Esempio n. 1
        bool TransferMaySucceed(IBankAccount FromAccount, IBankAccount ToAccount, Money MoneyNeeded, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions Options)
            if (FromAccount == null ||
                ToAccount == null)

            return(FromAccount.IsSystemAccount ||
                   FromAccount.IsPluginAccount ||
                   ((Options & Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AllowDeficitOnNormalAccount) == Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AllowDeficitOnNormalAccount) ||
                   (FromAccount.Balance >= MoneyNeeded && MoneyNeeded > 0));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfers money from this player to the destination account.  If negative, takes money from the destionation account into this account.
        /// </summary>
        public BankTransferEventArgs TransferTo(int Index, Money Amount, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions Options, string Message = "")
            Economy.EconomyPlayer ePlayer = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe(Index);

            return(TransferTo(ePlayer.BankAccount, Amount, Options, Message: Message));
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether a transfer is allowed to succeed or not.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool TransferMaySucceed(XBankAccount FromAccount, XBankAccount ToAccount, Money MoneyNeeded, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions Options)
     return((FromAccount.IsSystemAccount || FromAccount.IsPluginAccount || ((Options & Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AllowDeficitOnNormalAccount) == Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AllowDeficitOnNormalAccount)) || (FromAccount.Balance >= MoneyNeeded && MoneyNeeded > 0));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the server sends data.
        /// </summary>
        void NetHooks_SendData(Hooks.SendDataEventArgs e)
            if (e.MsgID == PacketTypes.NpcStrike)
                NPC npc = Main.npc[e.number];

                if (npc != null)
                    if (npc.boss)
                        if ( <= 0)
                            for (int i = BossList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (BossList[i].Npc == null)
                                else if (BossList[i].Npc == npc)
                                    var rewardDict = BossList[i].GetRecalculatedReward();

                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, long> reward in rewardDict)
                                        if (PlayerList[reward.Key] != null)
                                            SEconomy.Economy.EconomyPlayer ePlayer = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe(reward.Key);
                                            if (ePlayer != null)
                                                //Pay from the world account to the reward recipient.
                                                Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions options = Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.None;

                                                if (Config.AnnounceBossGain)
                                                    options |= Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver;

                                                SEconomyPlugin.WorldAccount.TransferTo(ePlayer.BankAccount, reward.Value, options);
                                else if (!BossList[i]

                            if (e.ignoreClient >= 0)
                                var player = PlayerList[e.ignoreClient];
                                if (player != null)
                        else if (e.ignoreClient >= 0)
                            var bossnpc = BossList.Find(n => n.Npc == npc);
                            if (bossnpc != null)
                                bossnpc.AddDamage(e.ignoreClient, (int)e.number2);
                                BossNPC newBoss = new BossNPC(npc);
                                newBoss.AddDamage(e.ignoreClient, (int)e.number2);
                    else if ( <= 0 && e.ignoreClient >= 0)
                        var player = PlayerList[e.ignoreClient];
                        if (player != null)
                            if (npc.value > 0)
                                float Mod = 1;
                                if (player.TSPlayer.TPlayer.buffType.Contains(13))   // battle potion
                                    Mod *= Config.BattlePotionModifier;
                                if (Config.OptionalMobModifier.ContainsKey(npc.netID))
                                    Mod *= Config.OptionalMobModifier[npc.netID]; // apply custom modifiers

                                int minVal    = (int)((npc.value - (npc.value * 0.1)) * Mod);
                                int maxVal    = (int)((npc.value + (npc.value * 0.1)) * Mod);
                                int rewardAmt = _r.Next(minVal, maxVal);

                                int i = player.TSPlayer.Index;

                                SEconomy.Economy.EconomyPlayer     epl     = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe(i);
                                Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions options = Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.None;

                                if (Config.AnnounceKillGain)
                                    options |= Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver;

                                SEconomyPlugin.WorldAccount.TransferTo(i, rewardAmt, options);
            else if (e.MsgID == PacketTypes.PlayerKillMe)
                //Console.WriteLine("(SendData) PlayerKillMe -> 1:{0} 2:{4} 3:{5} 4:{6} 5:{1} remote:{2} ignore:{3}", e.number, e.number5, e.remoteClient, e.ignoreClient, e.number2, e.number3, e.number4);
                // 1-playerID, 2-direction, 3-dmg, 4-PVP
                var deadPlayer = PlayerList[e.number];
                Economy.EconomyPlayer eDeadPlayer = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe(e.number);

                if (deadPlayer != null)
                    long penaltyAmmount = 0;

                    if (Config.StaticDeathPenalty)
                        penaltyAmmount = _r.Next(Config.DeathPenaltyMin, Config.DeathPenaltyMax);
                    else if (eDeadPlayer.BankAccount != null)
                        penaltyAmmount = (long)(eDeadPlayer.BankAccount.Balance * (Config.DeathPenaltyPercent / 100f));

                    //   Console.WriteLine("penalty ammount: {0}", penaltyAmmount);
                    if (e.number4 == 1)
                        if (!deadPlayer.TSPlayer.Group.HasPermission("vault.bypass.death") /* && deadPlayer.ChangeMoney(-penaltyAmmount, MoneyEventFlags.PvP, true) */ && Config.PvPWinnerTakesLoosersPenalty && deadPlayer.LastPVPID != -1)
                            var killer = PlayerList[deadPlayer.LastPVPID];
                            Economy.EconomyPlayer eKiller = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe(deadPlayer.LastPVPID);

                            if (eKiller != null && eKiller.BankAccount != null)
                                Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions options = Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.MoneyFromPvP | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToSender;

                                //  killer.ChangeMoney(penaltyAmmount, MoneyEventFlags.PvP, true);

                                //Here in PVP the loser pays the winner money out of their account.
                                eDeadPlayer.BankAccount.TransferTo(deadPlayer.LastPVPID, penaltyAmmount, options);
                    else if (!deadPlayer.TSPlayer.Group.HasPermission("vault.bypass.death"))
                        Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions options = Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.MoneyFromPvP | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToSender;

                        // deadPlayer.ChangeMoney(-penaltyAmmount, MoneyEventFlags.Death, true);

                        SEconomyPlugin.WorldAccount.TransferTo(deadPlayer.Index, -penaltyAmmount, options);
            else if (e.MsgID == PacketTypes.PlayerDamage)
                // Console.WriteLine("(SendData) PlayerDamage -> 1:{0} 2:{4} 3:{5} 4:{6} 5:{1} remote:{2} ignore:{3}", e.number, e.number5, e.remoteClient, e.ignoreClient, e.number2, e.number3, e.number4);
                // 1: pID, ignore: Who, 2: dir, 3:dmg, 4:pvp;
                if (e.number4 == 1)   // if PvP {
                    var player = PlayerList[e.number];

                    if (player != null)
                        player.LastPVPID = e.ignoreClient;