Esempio n. 1
    internal static void init()
        var db = new KPKPosition[MAX_INDEX];
        uint idx, repeat = 1;

        // Initialize db with known win / draw positions
        for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_INDEX; ++idx)
            db[idx] = new KPKPosition(idx);

        // Iterate through the positions until none of the unknown positions can be
        // changed to either wins or draws (15 cycles needed).
        while (repeat != 0)
            for (repeat = idx = 0; idx < MAX_INDEX; ++idx)
                repeat |= ((db[idx] == Result.UNKNOWN && db[idx].classify(db) != Result.UNKNOWN)) ? 1u : 0;

        // Map 32 results into one KPKBitbase[] entry
        for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_INDEX; ++idx)
            if (db[idx] == Result.WIN)
                KPKBitbase[idx/32] |= (uint) (1 << (int) (idx & 0x1F));
Esempio n. 2
    internal Result classify(ColorT Us, KPKPosition[] db)
        // White to move: If one move leads to a position classified as WIN, the result
        // of the current position is WIN. If all moves lead to positions classified
        // as DRAW, the current position is classified as DRAW, otherwise the current
        // position is classified as UNKNOWN.
        // Black to move: If one move leads to a position classified as DRAW, the result
        // of the current position is DRAW. If all moves lead to positions classified
        // as WIN, the position is classified as WIN, otherwise the current position is
        // classified as UNKNOWN.

        var Them = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
        var Good = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Result.WIN : Result.DRAW);
        var Bad = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Result.DRAW : Result.WIN);

        var r = Result.INVALID;
        var b = Utils.StepAttacksBB[PieceType.KING, ksq[Us]];

        while (b != 0)
            r |= Us == Color.WHITE
                ? db[Bitbases.index(Them, ksq[Them], Utils.pop_lsb(ref b), psq)]
                : db[Bitbases.index(Them, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b), ksq[Them], psq)];

        if (Us == Color.WHITE)
            if (Square.rank_of(psq) < Rank.RANK_7) // Single push
                r |= db[Bitbases.index(Them, ksq[Them], ksq[Us], psq + Square.DELTA_N)];

            if (Square.rank_of(psq) == Rank.RANK_2 // Double push
                && psq + Square.DELTA_N != ksq[Us] && psq + Square.DELTA_N != ksq[Them])
                r |= db[Bitbases.index(Them, ksq[Them], ksq[Us], psq + Square.DELTA_N + Square.DELTA_N)];

        return result = (r & Good) != 0 ? Good : (r & Result.UNKNOWN) != 0 ? Result.UNKNOWN : Bad;
Esempio n. 3
 internal Result classify(KPKPosition[] db)
     return us == Color.WHITE ? classify(Color.WHITE, db) : classify(Color.BLACK, db);