static void CheckBody(string body, out int radius, out long gm) { // Checks KSP_Library.KerbolSystem.SystemBodies() for Body named (body) Body LocalBody = KerbolSystem.SystemBodies(body); if (LocalBody.Name != "NOBODY") { radius = LocalBody.Radius; gm = LocalBody.GM; } // If celestial body is not found, asks user for body info (GM, radius) else { Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized celestial body."); Console.WriteLine("What is the celestial body's radius?"); bool isRadiusInt = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out radius); if (isRadiusInt != true) { throw new Exception("Unrecognized celestial body radius"); } Console.WriteLine("What is the celestial body's standard gravitational parameter?"); bool isGMLong = long.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out gm); if (isGMLong != true) { throw new Exception("Unrecognized standard gravitational paramter"); } } }
private Body selectBody() { SolarSystem solarSystem; if (KspParentBodyDropDownList.Visible) { solarSystem = new KerbolSystem(); Body body = solarSystem.GetSystemBody(KspParentBodyDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text); return(body); } else if (RssParentBodyDropDownList.Visible) { solarSystem = new RealSolarSystem(); Body body = solarSystem.GetSystemBody(RssParentBodyDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text); return(body); } else { return(null); } }