public IActionResult SubmitJob([FromBody] JobSubmission submission)
            if (submission == null)
                return(this.BadRequest(new {
                    Error = $"Submission body invalid"

                $"Submit job {submission.QueueId}:{submission.JobId} requested by {this.Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress}",
            if (submission.QueueId == null)
                return(this.BadRequest(new {
                    Error = $"No QueueId"

            if (submission.Data == null)
                submission.Data = new ExpandoObject();

            Job j = new Job(submission.Data, submission.JobId, null, submission.PreviousJobIds);

            try {
                Engine.QueueJob(submission.QueueId, j);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Error(e, $"Submit job failed");
                return(this.StatusCode(500, new { message = $"Failed to submit job: {e.Message}" }));

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <Guid?> SubmitDataPackage(DataPackage package, List <AvailableVariable> variables)
            var request = new JobSubmission()
                Title       = "Data Package API Request",
                Description = "",
                UserName    = package.CreatedBy.UserName,
                East        = package.LongitudeEast,
                West        = package.LongitudeWest,
                North       = package.LatitudeNorth,
                South       = package.LatitudeSouth,
                Priority    = 2

            var processorReference = await _processor.StartDataPackage(request, package.DataRequestedTime, package.Year, package.Month, package.Day, variables.Select(v => v.Id).ToList());

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processorReference))
            package.JobProcessorReference = processorReference;
            package.RequestComponents     = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(variables);

            var savedPackage = _context.DataPackages.First(j => j.JobProcessorReference == package.JobProcessorReference);

            Hangfire.RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("pkgstatus" + savedPackage.Id, () => UpdatePackageStatusAsync(package.Id), Cron.Minutely);

            _notifyService.AddUserNotification(NotificationLevel.Success, package.CreatedBy.Id, "Requested a data package using the API: {0}.", new[] { package.Id.ToString() });
Esempio n. 3
        public IActionResult SubmitJobExample()
            dynamic eo = new ExpandoObject();

            eo.Example = "hi";
            JobSubmission js = new JobSubmission {
                QueueId        = "EXAMPLE",
                Data           = eo,
                JobId          = "123123",
                PreviousJobIds = new[] {
                    "ASDSAD", "SASAB"

        public void CreateJobSubmissionTest()
            JobSubmission entity = JobSubmission.InstantiateForInsert();

            entity.Candidate = new Candidate(10795);
            entity.JobOrder  = new JobOrder(33);

            CreateResponse response = bullhornClient.insertEntity <JobSubmission>(JobSubmission.EntityType, entity) as CreateResponse;

            this.entityId   = response.ChangedEntityId;
            this.deleteType = JobSubmission.EntityType;

            JobSubmission newEntity = bullhornClient.findEntity <JobSubmission>(JobSubmission.EntityType, response.ChangedEntityId);

            runAssertions(response, entity, newEntity);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task <string> StartDataPackage(JobSubmission job, RequestedTime dateMode, int?year, int?month, int?day, List <string> variables)
            var time = new TimeMode();

            if (dateMode == RequestedTime.Before)
                time.Kind = "before";
                time.Date = new Date()
                    Year = year.Value, Month = month, Day = day
            else if (dateMode == RequestedTime.Exact)
                time.Kind = "exact";
                time.Date = new Date()
                    Year = year.Value, Month = month, Day = day
                time.Kind = "latest";

            var command = new JobSubmissionRequest()
                East      = job.East,
                West      = job.West,
                North     = job.North,
                South     = job.South,
                Variables = GetCustomRequest(variables),
                TimeMode  = time

            try {
                var result = await _connection.SubmitJobAsync(command);

            } catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogCritical("Job could not be submitted to the geotemporal engine. The error was: " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task <int?> SubmitJob(Job job)
            var request = new JobSubmission()
                Title       = job.Name,
                Description = job.Description,
                UserName    = job.CreatedBy.UserName,
                East        = job.LongitudeEast,
                West        = job.LongitudeWest,
                North       = job.LatitudeNorth,
                South       = job.LatitudeSouth,
                Priority    = 1
            var processorReference = await _processor.StartJob(request);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processorReference))

            job.JobProcessorReference = processorReference;
            if (job.Id != 0)
                //Job is a resubmission. Use old database record
                job.Status = JobStatus.Submitted;
                //New job submission

            var savedJob = _context.Jobs.First(j => j.JobProcessorReference == job.JobProcessorReference);

            _notifyService.AddJobNotification(NotificationLevel.Success, savedJob.Id, "Analysis {0} successfully queued for processing.", new[] { job.Name });

            Hangfire.RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("jobstatus_" + savedJob.Id, () => UpdateJobStatusAsync(savedJob.Id), Cron.Minutely);

Esempio n. 7
        public async Task SubmitJob(int period, string collectionName, string userName, string email, IFormFile file, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (file == null)

            var collection = await _collectionService.GetCollectionAsync(collectionName, cancellationToken);

            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

            await(await _storageService.GetAzureStorageReferenceService(_azureStorageConfig.ConnectionString, collection.StorageReference))
            .SaveAsync(fileName, file.OpenReadStream(), cancellationToken);

                var job = new JobSubmission {
                    CollectionName   = collection.CollectionTitle,
                    FileName         = fileName,
                    FileSizeBytes    = file.Length,
                    SubmittedBy      = userName,
                    NotifyEmail      = email,
                    StorageReference = collection.StorageReference,
                    Period           = period,
                    CollectionYear   = collection.CollectionYear

                // add to the queue
                await _jobService.SubmitJob(job, cancellationToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Error trying to submit ALLF file with name : {file.Name}", ex);
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <string> StartProJob(JobSubmission job)
            var command = new JobSubmissionRequest()
                East      = job.East,
                West      = job.West,
                North     = job.North,
                South     = job.South,
                Variables = GetReportRequest(true),
                TimeMode  = new TimeMode {
                    Kind = "latest", Date = null

            try {
                var result = await _connection.SubmitJobAsync(command);

            } catch (Exception)
                _logger.LogCritical("Job could not be submitted to EcoSet.");
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <string> StartJob(JobSubmission job)
            var command = new JobSubmissionRequest()
                East      = job.East,
                West      = job.West,
                North     = job.North,
                South     = job.South,
                Variables = GetReportRequest(false),
                TimeMode  = new TimeMode {
                    Kind = "latest", Date = null

            try {
                var result = await _connection.SubmitJobAsync(command);

            } catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogCritical("Job could not be submitted to the geotemporal engine. The error was: " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 10
        public async Task <bool> ActivateProFeatures(int jobId, string userId)
            var job = _context.Jobs
                      .Include(m => m.CreatedBy)
                      .Include(m => m.ProActivation)
                      .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == jobId);

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("An invalid job id was passed to the service");

            // NB the user activating is not necessarily the job creator, but could be an admin.
            var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("An invalid user id was passed to the app service");

            var isAdmin = await _userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, "Admin");

            if (!isAdmin && user.Credits == 0 && _appOptions.PaymentsEnabled)

            // Allow reactivation by admin
            if (job.ProActivation != null && !isAdmin)
                throw new ArgumentException("The analysis has already been activated");

            // Submit processing for GeoTIFF output
            var request = new JobSubmission()
                Title       = job.Name,
                Description = job.Description,
                UserName    = job.CreatedBy.UserName,
                East        = job.LongitudeEast,
                West        = job.LongitudeWest,
                North       = job.LatitudeNorth,
                South       = job.LatitudeSouth,
                Priority    = 2
            var processorReference = await _processor.StartProJob(request);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processorReference))

            if (!isAdmin && _appOptions.PaymentsEnabled)
                user.Credits = user.Credits - 1;

            var activation = new ProActivation()
                //Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                UserIdOfPurchaser     = user.Id,
                TimeOfPurchase        = DateTime.Now,
                CreditsSpent          = 1,
                ProcessingStatus      = JobStatus.Submitted,
                JobProcessorReference = processorReference

            job.ProActivation = activation;
            Hangfire.RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("prostatus_" + job.Id, () => UpdateProStatusAsync(job.Id), Cron.Minutely);

            if (!isAdmin && _appOptions.PaymentsEnabled)
                _notifyService.AddJobNotification(NotificationLevel.Success, job.Id,
                                                  "You used 1 credit to upgrade '{0}' to premium.", new string[] { job.Name });

                if (user.Credits <= 3 && user.Credits > 0)
                    _notifyService.AddUserNotification(NotificationLevel.Information, user.Id,
                                                       "Your credits are running low. You only have enough for {0} more premium activations.", new string[] { user.Credits.ToString() });
                else if (user.Credits == 0)
                    _notifyService.AddUserNotification(NotificationLevel.Information, user.Id,
                                                       "You're out of credits, and will not be able to activate premium datasets unless you top up.", new string[] {});
            else if (!_appOptions.PaymentsEnabled)
                _notifyService.AddJobNotification(NotificationLevel.Success, job.Id,
                                                  "Your request for a high-resolution data package for '{0}' has entered the queue.", new string[] { job.Name });