Esempio n. 1
 public override IDictionary <string, VueComponentDefinition[]> ConvertFormToVues(
     IDictionary <string, ContentModifierForm> modifierForm, ApplicationRole datum,
     DatumModifyOperation operation,
     Type datumType)
     if (operation.IsCreateOrUpdateOperation())
         return(new Dictionary <string, VueComponentDefinition[]> {
             [FORM_KEY] = new[] {
                 new VueComponentDefinition {
                     Name = "cms-form-field-hidden",
                     Props = new {
                         valuePath = nameof(RoleDatumModifierForm.Id)
                 new VueComponentDefinition {
                     Name = "cms-form-field-text",
                     Props = new {
                         label = "Name",
                         valuePath = nameof(RoleDatumModifierForm.Name)
                 new VueComponentDefinition {
                     Name = "cms-form-field-textarea",
                     Props = new {
                         label = "Description",
                         valuePath = nameof(RoleDatumModifierForm.Description)
                 new VueComponentDefinition {
                     Name = "cms-form-field-select",
                     Props = new {
                         label = "Permissions",
                         valuePath = nameof(RoleDatumModifierForm.Permissions),
                         isMultiSelect = true,
                         optionsHandlerId = DatumSelectFieldOptionsHandler.HANDLER_ID,
                         optionsHandlerParam = Jsonizer.Convert(new DatumSelectFieldOptionsHandlerParam {
                             DatumTypeId = "permission"
     if (operation.IsDeleteOperation())
         return(new Dictionary <string, VueComponentDefinition[]> {
             [FORM_KEY] = new VueComponentDefinition[] {
                 new VueHtmlWidget("Proceed to delete?")
 public override IDictionary <string, VueComponentDefinition[]> ConvertFormToVues(
     IDictionary <string, ContentModifierForm> modifierForm, ApplicationUser datum,
     DatumModifyOperation operation,
     Type datumType)
     if (operation.IsCreateOrUpdateOperation())
         var vues = new List <VueComponentDefinition>();
         vues.AddRange(new[] {
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-hidden",
                 Props = new {
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.Id)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-text",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "UserName",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.UserName)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-checkbox",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Activated?",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.IsActivated),
                     yesLabel  = "Activated",
                     noLabel   = "Deactivated"
         if (operation.IsUpdateOperation())
             vues.Add(new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-checkbox",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Change Password?",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.ChangePassword),
                     helpText  = "Enable this to also change user password when updating data.",
                     yesLabel  = "Change",
                     noLabel   = "Don't Change"
         vues.AddRange(new[] {
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-password",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Password",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.Password)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-password",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Password Confirmation",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.PasswordConfirmation)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-text",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Display Name",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.DisplayName)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-file-picker",
                 Props = new {
                     label               = "Photo",
                     valuePath           = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.PhotoUrl),
                     fileExplorerPageUrl = _urlProv.GenerateManageFileExplorerUrl()
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-text",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Email",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.Email)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-checkbox",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Email Confirmed?",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.EmailConfirmed),
                     yesLabel  = "Confirmed",
                     noLabel   = "Not Confirmed"
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-text",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Phone No.",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.PhoneNumber)
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-checkbox",
                 Props = new {
                     label     = "Phone No. Confirmed?",
                     valuePath = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.PhoneNumberConfirmed),
                     yesLabel  = "Confirmed",
                     noLabel   = "Not Confirmed"
             new VueComponentDefinition {
                 Name  = "cms-form-field-select",
                 Props = new {
                     label               = "Roles",
                     valuePath           = nameof(UserDatumModifierForm.RoleIds),
                     isMultiSelect       = true,
                     optionsHandlerId    = DatumSelectFieldOptionsHandler.HANDLER_ID,
                     optionsHandlerParam = Jsonizer.Convert(new DatumSelectFieldOptionsHandlerParam {
                         DatumTypeId = "role",
                         SortInfos   = new[] { Tuple.Create("Name", false) }
         return(new Dictionary <string, VueComponentDefinition[]> {
             [FORM_KEY] = vues.ToArray()
     if (operation.IsDeleteOperation())
         return(new Dictionary <string, VueComponentDefinition[]> {
             [FORM_KEY] = new VueComponentDefinition[] {
                 new VueHtmlWidget("Proceed to delete?")
Esempio n. 3
 public IEnumerable <ContentType> DefineContentTypes()
     yield return(new ContentType(
                      "Sample Article",
                      "A sample article content.",
                      new[] {
         new ContentFieldDefinition("KataKata", typeof(TextField), new TextFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "Title",
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null,
                 ["regex"] = new TextFieldRegexValidatorConfiguration {
                     Pattern = @"^[a-zA-Z0-9\ ]+$"
                 ["length"] = new TextFieldLengthValidatorConfiguration {
                     MaxLength = 256
         new ContentFieldDefinition("IsPowerful", typeof(BooleanField), new BooleanFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "Does it happen?",
             InitialValue = false,
             TrueBoolLabel = "Indeed",
             FalseBoolLabel = "Never",
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null
         new ContentFieldDefinition("MagicUtc", typeof(ChronoField), new ChronoFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "When It Happen",
             Kind = DateTimeKind.Local,
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null
         new ContentFieldDefinition("AngkaMantab", typeof(NumberField), new NumberFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "Magic Number",
             DefaultValue = 250,
             NumberKind = NumberValueKind.Integer,
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null,
                 ["range"] = new NumberFieldRangeValidatorConfiguration {
                     MinValue = 100,
                     MaxValue = 1000000
         new ContentFieldDefinition("UrlSlug", typeof(FauxUrlSlugField), new FauxUrlSlugFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "URL Slug",
             ContentIdSlugPartLength = 8,
             SlugPattern = "mantab/[###]/[MagicUtc:year]/[MagicUtc:month]/[KataKata:lowercase]"
         new ContentFieldDefinition("MyStuffs", typeof(SelectField), new SelectFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "My Stuffs",
             IsMultiSelect = true,
             OptionsHandlerId = ContentSelectFieldOptionsHandler.HANDLER_ID,
             OptionsHandlerParam = Jsonizer.Convert(new ContentSelectFieldOptionsHandlerParam {
                 ContentTypeIds = new[] { "sample-article" },
                 SortInfos = new[] { Tuple.Create("KataKata.Val", true) }
         new ContentFieldDefinition("MyFavArticle", typeof(SelectField), new SelectFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "My Fav Article",
             IsMultiSelect = false,
             OptionsHandlerId = ContentSelectFieldOptionsHandler.HANDLER_ID,
             OptionsHandlerParam = Jsonizer.Convert(new ContentSelectFieldOptionsHandlerParam {
                 ContentTypeIds = new[] { "sample-article" }
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null
         new ContentFieldDefinition("File", typeof(FilePickerField), new FilePickerFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "File",
             IsMultiSelect = false,
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null,
                 ["file-extension"] = new FileExtensionValidatorConfiguration {
                     AllowedFileExtensions = new[] { "jpg", "png", "gif" }
         new ContentFieldDefinition("Files", typeof(FilePickerField), new FilePickerFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "Files",
             IsMultiSelect = true,
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null,
                 ["file-extension"] = new FileExtensionValidatorConfiguration {
                     AllowedFileExtensions = new[] { "jpg", "png", "gif" }
         new ContentFieldDefinition("BestMantapMan", typeof(SelectField), new SelectFieldConfiguration {
             Label = "Best Mantap Man",
             IsMultiSelect = false,
             OptionsHandlerId = DatumSelectFieldOptionsHandler.HANDLER_ID,
             OptionsHandlerParam = Jsonizer.Convert(new DatumSelectFieldOptionsHandlerParam {
                 DatumTypeId = "user",
                 WhereConditions = new[] { Tuple.Create("IsInRole", (object)new[] { "Mantap" }) }
             Validators = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldValidatorConfiguration> {
                 ["required"] = null
                      new[] {
                      new[] {
         PreModifyOperationFormVues = new GetExtraModifyOperationFormVues[] {
             (contentType, content, operation) => {
                 if (operation.IsCreateOperation())
                     return new VueComponentDefinition[] {
                         new VueHtmlWidget($"<p class='note note-info'>Let the creating magic happen!</p>")
                 if (operation.IsUpdateOperation())
                     return new VueComponentDefinition[] {
                         new VueHtmlWidget($"<p class='note note-info'>Let the updating magic happen!</p>")
                 return null;