private void ModuleFinish(bool forced = false) { if (forced) { _bombModule.Log("Module force-solved!"); } else { _bombModule.Log("Module defused!"); } _audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(, transform); _smoke.Play(); _bombModule.HandlePass(); }
bool IsBobPresent() { var bobPresent = BombInfo.GetBatteryCount() == 5 && BombInfo.GetBatteryHolderCount() == 3 && BombInfo.IsIndicatorPresent(KMBombInfoExtensions.KnownIndicatorLabel.BOB); if (!bobPresent || _baseOffsetGenerated) { return(bobPresent); } _baseOffsetGenerated = true; BombModule.LogFormat("Bob, Our true lord and savior has come to save the Day.: Press any solution that would be valid for any characters present on the serial number at any time."); var serial = BombInfo.GetSerialNumber().ToUpperInvariant(); if (_rotateCounterClockwise) { BombModule.Log("Circle is spinning counter-clockwise."); } else { BombModule.Log("Circle is spinning clockwise."); } for (var i = 0; i < serial.Length; i++) { var index = serial.Substring(i, 1); var colorIndex = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".IndexOf(index, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (colorIndex < 0) { BombModule.LogFormat("Unrecognized Serial number character: {0} - Passing the module now", index); StartCoroutine(FadeCircle(_wedgeColors[(int)WedgeColors.Red])); return(false); } var lookup = new List <WedgeColors>(colorLookup[colorIndex / 3]); if (_rotateCounterClockwise) { lookup.Reverse(); } if (ValidBOBColors.Any(x => x[0] == lookup[0] && x[1] == lookup[1] && x[2] == lookup[2])) { continue; } ValidBOBColors.Add(lookup.ToArray()); } ValidBOBColors = ValidBOBColors.OrderBy(x => x[0].ToString()).ThenBy(x => x[1].ToString()).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < ValidBOBColors.Count; i++) { var lookup = ValidBOBColors[i]; BombModule.LogFormat("Bob Solution #{3}: {0}, {1}, {2}", lookup[0], lookup[1], lookup[2], i + 1); } _currentSolution = new WedgeColors[3]; return(true); }
private void HandleModulePass() { if (_alreadyHandledPass) { return; } _alreadyHandledPass = true; switch (FakeStatusLight.SetLightColor(FakeStatusLight.PassColor)) { case StatusLightState.Red: BombModule.LogFormat("Setting the status light to Red. Did you want that with a side of strikes? Keepo"); FakeStatusLight.HandlePass(StatusLightState.Red); break; case StatusLightState.Green: BombModule.LogFormat("Setting the status light to its normal Green color for solved."); FakeStatusLight.HandlePass(StatusLightState.Green); break; //case StatusLightState.Off: default: BombModule.LogFormat("Turning off the Status light. Kappa"); FakeStatusLight.HandlePass(); break; } BombModule.Log("Module Solved"); }
private void StartAppreciatingArt() { _module.Log("Art is being appreciated."); _appreciationStartTime = Time.time; _audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(AppreciationStartedClip.RandomPick().name, _transform); _ambientRef = _audio.PlaySoundAtTransformWithRef(, _transform); try { GameMusicControl.GameMusicVolume = 0.0f; } catch (Exception) { } StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine(FadeIn()); }
private void Start() { for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < KMSelectable.Children.Length; ++childIndex) { KMSelectable childSelectable = KMSelectable.Children[childIndex]; SetupSelectableNote(childSelectable, (Semitone)childIndex); } _isCruel = GenerateCruelness(); KMBombModule.ModuleDisplayName = _isCruel ? "Cruel Piano Keys" : "Piano Keys"; KMBombModule.ModuleType = _isCruel ? "CruelPianoKeys" : "PianoKeys"; KMBombModule.GenerateLogFriendlyName(); SetupMaterial(); MusicSymbol[] pickedSymbols = PianoIndicator.PickSymbols(_isCruel); StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder(); logString.Append("Module generated with the following symbols: "); logString.Append(string.Join(", ", pickedSymbols.Select((x) => x.GetDescription()).ToArray())); KMBombModule.Log(logString.ToString()); }
void Start() { StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder(); logString.Append("Module generated with the following word-color sequence:\n"); logString.Append("# | Word | Color | Valid Response\n"); logString.Append("--+---------+---------+----------------\n"); string blockTitle = ""; string condition = ""; GenerateModuleInformation(); RuleButtonPressHandler ruleHandler = SetupRules(ref blockTitle, ref condition); SetRuleButtonPressHandler(ruleHandler); //Logging section for (int colourSequenceIndex = 0; colourSequenceIndex < _colourSequence.Length; ++colourSequenceIndex) { _currentColourSequenceIndex = colourSequenceIndex; ColourPair pair = _colourSequence[_currentColourSequenceIndex]; string response = ruleHandler(true) ? "[YES]" : (ruleHandler(false) ? "[NO]" : "---"); logString.AppendFormat("{0} | {1,-7} | {2,-7} | {3}\n", colourSequenceIndex + 1, pair.ColourText.ToString(), pair.ColourValue.ToString(), response); } logString.Append("\nThe sequence matched the following block title and condition statement:\n"); logString.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"\n-> \"{1}\"\n", blockTitle, condition); BombModule.Log(logString.ToString()); _currentColourSequenceIndex = -1; BombModule.OnActivate += HandleModuleActive; ButtonYes.KMSelectable.OnInteract += HandlePressYes; ButtonNo.KMSelectable.OnInteract += HandlePressNo; }
private void Awake() { _module = GetComponent <KMBombModule>(); _module.GenerateLogFriendlyName(); _module.Log("There is some art to appreciate."); _info = GetComponent <KMBombInfo>(); _info.OnBombExploded += OnBombExploded; _audio = GetComponent <KMAudio>(); _mainCameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; _appreciationRequiredDuration = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MinimumAppreciationTime, MaximumAppreciationTime); try { _defaultGameMusicVolume = GameMusicControl.GameMusicVolume; } catch (Exception) { } }
private void Repaint() { _bombModule.Log("Generating painting..."); _painting.Repaint(); SetupPaletteToPaintingLinks(); _painting.selectionGrid.SetChildren(GetComponentsInChildren <FluidSelectable>()); foreach (PaintingCell cell in _painting.Cells) { PaintingCell closureCell = cell; _bombModule.LogFormat("{0} => {1}.",, cell.ColorOption); closureCell.fluidSelectable.selectable.Parent = _selectable; closureCell.fluidSelectable.selectable.OnInteract += () => OnCellInteract(closureCell); } }
IEnumerator SetNextCharacter(bool giveStrike) { _spinning = true; _twitchPlayStrike = giveStrike; if (_wins >= WINSTOSOLVE || _losses >= LOSSESTOSOLVE) { _solved = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { RandomizeCharacter(); RandomizeInventory(); UpdateDisplay(); StageNumberText.text = string.Format("{0}", (_losses + 1 + i) % 10); yield return(null); } if (_solved) { CharacterText.text = ""; } OnLED.SetActive(giveStrike); OffLED.SetActive(!giveStrike); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { RandomizeInventory(); UpdateDisplay(false, !_solved); StageNumberText.text = string.Format("{0}", (_losses + 1 + i) % 10); yield return(null); } if (_solved) { InventoryText.text = ""; OnLED.SetActive(false); OffLED.SetActive(true); } else { UpdateDisplay(); } for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { StageNumberText.text = string.Format("{0}", (_losses + 1 + i) % 10); yield return(null); } if (giveStrike) { BombModule.HandleStrike(); } if (_solved) { SolvedScreens.OrderBy(x => Rnd.value).First().UpdateScreens(ref CharacterText, ref IncidentText, ref InventoryText); StageNumberText.text = "!"; OnLED.SetActive(false); OffLED.SetActive(true); BombModule.Log("Passed"); BombModule.HandlePass(); Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.CorrectChime, transform); } else { Initialize(true); Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.TitleMenuPressed, transform); } _spinning = false; }