Esempio n. 1
        public void EqPumpSelectTest()
            SelectorProperty selectorProperty = new SelectorProperty();

            var pumpIndex    = JsonClass.JsonEquipmentValue("Equalization Tank Pump");
            var q_inf_aa     = JsonProcessClass.JsonProcessValue("Q_inf_AA");
            var numberOfPump = EquipmentSelector.EqPumpNumberSelect(selectorProperty);

            Assert.AreEqual(22L, pumpIndex);
            //Assert.AreEqual(200000, q_inf_aa);
            //Assert.AreEqual(13, numberOfPump);
Esempio n. 2
        public void ListBlocks()
            var db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;

            // Copy blocks from sourcefile into opened file
            var copyBlockTable = new CopyBlock();
            var btrNamesToCopy = new[] { "pump", "valve", "chamber", "instrumentation tag", "channel gate", "pipe", "pipe2", "channel", "channel2" };

            copyBlockTable.CopyBlockTable(db, path, btr =>

            //var sizeProperty = new PositionProperty();
            //"\nEnter number of equipment:"
            //var pio = new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter number of equipment:") { DefaultValue = 5 };
            //var number = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.GetInteger(pio);
            //var intNumber = Convert.ToInt32(number.Value);

            //"\nEnter distance of equipment:"
            //var dio = new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter distance of equipment:") { DefaultValue = 20 };
            //var distance = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.GetInteger(dio);
            //var intDistance = Convert.ToInt32(distance.Value);

            //"\nEnter index of equipment:"
            //var eio = new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter index of equipment:") { DefaultValue = 22 };
            //var eqIndex = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.GetInteger(eio);
            //var promptEqIndex = Convert.ToInt16(eqIndex.Value);

            var  selectorProperty = new SelectorProperty();
            long numbers          = JsonProcessClass.JsonProcessValue("number_of_eqPump");
            long indexOfEqPump    = JsonClass.JsonEquipmentValue("Equalization Tank Pump");
            var  promptEqIndex    = Convert.ToInt16(indexOfEqPump);

            var eqt = new EqualizationTank(numberOfPumps: Convert.ToInt32(EquipmentSelector.EqPumpNumberSelect(selectorProperty)), distanceOfPump: 20, eqIndex: promptEqIndex);

            //var InsBlock = new BlockMapping();
            #region old code
            //var blocks = new[]
            //  new InsertBlockBase(numberOfItem: 1,
            //    blockName: "chamber",
            //    layerName: "unit",
            //    x: 0,
            //    y: 0,
            //    hostName: "Equalization Tank")
            //  {
            //    ActionToExecuteOnDynProp = new Action<DynamicBlockReferenceProperty>[]
            //    {
            //      dbrProp =>
            //      {
            //        if (dbrProp.PropertyName == "Visibility")
            //          dbrProp.Value = "no channel";
            //      }
            //    },
            //    ActionToExecuteOnAttRef = new Action<AttributeReference>[]
            //    {
            //      ar =>
            //      {
            //        //text for EQ tank - Attributes
            //        if (ar.Tag == "NAME1")
            //          ar.TextString = "EQUALIZATION";
            //        if (ar.Tag == "NAME2")
            //          ar.TextString = "TANK";
            //      }
            //    },
            //    ActionToExecuteOnDynPropAfter = new Action<DynamicBlockReferenceProperty>[]
            //    {
            //      dbrProp =>
            //      {
            //        //setup chamber width
            //        if (dbrProp.PropertyName == "Distance")
            //          dbrProp.Value = 5.0d * 20 + 50; //last value is the free space for other items
            //        //text position for chamber
            //        if (dbrProp.PropertyName == "Position X")
            //          dbrProp.Value = (5 * 20 + 50) / 2.0d; //place text middle of chamber horizontaly
            //      }
            //    },
            //  },

            var layers = new[]
                new LayerData("unit", Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0), 0.25, false)

            var layerCreator = new LayerCreator();

            DrawBlocks(db, eqt.Blocks);
            //DrawBlocks(db, InsBlock.Blocks);

            #region oldcode
            ////short shortCheckValveIndex = 2;
            //PositionProperty.NumberOfPump = number.Value;
            //PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump = distance.Value;

            //var ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
            //var aw = new AutoCadWrapper();

            ////copyBlockTable.CopyBlockTableMethod(db, path, btr => true);
            //sizeProperty.X = 50;

            //// Call a transaction to create layer

            ////layerCreator.LayerCreatorMethod("equipment", Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), 0.5);

            ////layerCreator.LayerCreatorMethod("unit", Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), 0.5);

            //// Start transaction to write equipment

            //var insertEqTAnkPump = new InsertBlockBase(PositionProperty.NumberOfPump,               // number of item
            //  PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump,             // disctance of item
            //  "pump",                                      //block name
            //  "equipment",                                 //layer name
            //  "Centrifugal Pump",                          //dynamic property type
            //  shortEqIndex,                                //visibility of equipment ()
            //  sizeProperty.X,                              //X
            //  10,                                          //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                         //Host name
            //  0);                                          //pipe length
            //insertBlockTable.InsertBlockTableMethod(db, insertEqTAnkPump);
            //var insertEqTAnk = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  1,                                          // number of item
            //  0,                                          // disctance of item
            //  "chamber",                                  //block name
            //  "unit",                                     //layer name
            //  "Visibility",                               //dynamic property type
            //  "no channel",                               //visibility of equipment
            //  0,                                          //X
            //  0,                                          //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                        //Host name
            //  0);                                         //pipe length
            //insertBlockTable.InsertBlockTableMethod(db, insertEqTAnk);
            //var insertCheckValve = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  PositionProperty.NumberOfPump,              // number of item
            //  PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump,            // disctance of item
            //  "valve",                                    //block name
            //  "valve",                                    //layer name
            //  "Block Table1",                             //dynamic property type
            //  (short)5,                                          //visibility of equipment (check valve)
            //  sizeProperty.X,                             //X
            //  25,                                         //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                        //Host name
            //  0);                                         //pipe length
            //insertBlockTable.InsertBlockTableMethod(db, insertCheckValve);
            //var insertGateValve = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  PositionProperty.NumberOfPump,            // number of item
            //  PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump,          // disctance of item
            //  "valve",                                  //block name
            //  "valve",                                  //layer name
            //  "Block Table1",                           //dynamic property type
            //  (short)0,                                        //visibility of equipment (gate valve)
            //  sizeProperty.X,                           //X
            //  40,                                       //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                      //Host name
            //  0);                                       //pipe length
            //insertBlockTable.InsertBlockTableMethod(db, insertGateValve);
            //var insertLIT = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  1,                                        // number of item
            //  0,                                        // disctance of item
            //  "instrumentation tag",                    //block name
            //  "instrumentation",                        //layer name
            //  "Block Table1",                           //dynamic property type
            //  (short)7,                                        //visibility of equipment (LIT)
            //  PositionProperty.NumberOfPump
            //  * PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump + 50,   //X
            //  10,                                       //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                      //Host name
            //  0);                                       //pipe length
            //var insertFIT = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  1,                                        // number of item
            //  0,                                        // disctance of item
            //  "instrumentation tag",                    //block name
            //  "instrumentation",                        //layer name
            //  "Block Table1",                           //dynamic property type
            //  (short)11,                                       //visibility of equipment (FIT)
            //  PositionProperty.NumberOfPump
            //  * PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump + 50,   //X
            //  50,                                       //Y
            // "Equalization Tank",                       //Host name
            //  0);                                       //pipe length
            //var insertJetPump = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  1,                                        // number of item
            //  0,                                        // disctance of item
            //  "pump",                                   //block name
            //  "equipment",                              //layer name
            //  "Centrifugal Pump",                       //dynamic property type
            //  (short)17,                                       //visibility of jet pump
            //  20,                                       //X
            //  10,                                       //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                      //Host name
            //  0);                                       //pipe length
            //var insertChannelGateSTB = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  1,                                        // number of item
            //  0,                                        // disctance of item
            //  "channel gate",                           //block name
            //  "equipment",                              //layer name
            //  "Block Table1",                           //dynamic property type
            //  (short)23,                                       //visibility of item (Channel gate (Equalization Tank))
            //  -10.5,                                    //X
            //  6,                                        //Y
            // "Equalization Tank",                       //Host name
            //  0);                                       //pipe length

            //var insertChannelGateDTY = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  1,                                         // number of item
            //  0,                                         // disctance of item
            //  "channel gate",                            //block name
            //  "equipment",                               //layer name
            //  "Block Table1",                            //dynamic property type
            //  (short)23,                                        //visibility of item (Channel gate (Equalization Tank))
            //  -10.5,                                     //X
            //  -24,                                       //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                       //Host name
            //  0);                                        //pipe length

            //var insertPipe1 = new InsertBlockBase(
            //  PositionProperty.NumberOfPump,             // number of item
            //  PositionProperty.DistanceOfPump,           // disctance of item
            //  "pipe",                                    //block name
            //  "sewer",                                   //layer name
            //  "Visibility1",                             //dynamic property type
            //  "sewer",                                   //visibility of item (sewer pipe)
            //  50,                                        //X
            //  14,                                        //Y
            //  "Equalization Tank",                       //Host name
            //  36);

            //var blocks = new[] {
            //  insertPipe1, insertChannelGateDTY, insertChannelGateSTB
