Esempio n. 1
        private void _GenericTestSelect(string pBrowserString)
            using (IJavaSelenium javaSelenium = new JavaSelenium.JavaSelenium(HOST, PORT, pBrowserString, URL))
                javaSelenium.ObjectID = COMBO_APPLET_ID;

                JavaAction action = new JavaAction(javaSelenium);
                ComboBox box = new ComboBox("pattern").AddItem("dd.MM.yy");

                Assert.AreEqual(action, action.Select(box));

                javaSelenium.ObjectID = TABLE_APPLET_ID;
                action = new JavaAction(javaSelenium);

                // Alternative syntax for prespecifying selection items.
                //Table table = new Table("table").AddItems(new Cell(0, 0), new Cell(0,1), new Cell(0,2), new Cell(0,3), new Cell(0,4));
                Table table = new Table("table");

                Assert.AreEqual(action, action.Focus(table)
                                            .Select<Table>(new Cell(0,0))
                                            //    .Select<Table>(new Cell(0,1)) // this cell is avoided to prevent the popup dialog from hanging the test.
                                            .Select<Table>(new Cell(0,2))
                                            .Select<Table>(new Cell(0,3))
                                            .Select<Table>(new Cell(0,4))
