public override void Compile(Kernel k) { Symbol symbol = k.Lookup(this.VariableName); if(this.Value == null) { k.Emit(Opcode.PUSHNIL).Comment = "set variable to nil"; } else { this.Value.Compile(k); } if (symbol.SScope == k.CurrentScope) { k.EmitPush(symbol.Id.ToString() + "u").Comment = "store into variable " + this.VariableName; k.Emit(Opcode.STLO).SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Set, this.VariableName); } else { uint mem = k.CurrentScope.WalkMemoryBack(symbol.SScope); mem -= symbol.Id; k.EmitPush(mem.ToString() + "u").Comment = "store into variable " + this.VariableName; k.Emit(Opcode.STNLO).SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Set, this.VariableName); } }
public override void Compile(Kernel k) { Symbol returnSymbol = k.Lookup("+return"); if (this.Value != null) this.Value.Compile(k); else k.Emit(Opcode.PUSHNIL); var rvn = new RetrieveVariableNode(-1, -1) {VariableName = "+return"}; rvn.PrePass(k); rvn.PreCompile(k); rvn.Compile(k); uint mem = 0; Scope current = k.CurrentScope; while(current != returnSymbol.SScope) { mem += current.MemorySpace; current.PopMemory(k, false); current = current.Parent; } mem += current.MemorySpace; current.PopMemory(k, false); k.EmitPush(mem + "u").Comment = "deallocate function memory"; k.Emit(Opcode.DEALLOC); k.Emit(Opcode.JUMP).SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Return, ""); }
public override void Compile(Kernel k) { Symbol breakSymbol = k.Lookup("+break"); uint mem = 0; Scope current = k.CurrentScope; while (current != breakSymbol.SScope) { mem += current.MemorySpace; current.PopMemory(k, false); current = current.Parent; } current.PopMemory(k, false); k.EmitPush(mem + "u").Comment = "deallocate scope memory"; k.Emit(Opcode.DEALLOC); k.Emit(Opcode.GOTO, "\"" + breakSymbol.AsmName + "\"").SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Break, ""); }
public override void Compile(Kernel k) { Symbol symbol = k.Lookup(this.Function); switch(symbol.SType) { case Symbol.Type.Function: break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Tried to compile a function call on a non-function symbol \"{0}\"", this.Function)); } if (symbol.Args != this.Arguments.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("Tried to pass {0} arguments to {1} (requires: {2})", this.Arguments.Count, symbol.Name, symbol.Args)); switch(symbol.SMode) { default: throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unknown symbol mode {0} on symbol \"{1}\"", symbol.SMode.ToString(), this.Function)); case Symbol.Mode.Extern: this.CompileExtern(k); break; case Symbol.Mode.Intern: this.CompileIntern(k); break; case Symbol.Mode.Library: this.CompileLibrary(k); break; } if(!this.UseReturn) { k.Emit(Opcode.POP).Comment = "remove unused return value"; } }
public override void Compile(Kernel k) { Symbol symbol = k.Lookup(this.VariableName); if (symbol.SType != Symbol.Type.Variable) { throw new CompileException(String.Format("Symbol {0} is not a variable", this.VariableName)); } if (symbol.SScope == k.CurrentScope) { k.EmitPush(symbol.Id.ToString() + "u").Comment = "retrieve variable " + this.VariableName; k.Emit(Opcode.LDLO).SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Retrieve, this.VariableName); } else { uint mem = k.CurrentScope.WalkMemoryBack(symbol.SScope); mem -= symbol.Id; k.EmitPush(mem.ToString() + "u").Comment = "retrieve variable " + this.VariableName; k.Emit(Opcode.LDNLO).SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Retrieve, this.VariableName); } }
protected void CompileIntern(Kernel k) { for(int i = this.Arguments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.Arguments[i].Compile(k); } uint returnId = k.CurrentScope.RequestLabelId(); k.CurrentScope.PushMemory(k); k.Emit(Opcode.PLABL, "\"sl_r_" + k.GetScopeName() + "_" + returnId.ToString() + "\""); k.Emit(Opcode.GOTO, '"' + k.Lookup(this.Function).AsmName + '"').SetDebug(File, Line, Column, DebugType.Call, this.Function); k.Emit(Opcode.LABEL, "sl_r_" + k.GetScopeName() + "_" + returnId.ToString()).Comment = "return point from " + this.Function; k.CurrentScope.PopMemory(k); }