public static JobDAO mapToJobDAO(jobDTO b) { JobDAO a = new JobDAO(); if (b.client != null) { a.Client = Mapping.ClientMapper.MapToClientDAO(b.client); } a.ClientID = b.ClientId; a.Complete = b.Complete; a.EstimatedDuration = b.EstimatedDuration; a.Id = b.Id; a.Notes = b.Notes; a.ServiceTypeID = b.ServiceTypeId; if (b.StartDate != null) { a.StartDate = b.StartDate; } if (b.type != null) { a.ServiceType = Mapping.ServiceTypeMapper.MaptoServiceTypeDAO(b.type); } if (b.user != null) { a.User = Mapping.AspNetUserMapper.mapToUserDAO(b.user); } a.UserID = b.UserId; a.Hours = b.Hours; return(a); }
public ActionResult <List <JobPostReturnedModel> > GetAvailableWorks([FromQuery(Name = "categories")] Categories[] categories, [FromQuery(Name = "address")] string address, [FromQuery(Name = "distance")] int?distance, [FromQuery(Name = "rating")] int?rating) { try { int?mateID = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (mateID == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Utilizador não existe!"))); } MateDAO mateDao = new MateDAO(_connection); Mate mate = mateDao.FindMateById((int)mateID); if (address == null) { address = mate.Address; } IJobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); List <JobPostReturnedModel> postsList = _mapper.Map <List <JobPostReturnedModel> >(jobDAO.GetJobs(categories, address, distance, rating, (int)mateID)); return(Ok(postsList)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(UnprocessableEntity(new ErrorMessageModel(ex.Message))); } }
public void CanSearchJobPostWithTwoCategoryTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lixa"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost testPost2 = new JobPost(); testPost2.Title = "Cortar Relva"; testPost2.Category = Categories.GARDENING; testPost2.Description = "Isto parece a amazonia!"; testPost2.Tradable = true; testPost2.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost2.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost2.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost2); Categories[] categories = { Categories.PLUMBING, Categories.GARDENING }; List <JobPostReturnedModel> jobPosts = jobPostDAO.GetJobs(categories, "", null, null, 1); JobPostReturnedModel[] jobPostsArray = jobPosts.ToArray(); Assert.Equal("Canalização Estourada", jobPostsArray[0].Title); Assert.Equal(Categories.PLUMBING, jobPostsArray[0].Category); Assert.Equal("Grande estouro nos canos da sanita", jobPostsArray[0].Description); Assert.True(jobPostsArray[0].Tradable); Assert.Equal(60.6, jobPostsArray[0].InitialPrice); Assert.Equal("Rua sem fim", jobPostsArray[0].Address); Assert.Equal("Cortar Relva", jobPostsArray[1].Title); Assert.Equal(Categories.GARDENING, jobPostsArray[1].Category); Assert.Equal("Isto parece a amazonia!", jobPostsArray[1].Description); Assert.True(jobPostsArray[1].Tradable); Assert.Equal(60.6, jobPostsArray[1].InitialPrice); Assert.Equal("Rua sem fim", jobPostsArray[1].Address); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public void CanFindJobPostByIdOrReturnNullWhenNotFoundTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lixa"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost returnedPost = jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); Assert.Equal(returnedPost.Id, jobPostDAO.FindById(returnedPost.Id).Id); //when not found Assert.Null(jobPostDAO.FindById(200)); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public IActionResult UploadImagesToPost(int id, [FromForm] IFormFileCollection images, [FromForm] IFormFile mainImage) { try { int?employerID = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (employerID == null) { return(Unauthorized(new ErrorMessageModel("Não Autorizado!"))); } IJobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection, this._environment.ContentRootPath); if (jobDAO.FindById(id, (int)employerID) == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Post não encontrado!"))); } SuccessMessageModel message = jobDAO.UploadImagesToPost(id, images, mainImage); return(Ok(message)); } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel(e.Message))); } }
public ProjetoController(ProjetoDAO projetoDAO, JobDAO jobDAO, StatusDAO statusDAO, IHostingEnvironment hosting) { _projetoDAO = projetoDAO; _jobDAO = jobDAO; _statusDAO = statusDAO; _hosting = hosting; }
public IActionResult deleteImage(int post, ImageName image) { int?id = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (id == null) { return(Unauthorized(new ErrorMessageModel("Sem Autorização ou sem sessão inciada"))); } if (image == null) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel("Nome de imagem não enviado!"))); } try { JobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection, this._environment.ContentRootPath); bool deleted = jobDAO.deleteImage((int)id, post, image); if (deleted == true) { return(Ok(new SuccessMessageModel("Imagem apagada!"))); } else { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel("Imagem não apagada ou inexistente!"))); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel(e.Message))); } }
public MemberBUS(MainBUS main) { this.mainBus = main; this.memberDAO = new MemberDAO(this.mainBus.GetCommand()); this.jobDAO = new JobDAO(this.mainBus.GetCommand()); = this.memberDAO.getAllMember(); }
//private int ProjetoId; public JobController(JobDAO jobDAO, TarefaDAO tarefaDAO, DepartamentoDAO departamentoDAO, ProjetoDAO projetoDAO, StatusDAO statusDAO, IHostingEnvironment hosting) { _projetoDAO = projetoDAO; _jobDAO = jobDAO; _tarefaDAO = tarefaDAO; _departamentoDAO = departamentoDAO; _statusDAO = statusDAO; _hosting = hosting; }
//private int JobId; public TarefaController(ProjetoDAO projetoDAO, JobDAO jobDAO, TarefaDAO tarefaDAO, FuncionarioDAO funcionarioDAO, StatusDAO statusDAO, IHostingEnvironment hosting) { _projetoDAO = projetoDAO; _jobDAO = jobDAO; _tarefaDAO = tarefaDAO; _funcionarioDAO = funcionarioDAO; _statusDAO = statusDAO; _hosting = hosting; }
public void CanMakeOfferOnJobWithoutPriceTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lixa"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost jobReturned = jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); IMateDAO <Mate> MateDAO = new MateDAO(_connection); Mate testMate = new Mate(); testMate.FirstName = "Miguel"; testMate.LastName = "Dev"; testMate.UserName = "******"; testMate.Password = "******"; testMate.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testMate.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testMate.Address = "Figueiró"; testMate.Categories = new[] { Categories.CLEANING, Categories.PLUMBING }; testMate.Rank = Ranks.SUPER_MATE; testMate.Range = 20; Mate returnedMate = MateDAO.Create(testMate); Offer mateOffer = new Offer(); mateOffer.Price = 0; mateOffer.JobPost = jobReturned; Offer offer = jobPostDAO.makeOfferOnJob(mateOffer, returnedMate.Id); //Verificar que o preço foi estabelicido com o default Assert.Equal(testPost.InitialPrice, offer.Price); Assert.Equal(mateOffer.JobPost.Id, offer.JobPost.Id); Assert.False(offer.Approved); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public void ReturnEmptyWhenSearchJobWithWrongLocationTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Rua Eng. Luís Carneiro Leão, Figueiró"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost jobReturned = jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); IMateDAO <Mate> MateDAO = new MateDAO(_connection); Mate testMate = new Mate(); testMate.FirstName = "Miguel"; testMate.LastName = "Dev"; testMate.UserName = "******"; testMate.Password = "******"; testMate.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testMate.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testMate.Address = "Random City"; testMate.Categories = new[] { Categories.CLEANING, Categories.PLUMBING }; testMate.Rank = Ranks.SUPER_MATE; testMate.Range = 20; Mate returnedMate = MateDAO.Create(testMate); Offer mateOffer = new Offer(); mateOffer.Price = 20; mateOffer.Approved = false; mateOffer.JobPost = jobReturned; Offer offer = jobPostDAO.makeOfferOnJob(mateOffer, returnedMate.Id); Categories[] categories = { Categories.PLUMBING }; Assert.Empty(jobPostDAO.GetJobs(categories, testMate.Address, 400, null, returnedMate.Id)); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public void CanSearchJobPostWithOneCategoryWithDistanceAndAddressTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Rua Eng. Luís Carneiro Leão, Figueiró"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua de Salgueiros, Penafiel"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost testPost2 = new JobPost(); testPost2.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost2.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost2.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost2.Tradable = true; testPost2.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost2.Address = "London"; testPost2.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost2); Categories[] categories = { Categories.PLUMBING }; List <JobPostReturnedModel> jobPosts = jobPostDAO.GetJobs(categories, testEmployer.Address, 400, null, 1); JobPostReturnedModel[] jobPostsArray = jobPosts.ToArray(); Assert.Equal("Canalização Estourada", jobPostsArray[0].Title); Assert.Equal(Categories.PLUMBING, jobPostsArray[0].Category); Assert.Equal("Grande estouro nos canos da sanita", jobPostsArray[0].Description); Assert.True(jobPostsArray[0].Tradable); Assert.Equal(60.6, jobPostsArray[0].InitialPrice); Assert.Equal("Rua de Salgueiros, Penafiel", jobPostsArray[0].Address); Assert.Single(jobPostsArray); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public void CanIgnoreValidJobTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Rua Eng. Luís Carneiro Leão, Nº 54 4590-244 Porto, Portugal"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua de Salgueiros, Penafiel"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost jobReturned = jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); IMateDAO <Mate> MateDAO = new MateDAO(_connection); Mate testMate = new Mate(); testMate.FirstName = "Miguel"; testMate.LastName = "Dev"; testMate.UserName = "******"; testMate.Password = "******"; testMate.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testMate.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testMate.Address = "Rua de Salgueiros, Penafiel"; testMate.Categories = new[] { Categories.CLEANING, Categories.PLUMBING }; testMate.Rank = Ranks.SUPER_MATE; testMate.Range = 20; Mate returnedMate = MateDAO.Create(testMate); IgnoredJobModel job = new IgnoredJobModel(); job.Id = jobReturned.Id; Assert.True(MateDAO.IgnoreJobPost(returnedMate.Id, job)); Categories[] categories = { Categories.PLUMBING }; Assert.Empty(jobPostDAO.GetJobs(categories, testMate.Address, 400, null, returnedMate.Id)); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public void CanUpdatePostDetailsTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lixa"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.ImagePath = "path/image"; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost jobReturned = jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); //Change variables from old post to new ones JobPost OldPost = jobReturned; OldPost.Id = jobReturned.Id; OldPost.Title = "Cadeira dificil de Montar"; OldPost.Category = Categories.FURNITURE_ASSEMBLE; OldPost.ImagePath = ""; OldPost.Description = "Cadeira super complicada"; OldPost.Tradable = true; OldPost.InitialPrice = 63.6; OldPost.Address = "Rua com fim"; OldPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost newPost = jobPostDAO.UpdatePostDetails(OldPost); Assert.Equal(OldPost.Title, newPost.Title); Assert.Equal(OldPost.Category, newPost.Category); Assert.Equal(OldPost.ImagePath, newPost.ImagePath); Assert.Equal(OldPost.Description, newPost.Description); Assert.Equal(OldPost.Tradable, newPost.Tradable); Assert.Equal(OldPost.InitialPrice, newPost.InitialPrice); Assert.Equal(OldPost.Address, newPost.Address); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public ActionResult <JobPost> GetById(int id) { IJobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost Post = jobDAO.FindById(id); if (Post == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Post não encontrado!"))); } return(Ok(Post)); }
public IActionResult getMainPicture(int post) { try { JobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection, this._environment.ContentRootPath); ImageName image = jobDAO.getMainImage(post); return(Ok(image)); } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel(e.Message))); } }
public ActionResult <List <JobPostReturnedModel> > GetAllEmployerPosts() { int?employerID = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (employerID == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } IJobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); List <JobPostReturnedModel> listPosts = _mapper.Map <List <JobPostReturnedModel> >(jobDAO.GetEmployerPosts((int)employerID)); return(Ok(listPosts)); }
public IActionResult RemovePayment(int jobId, PaymentModel payment) { IJobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost post = jobDAO.FindById(jobId); if (post == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Post não encontrado!"))); } jobDAO.RemovePayment(jobId, payment); return(Ok(new SuccessMessageModel("Apagado!"))); }
public ActionResult <Payment> AddPayment(int jobId, PaymentModel[] payment) { IJobDAO jobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost post = jobDAO.FindById(jobId); if (post == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Post não encontrado!"))); } jobDAO.AddPayment(jobId, payment); return(Ok(payment)); }
public bool PostJob(JobDAO job) { JobServiceClient client = new JobServiceClient(); try { bool result = client.CreateJob(job); return result; } catch (FaultException<KaskServiceException> e) { throw new HttpException(e.Message); } }
public void CanReturnJobPostsFromEmployerTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lixa"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost testPost2 = new JobPost(); testPost2.Title = "Cortar Relva"; testPost2.Category = Categories.GARDENING; testPost2.Description = "Isto parece a amazonia!"; testPost2.Tradable = true; testPost2.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost2.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost2.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost2); List <JobPost> returnedList = jobPostDAO.GetEmployerPosts(returned.Id); Assert.Equal(2, returnedList.Count); Assert.Equal(testPost.Id, returnedList.Find(a => a.Id == testPost.Id).Id); Assert.Equal(testPost2.Id, returnedList.Find(a => a.Id == testPost2.Id).Id); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public static jobDTO mapToJobDTO(JobDAO b) { jobDTO a = new jobDTO(); a.client = Mapping.ClientMapper.MapToClientDTO(b.Client); a.ClientId = b.ClientID; a.Complete = b.Complete; a.EstimatedDuration = b.EstimatedDuration; a.Id = b.Id; a.Notes = b.Notes; a.ServiceTypeId = b.ServiceTypeID; a.StartDate = b.StartDate; a.type = Mapping.ServiceTypeMapper.MaptoServiceTypeDTO(b.ServiceType); a.user = Mapping.AspNetUserMapper.mapToAspNetUsers(b.User); a.UserId = b.UserID; a.Hours = b.Hours; return(a); }
public static ScheduleJob MapToJob(JobDAO job) { var c = new ScheduleJob(); c.Id = job.Id; c.ServiceTypeID = job.ServiceType.Id; c.ServiceType = ServiceTypeMapper.MapToServiceType(job.ServiceType); c.ClientID = job.Client.Id; c.Client = ClientMapper.MapToClient(job.Client); c.UserID = job.User.Id; //c.AspNetUser = UserMapper.MapToUser(job.User); c.StartDate = job.StartDate; c.EndDate = job.EndDate; c.EstimatedDuration = job.EstimatedDuration; c.Notes = job.Notes; c.Hours = job.Hours; c.Complete = job.Complete; return(c); }
public void CanAddPaymentTypeTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> employerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Ema"; testEmployer.LastName = "Coelho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lousada"; Employer returnedEmployer = employerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.ImagePath = "path/image"; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Lousada"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost jobReturned = jobPostDAO.Create(returnedEmployer.Id, testPost); PaymentModel paymentModel = new PaymentModel(); paymentModel.payments = Payment.MBWAY; PaymentModel[] payments = { paymentModel }; jobPostDAO.AddPayment(jobReturned.Id, payments); JobPost post = jobPostDAO.FindById(jobReturned.Id); Assert.Contains(Payment.MBWAY, post.PaymentMethod); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public ActionResult <JobPost> Create(JobPostModel model) { try { int?employerID = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (employerID == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } JobPost post = _mapper.Map <JobPost>(model); IJobDAO JobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost JobPosts = JobPostDAO.Create((int)employerID, post); return(Ok(JobPosts)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel(ex.Message))); } }
public void Test_insertJob() { var data = new EfData(); var client = data.GetClients().Where(c => c.Id == 4).FirstOrDefault(); var user = data.GetUsers().Where(c => c.Id == "60d9002e-667f-4794-a9dd-670c0ecf56c9").FirstOrDefault(); var st = data.GetTypes().Where(c => c.Id == 1).FirstOrDefault(); var client2 = ClientMapper.MapToClientDAO(client); var user2 = UserMapper.MapToUserDAO(user); var st2 = ServiceTypeMapper.MapToServiceTypeDAO(st); var j = new JobDAO(); j.Client = client2; j.User = user2; j.ServiceType = st2; var actual = AddJob(j); Assert.True(actual); }
public static JobDAO MapToJobDAO(ScheduleJob job) { var ef = new EfData(); var c = new JobDAO(); c.Id = job.Id; c.ServiceTypeID = job.ServiceTypeID; c.ServiceType = ServiceTypeMapper.MapToServiceTypeDAO(job.ServiceType); c.ClientID = job.ClientID; c.Client = ClientMapper.MapToClientDAO(job.Client); c.User = UserMapper.MapToUserDAO(ef.GetUsers().Where(x => x.Id == job.UserID).FirstOrDefault()); c.UserID = job.UserID; c.StartDate = job.StartDate; c.EndDate = job.EndDate; c.EstimatedDuration = job.EstimatedDuration; c.Notes = job.Notes; c.Hours = job.Hours; c.Complete = job.Complete; return(c); }
public ActionResult <SuccessMessageModel> Delete(int id) { int?employerID = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (employerID == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } string rootPath = this._environment.ContentRootPath; IJobDAO JobDAO = new JobDAO(_connection, rootPath); JobPost toDel = JobDAO.FindById(id); if (toDel == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Post não encontrado!"))); } JobDAO.Delete(toDel); return(Ok(new SuccessMessageModel("Apagado!"))); }
public void CanCreateJobPostTest() { IEmployerDAO <Employer> EmployerDAO = new EmployerDAO(_connection); Employer testEmployer = new Employer(); testEmployer.FirstName = "Marcelo"; testEmployer.LastName = "Carvalho"; testEmployer.UserName = "******"; testEmployer.Password = "******"; testEmployer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; testEmployer.Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."; testEmployer.Address = "Lixa"; Employer returned = EmployerDAO.Create(testEmployer); IJobDAO jobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost testPost = new JobPost(); testPost.Title = "Canalização Estourada"; testPost.Category = Categories.PLUMBING; testPost.ImagePath = "path/image"; testPost.Description = "Grande estouro nos canos da sanita"; testPost.Tradable = true; testPost.InitialPrice = 60.6; testPost.Address = "Rua sem fim"; testPost.PaymentMethod = new[] { Payment.PAYPAL, Payment.MONEY }; JobPost jobReturned = jobPostDAO.Create(returned.Id, testPost); Assert.Equal(testPost.Title, jobReturned.Title); Assert.Equal(testPost.Category, jobReturned.Category); Assert.Equal(testPost.ImagePath, jobReturned.ImagePath); Assert.Equal(testPost.Description, jobReturned.Description); Assert.Equal(testPost.Tradable, jobReturned.Tradable); Assert.Equal(testPost.InitialPrice, jobReturned.InitialPrice); Assert.Equal(testPost.Address, jobReturned.Address); Assert.Equal(testPost.PaymentMethod, jobReturned.PaymentMethod); _fixture.Dispose(); }
public IActionResult Update(int id, JobPostModel model) { try { int?employerID = ClaimHelper.GetIdFromClaimIdentity((ClaimsIdentity)this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity); if (employerID == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } IJobDAO JobPostDAO = new JobDAO(_connection); JobPost oldPost = JobPostDAO.FindById(id, (int)employerID); if (oldPost == null) { return(NotFound(new ErrorMessageModel("Post não encontrado!"))); } JobPost newPost = _mapper.Map <JobPost>(model); oldPost.Title = newPost.Title; oldPost.Category = newPost.Category; oldPost.ImagePath = newPost.ImagePath; oldPost.Description = newPost.Description; oldPost.Tradable = newPost.Tradable; oldPost.InitialPrice = newPost.InitialPrice; oldPost.Address = newPost.Address; oldPost.PaymentMethod = newPost.PaymentMethod; JobPost updatedPost = JobPostDAO.UpdatePostDetails(oldPost); return(Ok(updatedPost)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessageModel(ex.Message))); } }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["title"])) { // save application form data back to database through service using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:51309"); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); HttpResponseMessage result = new HttpResponseMessage(); string resultContent = ""; // gather JobOpening form data JobDAO job = new JobDAO(); //jobOpening.OpenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Form["OpenDate"]); job.Title = Request.Form["title"]; // post (save) JobOpening data result = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(ServiceURIs.ServiceJobUri, job).Result; resultContent = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; } return RedirectToAction("Index", "Jobs"); } else { // TODO: validation later on... return RedirectToAction("Create"); } } catch { // TODO: validation later on... return RedirectToAction("Create"); } }