public JsonNode(JsonNodeKind kind, string location, String name = null) { this.kind = kind; = name == null?kind.ToString() : name; this.location = location; }
/// <summary> /// Validates that the reader is positioned on the specified node kind. /// </summary> /// <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="JsonReader"/> to read from.</param> /// <param name="expectedNodeType">The expected node type.</param> private static void ValidateNodeKind(this IJsonReader jsonReader, JsonNodeKind expectedNodeType) { Debug.Assert(jsonReader != null, "jsonReader != null"); Debug.Assert(expectedNodeType != JsonNodeKind.None, "expectedNodeType != JsonNodeType.None"); if (jsonReader.NodeKind != expectedNodeType) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedJsonNodeKind(jsonReader.NodeKind, expectedNodeType)*/); } }
public IEnumerable <JsonNode> FindAllDescendents(JsonNodeKind kind) { if (this.kind == kind) { yield return(this); } foreach (var child in children) { foreach (var match in child.FindAllDescendents(kind)) { yield return(match); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonReader"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The text reader to read input characters from.</param> /// <param name="options">The reader options.</param> public JsonReader(TextReader reader, JsonReaderOptions options) { Debug.Assert(reader != null, "reader != null"); this.nodeKind = JsonNodeKind.None; this.nodeValue = null; this.reader = reader; this.options = options; this.storedCharacterCount = 0; this.tokenStartIndex = 0; this.endOfInputReached = false; this.allowAnnotations = true; this.scopes = new Stack <Scope>(); this.scopes.Push(new Scope(ScopeType.Root)); }
/// <summary> /// Called when end of input is reached. /// </summary> /// <returns>Always returns false, used for easy readability of the callers.</returns> private bool EndOfInput() { // We should be ending the input only with Root in the scope. if (this.scopes.Count > 1) { // Not all open scopes were closed. throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_EndOfInputWithOpenScope*/); } Debug.Assert( this.scopes.Count > 0 && this.scopes.Peek().ScopeType == ScopeType.Root && this.scopes.Peek().ObjectCount <= 1, "The end of input should only occur with root at the top of the stack with zero or one value."); Debug.Assert(this.nodeValue == null, "The node value should have been reset to null."); this.nodeKind = JsonNodeKind.EndOfInput; return(false); }
public static JsonNode Create(JsonNodeKind kind, string location, String name = null) { return(new JsonNode(kind, location, name)); }
public bool Read() { // Reset the node value. this.nodeValue = null; #if DEBUG // Reset the node type to None - so that we can verify that the Read method actually sets it. this.nodeKind = JsonNodeKind.None; #endif // Skip any whitespace characters. // This also makes sure that we have at least one non-whitespace character available. if (!this.SkipWhitespaces()) { return(this.EndOfInput()); } Debug.Assert( this.tokenStartIndex < this.storedCharacterCount && !IsWhitespaceCharacter(this.characterBuffer[this.tokenStartIndex]), "The SkipWhitespaces didn't correctly skip all whitespace characters from the input."); Scope currentScope = this.scopes.Peek(); bool commaFound = false; if (this.characterBuffer[this.tokenStartIndex] == ',') { commaFound = true; this.tokenStartIndex++; // Note that validity of the comma is verified below depending on the current scope. // Skip all whitespaces after comma. // Note that this causes "Unexpected EOF" error if the comma is the last thing in the input. // It might not be the best error message in certain cases, but it's still correct (a JSON payload can never end in comma). if (!this.SkipWhitespaces()) { return(this.EndOfInput()); } Debug.Assert( this.tokenStartIndex < this.storedCharacterCount && !IsWhitespaceCharacter(this.characterBuffer[this.tokenStartIndex]), "The SkipWhitespaces didn't correctly skip all whitespace characters from the input."); } switch (currentScope.ScopeType) { case ScopeType.Root: if (commaFound) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(ScopeType.Root)*/); } if (currentScope.ObjectCount > 0) { // We already found the top-level value, so fail throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_MultipleTopLevelValues*/); } // We expect a "value" - start array, start object or primitive value this.nodeKind = this.ParseValue(); break; case ScopeType.Array: if (commaFound && currentScope.ObjectCount == 0) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(ScopeType.Array)*/); } // We might see end of array here if (this.characterBuffer[this.tokenStartIndex] == ']') { this.tokenStartIndex++; // End of array is only valid when there was no comma before it. if (commaFound) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(ScopeType.Array)*/); } this.PopScope(); this.nodeKind = JsonNodeKind.EndArray; break; } if (!commaFound && currentScope.ObjectCount > 0) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_MissingComma(ScopeType.Array)*/); } // We expect element which is a "value" - start array, start object or primitive value this.nodeKind = this.ParseValue(); break; case ScopeType.Object: if (commaFound && currentScope.ObjectCount == 0) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(ScopeType.Object)*/); } // We might see end of object here if (this.characterBuffer[this.tokenStartIndex] == '}') { this.tokenStartIndex++; // End of object is only valid when there was no comma before it. if (commaFound) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(ScopeType.Object)*/); } this.PopScope(); this.nodeKind = JsonNodeKind.EndObject; break; } else { if (!commaFound && currentScope.ObjectCount > 0) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_MissingComma(ScopeType.Object)*/); } // We expect a property here this.nodeKind = this.ParseProperty(); break; } case ScopeType.Property: if (commaFound) { throw new Exception(/*Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(ScopeType.Property)*/); } // We expect the property value, which is a "value" - start array, start object or primitive value this.nodeKind = this.ParseValue(); break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Should never be here"); break; } Debug.Assert( this.nodeKind != JsonNodeKind.None && this.nodeKind != JsonNodeKind.EndOfInput, "Read should never go back to None and EndOfInput should be reported by directly returning."); return(true); }
public static bool ShouldAddStatementParent(JsonNodeKind kind) { return(AddStatementParentKinds.Contains(kind)); }
public static bool ShouldAddBody(JsonNodeKind kind) { return(AddBodyKinds.Contains(kind)); }