public void DeleteNthDuplicate() { var expected = new int[] { 20, 37, 21 }; var actual = Kata_Class.DeleteNth(new int[] { 20, 37, 20, 21 }, 1); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void DeleteNthDuplicate2() { var expected = new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 3, 7, 2, 2, 2 }; var actual = Kata_Class.DeleteNth(new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 3, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, 3); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Test_InsertRGB_OutputHexadecimal() { Assert.AreEqual("FFFFFF", Kata_Class.Rgb(255, 255, 255)); Assert.AreEqual("FFFFFF", Kata_Class.Rgb(255, 255, 300)); Assert.AreEqual("000000", Kata_Class.Rgb(0, 0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual("9400D3", Kata_Class.Rgb(148, 0, 211)); Assert.AreEqual("9400D3", Kata_Class.Rgb(148, -20, 211), "Handle negative numbers."); Assert.AreEqual("90C3D4", Kata_Class.Rgb(144, 195, 212)); Assert.AreEqual("D4350C", Kata_Class.Rgb(212, 53, 12), "Consider single hex digit numbers."); }
public void Test_MorseCodeDecoderBasic() { try { string input = ".... . -.-- .--- ..- -.. ."; string expected = "HEY JUDE"; string actual = Kata_Class.Decode(input); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("There seems to be an error somewhere in your code. Exception message reads as follows: " + ex.Message); } }
public static void ReverseWordsGreaterThanFive4() { Assert.AreEqual("Just gniddik ereht is llits one more", Kata_Class.SpinWords("Just kidding there is still one more")); }
public static void ReverseWordsGreaterThanFive3() { Assert.AreEqual("You are tsomla to the last test", Kata_Class.SpinWords("You are almost to the last test")); }
public static void ReverseWordsGreaterThanFive2() { Assert.AreEqual("This is rehtona test", Kata_Class.SpinWords("This is another test")); }
public void Test_PigLatin() { Assert.AreEqual("igPay atinlay siay oolcay", Kata_Class.PigIt("Pig latin is cool")); Assert.AreEqual("hisTay siay ymay tringsay", Kata_Class.PigIt("This is my string")); }
public void Test_IsPangram1() { Assert.AreEqual(false, Kata_Class.IsPangram("This is not a Pangram777")); }
public void Test_rot13ShouldOutputRot13Example() { Assert.AreEqual("ROT13 example.", Kata_Class.Rot13("EBG13 rknzcyr.")); }
public void Test_rot13ShouldOutputJoke() { Assert.AreEqual("In the elevators, the extrovert looks at the OTHER guy's shoes.", Kata_Class.Rot13("Va gur ryringbef, gur rkgebireg ybbxf ng gur BGURE thl'f fubrf.")); }
public void Test_BreakCamelCase_SpaceOutWords() { Assert.AreEqual("this Is A Camel Case", Kata_Class.BreakCamelCase("thisIsACamelCase")); }
public void Test_MaxSequenceSix() { Assert.AreEqual(6, Kata_Class.MaxSequence(new int[] { -2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4 })); }
public void Test_MaxSequenceZero() { Assert.AreEqual(0, Kata_Class.MaxSequence(new int[0])); }
public static void ReverseWord() { Assert.AreEqual("emocleW", Kata_Class.SpinWords("Welcome")); }
public void Test_IsPangram() { Assert.AreEqual(true, Kata_Class.IsPangram("The 99 quick brown foxes jump over the lazy dog.")); }
public static void ReverseWordsGreaterThanFive() { Assert.AreEqual("Hey wollef sroirraw", Kata_Class.SpinWords("Hey fellow warriors")); }
public void Test_ExpandedFormNumbers() { Assert.That(Kata_Class.ExpandedForm(12), Is.EqualTo("10 + 2")); Assert.That(Kata_Class.ExpandedForm(42), Is.EqualTo("40 + 2")); Assert.That(Kata_Class.ExpandedForm(70300), Is.EqualTo("70000 + 300")); }
public void MultipleOfThreeOrFiveUptoTen() { Assert.AreEqual(23, Kata_Class.MultipleOf3Or5(10)); }