Esempio n. 1
        public ValidationFailure Test(JoinSettings settings)
            const string title = "Test Notification";
            const string body = "This is a test message from Sonarr.";

                SendNotification(title, body, settings);
                return null;
            catch(JoinInvalidDeviceException ex)
                _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send test Join message. Invalid Device IDs supplied.");
                return new ValidationFailure("DeviceIds", "Device IDs appear invalid.");
            catch (JoinException ex)
                _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send test Join message.");
                return new ValidationFailure("ApiKey", ex.Message);
            catch(RestException ex)
                _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send test Join message. Server connection failed.");
                return new ValidationFailure("ApiKey", "Unable to connect to Join API. Please try again later.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send test Join message. Unknown error.");
                return new ValidationFailure("ApiKey", ex.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SendNotification(string title, string message, JoinSettings settings)
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

                SendNotification(title, message, request, settings);
            catch (JoinException ex)
                _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send Join message.");
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 3
        private void SendNotification(string title, string message, RestRequest request, JoinSettings settings)
            var client = RestClientFactory.BuildClient(URL);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.DeviceIds))
                request.AddParameter("deviceIds", settings.DeviceIds);
                request.AddParameter("deviceId", "group.all");

            request.AddParameter("apikey", settings.ApiKey);
            request.AddParameter("title", title);
            request.AddParameter("text", message);
            request.AddParameter("icon", ""); // Use the Sonarr logo.

            var response = client.ExecuteAndValidate(request);
            var res = Json.Deserialize<JoinResponseModel>(response.Content);

            if (res.success) return;

            if (res.userAuthError)
                throw new JoinAuthException("Authentication failed.");

            if (res.errorMessage != null)
                // Unfortunately hard coding this string here is the only way to determine that there aren't any devices to send to.
                // There isn't an enum or flag contained in the response that can be used instead.
                if (res.errorMessage.Equals("No devices to send to"))
                    throw new JoinInvalidDeviceException(res.errorMessage);
                // Oddly enough, rather than give us an "Invalid API key", the Join API seems to assume the key is valid,
                // but fails when doing a device lookup associated with that key.
                // In our case we are using "deviceIds" rather than "deviceId" so when the singular form error shows up
                // we know the API key was the fault.
                else if (res.errorMessage.Equals("No device to send message to"))
                    throw new JoinAuthException("Authentication failed.");
                throw new JoinException(res.errorMessage);

            throw new JoinException("Unknown error. Join message failed to send.");
Esempio n. 4
        private void trvExtensions_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            if (_edSvc.IsNew)

            var ext  = e.Node.Tag as IFeatureSourceExtension;
            var join = e.Node.Tag as IAttributeRelation;
            var calc = e.Node.Tag as ICalculatedProperty;

            if (ext != null)
                var ctl = new ExtendedClassSettings(_fs, GetAllClassNames(), ext);
                ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                //If editing to something valid, update the toolbar
                ctl.ResourceChanged += (s, evt) =>
                    btnNewJoin.Enabled = btnNewCalculation.Enabled = IsValidExtension(ext);

                btnDelete.Enabled = true;

                btnNewCalculation.Enabled = btnNewJoin.Enabled = IsValidExtension(ext);
            else if (join != null)
                ext = e.Node.Parent.Tag as IFeatureSourceExtension;
                if (ext != null)
                    if (ext.FeatureClass != null)
                        //NOTE: The feature source id here may be session based, but this is still okay
                        //as we're only giving context (the primary class to join on) for the secondary join UI.
                        //This feature source id is never written into the actual document
                        var ctl = new JoinSettings(_fs.ResourceID, ext.FeatureClass, join);
                        ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                        btnDelete.Enabled = true;
            else if (calc != null)
                ext = e.Node.Parent.Tag as IFeatureSourceExtension;
                if (ext != null)
                    ClassDefinition cls = _edSvc.CurrentConnection.FeatureService.GetClassDefinition(_fs.ResourceID, ext.FeatureClass); //TODO: Cache?
                    if (cls != null)
                        var ctl = new CalculationSettings(_edSvc, cls, _fs, calc);
                        ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                        btnDelete.Enabled = true;