private void CheckCurrentTileContents() { Tile currentTile = Utils.TileAt(Position.x, Position.y); //Removing any existing stockpiles from the tile StockpileCreator.RemoveStockpileFromTile(currentTile); //there must be no other items or vegetation on the tile if (currentTile.Contents.HasItem) { RemoveItemFromTileUnderConstructionPlan(); return; } if (currentTile.Contents.StaticObject is ICuttable vegetation) { Job job = new CutJob(vegetation, Position); job.JobResultHandler += OnTileClearJobFinish; _jobs.Add(job); JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(job); return; } foreach (var ingredient in Ingredients) { for (int i = ingredient.count; i > 0; i--) { CreateHaulingJobForIngredient(SearchEngine.GetTypeDerivativeOf <Item>(ingredient.itemName)); } } }
public void delete_job_from_job_system() { TestJob job = new TestJob(, null); _jobFinished = false; job.JobResultHandler += OnJobFinish; JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(job); job.DeleteJob(); //test removal from job system lists if (JobSystem.GetInstance().AllJobs.Contains(job) == true) { Assert.Fail(); } //test that job result handler did invoke if (JobSystem.GetInstance().AvailableJobs.Contains(job) == true) { Assert.Fail(); } //test that job finished with flag wasJobCanceled if (_wasJobCanceled == false || _jobFinished == false) { Assert.Fail(); } Assert.Pass(); }
private void CreateHaulingJobForIngredient(Type ingredientType) { HaulToItemHolderJob job = new HaulToItemHolderJob(ingredientType, this); JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(job); _jobs.Add(job); job.JobResultHandler += HandleHaulJobResult; }
private void CreateJobs() { Dictionary <Tree, GameObject> temp = new Dictionary <Tree, GameObject>(_trees); foreach (KeyValuePair <Tree, GameObject> pair in temp) { if (pair.Key.HasCutJob == false) { JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(new CutJob(pair.Key, pair.Key.Position, pair.Value)); _trees.Remove(pair.Key); } } }
public override bool CheckInitialization() { if (_worker is null) { return(false); } if (JobSystem.GetInstance().HasWorker(this) == false) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void Update() { jobsList.ClearViewport(); foreach (Job job in JobSystem.GetInstance().AllJobs) { GameObject element = jobsList.AddElement(); element.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "" + job.GetType(); } if (JobSystem.GetInstance().AllJobs.Count == 0) { jobsList.AddElement().GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "No jobs available."; } }
private void TryHaulingItemToAnyStockpile(Item item) { if (Utils.TileAt(item.Position).Contents.StockpilePart != null || item.HasHaulJob) { return; } StockpilePart part = FindStockpilePartForItem(item); if (part != null) { HaulJob job = new HaulJob(item, part.position); part.SetHaulJob(job); JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(job); } }
protected override void OnJobFinish(object source, System.EventArgs e) { bool result = (e as Task.TaskResultEventArgs).Result; if (result == true) { _worker.WithdrawJob(); JobSystem.GetInstance().DeleteJob(this); DeleteJobIcon(); OnJobResultChanged(result); } else { DeleteJob(); } }
public override bool CanDoJob(JobHandlerComponent worker) { if (_wasJobCanceled) { JobSystem.GetInstance().DeleteJob(this); return(false); } //check that worker can actually get to the dropPosition if (!base.CanDoJob(worker)) { return(false); } //item search Func <Tile, bool> requirementsFunction = delegate(Tile tile) { if (tile == null) { return(false); } else { if (tile.Contents.HasItem) { return(tile.Contents.Item.GetType().Equals(ItemType) && tile.Contents.Item.HasHaulJob == false); } else { return(false); } } }; Tile t = SearchEngine.FindClosestBySubregionTileWhere(worker.MotionComponent.GridPosition, requirementsFunction, true); if (t == null) { JobSystem.GetInstance().StartCoroutine(JobSystem.GetInstance().HideJobForSeconds(this, 5f)); return(false); } else { _item = t.Contents.Item; return(true); } ///////////////// }
protected virtual void OnJobFinish(object source, System.EventArgs e) { _task.ResultHandler -= OnJobFinish; bool result = (e as Task.TaskResultEventArgs).Result; _worker.WithdrawJob(); if (result == true) { JobSystem.GetInstance().DeleteJob(this); DeleteJobIcon(); } else { JobSystem.GetInstance().ReturnJob(this); } OnJobResultChanged(result); }
public void DeleteJob() { if (_wasJobCanceled) { return; } _wasJobCanceled = true; if (_worker != null) { _worker.WithdrawJob(); _task.ResultHandler -= OnJobFinish; _task.AbortTask(); } DeleteJobIcon(); JobSystem.GetInstance().DeleteJob(this); OnJobResultChanged(false); }
public void add_job() { TestJob job = new TestJob(, null); JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(job); if (JobSystem.GetInstance().AllJobs.Contains(job) == false) { Assert.Fail(); } if (JobSystem.GetInstance().AvailableJobs.Contains(job) == false) { Assert.Fail(); } job.DeleteJob(); Assert.Pass(); }
private void RemoveItemFromTileUnderConstructionPlan() { //find closest free spot bool RequirementsFunction(Tile t) => (t is null) ? false : !t.Contents.HasItem; Tile haulToTile = SearchEngine.FindClosestTileWhere(Position, RequirementsFunction); if (haulToTile != null) { Job job = new HaulJob(Utils.TileAt(Position).Contents.Item, haulToTile.Position); _jobs.Add(job); JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(job); job.JobResultHandler += OnTileClearJobFinish; } else { Debug.LogError("No empty tile to move item to was found. Implement wait function to try again some time later. P: " + Position); } }
private void CreateConstructionJob() => JobSystem.GetInstance().AddJob(new BuildJob(this));
public void WithdrawJob() { _currentJob = null; JobSystem.GetInstance().AddWorker(this); }
public void AssignJob(Job job) { _currentJob = job; _currentJob.AssignWorker(this); JobSystem.GetInstance().RemoveWorker(this); }
public JobHandlerComponent(Human worker) { _worker = worker; JobSystem.GetInstance().AddWorker(this); }
private ConstructionPlan create_construction_plan(string dataName) { ConstructionPlan plan = Factory.CreateConstructionPlan("plank wall", _spawnPosition); //check data + check all fields if (plan.Data is null) { Assert.Fail(); } if ( is null) { Assert.Fail(); } if (plan.Data.ingredients == null || plan.Data.ingredients.Count == 0) { Assert.Fail(); } //check position if (plan.Position != _spawnPosition) { Assert.Fail(); } //check traversability if (plan.IsTraversable == false) { Assert.Fail(); } //check ingredients if (plan.Ingredients.Count != plan.Data.ingredients.Count) { Assert.Fail(); } //check gameobject + position if (plan.gameObject == null) { Assert.Fail(); } //check tile content if (Utils.TileAt(plan.Position).Contents.ConstructionPlan != plan) { Assert.Fail(); } //check that tile doesn't have a stockpile if (Utils.TileAt(plan.Position).Contents.StockpilePart != null) { Assert.Fail(); } //check that if there was an item on construction plan //haul job to remove the item was created and other jobs were not created if (Utils.TileAt(plan.Position).Contents.HasItem == true) { bool hasHaulJob = false; foreach (Job job in JobSystem.GetInstance().AllJobs) { if (job.GetType() == typeof(HaulToItemHolderJob)) { Assert.Fail(); } if (job.GetType() == typeof(HaulJob)) { hasHaulJob = true; } } if (hasHaulJob == false) { Assert.Fail(); } } else if (Utils.TileAt(plan.Position).Contents.StaticObject is ICuttable) { bool hasCutJob = false; foreach (Job job in JobSystem.GetInstance().AllJobs) { if (job.GetType() == typeof(HaulToItemHolderJob)) { Assert.Fail(); } if (job.GetType() == typeof(CutJob)) { hasCutJob = true; } } if (hasCutJob == false) { Assert.Fail(); } } return(plan); }