public void When_format_date_time_correct_then_validation_succeeds() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.String; schema.Format = JsonFormatStrings.DateTime; var token = new JValue("2014-12-01 11:00:01"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public ClassTemplateModel(string typeName, CSharpGeneratorSettings settings, CSharpTypeResolver resolver, JsonSchema4 schema, IEnumerable<PropertyModel> properties) { _resolver = resolver; _schema = schema; _settings = settings; Class = typeName; Properties = properties; }
public void When_adding_property_to_schema_then_parent_should_be_set() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); //// Act schema.Properties.Add("test", new JsonProperty()); //// Assert Assert.IsTrue(schema.Properties.ContainsKey("test")); Assert.AreEqual(schema, schema.Properties["test"].ParentSchema); }
public void When_integer_required_and_integer_provided_then_validation_succeeds() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Integer; var token = new JValue(10); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void When_boolean_required_but_string_provided_then_validation_fails() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Boolean; var token = new JValue("foo"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.BooleanExpected, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_format_ipv6_correct_then_validation_succeeds() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.String; schema.Format = JsonFormatStrings.IpV6; var token = new JValue("::1"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void When_format_hostname_incorrect_then_validation_succeeds() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.String; schema.Format = JsonFormatStrings.Hostname; var token = new JValue("foo:bar"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.HostnameExpected, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_format_hostname_is_ip_then_validation_succeeds() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.String; schema.Format = JsonFormatStrings.Hostname; var token = new JValue(""); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void When_format_ipv6_incorrect_then_validation_fails() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.String; schema.Format = JsonFormatStrings.IpV6; var token = new JValue("test"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.IpV6Expected, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_integer_minimum_does_not_match_then_it_should_fail() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Integer; schema.Minimum = 2; var token = new JValue(1); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.NumberTooSmall, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_format_guid_correct_then_validation_succeeds() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.String; schema.Format = JsonFormatStrings.Guid; var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var token = new JValue(guid); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void Numeric_type_should_not_trigger_validation_if_has_byte_format() { //// Arrange var numericSchema = new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.Integer, Format = JsonFormatStrings.Byte }; var token = new JValue(1); //// Act var numericErrors = numericSchema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, numericErrors.Count); }
public void When_optional_property_is_missing_then_it_should_succeed() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Object; schema.Properties["Foo"] = new JsonProperty { IsRequired = false, }; var token = new JObject(); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void Validation_should_fail_if_string_is_not_byte_formatted() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.String, Format = JsonFormatStrings.Byte }; var token = new JValue("invalid"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, errors.Count); Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.Base64Expected, errors.Single().Kind); }
public void Validation_should_succeed_if_string_is_base64_formatted_without_trailing_equals() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.String, Format = "base64" }; var value = Convert.ToBase64String(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }); var token = new JValue(value); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count); }
private List<EnumerationEntry> GetEnumeration(JsonSchema4 schema) { var entries = new List<EnumerationEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < schema.Enumeration.Count; i++) { var value = schema.Enumeration.ElementAt(i); var name = schema.EnumerationNames.Count > i ? schema.EnumerationNames.ElementAt(i) : schema.Type == JsonObjectType.Integer ? "_" + value : value.ToString(); entries.Add(new EnumerationEntry { Value = schema.Type == JsonObjectType.Integer ? value.ToString() : "<any>\"" + value + "\"", Name = ConversionUtilities.ConvertToUpperCamelCase(name, true) }); } return entries; }
public void When_array_item_are_valid_then_it_should_succeed() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Array; schema.Item = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Item.Type = JsonObjectType.String; var token = new JArray(); token.Add(new JValue("Foo")); token.Add(new JValue("Bar")); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void When_schema_has_extension_data_property_then_property_is_in_serialized_json() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.ExtensionData = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Test", 123 } }; //// Act var json = schema.ToJson(); //// Assert Assert.IsTrue(json.Contains( @"{ ""$schema"": """", ""Test"": 123 }")); }
public void When_min_items_does_not_match_then_it_should_fail() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Array; schema.MinItems = 2; schema.Item = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Item.Type = JsonObjectType.String; var token = new JArray(); token.Add(new JValue("Foo")); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.TooFewItems, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_property_matches_one_of_the_types_then_it_should_succeed() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Object; schema.Properties["Foo"] = new JsonProperty { Type = JsonObjectType.Number | JsonObjectType.Null }; var token = new JObject(); token["Foo"] = new JValue(5); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void When_object_is_in_property_then_path_should_be_built_correctly() { //// Arrange var objectToSearch = new JsonSchema4(); var obj = new { Property = new { Property1 = new { }, Property2 = objectToSearch } }; //// Act var path = JsonPathUtilities.GetJsonPath(obj, objectToSearch); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual("#/Property/Property2", path); }
public void When_string_property_is_available_then_it_should_succeed() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Object; schema.Properties["Foo"] = new JsonProperty { IsRequired = true, Type = JsonObjectType.String }; var token = new JObject(); token["Foo"] = new JValue("Bar"); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public void When_is_not_all_of_then_it_should_fail() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.AllOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.String }); schema.AllOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.Integer }); var token = new JValue(5); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.NotAllOf, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_required_property_is_missing_then_it_should_be_in_error_list() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Object; schema.Properties["Foo"] = new JsonProperty { IsRequired = true, }; var token = new JObject(); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("Foo", errors.First().Property); Assert.AreEqual("Foo", errors.First().Path); Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.PropertyRequired, errors.First().Kind); }
public void When_is_any_of_then_it_should_succeed() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.AnyOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.String }); schema.AnyOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.Integer }); var token = new JValue(10); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count); }
public void When_string_property_required_but_integer_provided_then_it_should_fail() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Object; schema.Properties["Foo"] = new JsonProperty { IsRequired = true, Type = JsonObjectType.String }; var token = new JObject(); token["Foo"] = new JValue(10); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.StringExpected, errors.First().Kind); Assert.AreEqual("Foo", errors.First().Property); Assert.AreEqual("Foo", errors.First().Path); }
public void When_object_is_in_list_then_path_should_be_built_correctly() { //// Arrange var objectToSearch = new JsonSchema4(); var obj = new { Property = new { List = new List<object> { new { }, new { }, objectToSearch } } }; //// Act var foundObject = JsonPathUtilities.GetObjectFromJsonPath(obj, "#/Property/List/2"); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(foundObject, objectToSearch); }
public void When_object_is_in_dictionary_then_path_should_be_built_correctly() { //// Arrange var objectToSearch = new JsonSchema4(); var obj = new { Property = new { List = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Test1", new { } }, { "Test2", new { } }, { "Test3", objectToSearch }, } } }; //// Act var path = JsonPathUtilities.GetJsonPath(obj, objectToSearch); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual("#/Property/List/Test3", path); }
public void When_second_item_validation_fails_then_path_should_be_correct() { //// Arrange var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Type = JsonObjectType.Array; schema.Item = new JsonSchema4(); schema.Item.Type = JsonObjectType.String; var token = new JArray(); token.Add(new JValue("Foo")); token.Add(new JValue(10)); //// Act var errors = schema.Validate(token); //// Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.ArrayItemNotValid, errors.First().Kind); var firstItemError = ((ChildSchemaValidationError) errors.First()).Errors.First().Value.First(); Assert.AreEqual(ValidationErrorKind.StringExpected, firstItemError.Kind); Assert.AreEqual("[1]", errors.First().Property); Assert.AreEqual("[1]", errors.First().Path); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CSharpTypeResolver"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="settings">The generator settings.</param> /// <param name="exceptionSchema">The exception type schema.</param> public CSharpTypeResolver(CSharpGeneratorSettings settings, JsonSchema4 exceptionSchema) : base(settings) { Settings = settings; ExceptionSchema = exceptionSchema; }
/// <summary>Resolves and possibly generates the specified schema.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="isNullable">Specifies whether the given type usage is nullable.</param> /// <param name="typeNameHint">The type name hint to use when generating the type and the type name is missing.</param> /// <returns>The type name.</returns> public override string Resolve(JsonSchema4 schema, bool isNullable, string typeNameHint) { return(Resolve(schema, isNullable, typeNameHint, true)); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CSharpResponseModel"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="operationModel">The operation model.</param> /// <param name="statusCode">The status code.</param> /// <param name="response">The response.</param> /// <param name="isPrimarySuccessResponse">Specifies whether this is the success response.</param> /// <param name="exceptionSchema">The exception schema.</param> /// <param name="generator">The client generator.</param> /// <param name="resolver">The resolver.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> public CSharpResponseModel(IOperationModel operationModel, string statusCode, SwaggerResponse response, bool isPrimarySuccessResponse, JsonSchema4 exceptionSchema, IClientGenerator generator, TypeResolverBase resolver, CodeGeneratorSettingsBase settings) : base(operationModel, statusCode, response, isPrimarySuccessResponse, exceptionSchema, resolver, settings, generator) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EnumTemplateModel" /> class.</summary> /// <param name="typeName">Name of the type.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> public EnumTemplateModel(string typeName, JsonSchema4 schema, TypeScriptGeneratorSettings settings) { _schema = schema; _settings = settings; Name = typeName; }
/// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the schema supports constructor conversion.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <returns>The result.</returns> public bool SupportsConstructorConversion(JsonSchema4 schema) { return(schema?.ActualSchema.BaseDiscriminator == null); }
private JsonSchema4 CreateAndAddSchema(Type type, bool mayBeNull, IEnumerable <Attribute> parentAttributes, ISchemaResolver schemaResolver, ISchemaDefinitionAppender schemaDefinitionAppender) { if (type.Name == "Task`1") { type = type.GenericTypeArguments[0]; } if (type.Name == "JsonResult`1") { type = type.GenericTypeArguments[0]; } if (IsFileResponse(type)) { return new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.File } } ; var typeDescription = JsonObjectTypeDescription.FromType(type, parentAttributes, Settings.DefaultEnumHandling); if (typeDescription.Type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Object) && !typeDescription.IsDictionary) { if (type == typeof(object)) { return(new JsonSchema4 { // IsNullable is directly set on SwaggerParameter or SwaggerResponse Type = Settings.NullHandling == NullHandling.JsonSchema ? JsonObjectType.Object | JsonObjectType.Null : JsonObjectType.Object, AllowAdditionalProperties = false }); } if (!schemaResolver.HasSchema(type, false)) { _schemaGenerator.Generate(type, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); } if (mayBeNull) { if (Settings.NullHandling == NullHandling.JsonSchema) { var schema = new JsonSchema4(); schema.OneOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.Null }); schema.OneOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { SchemaReference = schemaResolver.GetSchema(type, false) }); return(schema); } else { // IsNullable is directly set on SwaggerParameter or SwaggerResponse return(new JsonSchema4 { SchemaReference = schemaResolver.GetSchema(type, false) }); } } else { return new JsonSchema4 { SchemaReference = schemaResolver.GetSchema(type, false) } }; } if (typeDescription.Type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { var itemType = type.GenericTypeArguments.Length == 0 ? type.GetElementType() : type.GenericTypeArguments[0]; return(new JsonSchema4 { // IsNullable is directly set on SwaggerParameter or SwaggerResponse Type = Settings.NullHandling == NullHandling.JsonSchema ? JsonObjectType.Array | JsonObjectType.Null : JsonObjectType.Array, Item = CreateAndAddSchema(itemType, false, null, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender) }); } return(_schemaGenerator.Generate(type, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender)); } } }
/// <summary>Resolves and possibly generates the specified schema.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="isNullable">Specifies whether the given type usage is nullable.</param> /// <param name="typeNameHint">The type name hint to use when generating the type and the type name is missing.</param> /// <returns>The type name.</returns> public abstract string Resolve(JsonSchema4 schema, bool isNullable, string typeNameHint);
/// <summary>Creates the response model.</summary> /// <param name="statusCode">The status code.</param> /// <param name="response">The response.</param> /// <param name="exceptionSchema">The exception schema.</param> /// <param name="generator">The generator.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected override TypeScriptResponseModel CreateResponseModel(string statusCode, SwaggerResponse response, JsonSchema4 exceptionSchema, IClientGenerator generator, ClientGeneratorBaseSettings settings) { return(new TypeScriptResponseModel(this, statusCode, response, response == GetSuccessResponse(), exceptionSchema, generator, (SwaggerToTypeScriptClientGeneratorSettings)settings)); }
/// <summary>Checks whether the given schema generates a new type (e.g. class, enum, class with dictionary inheritance, etc.) /// or is an inline type (e.g. string, number, etc.). Warning: Enum will also return true.</summary> /// <param name="schema"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool GeneratesType(JsonSchema4 schema) { schema = GetResolvableSchema(schema); return(schema.HasReference || (schema.IsObject && !schema.IsDictionary && !schema.IsAnyType)); }
/// <summary>Tries to resolve the schema and returns null if there was a problem.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="typeNameHint">The type name hint.</param> /// <returns>The type name.</returns> public string TryResolve(JsonSchema4 schema, string typeNameHint) { return(schema != null?Resolve(schema, false, typeNameHint) : null); }
/// <summary>Resolves and possibly generates the specified schema.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="isRequired">Specifies whether the given type usage is required.</param> /// <param name="typeNameHint">The type name hint to use when generating the type and the type name is missing.</param> /// <returns>The type name.</returns> public override string Resolve(JsonSchema4 schema, bool isRequired, string typeNameHint) { schema = schema.ActualSchema; var type = schema.Type; if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { var property = schema; if (property.Item != null) { return(string.Format(Settings.ArrayType + "<{0}>", Resolve(property.Item, true, null))); } throw new NotImplementedException("Array with multiple Items schemes are not supported."); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Number)) { return(isRequired ? "decimal" : "decimal?"); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Integer)) { if (schema.IsEnumeration) { return(AddGenerator(schema, typeNameHint)); } if (schema.Format == JsonFormatStrings.Byte) { return(isRequired ? "byte" : "byte?"); } return(isRequired ? "long" : "long?"); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Boolean)) { return(isRequired ? "bool" : "bool?"); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String)) { if (schema.Format == JsonFormatStrings.DateTime) { return(isRequired ? Settings.DateTimeType : Settings.DateTimeType + "?"); } if (schema.Format == JsonFormatStrings.TimeSpan) { return(isRequired ? "TimeSpan" : "TimeSpan?"); } if (schema.Format == JsonFormatStrings.Guid) { return(isRequired ? "Guid" : "Guid?"); } if (schema.Format == JsonFormatStrings.Base64) { return("byte[]"); } if (schema.IsEnumeration) { return(AddGenerator(schema, typeNameHint)); } return("string"); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Object)) { if (schema.IsAnyType) { return("object"); } if (schema.IsDictionary) { return(string.Format(Settings.DictionaryType + "<string, {0}>", Resolve(schema.AdditionalPropertiesSchema, true, null))); } return(AddGenerator(schema, typeNameHint)); } throw new NotImplementedException("Type not supported"); }
/// <summary>Creates a type generator.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <returns>The generator.</returns> protected override CSharpGenerator CreateTypeGenerator(JsonSchema4 schema) { return(new CSharpGenerator(schema, Settings, this)); }
public static void AddResponse(this SwaggerOperation operation, string statusCode, string description, JsonSchema4 schema = null) { var response = new SwaggerResponse { Description = description, Schema = schema }; operation.Responses.Add(statusCode, response); }
/// <summary>Resolves and possibly generates the specified schema.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="isNullable">Specifies whether the given type usage is nullable.</param> /// <param name="typeNameHint">The type name hint to use when generating the type and the type name is missing.</param> /// <param name="checkForExistingSchema">Checks whether a named schema is already registered.</param> /// <returns>The type name.</returns> public string Resolve(JsonSchema4 schema, bool isNullable, string typeNameHint, bool checkForExistingSchema) { if (schema == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schema)); } schema = GetResolvableSchema(schema); if (schema == ExceptionSchema) { return("System.Exception"); } if (schema.ActualTypeSchema.IsAnyType) { return("object"); } var type = schema.Type; if (type == JsonObjectType.None && schema.IsEnumeration) { type = schema.Enumeration.All(v => v is int) ? JsonObjectType.Integer : JsonObjectType.String; } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Number)) { return(ResolveNumber(schema, isNullable)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Integer)) { return(ResolveInteger(schema, isNullable, typeNameHint)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Boolean)) { return(ResolveBoolean(isNullable)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String)) { return(ResolveString(schema, isNullable, typeNameHint)); } if (Types.ContainsKey(schema) && checkForExistingSchema) { return(Types[schema]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { return(ResolveArrayOrTuple(schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.File)) { return("byte[]"); } if (schema.IsDictionary) { return(ResolveDictionary(schema)); } return(GetOrGenerateTypeName(schema, typeNameHint)); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypeScriptGenerator"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> public TypeScriptGenerator(JsonSchema4 schema) : this(schema, new TypeScriptGeneratorSettings()) { }
/// <summary>Creates the response model.</summary> /// <param name="operation">The operation.</param> /// <param name="statusCode">The status code.</param> /// <param name="response">The response.</param> /// <param name="exceptionSchema">The exception schema.</param> /// <param name="generator">The generator.</param> /// <param name="resolver">The resolver.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> /// <returns>The response model.</returns> protected abstract TResponseModel CreateResponseModel(SwaggerOperation operation, string statusCode, SwaggerResponse response, JsonSchema4 exceptionSchema, IClientGenerator generator, TypeResolverBase resolver, ClientGeneratorBaseSettings settings);
private string Resolve(JsonSchema4 schema, string typeNameHint, bool addInterfacePrefix) { if (schema == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schema)); } schema = schema.ActualSchema; if (schema.IsAnyType) { return("any"); } var type = schema.Type; if (type == JsonObjectType.None && schema.IsEnumeration) { type = schema.Enumeration.All(v => v is int) ? JsonObjectType.Integer : JsonObjectType.String; } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { return(ResolveArrayOrTuple(schema, typeNameHint, addInterfacePrefix)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Number)) { return("number"); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Integer)) { return(ResolveInteger(schema, typeNameHint)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Boolean)) { return("boolean"); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String)) { return(ResolveString(schema, typeNameHint)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.File)) { return("any"); } if (schema.IsDictionary) { var prefix = addInterfacePrefix && SupportsConstructorConversion(schema.AdditionalPropertiesSchema) && schema.AdditionalPropertiesSchema?.ActualSchema.Type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Object) == true ? "I" : ""; var valueType = prefix + ResolveDictionaryValueType(schema, "any", Settings.SchemaType); return($"{{ [key: string] : {valueType}; }}"); } return((addInterfacePrefix && SupportsConstructorConversion(schema) ? "I" : "") + base.GetOrGenerateTypeName(schema, typeNameHint)); }
/// <summary>Creates the response model.</summary> /// <param name="statusCode">The status code.</param> /// <param name="response">The response.</param> /// <param name="exceptionSchema">The exception schema.</param> /// <param name="generator">The generator.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected override CSharpResponseModel CreateResponseModel(string statusCode, SwaggerResponse response, JsonSchema4 exceptionSchema, IClientGenerator generator, ClientGeneratorBaseSettings settings) { return(new CSharpResponseModel(statusCode, response, response == GetSuccessResponse(), exceptionSchema, generator, settings.CodeGeneratorSettings)); }
/// <summary>Generates a <see cref="JsonSchema4" /> object for the given type and adds the mapping to the given resolver.</summary> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> /// <param name="parentAttributes">The parent property or parameter attributes.</param> /// <param name="schemaResolver"></param> /// <param name="schemaDefinitionAppender"></param> /// <returns>The schema.</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Could not find value type of dictionary type.</exception> public virtual TSchemaType Generate <TSchemaType>(Type type, IEnumerable <Attribute> parentAttributes, ISchemaResolver schemaResolver, ISchemaDefinitionAppender schemaDefinitionAppender) where TSchemaType : JsonSchema4, new() { var schema = HandleSpecialTypes <TSchemaType>(type, schemaResolver); if (schema != null) { return(schema); } schema = new TSchemaType(); if (schemaDefinitionAppender.RootObject == null) { schemaDefinitionAppender.RootObject = schema; } ApplyExtensionDataAttributes(schema, type, parentAttributes); var typeDescription = JsonObjectTypeDescription.FromType(type, parentAttributes, Settings.DefaultEnumHandling); if (typeDescription.Type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Object)) { if (typeDescription.IsDictionary) { typeDescription.ApplyType(schema); GenerateDictionary(type, schema, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); } else { if (schemaResolver.HasSchema(type, false)) { schema.SchemaReference = schemaResolver.GetSchema(type, false); return(schema); } if (schema.GetType() == typeof(JsonSchema4)) { typeDescription.ApplyType(schema); schema.TypeNameRaw = ReflectionExtensions.GetSafeTypeName(type); schema.Description = GetDescription(type.GetTypeInfo(), type.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttributes()); GenerateObject(type, schema, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); } else { schema.SchemaReference = Generate <JsonSchema4>(type, parentAttributes, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); return(schema); } } } else if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { var isIntegerEnumeration = typeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.Integer; if (schemaResolver.HasSchema(type, isIntegerEnumeration)) { schema.SchemaReference = schemaResolver.GetSchema(type, isIntegerEnumeration); return(schema); } if (schema.GetType() == typeof(JsonSchema4)) { LoadEnumerations(type, schema, typeDescription); typeDescription.ApplyType(schema); schema.TypeNameRaw = ReflectionExtensions.GetSafeTypeName(type); schema.Description = type.GetXmlSummary(); schemaResolver.AddSchema(type, isIntegerEnumeration, schema); } else { schema.SchemaReference = Generate <JsonSchema4>(type, parentAttributes, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); return(schema); } } else if (typeDescription.Type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { typeDescription.ApplyType(schema); var itemType = type.GetEnumerableItemType(); if (itemType == null) { var jsonSchemaAttribute = type.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <JsonSchemaAttribute>(); if (jsonSchemaAttribute?.ArrayItem != null) { schema.Item = Generate(jsonSchemaAttribute.ArrayItem, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); } else { schema.Item = JsonSchema4.CreateAnySchema(); } } else { schema.Item = Generate(itemType, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); } } else { typeDescription.ApplyType(schema); } return(schema); }
/// <summary>Resolves and possibly generates the specified schema. Returns the type name with a 'I' prefix if the feature is supported for the given schema.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="isNullable">Specifies whether the given type usage is nullable.</param> /// <param name="typeNameHint">The type name hint to use when generating the type and the type name is missing.</param> /// <returns>The type name.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="schema"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception> public string ResolveConstructorInterfaceName(JsonSchema4 schema, bool isNullable, string typeNameHint) { return(Resolve(schema, typeNameHint, true)); }
private ObservableList <AppModelParameter> GenerateXMLBody(ApplicationAPIModel aAM, JsonSchema4 operation) { string SampleBody = JsonSchemaTools.JsonSchemaFaker(operation, true); string XMlName = operation.HasReference? XMlName = operation.Reference.Xml.Name: XMlName = operation.Xml.Name; SampleBody = "{\"" + XMlName + "\":" + SampleBody + "}"; string s2 = SampleBody; string xmlbody = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(SampleBody).OuterXml; string temppath = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(temppath, xmlbody); XMLTemplateParser XTp = new XMLTemplateParser(); ApplicationAPIModel aam = XTp.ParseDocument(temppath).ElementAt(0); object[] BodyandModelParameters = JSONTemplateParser.GenerateBodyANdModelParameters(SampleBody); aAM.RequestBody = aam.RequestBody; aAM.RequestBodyType = ApplicationAPIUtils.eRequestBodyType.FreeText; aam.ContentType = ApplicationAPIUtils.eContentType.XML; return(aam.AppModelParameters); }
private JsonNode createJsonFromSchema(JsonSchema4 schema) { // TODO: more comprehensive schema stuff like default values JsonObjectType type = schema.Type; int typeFlags = (int)type; if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Boolean)) { return(new JsonNode(false, NodeType.Boolean, new JValue(false), schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Integer)) { return(new JsonNode(0, NodeType.Integer, new JValue(0L), schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Number)) { return(new JsonNode(0, NodeType.Number, new JValue(0F), schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Null)) { return(new JsonNode(null, NodeType.Null, new JValue(new object()), schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String)) { return(new JsonNode("", NodeType.String, new JValue(""), schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { // TODO: "contains" keyword // TODO: "minItems" "maxItems" keyword // TODO: "uniqueItems" keyword List <JsonNode> array = new List <JsonNode>(); if (schema.Items.Count == 1) { array.Add(createJsonFromSchema(schema.Item)); } else { array.AddRange(schema.Items.Select(createJsonFromSchema)); } return(new JsonNode(array, NodeType.Array, new JArray(array), schema)); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Object)) { // TODO: "minProperties" keyword Dictionary <string, JsonNode> obj = new Dictionary <string, JsonNode>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonProperty> property in schema.Properties) { obj[property.Key] = createJsonFromSchema(property.Value); } return(new JsonNode(obj, NodeType.Object, new JObject(obj), schema)); } return(new JsonNode(null, NodeType.Null, new JValue(new object()), schema)); }
private ObservableList <AppModelParameter> GenerateJsonBody(ApplicationAPIModel aAM, JsonSchema4 operation) { string SampleBody = JsonSchemaTools.JsonSchemaFaker(operation); object[] BodyandModelParameters = JSONTemplateParser.GenerateBodyANdModelParameters(SampleBody); aAM.RequestBody = (string)BodyandModelParameters[0]; return((ObservableList <AppModelParameter>)BodyandModelParameters[1]); }
/// <summary>Removes a nullable oneOf reference if available.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <returns>The actually resolvable schema</returns> public JsonSchema4 RemoveNullability(JsonSchema4 schema) { // TODO: Method on JsonSchema4? return(schema.OneOf.FirstOrDefault(o => !o.IsNullable(SchemaType.JsonSchema)) ?? schema); }
private void LoadPropertyOrField(MemberInfo property, Type propertyType, Type parentType, JsonSchema4 parentSchema, ISchemaResolver schemaResolver, ISchemaDefinitionAppender schemaDefinitionAppender) { var attributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true).OfType <Attribute>().ToArray(); var propertyTypeDescription = JsonObjectTypeDescription.FromType(propertyType, attributes, Settings.DefaultEnumHandling); if (IsPropertyIgnored(parentType, attributes) == false) { JsonProperty jsonProperty; if (propertyType.Name == "Nullable`1") #if !LEGACY { propertyType = propertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; } #else { propertyType = propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } #endif var requiresSchemaReference = RequiresSchemaReference(propertyType, attributes); if (requiresSchemaReference) { var propertySchema = Generate <JsonSchema4>(propertyType, attributes, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); // The schema is automatically added to Definitions if it is missing in JsonPathUtilities.GetJsonPath() if (Settings.NullHandling == NullHandling.JsonSchema) { jsonProperty = new JsonProperty(); jsonProperty.OneOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { SchemaReference = propertySchema.ActualSchema }); } else { jsonProperty = new JsonProperty { SchemaReference = propertySchema.ActualSchema }; } } else { jsonProperty = Generate <JsonProperty>(propertyType, attributes, schemaResolver, schemaDefinitionAppender); } var propertyName = JsonPathUtilities.GetPropertyName(property, Settings.DefaultPropertyNameHandling); if (parentSchema.Properties.ContainsKey(propertyName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The JSON property '" + propertyName + "' is defined multiple times on type '" + parentType.FullName + "'."); } parentSchema.Properties.Add(propertyName, jsonProperty); var requiredAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute"); var jsonPropertyAttribute = attributes.OfType <JsonPropertyAttribute>().SingleOrDefault(); var hasJsonNetAttributeRequired = jsonPropertyAttribute != null && ( jsonPropertyAttribute.Required == Required.Always || jsonPropertyAttribute.Required == Required.AllowNull); var isDataContractMemberRequired = GetDataMemberAttribute(parentType, attributes)?.IsRequired == true; var hasRequiredAttribute = requiredAttribute != null; if (hasRequiredAttribute || isDataContractMemberRequired || hasJsonNetAttributeRequired) { parentSchema.RequiredProperties.Add(propertyName); } var isJsonNetAttributeNullable = jsonPropertyAttribute != null && jsonPropertyAttribute.Required == Required.AllowNull; var isNullable = !hasRequiredAttribute && !isDataContractMemberRequired && (propertyTypeDescription.IsNullable || isJsonNetAttributeNullable); if (isNullable) { if (Settings.NullHandling == NullHandling.JsonSchema) { if (requiresSchemaReference) { jsonProperty.OneOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.Null }); } else if (jsonProperty.Type == JsonObjectType.None) { jsonProperty.OneOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.None }); jsonProperty.OneOf.Add(new JsonSchema4 { Type = JsonObjectType.Null }); } else { jsonProperty.Type = jsonProperty.Type | JsonObjectType.Null; } } } else if (Settings.NullHandling == NullHandling.Swagger) { if (!parentSchema.RequiredProperties.Contains(propertyName)) { parentSchema.RequiredProperties.Add(propertyName); } } dynamic readOnlyAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute"); if (readOnlyAttribute != null) { jsonProperty.IsReadOnly = readOnlyAttribute.IsReadOnly; } jsonProperty.Description = GetDescription(property, attributes); ApplyPropertyAnnotations(jsonProperty, parentType, attributes, propertyTypeDescription); } }
/// <summary>Gets the actual schema (i.e. when not referencing a type schema or it is inlined) /// and removes a nullable oneOf reference if available.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <returns>The actually resolvable schema</returns> public JsonSchema4 GetResolvableSchema(JsonSchema4 schema) { schema = RemoveNullability(schema); return(IsDefinitionTypeSchema(schema.ActualSchema) ? schema : schema.ActualSchema); }
public string Generate(JsonSchema4 schema, string typeNameHint, ICollection <string> reservedTypeNames) { return("MyCustomType" + ConversionUtilities.ConvertToUpperCamelCase(typeNameHint, true)); }
public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container) { var presenter = (FrameworkElement)container; if (item is JsonObjectModel) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["RootTemplate"]); } JsonSchema4 schema = null; if (item is JsonTokenModel) { schema = ((JsonTokenModel)item).Schema; } if (item is JsonPropertyModel) { schema = ((JsonPropertyModel)item).Schema; } var type = schema.Type; if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String) && schema.Format == JsonFormatStrings.DateTime) // TODO: What to do with date/time? { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["DateTimeTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String) && schema.Format == "date") { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["DateTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String) && schema.Format == "time") { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["TimeTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String) && schema.Enumeration.Count > 0) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["EnumTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.String)) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["StringTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Integer) && schema.Enumeration.Count > 0) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["EnumTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Integer)) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["IntegerTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Number)) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["NumberTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Boolean)) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["BooleanTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Object)) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["ObjectTemplate"]); } if (type.HasFlag(JsonObjectType.Array)) { return((DataTemplate)presenter.Resources["ArrayTemplate"]); } return(base.SelectTemplate(item, container)); }
/// <summary>Applies the property annotations to the JSON property.</summary> /// <param name="jsonProperty">The JSON property.</param> /// <param name="parentType">The type of the parent.</param> /// <param name="attributes">The attributes.</param> /// <param name="propertyTypeDescription">The property type description.</param> public void ApplyPropertyAnnotations(JsonSchema4 jsonProperty, Type parentType, IList <Attribute> attributes, JsonObjectTypeDescription propertyTypeDescription) { // TODO: Refactor out dynamic displayAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute"); if (displayAttribute != null && displayAttribute.Name != null) { jsonProperty.Title = displayAttribute.Name; } dynamic defaultValueAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute"); if (defaultValueAttribute != null && defaultValueAttribute.Value != null) { jsonProperty.Default = ConvertDefaultValue(parentType, attributes, defaultValueAttribute); } dynamic regexAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RegularExpressionAttribute"); if (regexAttribute != null) { jsonProperty.Pattern = regexAttribute.Pattern; } if (propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.Number || propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.Integer) { dynamic rangeAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute"); if (rangeAttribute != null) { if (rangeAttribute.Minimum != null && rangeAttribute.Minimum > double.MinValue) { jsonProperty.Minimum = (decimal?)(double)rangeAttribute.Minimum; } if (rangeAttribute.Maximum != null && rangeAttribute.Maximum < double.MaxValue) { jsonProperty.Maximum = (decimal?)(double)rangeAttribute.Maximum; } } var multipleOfAttribute = attributes.OfType <MultipleOfAttribute>().SingleOrDefault(); if (multipleOfAttribute != null) { jsonProperty.MultipleOf = multipleOfAttribute.MultipleOf; } } dynamic minLengthAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MinLengthAttribute"); if (minLengthAttribute != null && minLengthAttribute.Length != null) { if (propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.String) { jsonProperty.MinLength = minLengthAttribute.Length; } else if (propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.Array) { jsonProperty.MinItems = minLengthAttribute.Length; } } dynamic maxLengthAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MaxLengthAttribute"); if (maxLengthAttribute != null && maxLengthAttribute.Length != null) { if (propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.String) { jsonProperty.MaxLength = maxLengthAttribute.Length; } else if (propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.Array) { jsonProperty.MaxItems = maxLengthAttribute.Length; } } dynamic stringLengthAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.StringLengthAttribute"); if (stringLengthAttribute != null) { if (propertyTypeDescription.Type == JsonObjectType.String) { jsonProperty.MinLength = stringLengthAttribute.MinimumLength; jsonProperty.MaxLength = stringLengthAttribute.MaximumLength; } } dynamic dataTypeAttribute = attributes.TryGetIfAssignableTo("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DataTypeAttribute"); if (dataTypeAttribute != null) { var dataType = dataTypeAttribute.DataType.ToString(); if (DataTypeFormats.ContainsKey(dataType)) { jsonProperty.Format = DataTypeFormats[dataType]; } } }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypeScriptGenerator"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param> /// <param name="resolver">The resolver.</param> public TypeScriptGenerator(JsonSchema4 schema, TypeScriptTypeResolver resolver) { _schema = schema; _resolver = resolver; }
public static void AddBodyParameter(this SwaggerOperation operation, string name, JsonSchema4 schema, string description) { var parameter = new SwaggerParameter { Schema = schema, Name = name, Kind = SwaggerParameterKind.Body }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { parameter.Description = description; } parameter.IsRequired = true; parameter.IsNullableRaw = false; operation.Parameters.Add(parameter); }