public JournalPresenter(JournalList model, JournalFormView view) { this.model = model; this.view = view; view.Presenter = this; }
private void ListJournalsBt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JournalList model = new JournalList(); JournalFormView view = new JournalFormView(); JournalPresenter presenter = new JournalPresenter(model, view); view.Show(); }
public void LoadJournalExampleData() { //LedgerAccountList.AddBuchungssatz(new AccountingRecord {Account = account, Text = "Test1Haben", Value = 11}, // new AccountingRecord {Account = account, Text = "Test1Soll", Value = 101}); //LedgerAccountList.AddBuchungssatz(new AccountingRecord {Account = account, Text = "Test2Haben", Value = 22}, // new AccountingRecord {Account = account, Text = "Test2Soll", Value = 202}); //LedgerAccountList.AddBuchungssatz(new AccountingRecord {Account = account, Text = "Test3Haben", Value = 33}, // new AccountingRecord {Account = account, Text = "Test3Soll", Value = 303}); JournalList.Add(new Journal { Text = "Verkauf einer alten Maschine gegen Barzahlung für 1'500Fr." }); JournalList.Add(new Journal { Text = "Immobilienkauf durch eine Hypothek von 1'000'000Fr." }); }
private void DeleteLast_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (JournalList.Any()) { var existingCreditAccount = LedgerAccountList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CreditAccountingRecords != null && x.CreditAccountingRecords.Any(y => JournalList.LastOrDefault().ID == y.ID)); if (existingCreditAccount != null) { existingCreditAccount.CreditAccountingRecords.Remove(existingCreditAccount.CreditAccountingRecords.First(y => JournalList.Last().ID == y.ID)); } var existingDebitAccount = LedgerAccountList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DebitAccountingRecords != null && x.DebitAccountingRecords.Any(y => JournalList.LastOrDefault().ID == y.ID)); if (existingDebitAccount != null) { existingDebitAccount.CreditAccountingRecords.Remove(existingDebitAccount.DebitAccountingRecords.First(y => JournalList.Last().ID == y.ID)); } JournalList.Remove(JournalList.Last()); } }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { JournalList newentry = new JournalList(); newentry.LogID = UserInfo.UserId; newentry.Title = Titlebox.Text.Trim(); newentry.Entry = Entrybox.Text.Trim(); JournalList newentry2 = Entry.entry(newentry); if (newentry2 == null) { NoEntry.Foreground.Opacity = 100; } else { NavigationService main = NavigationService.GetNavigationService(this); main.Navigate(new Uri("MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); } }
public void LoadJournalExampleData() { foreach (Account account in accounts.ItemsSource) { JournalList.Add(new Journal() { Account = account, HABENAccountingRecords = new ObservableCollection <AccountingRecord> { new AccountingRecord() { Account = account, Text = "Test1Haben", Value = 11 }, new AccountingRecord() { Account = account, Text = "Test2Haben", Value = 22 }, new AccountingRecord() { Account = account, Text = "Test2Haben", Value = 33 }, }, SOLLAccountingRecords = new ObservableCollection <AccountingRecord> { new AccountingRecord() { Account = account, Text = "Test1Soll", Value = 101 }, new AccountingRecord() { Account = account, Text = "Test2Soll", Value = 202 }, new AccountingRecord() { Account = account, Text = "Test2Soll", Value = 303 }, } }); } }
internal static JournalList getJournalList(HttpResponseMessage responce) { var journalList = new JournalList(); var jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(responce.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); if (jsonObj.ContainsKey("journals")) { var journalsArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <object> >(jsonObj["journals"].ToString()); foreach (var journalObj in journalsArray) { var journal = new Journal(); journal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Journal>(journalObj.ToString()); journalList.Add(journal); } } if (jsonObj.ContainsKey("page_context")) { var pageContext = new PageContext(); pageContext = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PageContext>(jsonObj["page_context"].ToString()); journalList.page_context = pageContext; } return(journalList); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { JournalList.Add(new Journal()); }
private void JournalList_BuildEnemyList(On.JournalList.orig_BuildEnemyList orig, JournalList self) { #region modifyFSM ListInstance = self; var fsm = self.gameObject.LocateMyFSM("Item List Control"); var skip = false; foreach (var state in fsm.FsmStates) { if (state.Name == "Custom Check" || state.Name == "Custom") { skip = true; } } if (!skip) { var custom = fsm.CopyState("Normal", "Custom"); var state = fsm.CreateState("Custom Check"); void Check() { var list = ReflectionHelper.GetField <JournalList, GameObject[]>(self, "currentList"); var currentitem = list[fsm.FsmVariables.GetFsmInt("Current Item").Value]; if (currentitem.GetComponent <JournalEntryStats>().grimmEntry&& currentitem.GetComponent <JournalEntryStats>().warriorGhost) { if (currentitem.GetComponent <JournalTracker>() != null) { if (currentitem.GetComponent <JournalTracker>().CustomEntrySprite != null) { custom.GetAction <SetSpriteRendererSprite>(0).sprite = currentitem.GetComponent <JournalTracker>().CustomEntrySprite; fsm.SetState("Custom"); return; } } } else { fsm.SetState("Normal"); } fsm.SetState("Type"); } state.AddAction(new CustomCallMethod(Check)); fsm.ChangeTransition("Display Kills", "FINISHED", "Custom Check"); fsm.ChangeTransition("Get Notes", "FINISHED", "Custom Check"); } #endregion GameObject tmpGo = null; try { tmpGo = self.list.First(x => x.GetComponent <JournalEntryStats>().convoName == GetEntryName()); } catch { } if (tmpGo == null) { //entrynumber = self.list.Length + 1; var go = GameObject.Instantiate(self.list[0]); var listitem = go.GetComponent <JournalEntryStats>(); listitem.convoName = GetEntryName(); listitem.sprite = picturesprite; go.transform.Find("Portrait").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = portraitsprite; go.transform.Find("Name").GetComponent <SetTextMeshProGameText>().convName = GetEntryName(); listitem.playerDataName = GetEntryName(); switch (EType) { case EntryType.Normal: listitem.warriorGhost = false; listitem.grimmEntry = false; break; case EntryType.Dream: listitem.warriorGhost = true; listitem.grimmEntry = false; break; case EntryType.Grimm: listitem.warriorGhost = false; listitem.grimmEntry = true; break; case EntryType.Custom: listitem.warriorGhost = true; listitem.grimmEntry = true; break; } if (addingtracker) { tracker = go.AddComponent <JournalTracker>(); trackers.Add(tracker); go.GetComponent <JournalTracker>().entrynumber = entrynumber; if (CustomSprite != null && EType == EntryType.Custom) { go.GetComponent <JournalTracker>().CustomEntrySprite = CustomSprite; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InsertAfter)) { Ext.Extensions.Log("Journal Helper", "NO Insert After present(not a error), defaulting to the end of the list on custom entry " + entrynumber); self.list = self.list.Append(go).ToArray(); } else { bool containsbool = false; tmpGo = null; try { tmpGo = self.list.First(x => x.GetComponent <JournalEntryStats>().playerDataName == InsertAfter); containsbool = tmpGo != null; } catch { } int index = containsbool ? Array.IndexOf(self.list, tmpGo) : 0; if (containsbool) { Ext.Extensions.Log("Journal Helper", "Insert After found, adding custom entry " + entrynumber); //var tmpList = self.list.Insert(index + 1, go).ToList(); //if ((tmpList[tmpList.Count - 1] = go) && (tmpList.IndexOf(go) != tmpList.Count - 1)) //tmpList.RemoveAt(tmpList.Count - 1); //for when vasi was broken //self.list = tmpList.ToArray(); self.list = self.list.Insert(index + 1, go).ToArray(); } else { Ext.Extensions.Log("Journal Helper", "Insert After present, but NOT found, defaulting to the end of the list on custom entry " + entrynumber); self.list = self.list.Append(go).ToArray(); } } } orig(self); }
private static void JournalList_BuildEnemyList_Static(On.JournalList.orig_BuildEnemyList orig, JournalList self) { orig(self); try { var current = ReflectionHelper.GetField <JournalList, GameObject[]>(self, "currentList"); if (current == null) { self.UpdateEnemyList(); current = ReflectionHelper.GetField <JournalList, GameObject[]>(self, "currentList"); } PlayerData.instance.lastJournalItem = Mathf.Clamp(PlayerData.instance.lastJournalItem, 0, current.Length - 1); } catch (Exception e) { Ext.Extensions.Log("Journal Helper", e); } PlayerData.instance.CountJournalEntries(); }