Esempio n. 1
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            // Override point for customization after application launch.
            // If not required for your application you can safely delete this method

        void CreatePlayer()
            //MARK: JWConfig

            /* JWConfig can be created with a single file reference */
            //     JWConfig *config = [JWConfig configWithContentURL:@""];

            JWConfig config = new JWConfig();

            config.Sources = new JWSource[] {
                new JWSource(@"", @"180p Streaming", true),
                JWSource.SourceWithFile(@"", @"270p Streaming"),
                JWSource.SourceWithFile(@"", @"720p Streaming")

            config.Image       = @"";
            config.Title       = @"JWPlayer Demo";
            config.Controls    = true;  //default
            config.Repeat      = false; //default
            config.PremiumSkin = JWPremiumSkin.Roundster;

            /* custom css skin can be applied using */
            //     config.cssSkin = @"";

            //MARK: JWTrack (captions)
            config.Tracks = new JWTrack[] {
                new JWTrack(@"", @"English", true),
                JWTrack.TrackWithFile(@"", @"Spanish"),
                JWTrack.TrackWithFile(@"", @"Russian")

            //MARK: JWCaptionStyling
            JWCaptionStyling captionStyling = new JWCaptionStyling();

            captionStyling.Font            = UIFont.FromName(@"Zapfino", 20);
            captionStyling.EdgeStyle       = JWEdgeStyle.raised;
            captionStyling.WindowColor     = UIColor.Orange;
            captionStyling.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.3f, 0.6f, 0.3f, 0.7f);
            captionStyling.FontColor       = UIColor.Blue;
            config.CaptionStyling          = captionStyling;

            //MARK: JWAdConfig
            JWAdConfig adConfig = new JWAdConfig();

            adConfig.AdMessage   = @"Ad duration countdown xx";
            adConfig.SkipMessage = @"Skip in xx";
            adConfig.SkipText    = @"Move on";
            adConfig.SkipOffset  = 3;
            adConfig.AdClient    = JWAdClient.vastPlugin;
            config.AdConfig      = adConfig;

            //    config.autostart = YES;

            //MARK: Waterfall Tags
            var waterfallTags = new[] { @"bad tag", @"another bad tag", @"" };

            //MARK: JWAdBreak
            config.AdSchedule = new[] {
                JWAdBreak.AdBreakWithTags(waterfallTags.Select(x => new NSString(x)).Cast <NSObject>().ToArray(), @"pre"),
                JWAdBreak.AdBreakWithTag(@"", @"0:00:05"),
                JWAdBreak.AdBreakWithTag(@"", @"7", true),
                //                        JWAdBreak.AdBreakWithTag(@"",@"5"),
                JWAdBreak.AdBreakWithTag(@"", @"50%"),
                JWAdBreak.AdBreakWithTag(@"", @"post")

            player = new JWPlayerController(config)
                WeakDelegate = this

            var frame = new CGRect(View.Bounds.X, 64, View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height / 2 - 44 - 64);

            player.View.Frame            = frame;
            player.View.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;

            player.OpenSafariOnAdClick        = true;
            player.ForceFullScreenOnLandscape = true;
            player.ForceLandscapeOnFullScreen = true;

            playButton.TouchUpInside += delegate
                if (player.PlayerState == "PAUSED" || player.PlayerState == "IDLE")
                    playButton.SetTitle("Pause", UIControlState.Normal);
                    playButton.SetTitle("Play", UIControlState.Normal);

            insertAdButton.TouchUpInside += InsertAd;