public static void Run() { var doc = JObject.Parse(_docJson); var frame = JObject.Parse(_frameJson); var opts = new JsonLdOptions(); var flattened = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(doc, frame, opts); Console.WriteLine(flattened); /* * * Output: * { * "@context": . . ., * "@graph": [ * { * "@id": "_:b0", * "@type": "Person", * "image": "", * "name": "Manu Sporny", * "homepage": "" * } * ] * } * */ }
public static IEnumerable <VerificationMethod> FindVerificationMethods(DidDocument didDocument, string proofPurpose, IDocumentLoader documentLoader) { var processorOptions = new JsonLdProcessorOptions { DocumentLoader = documentLoader.Load }; processorOptions.ExpandContext = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL; var result = JsonLdProcessor.Frame( input: didDocument, frame: new JObject { { "@context", Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL }, { "@explicit", true }, { proofPurpose, new JObject { { "@embed", "@always" } } } }, options: processorOptions); if (result[proofPurpose] == null || !(result[proofPurpose] is JArray purposes)) { throw new Exception($"No verification keys found for prupose `{proofPurpose}`"); } return(purposes.Select(x => new VerificationMethod(x as JObject)).ToList()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { String sparql = File.ReadAllText("../query.sparql"); //Console.WriteLine(sparql); var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters["query"] = sparql; parameters["format"] = "text/turtle"; var client = new HttpClient(); StringContent queryString = new StringContent(sparql); HttpResponseMessage resp = client.PostAsync("", new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters)).Result; Console.WriteLine("Hello Mono World" + resp.StatusCode); var turtle = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Console.WriteLine(turtle); var options = new JsonLdOptions() { format = "text/turtle" }; options.SetUseNativeTypes(true); var expanded = JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(turtle, options); var context = File.ReadAllText("../context.jsonld"); var compOptions = new JsonLdOptions(); compOptions.SetEmbed(true); var compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(expanded, context, compOptions); Console.WriteLine(turtle); Console.WriteLine(expanded); Console.WriteLine(compacted); }
public override async Task <ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(JToken proof, ProofOptions options) { var result = await base.ValidateAsync(proof, options); var verificationMethodId = Options.VerificationMethod["id"].ToString(); var controllerId = Controller ?? GetVerificationMethod() ?? throw new ProofValidationException("Controller or VerificationMethod not found"); var framed = JsonLdProcessor.Frame( controllerId, new JObject { { "@context", Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL }, { "id", controllerId }, { Term, new JObject { { "@embed", "@never" }, { "id", verificationMethodId } } } }, options.GetProcessorOptions()); if (framed[Term] is JArray keys && keys.Any(x => x.ToString() == verificationMethodId)) { result.Controller = framed["id"].ToString(); return(result); } throw new ProofValidationException($"Verification method '{verificationMethodId}' not authorized " + $"by controller for proof purpose '{Term}'."); }
public JToken CreateProof(CreateProofOptions options, JsonLdProcessorOptions processorOptions) { var(document, proofs) = options.Document.GetProofs(processorOptions); var proof = new BbsBlsSignature2020(proofs.FirstOrDefault() ?? throw new Exception("Proof not found")); proof.Context = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL; var signature = Convert.FromBase64String(proof.ProofValue); var derivedProof = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(new BbsBlsSignatureProof2020(), Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL, processorOptions); var documentStatements = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.CreateVerifyDocumentData(document, processorOptions); var proofStatements = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.CreateVerifyProofData(proof, processorOptions); var transformedInputDocumentStatements = documentStatements.Select(TransformBlankNodeToId).ToArray(); var compactInputDocument = Helpers.FromRdf(transformedInputDocumentStatements); var revealDocument = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(compactInputDocument, options.ProofRequest, processorOptions); var revealDocumentStatements = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.CreateVerifyDocumentData(revealDocument, processorOptions); var numberOfProofStatements = proofStatements.Count(); var proofRevealIndicies = EnumerableFromInt(numberOfProofStatements).ToArray(); var documentRevealIndicies = revealDocumentStatements.Select(x => Array.IndexOf(transformedInputDocumentStatements, x) + numberOfProofStatements).ToArray(); if (documentRevealIndicies.Count() != revealDocumentStatements.Count()) { throw new Exception("Some statements in the reveal document not found in original proof"); } var revealIndicies = proofRevealIndicies.Concat(documentRevealIndicies); derivedProof["nonce"] = options.Nonce ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //Combine all the input statements that //were originally signed to generate the proof var allInputStatements = proofStatements.Concat(documentStatements); var verificationMethod = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.GetVerificationMethod(proofs.First(), processorOptions); var outputProof = BbsProvider.CreateProof(new CreateProofRequest( publicKey: verificationMethod.ToBlsKeyPair().GeyBbsKeyPair((uint)allInputStatements.Count()), messages: GetProofMessages(allInputStatements.ToArray(), revealIndicies).ToArray(), signature: signature, blindingFactor: null, nonce: derivedProof["nonce"].ToString())); // Set the proof value on the derived proof derivedProof["proofValue"] = Convert.ToBase64String(outputProof); // Set the relevant proof elements on the derived proof from the input proof derivedProof["verificationMethod"] = proof["verificationMethod"]; derivedProof["proofPurpose"] = proof["proofPurpose"]; derivedProof["created"] = proof["created"]; revealDocument["proof"] = derivedProof; return(revealDocument); }
private static void Example3() { var data = new Graph(); data.Assert("", "", ""); data.Assert("", "", ""); data.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("Bob")); data.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("Dylan")); Console.WriteLine(JsonLdProcessor.Frame(new Context { Base = "" }, data, "")); }
public void Save(IGraph g, TextWriter output) { JToken flattened = MakeExpandedForm(g); if (Frame == null) { output.Write(flattened); } else { JObject framed = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(flattened, Frame, new JsonLdOptions()); JObject compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(framed, framed["@context"], new JsonLdOptions()); output.Write(compacted); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override IVerifyData CreateVerifyData(JObject proof, ProofOptions options) { var originalProof = options.AdditonalData["originalDocument"]["proof"].DeepClone() as JObject; originalProof["type"] = "BbsBlsSignature2020"; var processorOptions = options.GetProcessorOptions(); var proofStatements = Helpers.CanonizeProofStatements(originalProof, processorOptions, Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V3_URL); var documentStatements = Helpers.CanonizeStatements(options.Input, processorOptions); var numberOfProofStatements = proofStatements.Count(); // if RevealDocument is present, this is a proof derivation // apply transformation of blank node to urn:bnid format if (RevealDocument != null) { var transformedInputDocumentStatements = documentStatements.Select(TransformBlankNodeToId).ToArray(); var compactInputDocument = Helpers.FromRdf(transformedInputDocumentStatements); var revealDocument = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(compactInputDocument, RevealDocument, processorOptions); var revealDocumentStatements = Helpers.CanonizeStatements(revealDocument, processorOptions); options.AdditonalData["revealDocument"] = revealDocument; var documentRevealIndicies = revealDocumentStatements.Select(x => Array.IndexOf(transformedInputDocumentStatements, x) + numberOfProofStatements).ToArray(); if (documentRevealIndicies.Count() != revealDocumentStatements.Count()) { throw new Exception("Some statements in the reveal document not found in original proof"); } var proofRevealIndicies = new int[numberOfProofStatements].Select((_, x) => x).ToArray(); var revealIndicies = proofRevealIndicies.Concat(documentRevealIndicies); options.AdditonalData["revealIndicies"] = new JArray(revealIndicies.ToArray()); } else { // it's proof verification, apply transform id to blank node documentStatements = documentStatements.Select(TransformIdToBlankNode); } var allInputStatements = proofStatements.Concat(documentStatements); return((StringArray)allInputStatements.ToArray()); }
private T Deserialize <T>(JToken jsonLd, JToken context, JObject frame) { if (context == null) { return(jsonLd.ToObject <T>(this.jsonSerializer)); } if (frame == null) { return(JsonLdProcessor.Compact(jsonLd, context, new JsonLdOptions()).ToObject <T>(this.jsonSerializer)); } frame["@context"] = context; var framed = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(jsonLd, frame, new JsonLdOptions()); return(framed["@graph"].Single().ToObject <T>(this.jsonSerializer)); }
private static void Example1() { var g = new Graph(); g.Assert("", "", ""); g.Assert("", "", ""); g.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("101 108th")); g.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("Arthur Dexter Bradley")); g.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("1234-1234-1234-1234")); g.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("Bellevue")); g.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("WA")); var g2 = new Graph(); g2.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("123")); g2.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("20/05")); g2.Assert("", "", GraphObject.FromData("98004")); g.Merge(g2); var context = new Context { Base = "", Terms = { { "o", new Context.TermDefinition { Id = "" } } } }; var obj = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(context, g, ""); Console.WriteLine(obj); var graph = JsonLdProcessor.CreateGraph(obj); foreach (var triple in graph.GetTriples()) { Console.WriteLine($"<{triple.Subject}> <{triple.Predicate}> {triple.Object} ."); } }
public static JObject JsonFromGraph(IGraph graph, string rootType, JToken context) { System.IO.StringWriter stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(); IRdfWriter rdfWriter = new JsonLdWriter(); rdfWriter.Save(graph, stringWriter); stringWriter.Flush(); JObject frame = new JObject(); frame.Add("@context", context); frame.Add("@type", rootType); //frame.Add("@embed", false); JToken flattened = JToken.Parse(stringWriter.ToString()); JObject framed = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(flattened, frame, new JsonLdOptions()); JObject compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(framed, context, new JsonLdOptions()); return(compacted); }
public static string CreateJson(IGraph graph, JToken frame = null) { System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter(); IRdfWriter rdfWriter = new JsonLdWriter(); rdfWriter.Save(graph, writer); writer.Flush(); if (frame == null) { return(writer.ToString()); } else { JToken flattened = JToken.Parse(writer.ToString()); JObject framed = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(flattened, frame, new JsonLdOptions()); JObject compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(framed, frame["@context"], new JsonLdOptions()); return(compacted.ToString()); } }
protected VerificationMethod GetVerificationMethod(JObject proof, ProofOptions options) { var verificationMethod = proof["verificationMethod"] ?? throw new Exception("No 'verificationMethod' found in proof."); var verificationMethodId = verificationMethod.Type switch { JTokenType.String => verificationMethod.ToString(), JTokenType.Object => verificationMethod["id"]?.ToString() ?? throw new Exception("Verification Method found, but it's 'id' property was empty"), _ => throw new Exception($"Invalid verification method type: {verificationMethod.Type}") }; var processorOptions = options.GetProcessorOptions(); processorOptions.ExpandContext = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL; var result = JsonLdProcessor.Frame( verificationMethodId, new JObject { { "@context", Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL }, { "@embed", "@always" }, { "id", verificationMethod } }, processorOptions); if (result == null || result["id"] == null) { throw new Exception($"Verification method {verificationMethod} not found."); } if (result["revoked"] != null) { throw new Exception("The verification method has been revoked."); } return(new VerificationMethod(result)); }
public IEnumerator <object[]> GetEnumerator() { foreach (string manifest in manifests) { JToken manifestJson; manifestJson = GetJson(manifest); foreach (JObject testcase in manifestJson["sequence"]) { Func <JToken> run; ConformanceCase newCase = new ConformanceCase(); newCase.input = GetJson(testcase["input"]); newCase.context = GetJson(testcase["context"]); newCase.frame = GetJson(testcase["frame"]); var options = new JsonLdOptions("" + (string)testcase["input"]); var testType = (JArray)testcase["@type"]; if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:NegativeEvaluationTest")) { newCase.error = testcase["expect"]; } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:PositiveEvaluationTest")) { if (testType.Any((s) => new List <string> { "jld:ToRDFTest", "jld:NormalizeTest" }.Contains((string)s))) { newCase.output = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("W3C", (string)testcase["expect"])); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:FromRDFTest")) { newCase.input = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("W3C", (string)testcase["input"])); newCase.output = GetJson(testcase["expect"]); } else { newCase.output = GetJson(testcase["expect"]); } } else { throw new Exception("Expecting either positive or negative evaluation test."); } JToken optionToken; JToken value; if (testcase.TryGetValue("option", out optionToken)) { JObject optionDescription = (JObject)optionToken; if (optionDescription.TryGetValue("compactArrays", out value)) { options.SetCompactArrays((bool)value); } if (optionDescription.TryGetValue("base", out value)) { options.SetBase((string)value); } if (optionDescription.TryGetValue("expandContext", out value)) { newCase.context = GetJson(testcase["option"]["expandContext"]); options.SetExpandContext((JObject)newCase.context); } if (optionDescription.TryGetValue("produceGeneralizedRdf", out value)) { options.SetProduceGeneralizedRdf((bool)value); } if (optionDescription.TryGetValue("useNativeTypes", out value)) { options.SetUseNativeTypes((bool)value); } if (optionDescription.TryGetValue("useRdfType", out value)) { options.SetUseRdfType((bool)value); } } if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:CompactTest")) { run = () => JsonLdProcessor.Compact(newCase.input, newCase.context, options); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:ExpandTest")) { run = () => JsonLdProcessor.Expand(newCase.input, options); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:FlattenTest")) { run = () => JsonLdProcessor.Flatten(newCase.input, newCase.context, options); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:FrameTest")) { run = () => JsonLdProcessor.Frame(newCase.input, newCase.frame, options); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:NormalizeTest")) { run = () => new JValue( RDFDatasetUtils.ToNQuads((RDFDataset)JsonLdProcessor.Normalize(newCase.input, options)).Replace("\n", "\r\n") ); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:ToRDFTest")) { options.format = "application/nquads"; run = () => new JValue( ((string)JsonLdProcessor.ToRDF(newCase.input, options)).Replace("\n", "\r\n") ); } else if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:FromRDFTest")) { options.format = "application/nquads"; run = () => JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(newCase.input, options); } else { run = () => { throw new Exception("Couldn't find a test type, apparently."); }; } if ((string)manifestJson["name"] == "Remote document") { Func <JToken> innerRun = run; run = () => { var remoteDoc = options.documentLoader.LoadDocument("" + (string)testcase["input"]); newCase.input = remoteDoc.Document; options.SetBase(remoteDoc.DocumentUrl); options.SetExpandContext((JObject)remoteDoc.Context); return(innerRun()); }; } if (testType.Any((s) => (string)s == "jld:NegativeEvaluationTest")) { Func <JToken> innerRun = run; run = () => { try { return(innerRun()); } catch (JsonLdError err) { JObject result = new JObject(); result["error"] = err.Message; return(result); } }; } = run; yield return(new object[] { manifest + (string)testcase["@id"], (string)testcase["name"], newCase }); } } }
private static void ExampleSchemaNet() { JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto }; var context = new Context { Base = "", Terms = { { "o", new Context.TermDefinition { Id = "" } } } }; var graph = new Graph(); var joe = new Person() { Id = new Uri(""), Name = "Joe", FamilyName = "Smith", Gender = GenderType.Female }; // add Joe to graph graph.Merge(JsonLdProcessor.CreateGraph(joe)); var sarah = new Person() { Id = new Uri(""), Name = "Sarah", FamilyName = "Smith", Gender = GenderType.Female }; // add Sarah to graph graph.Merge(JsonLdProcessor.CreateGraph(sarah)); // add spouse relationships between the 2 Person objects // NOTE: This uses the JsonLd.Id and context to create Uris and validates that Spouse is actual property on the source object graph.Assert(joe, "Spouse", sarah); graph.Assert(sarah, "Spouse", joe); // dump triples Console.WriteLine("---triples---- "); foreach (var triple in graph.GetTriples()) { Console.WriteLine($" {triple}"); } // dump joe nodes as JsObject var jsJoe = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(context, graph, ""); Console.WriteLine("---JSObject ---- "); Console.WriteLine(jsJoe); // get joe as Person object var joe2 = JsonLdProcessor.AsObject <Person>(context, graph, ""); Console.WriteLine("---POCO object---- "); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(joe2, Formatting.Indented)); // Get joe as Person object var sarah2 = JsonLdProcessor.AsObject <Person>(context, graph, ""); Console.WriteLine("---POCO object---- "); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sarah2, Formatting.Indented)); }