Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces property getter with an encoder method
        /// </summary>
        internal static void AddEncoderMethodToPropertyGet(ref string jsCode, string propertyFullName, string encoderMethodName)
            string    encodingMethod = encoderMethodName + _JSMethodStart + _JSMethodEnd;
            int       index          = 0;
            TextRange position;

                // Find property position
                position = JSParser.FindPropertyGetterRange(ref jsCode, propertyFullName, index);

                // There is no more property
                if (position.Start == -1)

                // Next search
                index = position.Start;

                if (position.End > -1)
                    // Set next searching position
                    index = position.Start + encodingMethod.Length;

                    // first remove previous value, then add new method
                    jsCode = jsCode.Remove(position.Start, position.End - position.Start);
                    jsCode = jsCode.Insert(position.Start, encodingMethod);
            }while (index != -1);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Enclose method first parameter with an encoder method
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddEncoderMethodToMethodFirstParameter(ref string jsCode, string methodFullName, string encoderMethodName)
            string    encodingMethod = encoderMethodName + _JSMethodStart;
            int       index          = 0;
            TextRange position;

                // Find property position
                position = JSParser.FindMethodFirstParameterRange(ref jsCode, methodFullName, index);

                // There is no more property
                if (position.Start == -1)

                // Next search
                index = position.Start;

                if (position.End >= 0)
                    // Set next searching position
                    index = position.End + encodingMethod.Length;

                    // We should add method end then add method name
                    jsCode = jsCode.Insert(position.End, _JSMethodEnd);
                    jsCode = jsCode.Insert(position.Start, encodingMethod);
            }while (index != -1);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces property getter with an encoder method
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ReplacePropertyGetCommand(ref string jsCode, string propertyFullName, string replacemntCommand)
            int       index = 0;
            TextRange position;

                // Find property position
                position = JSParser.FindPropertyGetterRange(ref jsCode, propertyFullName, index);

                // There is no more property
                if (position.Start == -1)

                // Next search
                index = position.Start;

                if (position.End > -1)
                    // Set next searching position
                    index = position.Start + replacemntCommand.Length;

                    // first remove previous value, then add new method
                    jsCode = jsCode.Remove(position.Start, position.End - position.Start);
                    jsCode = jsCode.Insert(position.Start, replacemntCommand);
            }while (index != -1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates over all the code in the JavaScript file to get a list of all the functions declared in that file.
        /// </summary>
        internal List <FunctionMapEntry> ParseSourceCode(StreamReader sourceCodeStreamReader)
            if (sourceCodeStreamReader == null)

            string sourceCode = sourceCodeStreamReader.ReadToEnd();


            JSParser jsParser = new JSParser();

            // We just want the AST, don't let AjaxMin do any optimizations
            CodeSettings codeSettings = new CodeSettings {
                MinifyCode = false

            Block block = jsParser.Parse(sourceCode, codeSettings);

            FunctionFinderVisitor functionFinderVisitor = new FunctionFinderVisitor();


            // Sort in descending order by start position
            functionFinderVisitor.FunctionMap.Sort((x, y) => y.StartSourcePosition.CompareTo(x.StartSourcePosition));

 public DirectivePrologue(string value, Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(value, PrimitiveType.String, context, parser)
     // this is a "use strict" directive if the source context is EXACTLY "use strict"
     // don't consider the quotes so it can be " or ' delimiters
     UseStrict = string.CompareOrdinal(Context.Code, 1, "use strict", 0, 10) == 0;
Esempio n. 6
 public AspNetBlockNode(Context context, JSParser parser, string aspNetBlockText,
                        bool blockTerminatedByExplicitSemicolon)
     : base(context, parser)
     this.aspNetBlockText = aspNetBlockText;
     this.blockTerminatedByExplicitSemicolon = blockTerminatedByExplicitSemicolon;
Esempio n. 7
        public SwitchCase(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode caseValue, Block statements)
            : base(context, parser)
            m_caseValue = caseValue;
            if (caseValue != null)
                caseValue.Parent = this;

            if (statements != null)
                if (statements.Count == 1)
                    // if there is only one item in the block
                    // and that one item IS a block...
                    Block block = statements[0] as Block;
                    if (block != null)
                        // then we can skip the intermediary block because all it
                        // does is add braces around the block, which aren't needed
                        statements = block;
            m_statements = statements;
            if (statements != null)
                statements.Parent = this;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Enclose property setter with an encoder method
        /// </summary>
        public static void ReplacePropertySetCommand(ref string jsCode, string propertyFullName, string replacemntCommand)
            int       index = 0;
            TextRange position;

                // Find property position
                position = JSParser.FindPropertySetterRange(ref jsCode, propertyFullName, index);

                // There is no more property
                if (position.Start == -1)

                // Next search
                index = position.Start;

                if (position.End > -1)
                    // Set next searching position
                    index = position.Start + replacemntCommand.Length;

                    // remove the original command
                    jsCode = jsCode.Remove(position.Start, position.End - position.Start);

                    // insert the new command
                    jsCode = jsCode.Insert(position.Start, replacemntCommand);
            }while (index != -1);
Esempio n. 9
        internal static void EvalString(string inputString, ref mdr.DValue result, mdr.DFunction callerFunction = null, mdr.DObject callerContext = null, mdr.DObject thisArg = null)
            var funcMetadata = JSParser.ParseScript(inputString).Expression.Metadata;
            var func         = new mdr.DFunction(funcMetadata, null);

            var  tempCallFrame = new mdr.CallFrame();
            bool isDirectEval  = callerContext != null;

            if (isDirectEval)
                //function will behave as if it was the caller
                Debug.Assert(thisArg != null && callerFunction != null && callerContext != null, "Invalid situation! Direct eval call must have thisArg, callerFunction, callerContext set");
                funcMetadata.Scope.IsProgram      = false;
                funcMetadata.Scope.IsEvalFunction = true;
                funcMetadata.ParentFunction       = (JSFunctionMetadata)callerFunction.Metadata;
                tempCallFrame.CallerContext       = callerContext;
                tempCallFrame.This = thisArg;
                //This will behave just like a program code
                tempCallFrame.CallerContext = mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext;
                tempCallFrame.This          = (mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext);

            //TODO: find a way to assign a name to this
            //funcMetadata.Name += "_eval"; //After we know the ParentFunction

            tempCallFrame.Function  = func;
            tempCallFrame.Signature = mdr.DFunctionSignature.EmptySignature;
            func.Call(ref tempCallFrame);
            result.Set(ref tempCallFrame.Return);
Esempio n. 10
        public static Expression CombineWithComma(IndexSpan span, JSParser parser, Expression operand1, Expression operand2)
            var comma = new CommaOperator(parser.EncodeSpan(span));

            List <Expression> res   = new List <Expression>();
            CommaOperator     left  = operand1 as CommaOperator;
            CommaOperator     right = operand2 as CommaOperator;

            if (left != null)

            if (right != null)
            comma.Expressions = res.ToArray();
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Crunched JS string passed to it, returning crunched string.
        /// The Errors property will be set with any errors found during the minification process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">source Javascript</param>
        /// <param name="codeSettings">code minification settings</param>
        /// <returns>minified Javascript</returns>
        public string MinifyJavaScript(string source, CodeSettings codeSettings)
            // default is an empty string
            string crunched = string.Empty;

            // reset the errors builder
            m_errors = new List <string>();

            // create the parser from the source string.
            // pass null for the assumed globals array
            JSParser parser = new JSParser(source);

            // hook the engine error event
            parser.CompilerError += OnJavaScriptError;

                // parse the input
                Block scriptBlock = parser.Parse(codeSettings);
                if (scriptBlock != null)
                    // we'll return the crunched code
                    crunched = scriptBlock.ToCode();
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 12
        public object Eval(string scriptCode)
            object ret = null;


                StackFrame sf = new StackFrame(this, null, new object[0], this);

                Context  context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)scriptCode).ToString());
                JSParser p       = new JSParser(context);

                Block b = p.ParseEvalBody();
                AST   a = b.PartiallyEvaluate();

                Completion result = (Completion)a.Evaluate();

                ret = ((Completion)result).value;

Esempio n. 13
        public ParameterDeclaration(Context context, JSParser parser, string identifier, int position)
            m_name = identifier;
            m_context = (context != null ? context : new Context(parser));

            FunctionScope functionScope = parser != null ? parser.ScopeStack.Peek() as FunctionScope : null;
            if (functionScope != null)
                if (!functionScope.NameTable.ContainsKey(m_name))
                    m_field = functionScope.AddNewArgumentField(m_name);
                    m_field.OriginalContext = m_context;
                    m_field.Position = position;
                // parameters should only be under a function scope
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates over all the code in the JavaScript file to get a list of all the functions declared in that file.
        /// </summary>
        internal IReadOnlyList <FunctionMapEntry> ParseSourceCode(StreamReader sourceCodeStreamReader, SourceMap sourceMap)
            if (sourceCodeStreamReader == null)

            string sourceCode = sourceCodeStreamReader.ReadToEnd();


            JSParser jsParser = new JSParser();

            // We just want the AST, don't let AjaxMin do any optimizations
            CodeSettings codeSettings = new CodeSettings {
                MinifyCode = false

            Block block = jsParser.Parse(sourceCode, codeSettings);

            FunctionFinderVisitor functionFinderVisitor = new FunctionFinderVisitor(sourceMap);


            // Sort in descending order by start position.  This allows the first result found in a linear search to be the "closest function to the [consumer's] source position".
            // ATTN: It may be possible to do this with an ascending order sort, followed by a series of binary searches on rows & columns.
            //       Our current profiles show the memory pressure being a bigger issue than the stack lookup, so I'm leaving this for now.
            functionFinderVisitor.FunctionMap.Sort((x, y) => y.StartSourcePosition.CompareTo(x.StartSourcePosition));

Esempio n. 15
        public void ReplacementFallbacksJS()
            // reuse the same parser object
            var parser = new JSParser();

            // default should leave tokens intact
            var settings = new CodeSettings();

            settings.ReplacementTokensApplyDefaults(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "my.token", "\"Now he's done it!\"" },
                { "num_token", "123" },
                { "my-json", "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }" },
            settings.ReplacementFallbacks.Add("zero", "0");

            var actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var a = %MissingToken:zero%;");

            Assert.AreEqual("var a=0", actual);

            actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var b = %MissingToken:ack% + 0;");
            Assert.AreEqual("var b=+0", actual);

            actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var c = %MissingToken:% + 0;");
            Assert.AreEqual("var c=+0", actual);

            actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var d = %MissingToken:%;debugger;throw 'why?';");
            Assert.AreEqual("var d=;throw\"why?\";", actual);
Esempio n. 16
            private static JsAst ParseCode(string code)
                var parser = new JSParser(code);
                var ast    = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());

Esempio n. 17
 private ReorderScopeVisitor(JSParser parser)
     // save the mods we care about
     m_moveVarStatements   = parser.Settings.ReorderScopeDeclarations && parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.CombineVarStatementsToTopOfScope);
     m_moveFunctionDecls   = parser.Settings.ReorderScopeDeclarations && parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.MoveFunctionToTopOfScope);
     m_combineAdjacentVars = parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.CombineVarStatements);
Esempio n. 18
        public ObjectLiteral(Context context, JSParser parser, ObjectLiteralField[] keys, AstNode[] values)
            : base(context, parser)
            // the length of keys and values should be identical.
            // if either is null, or if the lengths don't match, we ignore both!
            if (keys == null || values == null || keys.Length != values.Length)
                // allocate EMPTY arrays so we don't have to keep checking for nulls
                m_keys   = new ObjectLiteralField[0];
                m_values = new AstNode[0];
                // copy the arrays
                m_keys   = keys;
                m_values = values;

                // make sure the parents are set properly
                foreach (AstNode astNode in keys)
                    astNode.Parent = this;
                foreach (AstNode astNode in values)
                    astNode.Parent = this;
                // because we don't ensure that the arrays are the same length, we'll need to
                // check for the minimum length every time we iterate over them
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces a code minifiction of JS assets by using NUglify Minifier
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assets">Set of JS assets</param>
        /// <returns>Set of JS assets with minified text content</returns>
        public override IList <IAsset> Minify(IList <IAsset> assets)
            if (assets == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          string.Format(CoreStrings.Common_ArgumentIsNull, nameof(assets))

            if (assets.Count == 0)

            var assetsToProcessing = assets.Where(a => a.IsScript && !a.Minified).ToList();

            if (assetsToProcessing.Count == 0)

            var jsParser = new JSParser
                Settings = _jsParserConfiguration

            foreach (var asset in assetsToProcessing)
                InnerMinify(asset, jsParser);

Esempio n. 20
        public ParameterDeclaration(Context context, JSParser parser, string identifier)
            m_name    = identifier;
            m_context = (context != null ? context : new Context(parser));

            FunctionScope functionScope = parser != null?parser.ScopeStack.Peek() as FunctionScope : null;

            if (functionScope != null)
                if (functionScope.NameTable.ContainsKey(m_name))
                    //Only happens if there is another parameter declarations with the same name
                    m_context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, m_name, true);
                    m_field = functionScope.AddNewArgumentField(m_name);
                    m_field.OriginalContext = m_context;
                // parameters should only be under a function scope
Esempio n. 21
    public string BuildBundleContent(Bundle bundle, BundleContext context, IEnumerable <BundleFile> files)
        var content = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (var fileInfo in files)
            var contents = new StringBuilder(Read(fileInfo));
            //a regular expersion to get catch blocks
            const string pattern = @"\bcatch\b(\s*)*\((?<errVariable>([^)])*)\)(\s*)*\{(?<blockContent>([^{}])*(\{([^}])*\})*([^}])*)\}";

            var regex   = new Regex(pattern);
            var matches = regex.Matches(contents.ToString());
            for (var i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)     //from end to start! (to avoid loss index)
                var match = matches[i];
                //catch( errVariable )
                var errVariable = match.Groups["errVariable"].ToString();
                //start index of catch block
                var blockContentIndex = match.Groups["blockContent"].Index;
                var hasContent        = match.Groups["blockContent"].Length > 2;
                                string.Format("if(customErrorLogging)customErrorLogging({0}){1}", errVariable, hasContent ? ";" : ""));
            var parser      = new JSParser(contents.ToString());
            var bundleValue = parser.Parse(parser.Settings).ToCode();
Esempio n. 22
        public void SourceDirectiveJS()
            string source;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(s_inputFolder, @"SourceDirective.js")))
                source = reader.ReadToEnd();

            var errors = new List <Tuple <string, int, int> >
                new Tuple <string, int, int>("foo.js", 12, 3),
                new Tuple <string, int, int>("foo.js", 12, 7),
                new Tuple <string, int, int>("fargo.htm", 5, 44),
                new Tuple <string, int, int>("fargo.htm", 5, 48),

            var errorCount = 0;
            var parser     = new JSParser();

            parser.CompilerError += (sender, ea) =>
                Assert.IsTrue(errors.Count > errorCount, "too many errors");
                Assert.AreEqual(errors[errorCount].Item1, ea.Error.File, "file path");
                Assert.AreEqual(errors[errorCount].Item2, ea.Error.StartLine, "line number");
                Assert.AreEqual(errors[errorCount].Item3, ea.Error.StartColumn, "column number");

            var block = parser.Parse(source, new CodeSettings());

            Assert.AreEqual(errors.Count, errorCount, "errors found");
Esempio n. 23
        public static Expression CombineWithComma(IndexSpan span, JSParser parser, Expression operand1, Expression operand2)
            var comma = new CommaOperator(parser.EncodeSpan(span));

            List<Expression> res = new List<Expression>();
            CommaOperator left = operand1 as CommaOperator;
            CommaOperator right = operand2 as CommaOperator;
            if (left != null)

            if (right != null)
            comma.Expressions = res.ToArray();
            return comma;
Esempio n. 24
        static Block ParseJavaScript(IAsset asset)
            var source = asset.OpenStream().ReadToEnd();
            var parser = new JSParser(source);

            return(parser.Parse(new CodeSettings()));
Esempio n. 25
        public static void Prepare(IJsProjectEntry entry, TextReader sourceUnit)
            var parser = new JSParser(sourceUnit.ReadToEnd());
            var ast    = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());

            entry.UpdateTree(ast, null);
Esempio n. 26
        public void ReplacementStringsJS()
            // reuse the same parser object
            var parser = new JSParser();

            // default should leave tokens intact
            var settings = new CodeSettings();
            var source   = "var a = 'He said, %My.Token:foo%'";
            var actual   = Parse(parser, settings, source);

            Assert.AreEqual("var a=\"He said, %My.Token:foo%\"", actual);

            settings.ReplacementTokensApplyDefaults(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "my.token", "\"Now he's done it!\"" },
                { "num_token", "123" },
                { "my-json", "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }" },
            settings.ReplacementFallbacks.Add("zero", "0");

            actual = Parse(parser, settings, source);
            Assert.AreEqual("var a='He said, \"Now he\\'s done it!\"'", actual);

            actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var b = '%Num_Token%';");
            Assert.AreEqual("var b=\"123\"", actual);

            actual = Parse(parser, settings, "var c = '%My-JSON%';");
            Assert.AreEqual("var c='{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'", actual);
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces code minifiction of JS content by using
        /// Microsoft Ajax JS Minifier
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">JS content</param>
        /// <param name="isInlineCode">Flag whether the content is inline code</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">Text encoding</param>
        /// <returns>Minification result</returns>
        public CodeMinificationResult Minify(string content, bool isInlineCode, Encoding encoding)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
                return(new CodeMinificationResult(string.Empty));

            string newContent;

            var errorReporter = new MsAjaxJsErrorReporter();
            var errors        = new List <MinificationErrorInfo>();
            var warnings      = new List <MinificationErrorInfo>();

            var jsParserConfiguration = isInlineCode ? GetInlineJsParserSettings() : GetEmbeddedJsParserSettings();

            var jsParser = new JSParser
                Settings = jsParserConfiguration

            jsParser.CompilerError += errorReporter.JsMinificationErrorHandler;

                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter(stringBuilder, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    Block block = jsParser.Parse(content);
                    if (block != null)
                        if (jsParserConfiguration.Format == JavaScriptFormat.JSON)
                            // Use a JSON output visitor
                            if (!JSONOutputVisitor.Apply(stringWriter, block, jsParserConfiguration))
                                errors.Add(new MinificationErrorInfo(MsAjaxStrings.ErrorMessage_InvalidJsonOutput));
                            // Use normal output visitor
                            OutputVisitor.Apply(stringWriter, block, jsParserConfiguration);

                newContent = stringBuilder.ToString();
                jsParser.CompilerError -= errorReporter.JsMinificationErrorHandler;


            return(new CodeMinificationResult(newContent, errors, warnings));
Esempio n. 28
        private void InnerMinify(IAsset asset, JSParser jsParser)
            string newContent;
            string assetUrl = asset.Url;

            var documentContext = new DocumentContext(asset.Content)
                FileContext = assetUrl

            jsParser.CompilerError += ParserErrorHandler;

                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter(stringBuilder, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    Block block = jsParser.Parse(documentContext);
                    if (block != null)
                        if (_jsParserConfiguration.Format == JavaScriptFormat.JSON)
                            // Use a JSON output visitor
                            if (!JSONOutputVisitor.Apply(stringWriter, block, _jsParserConfiguration))
                                throw new MicrosoftAjaxParsingException(Strings.Minifiers_InvalidJsonOutput);
                            // Use normal output visitor
                            OutputVisitor.Apply(stringWriter, block, _jsParserConfiguration);

                newContent = stringBuilder.ToString();
            catch (MicrosoftAjaxParsingException e)
                throw new AssetMinificationException(
                                        CODE_TYPE, assetUrl, MINIFIER_NAME, e.Message), e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new AssetMinificationException(
                                        CODE_TYPE, assetUrl, MINIFIER_NAME, e.Message), e);
                jsParser.CompilerError -= ParserErrorHandler;

            asset.Content  = newContent;
            asset.Minified = true;
Esempio n. 29
 public Switch(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode expression, AstNodeList cases)
     : base(context, parser)
     m_expression = expression;
     m_cases = cases;
     if (m_expression != null) m_expression.Parent = this;
     if (m_cases != null) m_cases.Parent = this;
Esempio n. 30
        public void TestAnonymousFunctionIsRecognizedAsFunction()
            string code = "function () { }";
            LookAheadLangParser textParser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateJavascriptParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));
            var parser = new JSParser(textParser);

Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Create parser instance
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual JSParser CreateParser()
            var parser = new JSParser();

            parser.Settings.IgnoreAllErrors = true;
            parser.Settings.MinifyCode      = true;
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// In addition to combining, also minifies the given Javascript.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The combined and minified Javascript code for this bundle.</returns>
        public override string Combine()
            var source     = base.Combine();
            var result     = string.Empty;
            var errorLines = string.Empty;
            var hasError   = false;

                var jsParser = new JSParser(source);

                var settings = new CodeSettings()
                    CombineDuplicateLiterals = true,
                    OutputMode                = OutputMode.SingleLine,
                    RemoveUnneededCode        = true,
                    TermSemicolons            = false,
                    PreserveImportantComments = false,

                jsParser.CompilerError += delegate(object sender, JScriptExceptionEventArgs args)
                    // The 0 severity means errors.
                    // We can safely ignore the rest.
                    if (args.Error.Severity == 0)
                        hasError    = true;
                        errorLines += string.Format("\r\n/* Javascript parse error when processing the bundle.\r\nStart: line {0} column {1}, end: line {2} column {3}.\r\nError message: {4} */",
                jsParser.UndefinedReference += delegate(object sender, UndefinedReferenceEventArgs args)
                    // Let's just ignore undefined references.

                var block = jsParser.Parse(settings);
                result = block.ToCode();
            catch (Exception exc)
                hasError = true;

            // If there were errors, use the non-minified version and append the errors to the bottom,
            // so that the portal builder can debug it.
            if (hasError)
                result = source + "\r\n\r\n" + errorLines;

Esempio n. 33
 void Txt_parseClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     var engine = new JSParser();
     var result = engine.Parse(txt_input.Text);
     if(result.IsSome) {
         var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
         foreach(var s in result.Value)
             s.ToString(sb, "    ", "");
         txt_output.Text = sb.ToString();
     } else {
         txt_output.Text = "Can't parse input.";
 public List<TokenResultItem> AnalyzeFile(string fileContents, string path, string name)
     List<TokenResultItem> tris = new List<TokenResultItem>();
     JSParser jsp = new JSParser();
     if (jsp.ParseText(fileContents, name, path))
         foreach (TokenResultItem tri in jsp.Tokens)
     return tris;
 public ImportantComment(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
     if (parser != null && parser.Settings.OutputMode == OutputMode.SingleLine)
         // if we are in single-line mode, we want to replace all CRLF pairs
         // with just the LF to save output bytes.
         Comment = Context.Code.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
         // multi-line mode, just leave it as-is
         Comment = Context.Code;
Esempio n. 36
 public ImportantComment(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
     if (parser != null && parser.Settings.OutputMode == OutputMode.SingleLine)
         // if we are in single-line mode, we want to replace all CRLF pairs
         // with just the LF to save output bytes. And then add another LF at
         // the end so we start whatever follows the important comment on a new line
         m_comment = Context.Code.Replace("\r\n", "\n") + '\n';
         // multi-line mode, just leave it as-is
         m_comment = Context.Code;
 public static Edit[] GetEditsAfterKeystroke(string code, int position, char ch, FormattingOptions options = null) {
     using (new DebugTimer("FormatKeyStroke")) {
         if (ch == ';' || ch == '}') {
             var ast = new JSParser(code).Parse(new CodeSettings() { AllowShebangLine = true });
             var visitor = new RangeVisitor(ch, position, ast);
             if (visitor.Span != default(IndexSpan)) {
                 return FilterRange(
                     GetEdits(code, options, ast)
         return new Edit[0];
Esempio n. 38
 public DebuggerNode(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
Esempio n. 39
 protected ConditionalCompilationStatement(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
 public static void Prepare(IJsProjectEntry entry, TextReader sourceUnit) {
     var parser = new JSParser(sourceUnit.ReadToEnd());
     var ast = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());
     entry.UpdateTree(ast, null);
Esempio n. 41
 private static JsAst ParseCode(string code) {
     var parser = new JSParser(code);
     var ast = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());
     return ast;
        private JsAst ParseOneFile(JsAst ast, JSParser parser) {
            if (parser != null) {
                try {
                    ast = parser.Parse(_codeSettings);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (e.IsCriticalException()) {
                    Debug.Assert(false, String.Format("Failure in JavaScript parser: {0}", e.ToString()));

            return ast;
        public bool CanExecuteText(string text) {
            var errorSink = new ReplErrorSink(text);
            var parser = new JSParser(text, errorSink);
            parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());

            return !errorSink.Unterminated;
Esempio n. 44
 public ThisLiteral(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
Esempio n. 45
 public GetterSetter(String identifier, bool isGetter, EncodedSpan span, JSParser parser)
     : base(identifier, span)
     IsGetter = isGetter;
 private static List<Edit> GetEdits(string code, FormattingOptions options, bool onEnter = false) {
     var ast = new JSParser(code).Parse(new CodeSettings() { AllowShebangLine = true });
     return GetEdits(code, options, ast, onEnter);
Esempio n. 47
 private static string FormatCode(string code, int position, char ch, FormattingOptions options) {
     var ast = new JSParser(code).Parse(new CodeSettings());
     var edits = Formatter.GetEditsAfterKeystroke(code, position, ch, options);
     return ApplyEdits(code, edits);
 public ParameterDeclaration(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
Esempio n. 49
 private static string FormatCode(string code, FormattingOptions options) {
     var ast = new JSParser(code).Parse(new CodeSettings());
     var edits = Formatter.GetEditsForDocument(code, options);
     return ApplyEdits(code, edits);
        internal static TextSpan? GetDataTipSpan(IWpfTextView wpfTextView, TextSpan selection) {
            // Adjust the span to expression boundaries.
            var snapshot = wpfTextView.TextSnapshot;
            var start = LineAndColumnNumberToSnapshotPoint(snapshot, selection.iStartLine, selection.iStartIndex);
            var end = LineAndColumnNumberToSnapshotPoint(snapshot, selection.iEndLine, selection.iEndIndex);

            // If this is a zero-length span (which it usually is, unless there's selection), adjust it
            // to cover one char to the right, since an empty span at the beginning of the expression does
            // not count as belonging to that expression;
            if (start == end && start.Position != snapshot.Length) {
                end += 1;

            var snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(start, end);
            var trackingSpan = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(snapshotSpan.Span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
            var rep = new ReverseExpressionParser(snapshot, wpfTextView.TextBuffer, trackingSpan);
            var exprSpan = rep.GetExpressionRange(forCompletion: false);
            if (exprSpan == null) {
                return null;

            // Check whether this is an expression with side effects - if it does, we don't want to show a data tip for it.
            string text = exprSpan.Value.GetText();
            var ast = new JSParser(text).Parse(new CodeSettings());

            var sideEffectsDetectingVisitor = new SideEffectsDetectingVisitor();
            if (sideEffectsDetectingVisitor.HasSideEffects) {
                return null;

            TextSpan dataTipSpan;
            SnapshotPointToLineAndColumnNumber(exprSpan.Value.Start, out dataTipSpan.iStartLine, out dataTipSpan.iStartIndex);
            SnapshotPointToLineAndColumnNumber(exprSpan.Value.End, out dataTipSpan.iEndLine, out dataTipSpan.iEndIndex);
            return dataTipSpan;
Esempio n. 51
 private static string FormatEnter(string code, int start, int end, FormattingOptions options) {
     var ast = new JSParser(code).Parse(new CodeSettings());
     var edits = Formatter.GetEditsAfterEnter(code, start, end, options);
     return ApplyEdits(code, edits);
Esempio n. 52
 public TypeOfNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode operand)
     : base(context, parser, operand, JSToken.TypeOf)
Esempio n. 53
 public ConditionalCompilationElse(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a minified version of a given JavaScript.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="resource">JavaScript to be minified</param>
    /// <returns>Minified JavaScript</returns>
    public string Minify(string resource)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
            return resource;

        // Reset error
        minificationError = null;
        canRecover = true;

            JSParser parser = new JSParser(resource);
            parser.CompilerError += parser_CompilerError;

            // Parse the resource
            Block scriptBlock = parser.Parse(null);

            // Get minified code if no error occurs or parser was able to recover
            if ((scriptBlock != null) && ((minificationError == null) || ((minificationError != null) && canRecover)))
                resource = scriptBlock.ToCode();
        catch (JScriptException ex)
            minificationError = ex;
            canRecover = false;

        if (minificationError != null)
            if (LogMinifierParseError)
                // Log exception to event log if allowed
                EventLogProvider.LogException("JS Compression", "MINIFYJS", minificationError);

            if (!canRecover)
                // Add error info in front of non-minified resource
                resource += "\r\n\r\n// Minification failed (line " + minificationError.Line.ToString() + "): " + minificationError.Message;

        return resource;
Esempio n. 55
 public VoidNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode operand)
     : base(context, parser, operand, JSToken.Void)
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a minified version of a given JavaScript.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="resource">JavaScript to be minified</param>
    /// <returns>Minified JavaScript</returns>
    public string Minify(string resource)
            JSParser parser = new JSParser(resource, new string[0]);

            // Parse the resource
            string parsed = parser.Parse(null).ToCode();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parsed))
                resource = parsed;

        catch (Exception ex)
            // Parse throws null reference exception on some ocasions
            EventLogProvider.LogException("JS Compression", "MINIFYJS", ex);

            resource = "// Minification failed: " + ex.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + resource;

        return resource;