public StatementValidator() { Include(new StatementBaseValidator()); RuleFor(x => x.Object as SubStatement) .SetValidator(new SubStatementValidator()) .When(x => x.Object != null && x.Object.ObjectType == ObjectType.SubStatement); // TODO: RuleFor(x => x.Authority).SetValidator(new AgentValidator()) .When(x => x.Authority != null && x.Authority.ObjectType == ObjectType.Agent); RuleFor(x => x.Authority) .Must(auth => { var grp = auth as Group; return(grp.Member.Count == 2 && auth.IsAnonymous()); }) .When(x => x.Authority != null && x.Authority.ObjectType == ObjectType.Group) .WithMessage("When 3-legged OAuth, the anonymous group must have 2 Agents. The two Agents represent an application and user together."); RuleFor(x => x.Object.ObjectType) .Equal(ObjectType.StatementRef) .When(x => x.Verb?.Id == KnownVerbs.Voided) .WithMessage("When statement verb is voided, statement object must be StatementRef."); RuleFor(x => x).Custom((statement, context) => { var attachments = statement.Attachments; for (int i = 0; i < attachments.Count; i++) { var attachment = attachments.ElementAt(i); if (attachment.UsageType == new Iri("")) { if (attachment.ContentType != "application/octet-stream") { context.AddFailure($"Attachments[{i}].ContentType", "Must be \"application/octet-stream\""); continue; } var jws = JsonWebSignature.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(attachment.Payload)); if (jws.Errors.Count() > 0) { string key = $"Attachment[{i}].Payload"; // context.AddFailure(key, "Invalid JWS Signature."); foreach (var error in jws.Errors) { context.AddFailure(key, error.Message); } continue; } string alg = jws.ProtectedHeader.Value <string>("alg"); if (!new string[] { "RS256", "RS384", "RS512" }.Contains(alg)) { context.AddFailure($"Attachments[{i}].Pyload", "The JWS signature MUST use an algorithm of \"RS256\", \"RS384\", or \"RS512\"."); } var jsonString = new JsonString(jws.Payload); if (!jsonString.IsValid()) { context.AddFailure($"Attachments[{i}].Pyload", "JWS Payload is not valid json format."); continue; } var payloadStatement = new Statement(jsonString); if (!payloadStatement.Equals(statement)) { context.AddFailure($"Attachments[{i}].Pyload", "JWS Payload does not match the signed statement."); } } } }); }