private void Update()
        if (canJump)
            GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = jumper.GetMovement();  //Jump!

            if (updatePlayerPosition)
                //Where do we jump now to get to the target?
                jumperModifier = (transform.position.x > enemyEngine.GetTargetPosition().x) ? 1 : -1;
                updatePlayerPosition = false;

            GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity += bullet.GetMovement() * jumperModifier; //Move towards target
            canJump = false;                                                                //We shall not jump until next timer states so
            if (Time.time - lastJumpTimer > jumpDelay)
                //Cast a 2-width box into the ground. The box is so that the entity doesn´t get stuck in platform´s edges
                //((which used to happen and was pretty annoying))
                EnemyEngine         enemyEngine     = GetComponent <EnemyEngine>();
                List <RaycastHit2D> groundRay       = new List <RaycastHit2D>();
                ContactFilter2D     contactFilter2D = new ContactFilter2D();
                int groundRayCount = Physics2D.BoxCast(groundPoint.transform.position, new Vector2(2, groundCheckRadius), 0f, Vector2.down, contactFilter2D, groundRay, groundCheckRadius);

                int  i    = 0;
                bool stop = false;

                while (i < groundRayCount && !stop)
                    if (groundRay[i].collider.gameObject.layer == enemyEngine.GetGroundLayer())
                        canJump       = true;
                        lastJumpTimer = Time.time;
                        stop          = true;