private static long RunTestJournalWriter(string path, int bufferSize) { if(File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } long ioCount = 0; var blockWriter = new FileBlockWriter(path, bufferSize); using (var journalWriter = new JournalWriter(bufferSize, blockWriter)) { var buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[bufferSize]); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; while (DateTime.UtcNow - start < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TestDuration)) // run the test for 10sec { journalWriter.WriteBytes(buffer, true); ioCount++; } var durationInMs = (DateTime.UtcNow - start).TotalMilliseconds; PrintReport("JournalWriter", bufferSize, ioCount, durationInMs); } return ioCount; }
private static long RunTestJournalWriter(string path, int bufferSize) { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } long ioCount = 0; var blockWriter = new FileBlockWriter(path, bufferSize); using (var journalWriter = new JournalWriter(bufferSize, blockWriter)) { var buffer = new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[bufferSize]); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; while (DateTime.UtcNow - start < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TestDuration)) // run the test for 10sec { journalWriter.WriteBytes(buffer, true); ioCount++; } var durationInMs = (DateTime.UtcNow - start).TotalMilliseconds; PrintReport("JournalWriter", bufferSize, ioCount, durationInMs); } return(ioCount); }
public void ReadAndWriteJournalFile() { string path = Path.GetFullPath("TestData\\RWJournal"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } JournalWriter jw = new JournalWriter(path, 324, false); List <KeyValuePair <Key, Value> > items = new List <KeyValuePair <Key, Value> > (); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Key randKey = Key.Random(20); Value randValue = Value.Random(100); jw.Add(randKey, randValue); items.Add(new KeyValuePair <Key, Value> (randKey, randValue)); } jw.Close(); JournalReader jr = new JournalReader(path, 324); int j = 0; foreach (var pair in jr.Enumerate()) { Assert.AreEqual(items [j].Key, pair.Key); Assert.AreEqual(items [j].Value, pair.Value); j++; } jr.Close(); }
public void RenameTag_ThrowsArgumentNullException_IfNewTagIsNullEmptyOrWhitespace(string newTag) { var fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(); var writer = new JournalWriter(fileSystem, "J:\\Current"); var reader = A.Fake <IJournalReader>(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => writer.RenameTag(reader, "valid-value", newTag)); }
public void Test_Append_Success() { using (var target = new JournalWriter("Journal.log")) { target.Append("sss"); } Assert.True(File.Exists("Journal.log")); }
protected override void RunJournalCommand() { if (Last) { var journal = OpenJournal(); var lastEntry = journal.CreateIndex <JournalEntryFile>().SelectMany(x => x.Entries).OrderByDescending(x => x.EntryDate).First(); SystemProcess.Start(lastEntry.FilePath); return; } var fileSystem = new FileSystem(); var journalWriter = new JournalWriter(fileSystem, Location); string path; LocalDate entryDate; switch (ParameterSetName) { case "Name": { entryDate = EntryName.EndsWith(".md") ? Journal.FileNameWithExtensionPattern.Parse(EntryName).Value : Journal.FileNamePattern.Parse(EntryName).Value; path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } case "Date": { entryDate = LocalDate.FromDateTime(Date); path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } case "DateOffset": { entryDate = Today.PlusDays(DateOffset); path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } case "Entry": { entryDate = Journal.FileNamePattern.Parse(Entry.EntryName).Value; path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } if (!fileSystem.File.Exists(path)) { throw new PSInvalidOperationException($"An entry does not exist for '{entryDate}'."); } SystemProcess.Start(path); }
public BatchRunJobExecutor(BatchJob job, Func <BatchJob, TextWriter, IProgressHandler, BatchRunner> batchRunnerFact) { m_Job = job; m_LogWriter = new JournalWriter(true); m_PrgHander = new ProgressHandler(); m_BatchRunnerFact = batchRunnerFact; m_IsExecuting = false; }
public IDocumentCollection <TDocument> CreateHighSecurityFileSystemCollection <TDocument>(string dirPath, byte[] key) where TDocument : AbstractDocument, new() { FileSystem fileSystem = new FileSystem(); if (!fileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirPath)) { fileSystem.CreateDirectory(dirPath); } string path = HashedPathGenerator.GetPath(dirPath, "_journal"); JournalPlayer journalPlayer = new JournalPlayer(path, fileSystem); JournalWriter journalWriter = new JournalWriter(path, fileSystem); string path2 = HashedPathGenerator.GetPath(dirPath, "_packedFile"); string path3 = HashedPathGenerator.GetPath(dirPath, "_packedFileMeta"); PackedFile packedFile = new PackedFile(path2, path3, journalWriter, fileSystem); IndexFactory indexFactory = new IndexFactory(dirPath, journalWriter, fileSystem); return(new DocumentCollection <TDocument>(packedFile, indexFactory, key, journalPlayer, journalWriter)); }
public void ReadCorruptedJournalFile() { string path = Path.GetFullPath("TestData\\ReadCorruptedJournal"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } JournalWriter jw = new JournalWriter(path, 324, false); List <KeyValuePair <Key, Value> > items = new List <KeyValuePair <Key, Value> > (); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Key randKey = Key.Random(20); Value randValue = Value.Random(100); jw.Add(randKey, randValue); items.Add(new KeyValuePair <Key, Value> (randKey, randValue)); } jw.Close(); // Reopen the file and add a partial record var fileName = Config.JournalFile(path, 324); var writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 1024, false)); Key key = Key.Random(20); writer.Write7BitEncodedInt(key.Length); writer.Write(key.InternalBytes); writer.Write7BitEncodedInt(0); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); JournalReader jr = new JournalReader(path, 324); int j = 0; foreach (var pair in jr.Enumerate()) { Assert.AreEqual(items [j].Key, pair.Key); Assert.AreEqual(items [j].Value, pair.Value); j++; } jr.Close(); }
public void RenameTag_CombinesNewFrontMatterWithExistingBody_Always() { var fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(); var filePath = "J:\\JournalRoot\\2019\\03 March\\"; fileSystem.AddFile(filePath, new MockFileData(TestEntries.WithTags1, Encoding.UTF8)); var writer = new JournalWriter(fileSystem, "J:\\Current"); var originalReader = new JournalReader(fileSystem, filePath); originalReader.FrontMatter.Tags.Should().OnlyContain(x => new List <string> { "doh", "blah" }.Contains(x)); writer.RenameTag(originalReader, "blah", "horseman"); var newReader = new JournalReader(fileSystem, filePath); newReader.RawBody.Should().Be(originalReader.RawBody); newReader.FrontMatter.Tags.Should().OnlyContain(x => new List <string> { "doh", "horseman" }.Contains(x)); }
public void AddAndLookupItemsPersisted() { string path = Path.GetFullPath("TestData\\AddAndLookupItemsPersisted"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } JournalWriter jw = new JournalWriter("TestData\\AddAndLookupItemsPersisted", 523, false); List <KeyValuePair <Key, Value> > values = new List <KeyValuePair <Key, Value> >(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { var randomKey = Key.Random(40); var randomValue = Value.Random(256); values.Add(new KeyValuePair <Key, Value>(randomKey, randomValue)); jw.Add(randomKey, randomValue); } jw.Close(); MemTable mtl = new MemTable(); mtl.ReadFromJournal("TestData\\AddAndLookupItemsPersisted", 523); Value value; foreach (var pair in values) { Assert.IsTrue(mtl.Lookup(pair.Key, out value)); Assert.AreEqual(pair.Value, value); } Assert.IsFalse(mtl.Lookup(Key.Random(40), out value)); Assert.AreEqual(10000 * (40 + 256), mtl.Size); Assert.IsTrue(mtl.Full); }
public async Task Export(ExportOptions opts) { m_CurrentCancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); var logWriter = new JournalWriter(true); var prgHander = new ProgressHandler(); logWriter.Log += OnLog; prgHander.JobScopeSet += OnJobScopeSet; prgHander.ProgressChanged += OnProgressChanged; try { using (var exporter = new Exporter(logWriter, m_JobMgr, prgHander)) { await exporter.Export(opts, m_CurrentCancellationToken.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); } } finally { logWriter.Log -= OnLog; prgHander.ProgressChanged -= OnProgressChanged; } }
protected override void RunJournalCommand() { if (Last) { var journal = OpenJournal(); var lastEntry = journal.CreateIndex <JournalEntryFile>().SelectMany(x => x.Entries).OrderByDescending(x => x.EntryDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (lastEntry == null) { throw new PSInvalidOperationException("No entries found!"); } SystemProcess.Start(lastEntry.FilePath); return; } var fileSystem = new FileSystem(); var journalWriter = new JournalWriter(fileSystem, Location); string path; LocalDate entryDate; switch (ParameterSetName) { case "Name": { entryDate = EntryName.EndsWith(".md") ? Journal.FileNameWithExtensionPattern.Parse(EntryName).Value : Journal.FileNamePattern.Parse(EntryName).Value; path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } case "Date": { entryDate = LocalDate.FromDateTime(Date); path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } case "DateOffset": { entryDate = Today.PlusDays(DateOffset); path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } case "Entry": { entryDate = Journal.FileNamePattern.Parse(Entry.EntryName).Value; path = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate); break; } default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } if (!fileSystem.File.Exists(path)) { throw new PSInvalidOperationException($"An entry does not exist for '{entryDate}'."); } Commit(GitCommitType.PreOpenJournalEntry); SystemProcess.Start(path); if (Wait) { var result = Choice($"Reading entry for {entryDate}", "Continue on to next entry?", 0, "&Continue", "&Quit"); Commit(GitCommitType.PostOpenJournalEntry); if (result == 1) { ThrowTerminatingError("Pipeline terminated at user's request.", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified); } } }