Esempio n. 1
        public void use_congrete_generic_repository_classes_no_MEF_and_read_create_records()
            GenericEntityRepository <JarsJob, IDataContextNhJars> jarsRepo = new GenericEntityRepository <JarsJob, IDataContextNhJars>(new DataContextNhJars());

            //GenericEntityRepository<ExternalJobHeader, IDataContextNhExternal> extRepo = new GenericEntityRepository<ExternalJobHeader, IDataContextNhExternal>(new DataContextExternalNh());

            // Assert.IsNotNull(extRepo);

            IList <JarsJob> jarsJobs = jarsRepo.GetAll();

            Assert.IsTrue(jarsJobs != null);

            //IList<ExternalJobHeader> extHeads = extRepo.GetAll();
            // Assert.IsTrue(extHeads != null);

            //greate a record
            JarsJob jj = jarsRepo.CreateUpdate(new JarsJob(), "CONC_GENREP_TEST");

            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id > 0);

            // ExternalJobHeader xj = extRepo.CreateUpdate(new ExternalJobHeader(), "CONC_GENREP_TEST");
            // Assert.IsTrue(xj.Id > 0);

            //get a record from each repository
            JarsJob job = jarsRepo.GetById((long)1);

            Assert.IsTrue(job.Id == 1);

            // ExternalJobHeader header = extRepo.GetById(1);
            // Assert.IsTrue(header.Id == 1);
Esempio n. 2
        public void AssignRulesToEntities()
            JarsResource resource = FakeDataHelper.FakeResources[0];

            JarsJob testJob = FakeDataHelper.FakeJarsJobs[1];

            //set up a rule for a target entity where target entity can not be changed
            IJarsRule singleEntityRule = JarsRulePopupForm.AddRuleOnEntity(resource, testJob.GetType());


            ////set up a rule for an entity type instead of a certain entity
            //IEntityRule singleTypeRule = EntityRuleForm.AddRuleOnEntity(resource);
            //Assert.IsTrue(singleTypeRule.TargetTypeName == typeof(Resource).Name && singleTypeRule.SourceTypeName == typeof(Resource).Name);

            ////set up a rule for an entity type that relies on values from another entity type
            //IEntityRule linkedTypeRule = EntityRuleForm.AddRuleOnEntity(resource, typeof(JarsJob));
            //Assert.IsTrue(linkedTypeRule.TargetTypeName == typeof(Resource).Name
            //    && linkedTypeRule.SourceTypeName == typeof(JarsJob).Name
            //    && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkedTypeRule.SourceCriteriaString)
            //    && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkedTypeRule.TargetCriteriaString));

            singleEntityRule = JarsRulePopupForm.EditRuleOnEntity(resource, singleEntityRule);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Create_Jobs_Base_and_QL()
            //IJobRepository rep = _repFactory.GetDataRepository<IJobRepository>();
            IJarsJobRepository nhRep = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IJarsJobRepository>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                JarsJob baseJob = new JarsJob
                    StartDate   = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)),
                    EndDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = $"IJobBase Job {i}",
                    Location    = $" IJobBase from QL job {i}",
                    //AdditionalJobProperty = $"This {i}"

                JarsJob jobQl = new JarsJob
                    StartDate   = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)),
                    EndDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = $"QL Job {i}",
                    Location    = $"Test QL  {i}"

                nhRep.CreateUpdate(baseJob, "DataCRUDTest");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(baseJob.Id, 0);

                nhRep.CreateUpdate(jobQl, "DataCRUDTest");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(jobQl.Id, 0);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a new job from the External job information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jex">The External job information used to generate the basic job details.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JarsJob CreateJarsEntityFromExternalEntity(IExternalEntityBase <int> jex)
            JarsJob job = new JarsJob();

            job.Location    = jex.Location;
            job.Description = jex.Description;
            job.ExtRefId    = jex.ExtRefId;
            job.LineOfWork  = jex.LineOfWork;
            job.TargetDate  = jex.TargetDate;

Esempio n. 5
        public void LinqQueryBuilder_select_data_test_with_nHibernate_Eager()
            JarsJob jj          = new JarsJob();
            var     _repository = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IGenericEntityRepositoryBase <JarsJob, IDataContextNhJars> >();

            Expression <Func <JarsJob, bool> > query = null;
            bool hasWhere = false;

            int    Id       = 1;
            string ExtRefId = "11";

            if (Id != 0)
                query    = LinqExpressionBuilder.True <JarsJob>().And(j => j.Id == Id);
                hasWhere = true;

            if (ExtRefId != "0")
                if (!hasWhere)
                    query    = LinqExpressionBuilder.True <JarsJob>().And(j => j.ExtRefId == ExtRefId);
                    hasWhere = true;
                    query.And(j => j.ExtRefId == ExtRefId);

            var res = _repository.Where(query, true);


            int[] ids = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            query = LinqExpressionBuilder.True <JarsJob>().And(j => ids.ToList().Contains(j.Id));

            var rIn = _repository.Where(query, true);


            string[] refs = new[] { "11", "33", "55" };
            query = LinqExpressionBuilder.True <JarsJob>().And(j => j.LineOfWork.Like("MU%"));

            var rLike = _repository.Where(query, true);

Esempio n. 6
        public void Create_JarsJobs_Service()
            var client = CreateClient();

            JarsJob jj = new JarsJob {
                Description = $"Test Jars Job 0", Location = $"Test Location JarsJob 0", ExtRefId = "0", StatusKey = "0", LabelKey = "0", CreatedBy = $"TEST 0"

            jj.JobLines.Add(new JarsJobLine {
                ShortDescription = $"Test JarsJobLine on Job 0", LineNum = 1, LineCode = "CODE0", OriginalQty = 0

            List <JarsJob> jjl = new List <JarsJob>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                JarsJob jji = new JarsJob {
                    Description = $"Test Jars Job {i}", Location = $"Test Location JarsJob {i}", ExtRefId = i.ToString(), StatusKey = $"{i}", LabelKey = $"{i}", CreatedBy = $"TEST {i}"
                jji.JobLines.Add(new JarsJobLine {
                    ShortDescription = $"Test JarsJobLine on Job {i}", LineNum = 1, LineCode = "CODE1", OriginalQty = i
            //store only takes Full jobs
            var rs = client.Post(new StoreJobs {
                Jobs = new List <JarsJobDto>(new[] { jj.ConvertTo <JarsJobDto>() })

            Assert.IsTrue(rs.Jobs[0].Id > 0);

            rs = client.Post(new StoreJobs {
                Jobs = jjl.ConvertAllTo <JarsJobDto>().ToList()
            Assert.IsTrue(rs.Jobs.Count > 0);

            var rg = client.Get(new GetJarsJob {
                Id = 1

            Assert.IsTrue(rg.Jobs != null);

            rg = client.Get(new GetJarsJob {
                Id = 1
            Assert.IsTrue(rg.Jobs != null);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Create_Resource_Jobs_Attachment_and_Lines()
            IJarsJobRepository nhRep = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IJarsJobRepository>();

            //create op
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                JarsResource res = new JarsResource
                    DisplayName = $"Test{i}",
                    ExtRef1     = $"T00{i}",
                    IsActive    = true,
                    Skills      = new List <JarsResourceSkill> {
                        new JarsResourceSkill {
                            MaxLevel = 10, Description = "Test Skill", DocumentCode = $"SK0{i}T"
                    MobileNo = $"0{i}234{i}2312{i}"

                //res = resrep.CreateUpdate(res, "TEST");

                JarsJobAttachment ja = new JarsJobAttachment {
                    Name = "Attach Test"

                JarsJob baseJob = new JarsJob
                    StartDate   = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)),
                    EndDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = $"IJob Job{i}",
                    Location    = $" IJob for Testing job {i}",
                    ExtRefId    = $"0{i}{i}{i}",
                    ResourceId  = res.Id

                JarsJobLine line = new JarsJobLine {
                    Resource = res, LineCode = $"TEST0{i}", OriginalQty = 1, LineNum = 1, ExternalJobRef = baseJob.ExtRefId


                nhRep.CreateUpdate(baseJob, "TEST_LOOP");
Esempio n. 8
        public void Convert_To_Test()
            //see if all properties are changed
            simpleJob sj = new simpleJob();

            sj.ActualStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-0.5);
            sj.ActualEndDate   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
            //see if only passes properties are changed
            JarsJob job = FakeDataHelper.FakeJarsJobs[0];

            job.LabelKey  = "6";
            job.StatusKey = "6";

            sj = job.ConvertTo(sj);

            Assert.IsTrue(job.ActualStartDate == sj.ActualStartDate);
Esempio n. 9
        void use_repository_factory_to_get_non_generic_repositories_and_create_record()
            IJarsJobRepository jarsRep = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IJarsJobRepository>();


            //test create
            JarsJob jj = jarsRep.CreateUpdate(new JarsJob(), "NONGEN_FACT_TEST");

            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id > 0);

            //test read
            jj = jarsRep.GetById((long)1);
            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id == 0);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Populate_With_Test()
            simpleJob sj = new simpleJob();

            sj.ActualStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-0.8);
            sj.ActualEndDate   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            //see if only passes properties are changed
            JarsJob job = FakeDataHelper.FakeJarsJobs[0];

            job.LabelKey = "6";
            job.Priority = "10";

            job = job.PopulateWith(sj);

            Assert.IsTrue(job.ActualStartDate == sj.ActualStartDate);
Esempio n. 11
        public void Get_SubList_properties_and_types()
            JarsJob job = FakeDataHelper.FakeJarsJobs[0];

            IList <Type> jarsTypes = job.GetGenericListTypes();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, jarsTypes.Count);

            //QLJob qlJob = FakeDataHelper.FakeQLJobs[0];
            //IList<Type> qlTypes = job.GetGenericListTypes();
            //Assert.AreNotEqual(0, qlTypes.Count);

            IList <Type> oneSubs = FakeDataHelper.FakeUserAccount.GetGenericListTypes();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, oneSubs.Count);

            //IList<Type> noSubs = FakeDataHelper.FakeExternalLines[0].GetGenericListTypes();
            //Assert.AreEqual(0, noSubs.Count);
Esempio n. 12
        public void obtain_generic_repository_using_MEF_and_read_and_create_records()
            //now only using mef test the obtainment
            IGenericEntityRepositoryBase <JarsJob, IDataContextNhJars> jarsRep = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IGenericEntityRepositoryBase <JarsJob, IDataContextNhJars> >();
            IGenericEntityRepositoryBase <BOSEntity, IDataContextBOS>  extRep  = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IGenericEntityRepositoryBase <BOSEntity, IDataContextBOS> >();

            //assert creation

            //list the jobs from each repository
            IList <JarsJob> jarsJobs = jarsRep.GetAll();

            Assert.IsTrue(jarsJobs != null);

            IList <BOSEntity> extHeads = extRep.GetAll();

            Assert.IsTrue(extHeads != null);

            //greate a record
            JarsJob jj = jarsRep.CreateUpdate(new JarsJob(), "MEF_GEN_TEST");

            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id > 0);

            BOSEntity xj = extRep.CreateUpdate(new BOSEntity(), "MEF_GEN_TEST");

            Assert.IsTrue(xj.Id > 0);

            //get a record from each repository
            JarsJob job = jarsRep.GetById((long)1);

            Assert.IsTrue(job.Id == 1);

            BOSEntity header = extRep.GetById(1);

            Assert.IsTrue(header.Id == 1);
Esempio n. 13
        public void use_congrete_repository_classes_no_MEF_and_read_create_records()
            JarsJobRepository jarsRepo = new JarsJobRepository(new DataContextNhJars());


            IList <JarsJob> jarsJobs = jarsRepo.GetAll();

            Assert.IsTrue(jarsJobs != null);

            //greate a record
            JarsJob jj = jarsRepo.CreateUpdate(new JarsJob(), "CONC_REP_TEST");

            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id > 0);

            //get a record from each repository
            JarsJob job = jarsRepo.GetById((long)1);

            Assert.IsTrue(job.Id == 1);