Esempio n. 1
 public void hydrate(Karamba.Loads.UniformlyDistLoad load)
     orientation = (int)load.q_orient;
     beam_id     = load.beamIds[0];
     force       = load.Load;
     loadcase    = load.loadcase;
Esempio n. 2
 public Load(Karamba.Loads.UniformlyDistLoad load)
     init("E"); hydrate(load);
        // This is the method that actually does the work.
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Some variables
            string output = "";                        // The file output
            string status = "Starting component...\n"; // The debug output

            // Several arrays where the data is stored
            List <Material>     materials     = new List <Material>();
            List <CrossSection> crossSections = new List <CrossSection>();
            List <Node>         nodes         = new List <Node>();
            List <Beam>         beams         = new List <Beam>();
            List <Load>         loads         = new List <Load>();

            // We need to reset some variables because the objects are not freed until Grasshopper is unloaded
            Parser.id_count = 1;

            bool   iSofistik      = false;
            string sofistikPath   = "";
            bool   iTeddy         = false;
            bool   AccessDatabase = false;

            DA.GetData(1, ref beamSplit);
            DA.GetData(3, ref iSofistik);
            DA.GetData(4, ref iTeddy);
            DA.GetData(5, ref AccessDatabase);
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:/Program Files/SOFiSTiK/2018/SOFiSTiK 2018"))
                DA.GetData(6, ref sofistikPath);

            if (AccessDatabase)

            try {
                // Load the data from Karamba

                // Retrieve and clone the input model
                GH_Model in_gh_model = null;
                if (!DA.GetData <GH_Model>(0, ref in_gh_model))
                Model model = in_gh_model.Value;
                model = (Karamba.Models.Model)model.Clone();  // If the model is not cloned a modification to this variable will imply modification of the input model, thus modifying behavior in other components.
                if (model == null)
                    status += "ERROR: The input model is null.";
                    output  = "Nothing to convert";
                    string path = null;
                    if (!DA.GetData <string>(2, ref path))
                        path = "";
                    if (path == "")
                        status  += "No file path specified. Will not save data to a .dat file.\n";
                        filePath = path;

                    // Retrieve and store the data
                    // Materials
                    for (int i = 0; i < model.materials.Count; i++)
                        materials.Add(new Material(model.materials[i], i + 1));

                    status += materials.Count + " materials loaded...\n";

                    // Cross sections
                    for (int i = 0; i < model.crosecs.Count; i++)
                        crossSections.Add(new CrossSection(model.crosecs[i], i + 1));

                    //Add beam ID's to crossections/materials/loads
                    foreach (Karamba.Elements.ModelBeam beam in model.elems)
                        foreach (CrossSection crosec in crossSections)
                            if ( ==

                        foreach (Material material in materials)
                            if ( ==

                    // Nodes
                    foreach (Karamba.Nodes.Node node in model.nodes)
                        nodes.Add(new Node(node));
                    status += nodes.Count + " nodes loaded...\n";

                    // Supports
                    foreach (Karamba.Supports.Support support in model.supports)
                    status += "Support constraints added to " + model.supports.Count + " nodes.\n";

                    // Beams
                    foreach (Karamba.Elements.ModelElement beam in model.elems)
                        Beam curBeam = new Beam(beam);
                        // Adding the start and end nodes
                        curBeam.start = nodes[curBeam.ids[0]];
                        curBeam.end   = nodes[curBeam.ids[1]];

                    status += beams.Count + " beams loaded...\n";

                    // Loads
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Karamba.Loads.GravityLoad> load in model.gravities)
                        loads.Add(new Load(load));
                    status += model.gravities.Count + " gravity loads added.\n";
                    foreach (Karamba.Loads.PointLoad load in model.ploads)
                        Load current = new Load(load);
                        current.node = nodes[load.node_ind];
                    status += model.ploads.Count + " point loads added.\n";

                    foreach (Karamba.Loads.ElementLoad load in model.eloads)
                        // Create a load variable base on the load type
                        Load current = new Load();
                        Karamba.Loads.UniformlyDistLoad line = load as Karamba.Loads.UniformlyDistLoad;
                        //Karamba.Loads.PreTensionLoad pret = load as Karamba.Loads.PreTensionLoad;
                        Karamba.Loads.TemperatureLoad temp = load as Karamba.Loads.TemperatureLoad;

                        //else if (pret != null) {
                        //    current = new Load(pret);

                        //If there is not target element, apply the load to the whole structure

                        if (load.beamIds[0] == "")
                            current.beam_id = "";
                            // We search the element
                            foreach (string beamid in load.beamIds)
                                if (line != null)
                                    current = new Load(line);
                                // Very important to check Temperature BEFORE Pretension becaus Temperature derivates from Pretension
                                else if (temp != null)
                                    current = new Load(temp);
                                current.beam.user_id = beamid;
                                current.beam_id      = (beamid);

                    // ID matching
                    // Karamba and Sofistik use different ID systems
                    // Karamba's materials and cross sections are pointing to an element ID
                    // Sofistik's elements need a cross section ID which needs a material ID

                    foreach (Material material in materials)
                        // If the IDs list is empty, it means that we want to apply the material to the whole structure (whichi is the default behavior: the default material is set by the constructors of all elements)
                        bool test = false;
                        foreach (string id in material.ids)
                            if (id != "")
                                test = true;
                        if (test)
                            foreach (CrossSection crosec in crossSections)
                                if (material.ids.Contains((
                                    crosec.material = material;
                    status += "Matching with material IDs...\n";

                    foreach (CrossSection crosec in crossSections)
                        // If the IDs list is empty, it means that we want to apply the cross section to the whole structure (which is the default behavior: the default cross section is set by the constructors of all elements)
                        bool test = false;
                        foreach (string id in crosec.ids)
                            if (id != "")
                                test = true;
                        if (test)
                            foreach (Beam beam in beams)
                                if (crosec.ids.Contains(( - 1).ToString()))
                                    beam.sec = crosec;
                    status += "Matching with cross section IDs...\n";

                    // Write the data into a .dat file format
                    Parser parser = new Parser(materials, crossSections, nodes, beams, loads);
                    output = parser.file;

                    if (path != "")
                        status += "Saving file to " + path + "\n";

                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@path, output);
                        status += "File saved!\n";

                    if (iSofistik == true && Directory.Exists(@"C:/Program Files/SOFiSTiK/2018/SOFiSTiK 2018") && path != "")
                        string targetPath = Path.GetFullPath(path);
                        System.Diagnostics.Process          process   = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                        startInfo.FileName  = "cmd.exe";
                        startInfo.Arguments = "/k cd C:/Program Files/SOFiSTiK/2018/SOFiSTiK 2018/ & sps -B " + targetPath;
                        process.StartInfo   = startInfo;
                    else if (Directory.Exists(@"C:/Program Files/SOFiSTiK/2018/SOFiSTiK 2018") == false)
                        string targetPath = Path.GetFullPath(path);
                        string sofPath    = Path.GetFullPath(sofistikPath);
                        System.Diagnostics.Process          process   = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                        startInfo.FileName  = "cmd.exe";
                        startInfo.Arguments = "/k cd " + sofPath + " & sps -B " + targetPath;
                        process.StartInfo   = startInfo;

                    if (iTeddy)
                        string targetPath = Path.GetFullPath(path);
                        System.Diagnostics.Process          process   = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                        startInfo.FileName  = "cmd.exe";
                        startInfo.Arguments = "/c" + targetPath;
                        process.StartInfo   = startInfo;
            catch (Exception e) {
                status += "\nERROR!\n" + e.ToString() + "\n" + e.Data;

            Rhino.Collections.RhinoList <string> oBeamForces = new Rhino.Collections.RhinoList <string>();

            foreach (string force in AccessSofistik.AccessSofData.SofBeamForces)

            // Return data
            DA.SetData(0, output);
            DA.SetData(1, status);
            DA.SetDataList(2, AccessSofistik.AccessSofData.SofBeamForces);
        // This is the method that actually does the work.
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Some variables
            string output = "";                        // The file output
            string status = "Starting component...\n"; // The debug output

            // Several arrays where the data is stored
            List <Material>     materials     = new List <Material>();
            List <CrossSection> crossSections = new List <CrossSection>();
            List <Node>         nodes         = new List <Node>();
            List <Beam>         beams         = new List <Beam>();
            List <Load>         loads         = new List <Load>();

            // We need to reset some variables because the objects are not freed until Grasshopper is unloaded
            Parser.id_count = 1;

            try {
                // Load the data from Karamba

                // Retrieve and clone the input model
                GH_Model in_gh_model = null;
                if (!DA.GetData <GH_Model>(0, ref in_gh_model))
                Model model = in_gh_model.Value;
                model = (Karamba.Models.Model)model.Clone();  // If the model is not cloned a modification to this variable will imply modification of the input model, thus modifying behavior in other components.

                if (model == null)
                    status += "ERROR: The input model is null.";
                    output  = "Nothing to convert";
                    string path = null;
                    if (!DA.GetData <string>(1, ref path))
                        path = "";
                    if (path == "")
                        status += "No file path specified. Will not save data to a .dat file.\n";

                    // Retrieve and store the data

                    // Materials
                    foreach (Karamba.Materials.FemMaterial material in model.materials)
                        // The first material seems to be wong but I don't know why it exists
                        if (model.materials.IndexOf(material) != 0)
                            materials.Add(new Material(material));

                    /*Disabled for forward compatibility
                     * // Check for material duplicates
                     * // This is necessary because karamba uses a preset material that is added every time that a model is assembled
                     * // As a consequence a model can get a great amount of redundant materials that will flood the output
                     * // Furthermore karamba seems to create a buggy material at index 0 during the cloning operation
                     * materials.RemoveAt(0);
                     * // Using a for loop because a collection used in foreach is immutable
                     * for (int i = 0; i < materials.Count; i++) {
                     *  materials.RemoveAll(delegate(Material test_material) {
                     *      return != materials[i].id && materials[i].duplicate(test_material);
                     *  });
                     * }
                    status += materials.Count + " materials loaded...\n";

                    // Cross sections
                    foreach (Karamba.CrossSections.CroSec crosec in model.crosecs)
                        crossSections.Add(new CrossSection(crosec));

                    /*Disabled for forward compatibility
                     * // The same happens with Cross Sections
                     * crossSections.RemoveAt(0);
                     * for (int i = 0; i < crossSections.Count; i++) {
                     *  crossSections.RemoveAll(delegate(CrossSection test_crosec) {
                     *      return != crossSections[i].id && crossSections[i].duplicate(test_crosec);
                     *  });
                     * }
                     * status += crossSections.Count + " cross sections loaded...\n";

                    // Nodes
                    foreach (Karamba.Nodes.Node node in model.nodes)
                        nodes.Add(new Node(node));
                    status += nodes.Count + " nodes loaded...\n";

                    foreach (Karamba.Supports.Support support in model.supports)
                    status += "Support constraints added to " + model.supports.Count + " nodes.\n";

                    // Beams
                    foreach (Karamba.Elements.ModelElement beam in model.elems)
                        Beam curBeam = new Beam(beam);

                        // Adding the start and end nodes
                        curBeam.start = nodes[curBeam.ids[0]];
                        curBeam.end   = nodes[curBeam.ids[1]];
                    status += beams.Count + " beams loaded...\n";

                    // Loads
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Karamba.Loads.GravityLoad> load in model.gravities)
                        loads.Add(new Load(load));
                    status += model.gravities.Count + " gravity loads added.\n";

                    foreach (Karamba.Loads.PointLoad load in model.ploads)
                        Load current = new Load(load);
                        current.node = nodes[load.node_ind];
                    status += model.ploads.Count + " point loads added.\n";

                    foreach (Karamba.Loads.ElementLoad load in model.eloads)
                        // Create a load variable base on the load type
                        Load current = new Load();

                        Karamba.Loads.UniformlyDistLoad line = load as Karamba.Loads.UniformlyDistLoad;
                        Karamba.Loads.PreTensionLoad    pret = load as Karamba.Loads.PreTensionLoad;
                        Karamba.Loads.TemperatureLoad   temp = load as Karamba.Loads.TemperatureLoad;

                        if (line != null)
                            current = new Load(line);
                        // Very important to check Temperature BEFORE Pretension becaus Temperature derivates from Pretension
                        else if (temp != null)
                            current = new Load(temp);
                        else if (pret != null)
                            current = new Load(pret);

                        // If there is not target element, apply the load to the whole structure
                        if (load.beamId == "")
                            current.beam_id = "";
                            // We search the element
                            current.beam = beams.Find(delegate(Beam beam) {
                                return(beam.user_id == load.beamId);

                    status += model.eloads.Count + " line loads added.\n";

                    // ID matching
                    // Karamba and Sofistik use different ID systems
                    // Karamba's materials and cross sections are pointing to an element ID
                    // Sofistik's elements need a cross section ID which needs a material ID

                    foreach (Material material in materials)
                        // If the IDs list is empty, it means that we want to apply the material to the whole structure (whichi is the default behavior: the default material is set by the constructors of all elements)
                        bool test = false;
                        foreach (string id in material.ids)
                            if (id != "")
                                test = true;
                        if (test)
                            foreach (CrossSection crosec in crossSections)
                                if (material.ids.Contains(( - 1).ToString()))
                                    crosec.material = material;
                    status += "Matching with material IDs...\n";

                    foreach (CrossSection crosec in crossSections)
                        // If the IDs list is empty, it means that we want to apply the cross section to the whole structure (which is the default behavior: the default cross section is set by the constructors of all elements)
                        bool test = false;
                        foreach (string id in crosec.ids)
                            if (id != "")
                                test = true;
                        if (test)
                            foreach (Beam beam in beams)
                                if (crosec.ids.Contains(( - 1).ToString()))
                                    beam.sec = crosec;
                    status += "Matching with cross section IDs...\n";

                    // Write the data into a .dat file format
                    Parser parser = new Parser(materials, crossSections, nodes, beams, loads);
                    output = parser.file;

                    if (path != "")
                        status += "Saving file to " + path + "\n";
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@path, output);
                        status += "File saved!\n";
            catch (Exception e) {
                status += "\nERROR!\n" + e.ToString() + "\n" + e.Data;

            // Return data
            DA.SetData(0, output);
            DA.SetData(1, status);