Esempio n. 1
        private async Task AddMigrationCommentAsync(MigrationContext context, WorkItem sourceItem, WorkItem targetItem, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var msg = $"<p>Migrated from TFS.</p><p>Old ID = {sourceItem.Id}</p><p>Old Url = {sourceItem.Url}</p>";

            var doc = new JsonPatchDocument();

            doc.AddField(WorkItemFields.History, msg);

            //If there is a tag then add it
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.MigrationTag))
                //tags are stored as a single value so we need to combine the existing tags with the new one
                var tags = targetItem.TryGetField(WorkItemFields.Tag)?.ValueAsString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tags))
                    tags += $";{Settings.MigrationTag}";
                    tags = Settings.MigrationTag;
                doc.AddField(WorkItemFields.Tag, tags);

            await context.TargetService.UpdateWorkItemUnrestrictedAsync(targetItem, doc, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task <JsonPatchDocument> CreatePatchDocumentAsync(MigrationContext context, WorkItemUpdate update, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var doc = new JsonPatchDocument();

            if (update.Fields == null)
                update.Fields = new Dictionary <string, WorkItemFieldUpdate>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            var fields = update.Fields;

            //Ensure that the ChangedBy/Changed Date fields are being set so the history is maintained
            fields.EnsureFieldSet(WorkItemFields.ChangedBy, update.RevisedBy.Name);
            fields.EnsureFieldSet(WorkItemFields.ChangedDate, update.RevisedDate);

            //Copy the fields
            foreach (var field in fields)

                context.FieldHandlers.TryGetValue(field.Key, out var handlers);
                if (handlers != null || Settings.IncludeAllFields)
                    var newField = new WorkItemFieldValue()
                        Name = field.Key, Value = field.Value.NewValue

                    if (handlers != null)
                        foreach (var handler in handlers)
                            newField = await handler.HandleAsync(doc, newField, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            if (newField == null)

                    if (newField != null)
                        //The final check before we add the item is to ensure that the field actually exists in the target system
                        var allowedFields = await context.GetTargetFieldsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (!allowedFields.Contains(newField.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Logger.Warning($"{newField.Name} was not found in target, skipping");
                            var name  = (newField.Name != field.Key) ? $"{newField.Name} (renamed from {field.Key})" : newField.Name;
                            var value = newField.Value?.ToString() ?? "";
                            if (value.Length > 75)
                                value = value.Left(75) + "...";

                            Logger.Debug($"{name} = {value}");

                            //Add or update it
                            if (field.Value.OldValue != null)
                                doc.UpdateField(newField.Name, newField.Value);
                                doc.AddField(newField.Name, newField.Value);
                        Logger.Debug($"{field.Key} is marked as ignore");
                    Logger.Debug($"{field.Key} has no handlers, skipping");
