private async Task ExecuteLoadJobCommand() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Jobs.Clear(); var items = await JobManager.GetJobsForSingleClient(ClientId); if (items != null) { foreach (var item in items) { Jobs.Add(item); } } } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
private void Load( ) { try { Jobs.Clear( ); using (var cmd = DatabaseManager.CreateCommand("SELECT i.[Id], i.[Timestamp] FROM [dbo].[Lic_Index] i ORDER BY i.[Timestamp] DESC")) { using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader( )) { while (reader.Read( )) { Jobs.Add(new IndexData { Id = reader.GetInt64(0), TimeStamp = reader.GetDateTime(1).ToLocalTime( ) }); } } } } catch (Exception e) { PluginSettings.EventLog.WriteException(e); } }
private async Task LoadJobsAsync(bool clearList = false) { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; var result = await JobService.SearchAsync(SearchText, _filter?.Groups[0], _filter?.IsRemote, CurrentPage ++); TotalPages = result.Total_Pages; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { if (clearList) { Jobs.Clear(); } foreach (var item in result.Results) { Jobs.Add(new JobDetailViewModel(item)); } }); IsBusy = false; }
private async void LoadJobs() { try { ShowBusyControl(); Jobs.Clear(); var jobs = (await _windowsServiceClient.GetJobsAsync())? .Where(x => x != null) .Where(x => SelectedJobState.HasValue ? x.State == SelectedJobState.Value : true) .Where(x => SelectedDocumentType.HasValue ? x.Document.Type == SelectedDocumentType.Value : true) .OrderByDescending(x => x.UpdatedOn); if (jobs == null) { ShowMessageControl("Jobs cannot be loaded, the AutoPrintr service is not available. Please run the service and try again"); HideBusyControl(); return; } foreach (var job in jobs) { Jobs.Add(job); } } catch (Exception e) { _loggingService?.WriteError(e); } finally { HideBusyControl(); } }
async Task ExecuteLoadJobsCommand() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Jobs.Clear(); var trackers = await DataStore.GetItemsAsync(true); foreach (var tracker in trackers) { Jobs.Add(tracker); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
public void LoadJobs() { var jobs = JobService.GetAllJobs(); Jobs.Clear(); foreach (var v in jobs) { Jobs.Add(v); } }
private async Task LoadJenkinsJobs() { try { if (SelectedJenkinsServer == null || SelectedView == null) { return; } lock (_loadingJobsBusyLock) { if (_loadingJobsBusy) { return; } _loadingJobsBusy = true; } string sourceUrl = SelectedJenkinsServer.Url; IEnumerable <JenkinsJob> refreshedJobs = await JenkinsDataLoader.GetJobsFromView(SelectedJenkinsServer, SelectedView); if (TryHandleNewJenkinsOverview(refreshedJobs, sourceUrl)) { JenkinsServersEnabled = true; UpdateJobLinkedStatus(); } LoadingFailed = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex); LoadingFailed = true; UIHelper.InvokeUI(() => Jobs.Clear()); _refreshTimer.Stop(); JenkinsServersEnabled = true; } finally { lock (_loadingJobsBusyLock) { _loadingJobsBusy = false; if (!LoadingFailed) { _refreshTimer.Interval = _forceRefresh ? 1 : _refreshInterval; _forceRefresh = false; _refreshTimer.Start(); } } } }
void AddToJobs(IEnumerable <JobItemViewModel> recentJobs, bool clear = false) { if (clear) { Jobs.Clear(); } foreach (var item in recentJobs) { Jobs.Add(item); } IsLoading = false; }
public virtual void CancelAll() { lock (SyncRoot) { if (IsDisposed) { return; } Timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); NextExecution = null; Jobs.Clear(); } }
private async Task ExecuteSearchCommand() { IsBusy = true; var jobsList = await SearchJob(); if (Jobs.Any()) { Jobs.Clear(); } if (jobsList != null) { Jobs.AddRange(jobsList); } IsBusy = false; }
async void OnUserSearch(NotifyFavoriteListUserChangedQuery qr) { var query = qr.Query; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { return; } Jobs.Clear(); ShowLoadingState(); await Task.Delay(2000); ShowEmptyState(); }
public void LoadJobs() { Jobs.Clear(); FilteredJobs.Clear(); // Pull the Job list from each Craft into Jobs list foreach (Craft c in Crafts) { // Alphabetize c.Jobs.Sort((x, y) => String.Compare(x.Name, y.Name)); //Add to Jobs foreach (Job j in c.Jobs) { Jobs.Add(j); } } }
private void Start() { if (Active) { Cancellation.Cancel(); Task.WaitAll(Jobs.Values.ToArray()); } Jobs.Clear(); Cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); foreach (var prefix in Services.Keys) { var task = new Task(ProcessCommand, prefix); Jobs.Add(prefix, task); task.Start(); } }
/// <summary>开始</summary> public void Start() { // 如果没有指定工作者,则全局扫描 var bs = Jobs.ToList(); if (bs.Count == 0) { XTrace.WriteLine("没有可用工作者"); return; } // 启动作业提供者,获取所有作业 var prv = Provider; if (prv == null) { prv = Provider = new JobFileProvider(); } if (prv.Schedule == null) { prv.Schedule = this; } prv.Start(); var jobs = prv.GetJobs(bs.Select(e => e.Name).ToArray()); if (jobs == null || jobs.Length == 0) { XTrace.WriteLine("没有可用作业"); return; } // 输出日志 var mode = $"定时{Period}秒"; var msg = $"启动任务调度引擎[{prv}],作业[{bs.Count}]项,模式:{mode}"; XTrace.WriteLine(msg); // 设置日志 foreach (var wrk in bs) { wrk.Schedule = this; wrk.Provider = prv; var job = wrk.Model = jobs.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == wrk.Name); if (job != null && job.Mode == 0) { job.Mode = wrk.Mode; } wrk.Log = XTrace.Log; wrk.Start(); } // 全部启动后再加入集合 Jobs.Clear(); Jobs.AddRange(bs); // 定时执行 if (Period > 0) { _timer = new TimerX(Loop, null, 100, Period * 1000, "Job") { Async = true } } ; }
private void RefreshJobList() { Jobs.Clear(); => Jobs.Add(x)); }
public void ClearJobs() { Jobs.Clear(); }
private void RepopulateJobs() { Jobs.Clear(); PopulateJobs(); }
public async void ClearJobsAsync() { Jobs.Clear(); await DataStore.ClearItemsAsync(); }
public override void Reset() { Active.ForEach(req => { req.Readback.WaitForCompletion(); req.TextureSet.Release(); }); Active.Clear(); Jobs.ForEach(job => job.Complete()); Jobs.Clear(); foreach (var tex in AvailableRenderTextures) { tex.Release(); } ; AvailableRenderTextures.Clear(); foreach (var tex in AvailableTextures) { Destroy(tex); } ; AvailableTextures.Clear(); if (PointCloudBuffer != null) { PointCloudBuffer.Release(); PointCloudBuffer = null; } if (Points.IsCreated) { Points.Dispose(); } AngleStart = 0.0f; // Assuming center of view frustum is horizontal, find the vertical FOV (of view frustum) that can encompass the tilted Lidar FOV. // "MaxAngle" is half of the vertical FOV of view frustum. if (VerticalRayAngles.Count == 0) { MaxAngle = Mathf.Abs(CenterAngle) + FieldOfView / 2.0f; StartLatitudeAngle = 90.0f + MaxAngle; //If the Lidar is tilted up, ignore lower part of the vertical FOV. if (CenterAngle < 0.0f) { StartLatitudeAngle -= MaxAngle * 2.0f - FieldOfView; } EndLatitudeAngle = StartLatitudeAngle - FieldOfView; } else { LaserCount = VerticalRayAngles.Count; StartLatitudeAngle = 90.0f - VerticalRayAngles.Min(); EndLatitudeAngle = 90.0f - VerticalRayAngles.Max(); FieldOfView = StartLatitudeAngle - EndLatitudeAngle; MaxAngle = Mathf.Max(StartLatitudeAngle - 90.0f, 90.0f - EndLatitudeAngle); } float startLongitudeAngle = 90.0f + HorizontalAngleLimit / 2.0f; SinStartLongitudeAngle = Mathf.Sin(startLongitudeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); CosStartLongitudeAngle = Mathf.Cos(startLongitudeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); // The MaxAngle above is the calculated at the center of the view frustum. // Because the scan curve for a particular laser ray is a hyperbola (intersection of a conic surface and a vertical plane), // the vertical FOV should be enlarged toward left and right ends. float startFovAngle = CalculateFovAngle(StartLatitudeAngle, startLongitudeAngle); float endFovAngle = CalculateFovAngle(EndLatitudeAngle, startLongitudeAngle); MaxAngle = Mathf.Max(MaxAngle, Mathf.Max(startFovAngle, endFovAngle)); // Calculate sin/cos of latitude angle of each ray. if (SinLatitudeAngles.IsCreated) { SinLatitudeAngles.Dispose(); } if (CosLatitudeAngles.IsCreated) { CosLatitudeAngles.Dispose(); } SinLatitudeAngles = new NativeArray <float>(LaserCount, Allocator.Persistent); CosLatitudeAngles = new NativeArray <float>(LaserCount, Allocator.Persistent); int totalCount = LaserCount * MeasurementsPerRotation; PointCloudBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(totalCount, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>()); PointCloudMaterial?.SetBuffer("_PointCloud", PointCloudBuffer); Points = new NativeArray <Vector4>(totalCount, Allocator.Persistent); CurrentLaserCount = LaserCount; CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation = MeasurementsPerRotation; CurrentFieldOfView = FieldOfView; CurrentVerticalRayAngles = new List <float>(VerticalRayAngles); CurrentCenterAngle = CenterAngle; CurrentMinDistance = MinDistance; CurrentMaxDistance = MaxDistance; IgnoreNewRquests = 0; // If VerticalRayAngles array is not provided, use uniformly distributed angles. if (VerticalRayAngles.Count == 0) { float deltaLatitudeAngle = FieldOfView / LaserCount; int index = 0; float angle = StartLatitudeAngle; while (index < LaserCount) { SinLatitudeAngles[index] = Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); CosLatitudeAngles[index] = Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); index++; angle -= deltaLatitudeAngle; } } else { for (int index = 0; index < LaserCount; index++) { SinLatitudeAngles[index] = Mathf.Sin((90.0f - VerticalRayAngles[index]) * Mathf.Deg2Rad); CosLatitudeAngles[index] = Mathf.Cos((90.0f - VerticalRayAngles[index]) * Mathf.Deg2Rad); } } int count = Mathf.CeilToInt(HorizontalAngleLimit / (360.0f / MeasurementsPerRotation)); float deltaLongitudeAngle = (float)HorizontalAngleLimit / (float)count; SinDeltaLongitudeAngle = Mathf.Sin(deltaLongitudeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); CosDeltaLongitudeAngle = Mathf.Cos(deltaLongitudeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); // Enlarged the texture by some factors to mitigate alias. RenderTextureHeight = 16 * Mathf.CeilToInt(2.0f * MaxAngle * LaserCount / FieldOfView); RenderTextureWidth = 8 * Mathf.CeilToInt(HorizontalAngleLimit / (360.0f / MeasurementsPerRotation)); // View frustum size at the near plane. float frustumWidth = 2 * MinDistance * Mathf.Tan(HorizontalAngleLimit / 2.0f * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float frustumHeight = 2 * MinDistance * Mathf.Tan(MaxAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); XScale = frustumWidth / RenderTextureWidth; YScale = frustumHeight / RenderTextureHeight; // construct custom aspect ratio projection matrix // math from float v = 1.0f / Mathf.Tan(MaxAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float h = 1.0f / Mathf.Tan(HorizontalAngleLimit * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2.0f); float a = (MaxDistance + MinDistance) / (MinDistance - MaxDistance); float b = 2.0f * MaxDistance * MinDistance / (MinDistance - MaxDistance); var projection = new Matrix4x4( new Vector4(h, 0, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, v, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, a, -1), new Vector4(0, 0, b, 0)); SensorCamera.nearClipPlane = MinDistance; SensorCamera.farClipPlane = MaxDistance; SensorCamera.projectionMatrix = projection; }