Esempio n. 1
        internal IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V>(string topic, ConsumedInternal <K, V> consumed, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized)
            var sourceName      = new Named(consumed.Named).SuffixWithOrElseGet(TABLE_SOURCE_SUFFIX, this, KStream.SOURCE_NAME);
            var tableSourceName = new Named(consumed.Named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(this, KTable.SOURCE_NAME);

            KTableSource <K, V>        tableSource         = new KTableSource <K, V>(materialized.StoreName, materialized.QueryableStoreName);
            ProcessorParameters <K, V> processorParameters = new ProcessorParameters <K, V>(tableSource, tableSourceName);

            var tableSourceNode = new TableSourceNode <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> >(
                topic, tableSourceName, sourceName, consumed,
                materialized, processorParameters, false);

            this.AddGraphNode(root, tableSourceNode);

            return(new KTable <K, V, V>(tableSourceName,
                                        new List <string> {
Esempio n. 2
        public override void WriteToTopology(InternalTopologyBuilder builder)
            // TODO: we assume source KTables can only be timestamped-key-value stores for now.
            // should be expanded for other types of stores as well.
            StoreBuilder <State.TimestampedKeyValueStore <K, V> > storeBuilder = new TimestampedKeyValueStoreMaterializer <K, V>(materialized as Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> >).Materialize();

            if (isGlobalKTable)
                builder.AddGlobalStore(topicName, storeBuilder, sourceName, consumed, processorParameters);
                builder.AddSourceOperator(this.topicName, sourceName, consumed);
                builder.AddProcessor(processorParameters.ProcessorName, processorParameters.Processor, sourceName);

                //// only add state store if the source KTable should be materialized
                KTableSource <K, V> ktableSource = (KTableSource <K, V>)processorParameters.Processor;
                if (ktableSource.QueryableName != null)
                    builder.AddStateStore(storeBuilder, this.streamGraphNode);

                    // TODO :

                    //if (shouldReuseSourceTopicForChangelog)
                    //    storeBuilder.withLoggingDisabled();
                    //    topologyBuilder.connectSourceStoreAndTopic(, topicName);
Esempio n. 3
        internal IGlobalKTable <K, V> GlobalTable <K, V>(string topic, ConsumedInternal <K, V> consumed, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic))
                throw new ArgumentException("topic can't be null or empty", nameof(topic));

            // explicitly disable logging for global stores

            string sourceName      = new Named(consumed.Named).SuffixWithOrElseGet(TABLE_SOURCE_SUFFIX, this, KStream.SOURCE_NAME);
            string tableSourceName = new Named(consumed.Named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(this, KTable.SOURCE_NAME);
            string storeName       = materialized.StoreName;

            // enforce store name as queryable name to always materialize global table stores
            var tableSource         = new KTableSource <K, V>(storeName, storeName);
            var processorParameters = new ProcessorParameters <K, V>(tableSource, tableSourceName);

            var tableSourceNode = new TableSourceNode <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> >(
                topic, tableSourceName, sourceName, consumed,
                materialized, processorParameters, true);

            this.AddGraphNode(root, tableSourceNode);

            return(new GlobalKTable <K, V>(new KTableSourceValueGetterSupplier <K, V>(storeName), materialized.QueryableStoreName));
Esempio n. 4
 public void EnableSendingOldValues()
     if (!SendOldValues)
         if (processorSupplier != null && processorSupplier is KTableSource <K, V> )
             KTableSource <K, V> source = (KTableSource <K, V>)processorSupplier;
         // TODO :
         //} else if (processorSupplier instanceof KStreamAggProcessorSupplier) {
         //    ((KStreamAggProcessorSupplier <?, K, S, V >) processorSupplier).enableSendingOldValues();
         //} else
         else if (tableProcessorSupplier != null && tableProcessorSupplier is IKTableProcessorSupplier)
             (tableProcessorSupplier as IKTableProcessorSupplier).EnableSendingOldValues();
         SendOldValues = true;