Esempio n. 1
        public void Test_Tell_SameBelief_DifferentPerspective()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("Likes(Bread)"), Name.BuildName(true), Name.BuildName("Self"));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("Likes(Bread)"), Name.BuildName(false), Name.BuildName("Jose"));

            var bs = kb.GetAllBeliefs();

            var count = bs.Count();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, count);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Test_Self_Property()
            var me = (Name)"Ana";
            var kb = new KB(me);

            kb.Tell((Name)"A(B)", Name.SELF_SYMBOL);
            Assert.AreEqual(kb.AskProperty((Name)"A(B)").Value, me);

            me = (Name)"John";
            Assert.AreEqual(kb.AskProperty((Name)"A(B)").Value, me);

            kb.Tell((Name)"A(B)", Name.SELF_SYMBOL, (Name)"Ana");
            Assert.AreEqual(kb.AskProperty((Name)"A(B)", (Name)"Ana").Value, (Name)"Ana");
        /// <summary>
        /// Appraises a set of event strings.
        /// Durring appraisal, the events will be recorded in the asset's autobiographical memory,
        /// and Property Change Events will update the asset's knowledge about the world, allowing
        /// the asset to use the new information derived from the events to appraise the correspondent
        /// emotions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventNames">A set of string representation of the events to appraise</param>
        public void AppraiseEvents(IEnumerable <Name> eventNames, Name perspective, IEmotionalState emotionalState, AM am, KB kb)
            var appraisalFrame = new InternalAppraisalFrame();

            appraisalFrame.Perspective = kb.Perspective;

            foreach (var n in eventNames)
                var evt     = am.RecordEvent(n, am.Tick);
                var propEvt = evt as IPropertyChangedEvent;
                if (propEvt != null)
                    var fact  = propEvt.Property;
                    var value = Name.BuildName("-");
                    if (propEvt.NewValue.IsPrimitive)
                        value = propEvt.NewValue;
                        if (value.ToString() == "-")
                            var remove = kb.GetAllBeliefs().Where(x => x.Name == fact);
                            kb.Tell(fact, value, perspective);
                    else // new value is not grounded
                        var values =
                            kb.AskPossibleProperties(propEvt.NewValue, perspective, new List <SubstitutionSet>());
                        if (values.Count() == 1)
                            kb.Tell(fact, values.FirstOrDefault().Item1.Value, perspective);
                            throw new Exception("Multiple possible values for " + propEvt.NewValue);

                var componentFrame = appraisalFrame.RequestComponentFrame(m_appraisalDerivator, m_appraisalDerivator.AppraisalWeight);
                m_appraisalDerivator.Appraisal(kb, evt, componentFrame);
                UpdateEmotions(appraisalFrame, emotionalState, am);
Esempio n. 4
            //public static int NumOfPersistentEntries()
            //	return MemoryData().Count(d =>
            //		d.Arguments.Length > 2 && (bool) d.Arguments[2]
            //		);

            public static KB PopulatedTestMemory()
                KB kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

                foreach (var t in MemoryData())
                    Name property = (Name)t.Arguments[0];
                    Name value    = Name.BuildName(t.Arguments[1]);
                        //	kb.Tell((Name)t.Arguments[0], PrimitiveValue.Cast(t.Arguments[1]),(bool)t.Arguments[2]);
                        kb.Tell(property, value);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (t.Arguments.Length > 2)
                            Assert.AreEqual(e.GetType(), t.Arguments[2]);
                            Assert.Fail($"An exception was thrown unexpectedly while evaluating {property} = {value}: {e}");
Esempio n. 5
        public void Test_Tell_Pass_Basic_Property_With_ToM()
            const string property = "ToM(Mary,ToM(Self,Has(Ball)))";
            var          kb       = new KB((Name)"John");

            kb.Tell((Name)property, Name.BuildName(true));
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Complext_Property_With_ToM()
            const string property = "ToM(Mary,ToM(Self,Has(ToM(Mary,Ball))))";
            var          kb       = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)property, true));
Esempio n. 7
        public void Test_Fail_Change_Perspective_To_Invalid_Perspective(string perspective)
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Self)"), Name.BuildName(true), Name.BuildName("John(Self)"));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.SetPerspective(Name.BuildName(perspective)));
        public void Test_Fail_Change_Perspective_Conflict()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Self)"), true, Name.BuildName("John(Self)"));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.UpdateKBAccordingToNewPerspective(Name.BuildName("John")));
Esempio n. 9
        public void Test_DynamicProperty_Regist_Fail_ConstantProperties()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                kb.Tell((Name)"CountSubs(John)", Name.BuildName(3));
                kb.RegistDynamicProperty((Name)"CountSubs", "", DummyCount);
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_OperatorRegist()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                kb.RegistDynamicProperty((Name)"Count([x])", ((kb1, p, args, constraints) => null), null);
                kb.Tell((Name)"Count(John)", 3);
Esempio n. 11
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_DynamicProperty_Regist()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                kb.RegistDynamicProperty((Name)"Count", DummyCount);
                kb.Tell((Name)"Count(John)", Name.BuildName(3));
        public void Test_Tell_Pass_Add_Self_Belief_and_Change_Perspective_02()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Self)"), true, Name.BuildName("John(Self)"));


            Assert.Null(kb.AskProperty(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Mark)"), Name.BuildName("John(Self)")));
            Assert.True((bool?)kb.AskProperty(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Mary)"), Name.BuildName("John(Self)")));
        public void ConditionEvaluatorSet_Test_Universal_Fail(params string[] beliefs)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            foreach (var s in beliefs.Select(b => b.Split(':')))
                kb.Tell((Name)s[0], PrimitiveValue.Parse(s[1]));

            var set = new ConditionSet(LogicalQuantifier.Universal, TEST_CONDITIONS);

            Assert.False(set.Evaluate(kb, Name.SELF_SYMBOL, null));
Esempio n. 14
        public void ConditionEvaluatorSet_Test_Universal_Pass(params string[] beliefs)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            foreach (var s in beliefs.Select(b => b.Split(':')))
                kb.Tell((Name)s[0], (Name)s[1]);

            var set = new ConditionSet(LogicalQuantifier.Universal, TEST_CONDITIONS);

            Assert.True(set.Unify(kb, Name.SELF_SYMBOL, null).Any());
Esempio n. 15
        //This is a small console program to exemplify the main functionality of the Emotional Decision Making Asset
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //First we construct a new instance of the EmotionalDecisionMakingAsset class
            var edm = new EmotionalDecisionMakingAsset();

            //Then, we have to register an existing knowledge base to the asset so it can check for
            //beliefs are true
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            kb.Tell((Name)"LikesToFight(SELF)", (Name)"True");

            //create an action rule
            var actionRule = new ActionRuleDTO {
                Action = Name.BuildName("Kick"), Priority = Name.BuildName("4"), Target = (Name)"Player"

            //add the reaction rule
            var id = edm.AddActionRule(actionRule);

            edm.AddRuleCondition(id, "LikesToFight(SELF) = True");
            var actions = edm.Decide(Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL);

            Console.WriteLine("Decisions: ");
            foreach (var a in actions)
                Console.WriteLine(a.Name.ToString() + " p: " + a.Utility);

            //this is how you can load the asset from a file
            Console.WriteLine("Loading From File: ");
            edm = EmotionalDecisionMakingAsset.LoadFromFile("../../../Examples/EDM-Tutorial/EDMTest.edm");
            actions = edm.Decide(Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL);

            foreach (var a in actions)
                Console.WriteLine(a.Name.ToString() + " p: " + a.Utility);
            Console.WriteLine("Decisions: ");
            foreach (var a in actions)
                Console.WriteLine(a.Name.ToString() + " p: " + a.Utility);
Esempio n. 16
        //This is a small console program to exemplify the main functionality of the Social Importance Asset
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var siTarget = "Player";

            //First, we load the asset from an existing profile
            var siAsset = SocialImportanceAsset.CreateInstance(new GAIPS.Rage.AssetStorage());
            var rules   = siAsset.GetAttributionRules();
            //We then register a knowledge base
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            kb.Tell((Name)"IsFriend(Player)", (Name)"False");

            Console.WriteLine("The SI attributed to " + siTarget + " is:" + siAsset.GetSocialImportance(siTarget));

Esempio n. 17
        //This is a small console program to exemplify the main functionality of the Emotional Appraisal Asset
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var kickEvent = Name.BuildName("Event(Action-End, John, *, *)");

            EmotionalAppraisalAsset ea = EmotionalAppraisalAsset.LoadFromFile("../../../Examples/EA-Tutorial/EATest.ea");

            //The following lines add an appraisal rule that will make the kickEvent be perceived as undesirable
            //Normally, these rules should be authored using the AuthoringTool provided with the asset but they can also be added dynamically

            /*   var rule = new AppraisalRuleDTO {EventMatchingTemplate = (Name)"Event(Action-End, [s], *, *)", Desirability = (Name)"4"};
             * ea.AddOrUpdateAppraisalRule(rule);

            var am = new AM();
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("Likes(Mary)"), Name.BuildName("John"), Name.BuildName("SELF"));

            var emotionalState = new ConcreteEmotionalState();

            //Emotions are generated by the appraisal of the events that occur in the game world
            ea.AppraiseEvents(new[] { kickEvent }, emotionalState, am, kb);

            Console.WriteLine("\nMood on tick '" + am.Tick + "': " + emotionalState.Mood);
            Console.WriteLine("Active Emotions: " + string.Concat(emotionalState.GetAllEmotions().Select(e => e.EmotionType + "-" + e.Intensity + " ")));

            //Each event that is appraised will be stored in the autobiographical memory that was passed as a parameter
            Console.WriteLine("\nEvents occured so far: " + string.Concat(am.RecallAllEvents().Select(e => "\nId: " + e.Id + " Event: " + e.EventName.ToString())));

            //The update function will increase the current tick by 1. Each active emotion will decay to 0 and the mood will slowly return to 0
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("\nMood on tick '" + am.Tick + "': " + emotionalState.Mood);
                Console.WriteLine("Active Emotions: " + string.Concat(emotionalState.GetAllEmotions().Select(e => e.EmotionType + "-" + e.Intensity + " ")));

            //The asset can also be loaded from an existing file using the following method:
            ea = EmotionalAppraisalAsset.LoadFromFile("../../../Examples/EA-Tutorial/EATest.ea");

        public void Test_Tell_Pass_Add_With_Perspective(string nativePerspective, string tellPerdicate, string tellPerspective, string queryPerdicate, string queryPerspective)
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName(nativePerspective));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName(tellPerdicate), true, Name.BuildName(tellPerspective));

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                var formater = new JSONSerializer();
                formater.Serialize(stream, kb);
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Console.WriteLine(new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd());

            var r = kb.AskProperty(Name.BuildName(queryPerdicate), Name.BuildName(queryPerspective)) as bool?;

Esempio n. 19
        public void Test_Tell_Pass_Add_Self_Belief_and_Change_Perspective_02()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Self)"), Name.BuildName(true), Name.BuildName("John(Self)"));


            Assert.AreEqual(Name.NIL_STRING, kb.AskProperty(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Mark)"), Name.BuildName("John(Self)")).Value.ToString());

            var  n = kb.AskProperty(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Mary)"), Name.BuildName("John(Self)"));
            bool b;

            if (!n.Value.TryConvertToValue(out b))
Esempio n. 20
        public void Test_KB_RemoveBelief(string toAdd, string toRemove, int total)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            var tell = toAdd.Split(',');

            foreach (var b in tell)
                var value = b.Split('=');
                kb.Tell((Name)value[0], (Name)value[1]);

            var rem = toRemove.Split(',');

            foreach (var r in rem)

            Assert.AreEqual(kb.GetAllBeliefs().Count(), total);
Esempio n. 21
        public void AppraiseEvents(IEnumerable <Name> eventNames)
            var APPRAISAL_FRAME = new InternalAppraisalFrame();

            foreach (var n in eventNames)
                var evtN = n.RemovePerspective(Perspective);
                var evt  = m_am.RecordEvent(evtN, Tick);

                var propEvt = evt as IPropertyChangedEvent;
                if (propEvt != null)
                    var fact  = propEvt.Property;
                    var value = (Name)propEvt.NewValue;
                    m_kb.Tell(fact, value.GetPrimitiveValue(), Name.SELF_SYMBOL);

                var componentFrame = APPRAISAL_FRAME.RequestComponentFrame(m_appraisalDerivator, m_appraisalDerivator.AppraisalWeight);
                m_appraisalDerivator.Appraisal(this, evt, componentFrame);
Esempio n. 22
        //This is a small console program to exemplify the main functionality of the Emotional Decision Making Asset
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //First we construct a new instance of the EmotionalDecisionMakingAsset class
            var storage = new AssetStorage();
            var edm     = EmotionalDecisionMakingAsset.CreateInstance(storage);

            //Then, we have to register an existing knowledge base to the asset so it can check for
            //beliefs are true
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            kb.Tell((Name)"LikesToFight(SELF)", (Name)"True");
            //create an action rule
            var actionRule = new ActionRuleDTO {
                Action = Name.BuildName("Kick"), Priority = Name.BuildName("4"), Target = (Name)"Player"

            //add the reaction rule
            var id   = edm.AddActionRule(actionRule);
            var rule = edm.GetActionRule(id);

            edm.AddRuleCondition(id, "LikesToFight(SELF) = True");
            var actions = edm.Decide(Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL);
            var ea      = EmotionalAppraisalAsset.CreateInstance(storage);


            using (var writer = File.CreateText("D:\\test2.json"))

            string aux2 = File.ReadAllText("D:\\Test2.json");

            var storage2 = AssetStorage.FromJson(aux2);

            using (var writer = File.CreateText("D:\\test3.json"))
            Console.WriteLine("Decisions: ");
            foreach (var a in actions)
                Console.WriteLine(a.Name.ToString() + " p: " + a.Utility);

            //this is how you can load the asset from a file
            Console.WriteLine("Loading From File: ");
            actions = edm.Decide(Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL);

            foreach (var a in actions)
                Console.WriteLine(a.Name.ToString() + " p: " + a.Utility);
            Console.WriteLine("Decisions: ");
            foreach (var a in actions)
                Console.WriteLine(a.Name.ToString() + " p: " + a.Utility);
Esempio n. 23
        private static SocialImportanceAsset BuildAsset()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Matt");

            #region Set KB
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Matt)", (Name)"true", (Name)"*");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Mary)", (Name)"true", (Name)"*");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Thomas)", (Name)"true", (Name)"*");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Diego)", (Name)"true", (Name)"*");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Robot)", (Name)"true", (Name)"Diego");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsOutsider(Diego)", (Name)"true", (Name)"*");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsOutsider(Diego)", (Name)"false", (Name)"Robot");
            kb.Tell((Name)"AreFriends(SELF,Mary)", (Name)"true", (Name)"SELF");
            kb.Tell((Name)"AreFriends(SELF,Matt)", (Name)"true", (Name)"Mary");
            kb.Tell((Name)"AreFriends(SELF,Thomas)", (Name)"true", (Name)"SELF");
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsBartender(Matt)", (Name)"true", (Name)"*");


            #region SI DTO especification
            var siDTO = new SocialImportanceDTO
                AttributionRules = new[]
                    new AttributionRuleDTO()
                        Target     = (Name)"[target]",
                        Value      = (Name)"[v]",
                        Conditions = new ConditionSetDTO()
                            ConditionSet = new []
                                "IsPerson([target]) = true",
                                "[target] != Self",
                                "[v] = 20"
                    new AttributionRuleDTO()
                        Target     = (Name)"[target]",
                        Value      = (Name)"-1",
                        Conditions = new ConditionSetDTO()
                            ConditionSet = new []
                                "IsOutsider([target]) = true",
                                "[target] != Self"
                    new AttributionRuleDTO()
                        Target     = (Name)"[target]",
                        Value      = (Name)"15",
                        Conditions = new ConditionSetDTO()
                            ConditionSet = new []
                                "AreFriends(Self,[target]) = true"
                    new AttributionRuleDTO()
                        Target     = (Name)"[target]",
                        Value      = (Name)"10",
                        Conditions = new ConditionSetDTO()
                            ConditionSet = new []
                                "IsClient([target]) = true",
                                "IsBartender(Self) = true",
                                "[target] != Self"
                    new AttributionRuleDTO()
                        Target     = (Name)"[target]",
                        Value      = (Name)"1",
                        Conditions = new ConditionSetDTO()
                            ConditionSet = new []
                                "IsElder([target]) = true",
                                "IsElder(Self) = false"
            var si = new SocialImportanceAsset();
Esempio n. 24
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_NonConstant_Property(string propertyName)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)propertyName, Name.BuildName(true)));
Esempio n. 25
        public void Test_Fail_Tell_With_Nil_Perspective()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Self)"), Name.BuildName(true), Name.NIL_SYMBOL));
Esempio n. 26
        private static KB CreateKB()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Agatha");

            kb.Tell((Name)"Strength(John)", Name.BuildName(5));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Strength(Mary)", Name.BuildName(3));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Strength(Leonidas)", Name.BuildName(500));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Strength(Goku)", Name.BuildName(9001f));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Strength(SuperMan)", Name.BuildName(ulong.MaxValue));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Strength(Saitama)", Name.BuildName(float.MaxValue));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Race(Saitama)", Name.BuildName("human"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Race(Superman)", Name.BuildName("kriptonian"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Race(Goku)", Name.BuildName("sayian"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Race(Leonidas)", Name.BuildName("human"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Race(Mary)", Name.BuildName("human"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Race(John)", Name.BuildName("human"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Job(Saitama)", Name.BuildName("super-hero"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Job(Superman)", Name.BuildName("super-hero"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Job(Leonidas)", Name.BuildName("Spartan"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"AKA(Saitama)", Name.BuildName("One-Punch_Man"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"AKA(Superman)", Name.BuildName("Clark_Kent"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"AKA(Goku)", Name.BuildName("Kakarot"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Hobby(Saitama)", Name.BuildName("super-hero"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"Hobby(Goku)", Name.BuildName("training"));
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsAlive(Leonidas)", Name.BuildName(false));
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsAlive(Saitama)", Name.BuildName(true));
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsAlive(Superman)", Name.BuildName(true));
            kb.Tell((Name)"IsAlive(John)", Name.BuildName(true));

Esempio n. 27
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Add_Self_To_Universal_Context()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)"Likes(Self)", Name.BuildName(true), Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL));
Esempio n. 28
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Property_ToM_Transform(string property, string perspective)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)property, Name.BuildName(true), (Name)perspective));
Esempio n. 29
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Assert_Perspective(string perspective, Type exceptionType)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws(exceptionType, () => kb.Tell((Name)"Likes(Mary)", Name.BuildName(true), (Name)perspective));
Esempio n. 30
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Add_Self_To_Universal()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Matt"));

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Self)", Name.BuildName(true), Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL); });