Esempio n. 1
 public ActionResult CheckOrders()
     //If a login session is set, return a list of all numbers for orders placed by the logged-in user. If it is not, return to the user login page.
     if (Session["Email"] != null)
         var           db           = new JamesEntities();
         var           search       = Session["Email"];
         var           check        = db.Customer.Where(u => u.Email == search).FirstOrDefault();
         var           userID       = check.Id;
         var           list         = db.Order.Where(u => u.Customer == userID).ToList();
         List <string> orderNumbers = new List <string>();
         for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
         SelectList orderNumbers1 = new SelectList(orderNumbers);
         ViewData["OrderNumbers"] = orderNumbers1;
         return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));
Esempio n. 2
 public ActionResult Login(Customer model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //If the input email address does not match any in the database, generate an error message. Otherwise, proceed.
         var db       = new JamesEntities();
         var password = model.Password;
         var check    = db.Customer.Where(u => u.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault();
         if (check == null)
             ViewData["Message"] = "Email address not found.";
             //Check if the input password matches the one for the selected record. If it does, proceed. If not, generate an error message.
             bool correct = Salt.Verify(password, check.Password);
             if (correct == true)
                 Session["Name"]    = check.FirstName;
                 Session["Email"]   = check.Email;
                 Session["Message"] = "Welcome, " + check.FirstName + ".";
                 return(RedirectToAction("Customer", "User"));
                 ViewData["Message"] = "Login failed.";
Esempio n. 3
        public JsonResult GetDetails(string stockCode)
            //Return the description and price per unit for the selected stock item.
            var db   = new JamesEntities();
            var item = db.Stock.Select(u => new { u.Code, u.Description, u.PricePerUnit }).Where(v => v.Code == stockCode).FirstOrDefault();

            return(Json(item, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 4
        public JsonResult GetOrderInfo(string orderNumber)
            //Return the total value of the order selected, and all items ordered.
            var orderNumber2 = int.Parse(orderNumber);
            var db           = new JamesEntities();
            var details      = db.OrderStock.Join(db.Order, os => os.OrderID, o => o.Id, (os, o) => new { os, o }).Join(db.Stock, oso => oso.os.StockCode, s => s.Code, (oso, s) => new { Id = oso.os.OrderID, oso.os.Quantity, s.Code, s.Description, Total = oso.o.OrderTotal }).Where(u => u.Id == orderNumber2).ToList();

Esempio n. 5
 public ActionResult EditDetails(Customer model, bool Blank)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //Update the logged-in user's record with all fields that have been updated, update the session message, and return to the user home page.
         var db       = new JamesEntities();
         var search   = Session["Email"];
         var toUpdate = db.Customer.Where(u => u.Email == search).FirstOrDefault();
         if (model.FirstName != null)
             toUpdate.FirstName = model.FirstName;
         if (model.Surname != null)
             toUpdate.Surname = model.Surname;
         if (model.Password != null)
             toUpdate.Password = Salt.Encode(model.Password, null);
         if (model.ContactNumber != null)
             toUpdate.ContactNumber = model.ContactNumber;
         if (model.Email != null)
             Session["Email"] = model.Email;
             toUpdate.Email   = model.Email;
         if (model.Address1 != null)
             toUpdate.Address1 = model.Address1;
         if (model.Address2 != null || Blank == true)
             toUpdate.Address2 = model.Address2;
         if (model.TownCity != null)
             toUpdate.TownCity = model.TownCity;
         if (model.County != null)
             toUpdate.County = model.County;
         if (model.Postcode != null)
             toUpdate.Postcode = model.Postcode;
         Session["Message"] = "Your details have been successfully updated.";
         return(RedirectToAction("Customer", "User"));
Esempio n. 6
        public JsonResult EmailCheck(string check)
            //Checks if the input email address matches any currently in use. If it does, return false. Otherwise, return true.
            var db             = new JamesEntities();
            var duplicateCheck = db.Customer.Where(u => u.Email == check).FirstOrDefault();

            if (duplicateCheck == null)
                return(Json(new { free = true }));
                return(Json(new { free = false }));
Esempio n. 7
 public ActionResult Order()
     //If a login session is set, return a list of all stock codes from the database. If it is not, return to the user login page.
     if (Session["Email"] != null)
         var           db    = new JamesEntities();
         var           list  = db.Stock.ToList();
         List <string> codes = new List <string>();
         for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
         SelectList codes1 = new SelectList(codes);
         ViewData["StockCodes"] = codes1;
         return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));
Esempio n. 8
 public ActionResult Order(IList <Item> Items)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //Update all relevant tables and the session message, and return to the User home page.
         var db            = new JamesEntities();
         var numberOfItems = Items.Count;
         var orderNumber   = db.Order.ToList().Count + 1;
         var combinedTotal = 0.0;
         var search        = Session["Email"];
         var userID        = db.Customer.Where(u => u.Email == search).FirstOrDefault().Id;
         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
             combinedTotal += Items[i].Total;
         combinedTotal = Math.Round(combinedTotal, 2);
         db.Order.Add(new Order
             Customer   = userID,
             OrderTotal = combinedTotal
         for (int j = 0; j < numberOfItems; j++)
             db.OrderStock.Add(new OrderStock
                 OrderID   = orderNumber,
                 StockCode = Items[j].Code,
                 Quantity  = Items[j].Quantity
         Session["Message"] = "Order successfully placed.";
         return(RedirectToAction("Customer", "User"));
Esempio n. 9
 public ActionResult CreateAccount(Customer model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //Creates a new record in the database, saves changes, and redirects to the starting page.
         var db = new JamesEntities();
         db.Customer.Add(new Customer
             FirstName     = model.FirstName,
             Surname       = model.Surname,
             Password      = Salt.Encode(model.Password, null),
             ContactNumber = model.ContactNumber,
             Email         = model.Email,
             Address1      = model.Address1,
             Address2      = model.Address2,
             TownCity      = model.TownCity,
             County        = model.County,
             Postcode      = model.Postcode
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));