoding); serializer.WriteMetadata(writer, metadata); writer.Close(); }
public void PostProcessKeyEvent(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { window.PostProcessKeyEvent(descriptor); }
public override async Task <KeyActions> InsertCompletionText(CompletionListWindow window, KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { var editor = ext.Editor; bool isExplicit = false; // if (member.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) { // foreach (var m in type.Members) { // if (m.Name == member.Name && !m.ReturnType.Equals (member.ReturnType)) { // isExplicit = true; // break; // } // } // } // var resolvedType = type.Resolve (ext.Project).GetDefinition (); // if (ext.Project != null) // generator.PolicyParent = ext.Project.Policies; var result = CSharpCodeGenerator.CreateProtocolMemberImplementation(ext.DocumentContext, ext.Editor, currentType, currentType.Locations.First(), Symbol, isExplicit, factory.SemanticModel); string sb = result.Code.TrimStart(); int trimStart = result.Code.Length - sb.Length; sb = sb.TrimEnd(); var lastRegion = result.BodyRegions.LastOrDefault(); var region = lastRegion == null ? null : new CodeGeneratorBodyRegion(lastRegion.StartOffset - trimStart, lastRegion.EndOffset - trimStart); int targetCaretPosition; int selectionEndPosition = -1; if (region != null && region.IsValid) { targetCaretPosition = declarationBegin + region.StartOffset; if (region.Length > 0) { if (GenerateBody) { selectionEndPosition = declarationBegin + region.EndOffset; } else { //FIXME: if there are multiple regions, remove all of them sb = sb.Substring(0, region.StartOffset) + sb.Substring(region.EndOffset); } } } else { targetCaretPosition = declarationBegin + sb.Length; } editor.ReplaceText(declarationBegin, editor.CaretOffset - declarationBegin, sb); if (selectionEndPosition > 0) { editor.CaretOffset = selectionEndPosition; editor.SetSelection(targetCaretPosition, selectionEndPosition); } else { editor.CaretOffset = targetCaretPosition; } await OnTheFlyFormatter.Format(editor, ext.DocumentContext, declarationBegin, declarationBegin + sb.Length); return(ka); }
public virtual void InsertCompletionText(CompletionListWindow window, ref KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { var currentWord = GetCurrentWord(window, descriptor); window.CompletionWidget.SetCompletionText(window.CodeCompletionContext, currentWord, CompletionText); }
public override void InsertCompletionText(CompletionListWindow window, ref KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { var ext = window.Extension; base.InsertCompletionText(window, ref ka, descriptor); //FIXME: why is SkipSession private?! it's not even possible to recreate it, as editor.EndSession is private var skipSessionType = typeof(EditSession).Assembly.GetType("MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.SkipCharSession"); var skipSession = (EditSession)Activator.CreateInstance(skipSessionType, skipchar); ext.Editor.StartSession(skipSession); //retrigger completion as soon as the item is committed Gtk.Application.Invoke((s, e) => ext.TriggerCompletion(CompletionTriggerReason.CharTyped)); }
static void CreatePassiveStsMetadata(StsData data, string fileName, Encoding encoding) { MetadataSerializer serializer = new MetadataSerializer(); SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor item = new SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor(); EntityDescriptor metadata = new EntityDescriptor(); metadata.EntityId = new EntityId(data.EntityId); X509Certificate2 certificate = CertificateHelper.RetrieveCertificate(data.SigninCertificateCn); metadata.SigningCredentials = new X509SigningCredentials(certificate); KeyDescriptor descriptor3 = new KeyDescriptor(new SecurityKeyIdentifier(new SecurityKeyIdentifierClause[] { new X509SecurityToken(certificate).CreateKeyIdentifierClause<X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause>() })); descriptor3.Use = KeyType.Signing; item.Keys.Add(descriptor3); if (data.Claims != null) { foreach (var claim in data.Claims) { DisplayClaim dc = new DisplayClaim(claim.ClaimType, claim.DisplayTag, claim.Description) { Optional = claim.Optional }; item.ClaimTypesOffered.Add(dc); } } item.PassiveRequestorEndpoints.Add(new EndpointAddress( new Uri(data.PassiveRequestorEndpoint).AbsoluteUri)); if (data.Protocols != null) { foreach (Protocol protocol in data.Protocols) { item.ProtocolsSupported.Add(new Uri(protocol.ProtocolNamespace)); } } item.SecurityTokenServiceEndpoints.Add(new EndpointAddress( new Uri(data.ActiveStsEndpoint).AbsoluteUri)); item.Contacts.Add(new ContactPerson(ContactType.Technical) { Company = data.MainContact.Company, GivenName = data.MainContact.GivenName, Surname = data.MainContact.SurName, EmailAddresses = { data.MainContact.Email }, TelephoneNumbers = { data.MainContact.Phone } }); metadata.RoleDescriptors.Add(item); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(fileName, Encoding.UTF8); serializer.WriteMetadata(writer, metadata); writer.Close(); }
public bool PreProcessKeyEvent(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Escape) { CompletionWindowManager.HideWindow(); return(true); } KeyActions ka = KeyActions.None; bool keyHandled = false; if (CompletionDataList != null) { foreach (ICompletionKeyHandler handler in CompletionDataList.KeyHandler) { if (handler.PreProcessKey(facade, descriptor, out ka)) { keyHandled = true; break; } } } if (!keyHandled) { ka = PreProcessKey(descriptor); } if ((ka & KeyActions.Complete) != 0) { CompleteWord(ref ka, descriptor); } if ((ka & KeyActions.CloseWindow) != 0) { CompletionWindowManager.HideWindow(); OnWindowClosed(EventArgs.Empty); } if ((ka & KeyActions.Ignore) != 0) { return(true); } if ((ka & KeyActions.Process) != 0) { if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Left || descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Right) { // Close if there's a modifier active EXCEPT lock keys and Modifiers // Makes an exception for Mod1Mask (usually alt), shift, control, meta and super // This prevents the window from closing if the num/scroll/caps lock are active // FIXME: modifier mappings depend on X server settings // if ((modifier & ~(Gdk.ModifierType.LockMask | (Gdk.ModifierType.ModifierMask & ~(Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask | Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask | Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask | Gdk.ModifierType.MetaMask | Gdk.ModifierType.SuperMask)))) != 0) { // this version doesn't work for my system - seems that I've a modifier active // that gdk doesn't know about. How about the 2nd version - should close on left/rigt + shift/mod1/control/meta/super if ((descriptor.ModifierKeys & (ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt | ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Command)) != 0) { CompletionWindowManager.HideWindow(); OnWindowClosed(EventArgs.Empty); return(false); } if (declarationviewwindow != null && declarationviewwindow.Multiple) { if (descriptor.SpecialKey == SpecialKey.Left) { declarationviewwindow.OverloadLeft(); } else { declarationviewwindow.OverloadRight(); } } else { CompletionWindowManager.HideWindow(); OnWindowClosed(EventArgs.Empty); return(false); } return(true); } if (completionDataList != null && completionDataList.CompletionSelectionMode == CompletionSelectionMode.OwnTextField) { return(true); } } return(false); }
// Creates a KeyDescriptor from the supplied X.509 certificate private static KeyDescriptor CreateKeyDescriptor(X509Certificate2 x509Certificate) { KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor = new KeyDescriptor(); KeyInfo keyInfo = CreateKeyInfo(x509Certificate); keyDescriptor.KeyInfo = keyInfo.GetXml(); // Set the encryption method by specifying the entire XML. //XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); //xmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace = true; //xmlDocument.LoadXml("<md:EncryptionMethod xmlns:md=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata\" Algorithm=\"\"/>"); //keyDescriptor.EncryptionMethods.Add(xmlDocument.DocumentElement); // Set the encryption method by specifying just the algorithm. //keyDescriptor.AddEncryptionMethod(""); return keyDescriptor; }
public override Task <KeyActions> InsertCompletionText(CompletionListWindow window, KeyActions ka, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { var buf = window.CompletionWidget; if (buf != null) { int deleteStartOffset = window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerOffset; if (text.StartsWith(docTypeStart)) { int start = window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerOffset - docTypeStart.Length; if (start >= 0) { string readback = buf.GetText(start, window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerOffset); if (string.Compare(readback, docTypeStart, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { deleteStartOffset -= docTypeStart.Length; } } } buf.Replace(deleteStartOffset, buf.CaretOffset - deleteStartOffset, text); } return(Task.FromResult(ka)); }
public override bool Handle(TextEditor editor, DocumentContext ctx, KeyDescriptor descriptor) { if (Array.IndexOf(excludedMimeTypes, editor.MimeType) >= 0) { return(false); } int braceIndex = openBrackets.IndexOf(descriptor.KeyChar); if (braceIndex < 0) { return(false); } var line = editor.GetLine(editor.CaretLine); if (line == null) { return(false); } bool inStringOrComment = false; var stack = editor.SyntaxHighlighting.GetScopeStackAsync(Math.Max(0, editor.CaretOffset - 2), CancellationToken.None).WaitAndGetResult(CancellationToken.None); foreach (var span in stack) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(span)) { continue; } if (span.Contains("string") || span.Contains("comment")) { inStringOrComment = true; break; } } char insertionChar = '\0'; bool insertMatchingBracket = false; if (!inStringOrComment) { char closingBrace = closingBrackets [braceIndex]; char openingBrace = openBrackets [braceIndex]; int count = 0; foreach (char curCh in GetTextWithoutCommentsAndStrings(editor, 0, editor.Length)) { if (curCh == openingBrace) { count++; } else if (curCh == closingBrace) { count--; } } if (count >= 0) { insertMatchingBracket = true; insertionChar = closingBrace; } } if (insertMatchingBracket) { using (var undo = editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { editor.EnsureCaretIsNotVirtual(); editor.InsertAtCaret(insertionChar.ToString()); editor.CaretOffset--; editor.StartSession(new SkipCharSession(insertionChar)); } return(true); } return(false); }
public bool PreProcessKeyEvent(KeyDescriptor descriptor) { return(window.PreProcessKeyEvent(descriptor)); }